"bring it on....."

"This time, I put my life into the barrel of the gun"

"and looking forward to you...

"beyond all......"

Kevin's words.

It's been made very clear.

To put it simply.

He is the springboard for mankind in this era of civilization.

Help this human civilization cross the border.

There is only this chance.

In Kevin's opinion.

For the Herrscher, the original of mankind - there will be no second.

A civilization that can completely spread its knowledge and technology to the next civilization era.

There won't be a second one.

There is such a thing as humans fighting for the Herrscher.

It won't happen again.

So this is the last chance for human civilization.

If you lose even this time.

Earth and human civilization.

I lost completely and completely.

In front of the computer.

Lynn's hands were not on the keyboard.

Listen to Kevin's Easter egg voiceover.

Linn was in awe.

Still couldn't help but sigh:"Kevin, you can obviously transcend the end of this civilization era."

"But you carry too much"

"There are too many people I miss in my heart"

"Therefore, they are destined to wait for you in another world, and you will also go to another world to find them."

"Help the people of this civilization era cross the end and defeat Honkai"

"That's what you tell them."

In the game screen.

A three-on-one battle.

Kevin has a faint tendency to suppress the three of them.

Linn looked at this scene:"Pre-Civilization Era……"

"What a pity……"

Many players who have played the plot of Honkai Impact 3.

All think so.

The strength of the pre-civilization era is the civilization that should truly transcend the end.

What a pity.

The high-ranking officials who were expelled by the fire moths in the middle.

It really delayed too many things.

They are like the earth trying to protect itself.

A group of people who were born to meet the calamity.

Each one is gifted.

Even without super-changing surgery.

Some may not even require super-transformation surgery.

An existence that can kill the Herrscher alone.

But that’s just such a group of people.

In the end, he fell on this road.

All hope will follow.

Entrusted to the next era of civilization.

That is the civilization era where Kiana and the others live.

Facts also prove it.

They made the right bet.

Now that the era of civilization is at its end, it has really crossed its end.

"This is the result of the joint efforts of two civilizations"

"It is also the final outcome that a group of people named Ying Jie want to see."

"When you enter this live broadcast room, you can see such an ending and die without regrets."

Lynn recalled every story from the pre-civilization era.

These stories were also remembered by Kevin.

"I hope you can also be in this live broadcast room"

"Find a way across the end"

"It's a pity that I only control the ability to travel through world space now."

"If I could travel back to your time"

"I will definitely try my best to help you overcome the end."

Not because of anything else.

Just because of the story of Thirteen Heroes Chasing Fire.

It's really great.

When Lin En was experiencing the plot of Paradise, he was crushed by the last Wangwang.

The torture was life-and-death.

If only he could If their civilization era survives, it will be equivalent to opening a branch on the tree of imaginary numbers.

There will be no problem.

It will not affect the development of the original world.

Lin En rubbed his chin:"If it can If you travel through time"

"Maybe I can really help the Fire Moth people."

"In the system store, there is indeed the ability to travel through time."

"But the price is……"

Lynn knew clearly.

I definitely can't afford that now.

More expensive than traveling around the world!

But Linn can understand this.

After all, even the Star Gods.

None of them have the extremely powerful ability to travel through time.

And the opposite world shuttle this.

Many forces in the Starry Universe can do this

"If you can get it in a lottery"

"That’s great!" Lin continued to look at the four people who were fighting in the game screen. Thinking about how to improve the probability of getting time travel. Destiny Headquarters. Hollander looked at the battle between the three people in the game screen. The fists also started I pinched it. I used to feel that I was very powerful. But since the live broadcast room was opened, Youlandel realized that her power was really only limited to destiny. It was limited to the present. But Youlandel will not do it casually. Someone who gives up. Not someone who gets hit casually. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to achieve what she has achieved today. Becoming the strongest S-class Valkyrie in history. Otto looked at Hollandale and knew. What was Hollander thinking? He could only shake his head helplessly. If Hollander had not been born in this era, she would have left a longer legend. Maybe an era would be named after her..Otto :"Grandale, after all, that is the power of Herrscher and Endgame.


"You don't need to belittle yourself"

"Your strength is already the pinnacle of humanity. Hearing this

, Rita smiled slightly:"Lord Otto, you still don't understand Lord Hollander well enough."

