Starry universe.

Silver Wolf looked at Lin En's dazzling operations and the almost harmless attacks on the screen.

Although it is a game.

But Silver Wolf seems to have really passed the game.

I saw the power of Kiana's Herrscher of the End.

Smart posture and ever-changing attack methods.

And the perfect changes brought about by the final power.

Kafka said:"It's really amazing. When the captain played the game,"

"If some UIs on those screens are removed"

"I would think that it was Kiana fighting on her own."

"The captain feels much better than you at playing games."

Regarding this point, Yin Lang had no intention of refuting.

Instead, he said with certainty:"Yes, the captain is much better than me in this aspect."

"Every operation is just right"

"Not a trace of excess"

"However, this also proves from the side that the optimization of the game is very good."

"The two are complementary to each other. Silver

Wolf continued to look at the game screen:"I think this should be Kiana's true fighting posture.""

"The strength of the Herrscher of the End is indeed extraordinary"

"If I go by what I know about the game, there should be a battle between Mei and Bronya next."

"It should all be done by the captain personally."

"Three parts of dealing with the beast that manifests this world"

"Decibel represents the three stages of the historical development of earth civilization."

Kafka nodded.

He agreed very much with Silver Wolf's view.

"I just don’t know how many reincarnations of civilizations the Cocoon of Endings has recorded."

"And the purpose of this thing"

"It is completely incompatible with the fate of any Star God in our world."

Yin Lang:"Yes, the existence that creates the cocoon of the end."

"The strength is really unimaginable......"

"If it weren't for the Star God, it would have been possible to reach this level just by relying on the development of technology and civilization."

"That's a bit too scary."

After all, in the Star Universe,

Star Gods are the representatives of strength.

But now it seems that some of the abilities possessed by the Cocoon of Finality seem to be higher than those of some Star Gods.

This makes the two Star Core Hunters very concerned..After all, in their world there is Walter who came here from the Collapse World.

This proves that there is a connection between the two worlds.

And Elio's script is related to the entire Star Vault Universe.

Therefore. The two of them are still a little worried about whether the existence of the Collapse Universe will affect the progress of Elio's script.

Let's not talk about it for now. The civilization that created the Cocoon of the End is definitely beyond what they are currently doing. The development of any civilization known to the two of them.

Silver Wolf continued:"But no matter what, this is also the last battle for Kiana and the others to cross the end."

"Rather than worrying about our side"

"Let’s focus on them first. Kafka looked at Silver Wolf with interest:"Silver Wolf, you seem to have begun to pay attention to Kiana and the others without knowing it."

Silver Wolf glanced at Kafka:"After all, I've been watching for so long.""

"I also had some contact with them on the barrage."

"So we can count them as acquaintances, right?"

"Of course I will pay more attention to it.

Kafka looked at the game screen in the live broadcast room:"Yes.""

"Unknowingly, it seems that I have known them for a long time."

"Looking at them in another world, they try their best to create their own beautiful stories"

"It's like we are following Elio's script."

Yin Lang:"There is something a little different."

"After all, we have Elio guiding us."

"They are completely on their own path."

Kafka:"Yes, precisely because of this"

"I admire Kiana and the others even more."

Yin Lang:"There are not many people who can admire you.

Kafka:"There are not many people you can like.""

In front of the computer.

Lin En operated for a while and couldn't help but said:"It is indeed a game with a modified system."

"This operation feels impactful and there is almost no delay."

"It’s much more fun than when I first played it"

"And the exquisiteness of the picture is as if you are directly watching Kiana fight against the beast that manifests this world."

The previous game operation.

Although it has improved

, but because the opponents are not particularly powerful,

Linn's feeling is not very deep.

The previous battle between the Herrscher of Knowledge and Kevin has already made Linn I felt that the system was well produced.

This feeling was even deepened this time.

Thanks to the improvement of my own strength.

Coupled with the optimization of the system,

Lin En felt like he was watching a movie.

Soon, it showed Now the health bar of this part of the beast in this world is about to bottom out.

Lin En smiled faintly:"It's time.""

"Everyone, let me take a look at Kiana’s ultimate move in this form!"

After the words fell,

Linn began to control Kiana to release her ultimate move.

Kiana in the game screen suddenly jumped into the sky.

She turned 180 degrees in the sky.

She crossed her hands on her chest.

