"Besides being a karma demon, Kevin actually has other forms?"

Theresa looked at Kevin who cut open the space in the game screen.

Her eyes were full of surprise.

The karma demon form that Kevin showed before was already so powerful that it was beyond reach.

The result was completely unexpected.

Kevin actually has a form called"Salvation".

Jizi's face also became slightly ugly:"Kiana and the others are going to face an unprecedented fierce battle.

Theresa:"No one thought that Kevin would have such a trump card.""

"Could it be said that this is the second man-made collapse? Ji

Zi:"But before, when the captain and Dr. Mei introduced people to collapse,"

"There is no mention of man-made collapse and advanced forms."

"Could this be the result of Kevin gaining the final power?

Theresa thought for a while, then shook her head gently:"No."

Jizi looked at Theresa in confusion:"Why are you so sure?""

Theresa looked at her like she was a fool.Ji Zi:"Because what the captain just said was"

"Savior Kevin with the power of finality"

"This shows that before Kevin obtained the power of the end, he already had a savior form. Ji Zi:"

In that case, the previous battle with the Herrscher of Knowledge"

"Kevin has really been letting off steam."

"The conclusion is obvious."

Theresa didn't expect it to be like this.

She did guess before that Kevin would release water.

But what she never expected was that when Kevin dealt with the Herrscher of Knowledge and the others, what he released was not water.

It was the sea.!

Forget it if the Final Power has not been used.

He has been chasing them for so long despite the Final Power.

There is even a salvation form that has not been used yet.

Jizi looked at the game screen.

What she was feeling at this moment was not How powerful Kevin is.

But how terrifying the complete Herrscher of the End was in the pre-civilization era. Kevin's full blow might have been used after entering the salvation form.

But even so.

They couldn't deal with the Herrscher of the End.

They just managed to get 12 hours of breathing time.

Himeko:"If it were us who had to fight against the Herrscher of the End......."

Ji Zi couldn't imagine how tragic it would be in the end.

Theresa even smiled bitterly:"If it weren't for the information and property left over from the pre-civilization era,"

"Maybe we would have been defeated long ago"

"Likewise, if Kevin hadn't come this far"

"Stealing the final power first"

"Give us in the future a chance to locate the cocoon of the end"

"Otherwise, we will be facing Kevin who is not the one with the final power."

"Instead, we have to face the Herrscher of the End who has the complete power of the end. 133"

"In that case, our end will probably not be much better than in the pre-civilization era."

Theresa looked at the game screen in the live broadcast room.

Her expression became complicated.

Such a powerful Kevin can't overcome the end.

It will be surpassed by them in the future.

This is not the effort of a civilization era.

And It is the result of cooperation between two eras of civilization.

"cocoon of the end......"

"The guy who brought you to Earth"

"What is the real purpose?......"

Teresa couldn't understand.

But what's more important right now.

It was watching Kiana and the others end up crossing the realm.

This final battle with Kevin.

Let’s let go of other things for now.

Because of other things.

Only after crossing the end.

Only then can we think about it slowly.

Theresa:"Kevin, let us see your attitude of saving the world."

Pre-Civilization Era


"Even the form of salvation is used"

"You are really serious this time."

Mei looked at Kevin in the game screen.

She frowned slightly.

This is the form of salvation.

It's not that she didn't mention it in the explanation of the barrage just now.

It's because this form is unique to Kevin.

Other heroes The Jies do not have this form.

It can even be said that

Kevin's salvation form is also one of the products of the Chimera plan.

Mebius dragged his chin with one hand:"Oh, Kevin"

"Are you finally going to use this form?"

Kevin:"Since this is the final battle, my future self will"

"He must be planning to fight with all his strength."

"If there are three of them, they can't even defeat me in this state."

"Not to mention going to a more distant future. Sakura:"

Yes, and the captain also said it just now"

"Kevin even used his final power"

"In other words, Kevin who will appear next"

"He will be many times stronger than the Kevin we have seen. Padofelis:"


"In that case, wouldn't Kiana and the others be in danger?

Alicia:"There is nothing we can do about danger.""

"Just like what Kevin just said"

"If you can't defeat him like this, there's no need to move on to the next stage."