Otto:"Rita, what do you mean?"……"

Rita looked at Hollander's back:"Lord Hollander, you won't become decadent just because of this."

"On the contrary, the current Lord Hollander"

"But full of energy."


Youlandel's eyes were full of excitement at this time:"Yes, I am very excited now!"

"In this world, there must be a way to make me stronger"

"Except for the future mentioned by the captain"

"I must have other ways to become stronger!"

Otto looked at Hollander and smiled slightly.

"Are all members of your family the same?"

Otto asked himself in his mind.

Then he said:"Perhaps, I still have a way."

"But there's no guarantee it will work"

"I can only tell you that I will try my best."

Youlandel:"Bishop, are you talking about the new generation of Valkyrie armor technology?"

Otto shook his head:"No, although the Valkyrie armor technology can improve the combat effectiveness of the Valkyrie to a certain extent."

"But those are just external forces after all"

"And you also have different advantages"

"I'll do some more research when I get back and see what the results will be."

"I'm deciding whether to tell you or not."

Youlandel:"My advantage? ? ?"

All along.

Hollandel thought that her advantage was probably that she worked hard enough.

Now it seems... there seem to be other possibilities.

Rita looked at Otto.

She knew that there was a big secret hidden in his heart. Secret.

But he didn’t want to tell it.

Rita changed the subject and looked at Hollander:"Lord Hollander, I will also prepare a nutritious meal for you."

"I believe your next training will be much stronger."

Youlandel smiled and replied:"Okay, then I'll trouble Rita."

Lynn didn't know what was happening at the Tianming Headquarters at this time.

The gears of fate were turning in another direction.

On the Star Dome Train

"After Mei and Bronya came back, the description of the battle was very simple"

"I didn't expect the real situation to be so dangerous."

Walter frowned.

He looked at the battle on the game screen.

After Mei and Bronya came back from the moon, they didn't talk much about this battle.

Everyone was immersed in the excitement of victory.

No questions were asked. Much.

I didn’t expect that this battle back then would be so terrifying.

March 7:"Yes, I have never seen such a terrifying battle.

Xing:"Is there a possibility that our level is not that high yet?""

March 7:"What you say is too hurtful."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Dan Heng:"Xing is right, the battle between the four of them has far exceeded what we can reach at this level."

"Unless we become stronger too."

Walter:"My current strength is close to the strength I had when I was the Herrscher of Reason."

"This kind of power is completely insufficient in the starry universe"

"Even if the four of them show up at this time, it should be difficult to compete with those envoys or powerful apostles."

"Not to mention those star gods.

Dan Heng:"There doesn't seem to be much difference in the middle-level strength between the two worlds.""

"It's the gap in top strength.

Ji Zi:"This is the case in every world.""

"Top strength raises the upper limit of the entire world"

"I believe that the mid-level strength of most worlds should be pretty similar."

Xing:"I think so. Otherwise, according to the strength of Xing and Danheng,"

"When going to other worlds to perform pioneering missions"

"You'll be tortured. March 7 put his hands on his hips angrily:"

Xing, what you said is really offensive!" Dan Heng:"

Xing told the truth.""

"You and I are indeed not considered to be the top group in terms of strength at present."

"Otherwise, we wouldn't have been driven away by the Antimatter Legion and the Doomsday Beast at the space station last time."

On March 7, both feet chopped off the ground.

"Don't talk about it"

"Just talking about it makes me angry!!!"

"I will definitely become stronger in the future and shoot those doomsday beasts with one arrow!"

"I won’t discuss this topic with you anymore."

"I want to continue watching three unscrupulous little girls gang up on the elderly"


Walter was stunned:"Three unscrupulous little girls?"

Ji Zi:"Gangs beating the elderly?"

March 7 nodded:"Yes!""

"Do you think Kiana and the other three are little girls?"

"Kevin is a white-haired old man over fifty-five thousand years old."

"And be beaten up"


"The world is declining, and people's hearts are not as old as they used to be!"

After March 7 said that, everyone looked at March 7 in surprise.

Good guy.

The last battle that was originally a good way to cross the end.

How did it come into your mouth and change the taste?

Not only did it not have the fate it had at the beginning. Feeling.

0Please give me flowers 0 but it gives you a sense of guilt.

Your mouth... is more arrogant than a star.

The key is.

There is nothing wrong with what she said.