At this time, the entire game screen changed.

Behind Kiana, it turned into the sky with the moon as the background.

Then Kiana's eyes slowly opened.

A lavender light emitted from her eyes.

At the same time, Kiana was The special voice for this ultimate move is also activated:"Get it!"

"The time for the decisive battle has arrived!"

Then Kiana spread her hands.

The Honkai energy behind her turned directly into a pair of purple light wings.

It was as if there were several more galaxies behind her. It was very dazzling.

Then Kiana kicked Falling from the sky, she kicked the huge kettlebell.

There was a click.

The kettlebell was completely broken.

The giant hand holding the kettlebell also retracted.

Then Kiana landed perfectly.

She fell back. On the previously broken platform.

Then the perspective of the screen switches to another platform.

Looking at it from Kiana's perspective.

You can also see the streaks of electric light emitted by Mei during the battle.


"In this way, you can reunite with Mei Yi."

Lin controlled Kiana.

With the help of some body parts that revealed the beast of this world, she swung directly over and came to Mei Yi's side.

【Kiana: After becoming the Herrscher of the End in the future, will my moves become so cool?】

【Bronya: Normally if you release this move in the real world, it will definitely not be possible for the moon to appear as your back.】

【Silver Wolf: That's just a way of expressing the ultimate move in the game, which means you used the power of the end.】

【March 7: I seem to be playing this game too】

【Xing: If you were to play, you should start from the very beginning.】

【March 7: In that case, we don’t have to play for a long time】

【Teresa: When playing a game, you have to start from the beginning to have the most fun.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: I was impulsive just now. This is a game. I thought Kiana was so talkative when fighting.】

【Xier: Sister Bronya, she should be fine now】

【Walter: Don’t worry, Bronya will be very strong after becoming the Herrscher of Truth.】

【Padofelis: Don’t worry, although the Honkaimon summoned by Boss Kevin is very powerful, Kiana and the others are not weak at all.

【Alicia: Yes, they are all very strong.】

【Velvet: And there’s a captain in charge, so there’s no need to worry.】

【Mei: The plot of the game played by the captain is the complete direction of the story.】

【Mebius: What a strange experience......】

Inside the Valkyrie dormitory of St. Freya Academy.

Fu Hua looked at Kiana's final blow and praised:"The future Kiana"

"There has also been great progress in terms of physical skills"

"It seems that Kiana has really grown a lot."

Kiana said proudly:"Of course monitor"

"I'm not the kind of person to sit still and wait for death."

"Fighting will make me grow up very quickly."

Bronya analyzed it seriously:"Maybe this has something to do with the Kaslana bloodline in you."

"After all, that is the bloodline of the Destiny Knight family."

"From the past to the present, both men and women in the Kaslana family have strong fighting capabilities."

Kiana:"Bronya, you can't deny my efforts just because of the blood of the Kaslana family, okay?"

Bronya:"No, Bronya has always been curious about why the bloodline of the Kaslana family is so different from ordinary people."

"It wasn't until today that the mystery was solved for me."

Mei Yi:"Yes, Kevin's descendants"

"He also inherited Kevin’s strength."

"And fate really likes to joke"

"This final battle was actually a battle between two Kaslanas."

Kiana:"If you didn't tell me, I wouldn't have discovered this."

Bronya:"Because Kiana rarely pays attention to these details."

Fu Hua:"But I think, for Kiana and Kevin." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Kaslana's name is the blood connection between them"

"But at this time, the two of them have different futures, so they will definitely fight with all their strength."

Yayi nodded:"Yes."

"There is only one perfect ending to the battle"

"Talent can match everything Kevin has done."

Kiana clenched her fists:"Yes!"

"Since it’s a battle, you must give it your all!"

"I believe that Mei and Bronya in the future will definitely think so too.

Fu Hua:"You should be able to face Kevin soon.""

"Kevin is waiting for you too."

Fu Hua looked at the game screen.

In the game screen,

Kiana came to Mei Yi:"Mei Yi, I'm here."

Mei Yi, who was fighting, replied softly:"Well, Kiana"

"Look at me."

It seems like a change of people.

This time Lin became the operator of Mei.

And the name of the health bar above has also changed [Mesozoic Chimera's Power].

This part of the Honkaimon.

The big hand is not holding a kettlebell..

And like a big sword.