"In the future, Kevin will definitely not be liked by girls."


Mei:"Yes (caah), after successfully crossing the end"

"The challenge that mankind will face is no longer collapse"



"Some of those enemies are even more powerful than the Final Cocoon."

Everyone knows.

Mei is talking about the civilizations that created the Cocoon of Ending.

Su looked at the game screen:"After Kevin enters this form,"

"Coupled with the blessing of the final power"

"I don’t know how to compare the complete Herrscher of the End......"

Mebius:"Maybe he has the strength to fight......"

"but want to win......"

"I think it's still difficult"

"It can be said that Kevin in his salvation form is the real Chimera......"

Hua:"In the future, Kevin will fight for 12 hours for our civilization era."

"I think the form used should also be this.

Cosmo:"Save Kevin"......"

Graciu:"Kosmo, have you ever seen Uncle Kevin use this form before?"

Kosmo shook his head:"No."

"I'm just thinking"

"If I swallow more Honkaimon and be completely liberated"

"It should be possible. Padofelis :

"Ah Mo, then you have to work hard to eat more.""

Eden:"Phyllis, you think it's delicious."

"Can Kosmo eat it casually? Alicia:"

Yes, Phyllis"

"But I haven’t seen Kevin’s salvation form either."

"I'm really curious what it's like.

Su:"Yeah, I haven't seen it either.""

Ying:"Well, it seems that none of us have seen Kevin in a more powerful form."

Apponia:" It's really exciting."

Qianjie:"A stronger form means stronger combat effectiveness!"

At the same time, everyone on the barrage was also full of curiosity about Kevin's new form.

【Li Sushang: Salvation form! This name sounds very powerful】

【Youlandel: I didn’t expect that Kevin would actually hide such a skill】

【Lawyer of Knowledge: Damn it!!!】

【Walter: I still can’t believe how powerful Kevin is.】

【March 7: Uncle Yang, you will see more powerful people in our universe in the future.】

【Honkai Impact: I think what Walter means is that he is powerful in all aspects.】

【Silver Wolf: I wonder how powerful Kevin would be if he came to the Star Universe.】

【Kafka: Probably Under the Star God】

【Otto: Is this a form that is only opened after fusing the power of the end?】

【Mebius: No, it’s Kevin’s unique form after merging all the Honkaiju factors. You can also understand it as man-made collapse on top of man-made collapse.】

【Kiana: No wonder the bloodline of the Kaslana family is so powerful in our era】

【Otto: I seem to understand why Siegfried exploded with such powerful power when the level collapsed for the second time.】

【Alicia: Anyway, Kevin is very strong. He is the strongest among us.】

【Fu Hua: If Kiana and the others hadn’t cooperated, they wouldn’t have been a match for Kevin on their own.】

【Bronya: Yes, Kevin’s single strength should be the strongest of the two civilizations.】

【Herrscher of Consciousness: Yes, I admit it too】

【March 7: What a surprise, Lawyer of Knowledge, you would actually admit it. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Star: Herrscher of Knowledge is just arrogant, not an idiot】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: I still have self-knowledge, okay? 】

In front of the computer.

Lin En looked at the comments from the audience and then explained:"Kevin's salvation form is the product of Chimera"

"And this time it was also integrated into the final power"

"Not only that, from this moment on, the final force will no longer pursue Kevin."

"Because Kevin has tamed the final power within him"

"After entering the salvation form, Kevin's strength may have surpassed the Herrscher of the End who appeared last in the pre-civilization era."

After receiving Lynn's certification, the viewers in the live broadcast room were once again surprised and speechless.

Especially the people who broke the world.

Only now did they know.

It turned out that they had underestimated Kevin's strength time and time again.

In the game screen, a cross-shaped space crack blocked the way of Kiana and the three of them.

Kevin, who cut out the space crack, inserted his hands into the space crack and pulled hard.

The entire space crack was destroyed. It was torn apart directly.

Kevin also slowly merged into the space crack.

On the other side,

Kiana and the other three watched the space crack grow larger.

Then a figure came out from that direction.

Kiana could feel it..Kevin also used his ultimate power

"With this power, he finally!"

