"Lord Youlandel, if you meet this Honkai beast now,......"

"If you try your best"

"Maybe try it."

Youlandel looked at the beast that manifested this world, and there was a sense of solemnity in her eyes.

Normally speaking, the strength of the Honkai Beast is directly proportional to its size. The stronger the Honkai Beast, the stronger it is. The bigger the beast, the bigger it is.

Even the emperor-level Honkaimon is a matter of one move in front of Youlandel.

But this time is different.

Youlandel can feel it.

This Honkaimon in the game screen Strong.

With my current self, if

I try my best,

I might be able to solve it with difficulty.

But the captain also said just now.

This guy wants three parts.

Hollandale clenched his fists:"It seems that my current strength is still There are big shortcomings"

"You still need to become stronger. Otto looked at the Honkai Beast and analyzed:"It seems that from another aspect"

"This Honkai Beast should be Kevin's family member"

Unexpectedly, he could fuse Honkaimon to this extent"

"Is this the power of the final force?"

Rita:"Lord Otto, if you come to rate this Honkaimon"

"What level should it be?

Otto shook his head:"Unknown level.""

"Even the current highest level of Honkaimon, the Final Mage level, may not be so powerful."

"Another more important point is that in addition to these three Herrschers and the Herrscher of Restraint,"

"And the Lawyer of Knowledge"

"None of the other Herrschers should be a match for this Honkai Beast."

Honkai beast, which is more powerful than Herrscher.

Otto then added

"If this guy came to this world now"

"Then there is no need for the Herrscher of the End to take action."

"Maybe humanity has already failed."

Rita's face was finally no longer calm.

"Just challenge Kevin's qualifications"

"Is it already so terrifying?"

"That Kevin......"

Youlandel:"After all, he is the strongest warrior in the pre-civilization era. We have also seen his battle with the Herrscher of Knowledge before."

"At that time, Kevin had not even used his final power."

"When facing Kiana and the three of them, he released his final power."

"So even though he was qualified to challenge Kevin, Kevin also began to show his true abilities."

Rita nodded:"Although I know the final result is that I will definitely win."

"But now I am still worried about Kiana and the others."

Otto:"It's OK, after all, the next step is to operate the game."

"Can Kiana and the others win this game?"

"It mainly depends on the captain's operation."

Rita just remembered at this time.

That's right.

The captain's hands were on the keyboard.

That's what it means.

The captain is going to start the operation next!

Rita looked at Hollandelle:"I don't know why. Suddenly I felt a lot more relieved."

Youlandel looked at Rita.

You must have changed too quickly.

At the same time, the pre-civilization era.

If you want to say that the most thorough research on Honkaimon is the pre-civilization era.

After all, the pre-civilization era The warriors of the Civilized Era relied on Honkaimon's factors to fight.

Those present were all fusion warriors.

And among this group of people, the leader in the study of Honkaimon was not Mei.

It was Mebiu. Si!

Mebius's mastery of super-transformation surgery has far surpassed Mei's.

She even took the powerful man-made collapse one step further.

But it's a pity that there are only two people who have received further surgery.

One It's herself.

The other one is Kevin.

And Kevin's fusion adaptability with the Honkaiju factor far exceeds Mebius's imagination.

Similarly, in order to gain greater strength, Kevin also did the same at the beginning. He proactively found Mebius and asked Mebius to perform multiple super-transformation surgeries on him. He implanted different Honkaiju factors into Kevin's body.

This was also called the Chimera Project.

Kevin is the product of Chimera!

Every time he undergoes a super-transformation surgery, it means that Kevin's strength will become more powerful.

And Mei is also very clear about this.

After seeing that Kevin is not There will be other side effects.

Even after it can become more powerful,

Mei will not care about it.

And Mebius's experiment has always been prohibited by the higher-ups.

So except for the people present

Not many people know about it.

Mebius looked at the beast that manifested this world in the live broadcast room.

He looked at Kevin with a smile:"Judging from the captain's introduction"

"If this Honkaimon can be summed up in my words"

"It is simply a civilized Chimera.

Chimera is a legendary monster.

Each part of the body is composed of different animals.

So the meaning of Chimera is a species that is a combination of different things.

And it shows the world. It is a beast.