The long knife in Mei Yi's hand is condensed from the power of the original source.

In her hand.

Every time she slashes, powerful thunder and lightning will burst out.

The blade is wrapped with thunder and lightning.

The slash is appearing.

Violent electric light erupted from the body of the beast of this world.

This time, Lin En did not waste time.

He controlled Meiyi with all his strength to fight against the beast of this world.

While dodging the attack, each sword was accurately positioned on the beast of this world. On the body of the beast.

Just like Kiana's previous battle.

Kevin's voice sounded again:"Civilization creates collapse, and collapse destroys civilization."

After fighting until the blood bar dropped to a certain level,

Mei Yi's killing line was reached.

Lin En did not favor one or the other, and also showed Mei Yi's ultimate move.

Mei Yi:"It's just right to use it to test the sword!"

"Thunder light appears like this!"

The game screen immediately gave Mei Yi a close-up.

Siyuan pulled out his long knife, and a divine light wheel appeared behind Mei Yi.

At the same time, a white mask appeared on his face.

Then the knife in his hand directly cut out the afterimage..

The slashing attacks were like ocean waves.

Wave after wave.

The entire platform became Mei Yi's domain.

The summoned lower Honkai Beasts were directly chopped into energy dissipated.

The game screen was designed to use Mei Yi's move. The power of the screen was fully demonstrated.

It even created the effect of the screen shattering like glass.

As the wings around Mei spread out and cut down together with the long knife in his hand, the screen also completely exploded.

Wait until the screen returns to its original state. Same.

There was nothing in the giant hand.

It just shrank back.

Kiana:"Mei, let's help Bronya now.""

Mei Yi:"Of course!"

The two of them flew to Bronya's location together.

When Bronya saw the arrival of the two, she spoke first:"You are finally here."

Kiana asked:"How is it, do you need help?"

Bronya:"Bronya is not opposed. , you help Bronya."

The two of them knew.

This means you don’t need to help yourself.

Lin En also changed people again and started operating.

And Bronya's fighting style.

Compared to the two of them.

It looks much cooler first.

Driving is like a heavily equipped bunny.

This place directly turned into an arms display site.

Countless laser weapons burst into violent attacks.

Shows the health bar of the beast in this world.

Visible decline. ?

Kevin:"The endless history of the earth will eventually be recorded one by one."

In the same way, Linn once again demonstrated the ultimate move of Truth Duck.

Although when fighting Yutu before.

It's already been shown.

But after all, the first two people are there.

You can't live without duck.

This is live broadcast!

So Lin En must get even rain and dew.

That blow could make stars fall.

Directly clear the last part of the health bar of the beast that appears in this world.

Kevin's figure also appeared above the head of the beast that manifested this world.

What's even more amazing is.

There is also a magic array-like light array on Kevin's head.

Kevin continued:"A new era is coming"

"This is the origin of everything and the destruction of everything."

At the same time, a small black hole began to appear above the head of the beast that manifested this world. It absorbed all the debris and other things on the ground. It turned into a huge star and then exploded violently. The entire space A terrifying meteor shower began to fall. Linn continued:"What I want to show next is the combined skills of the three of them!


"It is also the last move against the beast that manifests this world."

When the combination skill was used, the game screen immediately showed the positioning order of the three people.

Kiana stood at the front and rushed out.

Meiyi followed closely. Bronya stood at the end.

She immediately burst out with ferocity. Firepower supported the two of them.

Countless missiles poured on the body of the beast that manifested this world.

Mei Yi raised her sword, and the power of thunder and lightning shot into the sky.

Kiana did not know when she flew into the sky.

The long sword in her hand not only wrapped around Hitting the thunder and lightning.

And her own final power.

A powerful sword cut directly from the air.

The last part of the beast in this world was revealed.

The health bar was completely emptied.

The body hit the ground directly.

Kevin's body Still hovering in mid-air.

He looked at the beast that manifested this world below.

Then he looked at Kiana and the three of them.

Kevin praised:"Very good, you have passed the test of the karma demon!""


The Great Sword of Destruction in Kevin's hand made a cross split in the space in front of him.

The space was immediately divided horizontally and vertically.

Lynn explained:"Kevin’s second form saves Kevin!"

"But it is Kevin, the savior with the power of finality!"

"Next, it’s Yu Sanjia vs. Kevin"......

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