What appeared in front of Kiana and the others was a brand-new posture.

The three Kiana people present were all shocked by Kevin's brand-new posture. Their eyes were full of astonishment. They were all dead. Staring at the new savior Kevin who appeared above. Not just the three of them! Even the audience in the live broadcast room had their eyes widened. Look at this Kevin! No! Kevin at this time has completely disappeared. It’s not the appearance of human Kevin. It’s not the appearance of demon Kevin. Even if we don’t say that this is Kevin, there is absolutely no connection with the previous Kevin. Because this is completely It is already a humanoid Honkaiju. There is no human being. There is only a whole head. No facial features! A pair of strange wings appeared behind it. A different angel ring also appeared on the top of the head. Various patterns come from various Honkai Beasts. The energy on their bodies reflects different starry skies. It is exactly the same as the power of finality on Kiana. At this time, Kevin. He truly used the final power he had stolen. Kevin fell from the sky. The voice came from an unknown location. It was full of endless oppression:"It has nothing to do with choice, nothing to do with life or death!


"At this moment, the ideals of all people converge into the only Hongyuan......"

"Step forward, this is the inscription of salvation!"

Not just other people.

Even the heroes from the pre-civilization era saw Kevin saving the world for the first time.

It was really beyond everyone's expectations.

Even Kiana who was at the scene He also made a confused voice:"Honkai Beast?"


"This is......"

Kevin's voice came out from the savior's body again

"Brahma's beasts and bodies...."

"The demon of karma enters the abyss, draw the sword to save the world!"

The battle is about to break out.

The great sword of destruction in Kevin's hand also undergoes different changes like his body.

It turns into a hammer-like weapon.

It moves towards KianaSomeone smashed it down.

Kiana immediately raised her sword to block.

Bronya and Mei spread out to the left and right.

Then quickly attack Kevin.

Lin En also said at this time:"I have demonstrated the operations of the three strongest Herrschers just now."

"Next, let you see their true strength."

"Otherwise, if I were to operate it, you wouldn’t be able to feel the power of Kevin."

"And if I operate it, I will be alone every time."

"I can't see the tacit cooperation between the three of them."

【Padofelis: The captain is so considerate!】

【Kiana: Yes, the captain is really good at thinking.】

【Li Sushang: So it changed from a one-on-one fight to a group fight?】

【Xing: To be more precise, it changed from a wheel battle to a gang fight.】

【Kosmo: Why do words change when they come out of your mouth?】

【Teresa: Xing has always been able to do this.】

【March 7: It’s over, I’ve been disgraced and thrown into another world.】

【Walter: It doesn’t matter. There are still many places for Xing’s saucy talk to be used later.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: With Kevin like this, we can't win without a group fight.】

【Fu Hua: Yes, it is not enough for one person to cross the threshold.】

【Mebius: That’s too much. Kevin was actually bullied by you.】

【Mei: Yes, it seems that more of you will need to accompany Kevin to the next civilization era.】

【Padofelis: Me, me, me! I want to fight them with Boss Kevin】

【Eden: But didn’t you support Kiana and the others just now?】

【Otto: If more heroes come to the present era of civilization, there will be more opportunities in the present era of civilization.】

【Sue: Indeed】

【Sakura: But as a pioneer, you can’t interfere too much with the development of mankind, right?】

【Youlandel: What a powerful force!】

【Honokai Himeko: Is this the pinnacle battle in the world?】

【Gracie: But why does it feel like Uncle Kevin talks more when he’s fighting?】

【Qianjie: A little bit】

【Sue: Obviously】

【Velvet: Is this a side effect of gaining the power of the end?】

【Padofelis: The chatty boss Kevin is really unimaginable】

【Xier: Sister Bronya, come on! 】

In the game screen.

Because Linn stopped taking control.

All three and Kevin fight.

It turned directly into a plot animation and started playing.

I have to say how powerful Kevin is in this form.

Absolutely invincible.

When facing Yu Sanjia at the same time.

Not falling behind at all.

Now only he can do it on the entire earth

"This is the human Chimera!"

"The key point of creating stigmata!"

"The sword of civilization that spans the end——"

"If you can't defeat it, you can't carry the dream called fire......."

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