It is mixed with Kevin’s observation and understanding of the development of civilization on earth.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration for Mebius to call it a civilized Chimera.

More importantly,

Mebius is in it.

Look. It has almost all the characteristics of the Honkai Beast.

Padofelis said in shock:"This Honkai Beast created by Boss Kevin"

"Is there a final level?

Alicia:"Unknown level, even more powerful than the final level.""

"Even more powerful than most Herrschers."

Padophilis:" Is Sister Ai Li its opponent?

Alicia:"Then it depends on Mei Yi's performance.""

Kevin:"It's very powerful."

"More powerful than any enemy we have encountered so far"

"But I can solve it."

This is Kevin's confidence as the first among the Thirteen Heroes of Chasing Fire.

Qianjie:"Hmph, I can solve it too."

"It would be very interesting to blow up this kind of Honkai Beast directly."

Eden:"Qianjie, don't be so violent.

Sakura:"If it were me, I should be able to defeat it."

Hua:"I should be able to do it in the future.""

Gratius:" Kosmo, can you defeat this big guy?

Kosmo shook his head:"If we fight, we probably won't be able to defeat him." At this time ,

Mebius looked at Kosmo:"Kosmo, what did you think after seeing this Honkai Beast?"

Kosmo said bluntly:"Swallow it!""

"I can feel it, if I can eat it up"

"My strength will also make a qualitative leap." There was a hint of greed in Kos Mo's eyes, but it quickly disappeared. This shows that Kos Mo can well restrain the devouring desire from the Vishnu factor in his body. Mebius nodded with satisfaction:"That's it. I'm afraid it's not just a qualitative leap. Mei:"Mebius, do you see anything?" Mebius shook his head:"It's hard to see anything through the game screen in the live broadcast room."


"But the captain also said it just now"

"This guy still has the final power in him"

"I'm thinking that if Kosmo swallows it, maybe there will be more devouring power in Kosmo's body. Padofelis immediately said:"

Ah Mo, it's better not to give up.""

"That would be too dangerous, and you will be pursued by the final force."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Sakura:"And you don't have the Garuda factor in you."

"Once you are pursued by the power of the end, you may die from it."

"Maybe you can stick to it"

"But in that case, it will definitely be very uncomfortable."

When she said this,

Sakura looked at Kevin.

Because the future Kevin is responsible for the pursuit of the final power. He also has plans.

Mei pushed her eyes:"No, I want Mebiu Si has just come up with a very bold idea in his heart."

"That is what happens if Kothma swallows the beast that manifests this world"

"It is very likely that he will not be pursued by the final power. Alicia:"

Is it because......"

Eden:"Is the Vishnu factor so powerful?"

Mebius:"Essentially speaking, Honkaimon is the product of the Cocoon of Finality."

"But their essence does come from the collapse energy of imaginary number space."

"I believe that the different attributes of different types of Honkai beasts are given by Honkai, not the Cocoon of Finality."

"This is why, in the future, Kevin and Hua, when being chased by the final power,"

"The Garuda factor can also play a role."

Vilwei:"In other words, because they belong to different powers, the power of finality cannot directly damage Garuda's healing ability.

Mebius:"That's right.""

"By the same token, the final power cannot cause damage to the devouring power of Kosmo"

"Vishnu's power of swallowing is the power to transform the things and creatures he swallows into his own."

Kosmo:" That is to say, if I can swallow the beast that manifests this world,"

"And if this guy has the power of finality in his body."

Mebius:"Yes, the final power will also be digested by Vishnu."

"Then it completely becomes your power."

After all, Vishnu's devouring ability is destined to have no upper limit to Kos Demon's strength.

But the premise is that there are strong enough opponents and energy sources for him to devour.

Otherwise, the highest limit for this limit is the final level.

Kos Demon His eyes suddenly became hot.

If this is really the case, does that mean that?

Before Kosmo could get completely excited,

Mebius poured a basin of cold water on him:"But unfortunately, we are now No experiments can prove the correctness of these speculations"

"And in the future we willYes, the complete Herrscher of the End"

"I think at that time, there would not be such an experience-giving Honkaimon."

After listening, there was a sense of loss in Kosmo's eyes.

Graciu comforted:"Kosmo, don't worry."

"There is always a way."