Kiana and the three of them are indeed not old.

Kevin It was indeed white-haired.

Xing noticed the looks in the other three people's eyes.

He immediately signaled:"It has nothing to do with me."

"She herself is like this."

Walter nodded.


It's not impossible.

March Qi didn't notice that her words had ruined the atmosphere.

Instead, she watched with gusto.

Everyone also continued to look over.

In the game screen.

Kiana and The two of them, one with a sword and the other with a knife, started a close combat with Kevin.

Bronya, on the other hand, got on her own Gundam and attacked Kevin from the outside.

The aftermath of the battle continued. It exploded.

The surrounding fine meteorites were directly crushed into powder by the aftermath of the explosion of Final Power and Honkai Energy. Suddenly, when Kevin faced the attacks of the three people, the weapon in his hand suddenly exploded. Pinch. Sweep hard. The powerful force exploded instantly. Blast all three people away. Kiana and the three stood together again. Just when Kiana and Mei were about to continue the attack. Kevin in the distance. The wings behind him swept away. He took his body up into the sky and came into the air. Just when everyone was curious about what powerful attack move Kevin wanted to launch, Kevin's body was covered in golden light. Then in A purple energy array appeared behind her. As her wings spread out again, with Kevin as the center, a starry sky spread out from somewhere. It instantly enveloped the entire space. It was like Kevin had pulled the three of them together. The other starry sky is the same. At the same time, countless small black holes appeared next to Kevin. Mei:"Kiana, Bronya, be careful


Yana:"This is the power of the Herrscher of the Sky!"

Bronya:"Be careful, something seems to be coming."

She just finished speaking.

Suddenly, many red threads emerged from those black holes and rushed toward the three of them.

The speed was so fast that the three of them could barely react.

It directly entangled the three of them.

Bronya:"It's the power of Space Confinement, the Herrscher of the Sky."

Kiana's eyes flashed with golden light:"Don't worry!"

"This is difficult for the Lawyer of Empty."

The two of them then remembered that the former Kiana was the Herrscher of the Sky.

Kiana's eyes burst out with golden light.

In an instant, all the red threads wrapped around the three people were disconnected.

【Padofelis: Boss Kevin actually has the power of the Herrscher of the Sky】

【Mei: One of the manifestations of ultimate power is power.】

【Walter: That’s right. When Sirin, the Herrscher of the Sky, received 30% of the Honkai power, she had 4 more Herrscher powers.】

【Kiana: Herrscher of the Sky’s power looks so powerful】

【Bronya: Space confinement, if Kiana is not capable of it, it might be a bit troublesome to escape from it.】

【Alicia: If you put it this way, will it be a competition of power next?】

【Silver Wolf: I just don’t know what kind of powers the part of the final power Kevin obtained has.】

【Kafka: The battle has begun to heat up】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Don’t worry, these three will not lose to a newcomer like Kevin in the application of Herrscher powers.】

【Mebius: It’s true that Kevin’s control of power far exceeds that of others, but it’s probably the first time for the Herrscher’s power.】

【Li Sushang: This kind of battle is really amazing.】

【Youlandel: The collision of the Herrscher's powers. I saw the battle between Kiana and the Herrscher of Domination before.】

【Rita: The Herrscher of Dominance did not show much power.】

【Velvet: Yes, that guy is just a rabble-rouser】

【March 7: Will we be able to see all kinds of fancy powers next?】

【Xing: That’s right. In the battle just now, Kevin and the three of them couldn’t do anything to each other.】

【Teresa: To be more precise, this should be the collision of final powers.】

【Xingqiong Jizi: Yes, it seems that the winner will be decided soon.】

【Fu Hua: Well, from now on, it seems that this battle should be quick.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Come on! You three!!!】


In the Valkyrie dormitory of St. Freya Academy.

Kiana looked at the people around her:"Will the battle really end soon?"

"Why can't I see it?"

Bronya looked at Kiana:"It's not so much the final battle between us and Kevin."

"It’s better to say that Kevin is testing us to see if we are strong enough to surpass him."

"In this battle, the actual outcome is not important."

"What matters is whether human civilization in our era is qualified to transcend the end."

Kiana is still a little confused.

Mei Yi continued to add:"To put it simply, Kevin is still testing us."

"Before, it was in battle, but now it’s about using the power of power."


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