Padofilis:"Yes, Ah Mo"

"If you are really hungry"

"Just eat something else.

Alicia:"Kosmo doesn't want to eat it.""

Kosmo then said:"In that case,"

"Teresa of the Next Civilization Era"

"Wouldn't it be better than me to swallow the power of the end?"

Mebius:"That's true, but after the final battle,"

"The ultimate power belongs to Kiana"

"So you think Teresa goes back to devour?

Kosmo shook his head:"Yes, when the moment comes"

"Whether it can be swallowed or not is no longer important."

In the conference room of St. Freya Academy.

Jizi looked at Theresa in surprise:"Theresa, please stop drooling."

"If other students or teachers see it later"

"You will be embarrassed. Theresa:"

Nonsense, how can I drool?""

"The Vishnu factor in me is not active right now"

"I just said that I wanted to eat this Honkai Beast, but it was just a momentary thought.

Ji Zi nodded:"That's good.""

"I was even worried that you would jump up and hug the live broadcast room and start chewing it. Theresa glanced at Ji Zi angrily:"Okay, okay, it's not as exaggerated as you said.""

"Perhaps it is because the power of the beast that manifests this world is really a great supplement to the Vishnu factor."

"That’s why the Vishnu factor is so active.

Ji Zi:"If you can eat it, it's not bad to eat it.""

"In this way, in the future, you won’t have to use such terrifying methods to enter man-made collapse. Theresa looked at Jizi as if she were an idiot:"Jizi, have you misunderstood something?""

"at the beginning of this war

"I have entered the man-made collapse and returned to my original appearance."

"And this is in the future. Will I be able to eat what I want?"

"Besides, the Vishnu factor in my body is extremely weak now. What if it stretches me and explodes?"

Himeko:"In that case, the position of the principal of our 960 St. Freya Academy can be replaced.

Theresa:"I have wanted this position for a long time."

Ji Zi shook her head:"No, it's too tiring!"

Teresa:"Judas's oath, tie her up for me!"!!"

"I'm so angry. I say something and you say nothing."

"I will use the torture of destiny on you."

The tied Jizi's figure became even hotter for some reason.

On the contrary, it aroused Teresa's desire to bully.

Then the whole conference room heard Jizi's begging for mercy.

On the barrage. It was an exclamation of wonder at the hugeness of the beast that appeared in this world.

And when Kiana faced it, the look on her face was indeed very relaxed.

The part Kiana faced looked like a giant hand holding a huge Like a bell kettle.

When attacking Kiana, some small black Honkai Beasts will appear.

At this time, Xiao Aiyi's voice came:"Don't forget to use Hyperion's main cannon!"

When the voice fell, the game screen gave a close-up of the Hyperion.

Then two shells were fired at the platform, driving away those small Honkai beasts.

Linn:"Okay, it's my turn to operate next.!"

Lynn's hands immediately started flying on the keyboard.

Kiana began to turn into a lavender stream of light on the platform.

She began to fight back to reveal the beast of this world.

And the health bar on it also showed this part. The name of [History Crystallized Paleozoic Era!]

Kiana became the Herrscher of the End.

The way of fighting has also changed dramatically from when she was the Herrscher of Shining Flames.

Her movements have become very light.

And holding Shining Flames The opening and closing of the sword is completely different.

And every move gives people a very refreshing feeling of slashing.

When Linn controlled Kiana to attack the beast that appeared in this world.

Kiana The voice of the heart also echoes in the game

"The battle formation was disrupted......"

"......We need to find Mei and Bronya as soon as possible and reunite with them."

At the same time.

Kevin's voice also came from the body of the beast that manifested this world.

"This is the crystallization of earth's history......"

"What you have to face......"

"It is the process of life evolution......"

"The endless history of the earth will eventually be recorded one by one."

Lin En listened, and at the same time was distracted from time to time watching the barrage.

But the operations on his hands did not fail at all.

Every blow was struck firmly in place.

The health bar above was also fast and visible to the naked eye. After the blood bar reached a certain level, the giant hand holding the kettlebell lifted the kettlebell into the sky.

At this time, Kiana's special voice was triggered:"Want to escape?"

"I'm good at figuring things out"

【Bronya: This dubbing is indeed what Kiana would say.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: When fighting, fight seriously, Kiana......】......

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