Pre-civilization era.

Padofelis looked at Kevin in the game screen with great surprise.

"I really can't believe it"

"Boss Kevin will actually one day use the power of the Herrscher to fight."

Mebius:"Because part of the expression of the power of the end is power."

"After Kevin obtains the power of the end, he will use the power of the Herrscher to fight"

"There is nothing surprising about this. Velvet:"

That's right. Besides,"

"When Kevin uses the Heavenly Fire Sage, he is also using the power of the Herrscher to a certain extent."

"However, the power of this Herrscher of Space......"

Mei:"The Herrscher of the Sky was directly defeated by humans in our civilization era."

"The Thousand Worlds Ichiyana made from her core is not as offensive as other God Keys."

"It's a spatial weapon.

Alicia:"Yes, so this is the first time Kevin has directly used the power of the Herrscher to attack people.""

"You see, Kiana and the three of them were immediately imprisoned."

Su:"It seems that I have never heard that the Herrscher of the Sky has such a move."

Mebius:"Indeed, there is no such thing."

"But I think this should be the power of the Herrscher of the Sky with the ultimate power."

"That's why it seems a little different."

Eden:"But don't forget, Kiana was also the Herrscher of the Sky before."

"Kiana is the most familiar with this power."

Sure enough, Eden had just finished speaking.

Kiana in the game screen also emphasized this fact.

Then she easily used the power to control the Herrscher, directly canceling out Kevin's powerful move.

The entire game screen changed again. It returned to its original state.

It was as if the starry sky that Kevin had just summoned no longer existed.

Gracie looked at the game screen and looked at Cosmo in confusion:"Kos Mo, Uncle Kevin can obviously keep fighting. of"

""180""But why do you suddenly need to use the power of the Herrscher to fight Kiana and the others?"

"In this regard, Kiana and the three former Herrschers"

"Wouldn't he be better at using his abilities than Uncle Kevin?"

Before Cosmo could answer,

Velvet said,"Oh, little Gracie has observed so meticulously this time.

Mebius:"Yes, little Gratius has discovered this too."

Padofelis:"Is there anything strange about this?""

Alicia:"Because this is also a test for Kevin. Mei:"

Yes, Kevin has been testing"

"Are the three strongest warriors in this era of civilization qualified to lead human civilization to the end?"

"At the same time, it is also testing the entire next civilization era."

"Now is the final battle and Kevin's final test.

Padofelis:"Why do you feel like Boss Kevin has been testing them?""

Mebius:"Because this is Kevin's responsibility as a pioneer."

"Help human civilization in the next civilization era"

"Lead their development and wait until they develop to a certain level."

"Then check whether their development is qualified.

Sue:"Interesting, Kevin sounds like a teacher.""

"When he was in school, the teacher was what he was most afraid of seeing."

Kevin:"At that time, I just wanted to complete more games."

"And the teacher just wanted to catch me studying.

Alicia:"Do you boys really like those games that much?""

Kevin replied directly:"It's not that I like competitions."

"It’s more about enjoying the pleasure brought by the final victory."

"as well as......"

Kevin paused.

Then he looked at Mei.

Su smiled slightly and continued:"And it can attract some people's attention."

As Kevin's friend when he was a student.

Kevin and Sue talk about almost anything.

Including the fact that Kevin likes Mei, Kevin himself told Su.

And this thing that Kevin wants to get attention for.

As soon as this kind of thing is revealed.

Everyone looked at Kevin.

He had the look of a crowd eating melons.

Alicia:"Oh, Kevin, I didn't expect you to have such thoughts."

Padofyllis:"I always thought that Kevin, the boss, was very cold."

Eden:"What I thought when I was a student. It's very enviable."

Mebius:"Kevin, you are really passionate."

Qianjie:"Tch, boring."

Gratienne:"So whose attention is Uncle Kevin trying to attract?."

Cosmo:"Gratius, you can just ask this kind of thing privately later."

Gratio:"I understand, Cosmo."

Sakura:"I always thought he would behave more coldly." Hua

:"Well, I didn't expect him to be so purposeful."

Kevin:"Okay, compared to this kind of thing"

"Shouldn't we pay more attention to the development of the game's plot?

Alicia:"Kevin, your way of changing the topic is so stiff.""


In the quantum sea.

Xier clenched her hands nervously in front of her chest.

Watching the battle in the game screen

"Kevin, he used the power of the Herrscher"

"Will he use the power of the Herrscher of Reason next to Sister Bronya? Hei Xi comforted him:"

Don't worry, only sister Bronya can use the power of the Herrscher of Reason to that extent.""

"Kevin can't do it"

"Kiana can't do the same"

"For these two people who have mastered the power of the end, the power of the Lawyer of Reason is"

"It's just a complement to his own abilities.

Hei Xi then said with a solemn face:"Moreover, the winner of this battle should be decided soon."

Xi'er was stunned:"So fast?""

"Their battle has just begun.

Hei Xi nodded:"Soon, after the power of the Herrscher collides ,"

"It's almost time to tell the difference between responsibility and responsibility."

"It's time for Kevin to quit too"

"He is the most powerful king in the old era, and there is no throne that can hold him in the new era."

Xie'er heard a trace of sadness from Hei Xi's words.


Kevin, the king of the old days.

Use your own body.

It opens up a new path for the next era.

Helping the current civilization era reach its end.

Let human civilization no longer be reset.

A new step has been taken.

And this is the hero who accomplished these feats alone.

But can't follow into the next era.

He is destined to open the door of the times.

The man fell in front of the gate.

And behind him are thousands of humans and the heroes of this era. will step over his body.

Towards a more distant future. in the game screen.

The battle between Kevin and Yu Sanjia continues.

Just as most people in the live broadcast room expected.

The rest of the battle is a contest of power.

After Kiana solved the spatial confinement.

Those little black holes behind Kevin.

It began to shoot out powerful lasers.

Blast towards Kiana and the other three.

The wings behind Kiana spread out again.

Then Kiana stretched out her hand.

He snapped his fingers in Kevin's direction.

Then a small black hole exactly like Kevin unfolded.

It filled half of the sky in an instant.

The power of the Herrscher of the Void.

They collided again.

It caused countless explosions in mid-air.

MeiBronya did not sit still and wait for death.

Attacked Kevin.

Kevin felt the two coming.

All the black holes merged together in an instant.

It turned into a black ball and was held in Kevin's hand.

The laser fired by Kiana was approaching the black ball.

All disappeared without a trace.

Bronya's eyes widened:"Be careful, it's the power that restrains power."

The warning voice just fell.

Kevin raised one hand.

He threw the black ball in his hand in the direction of the three people.

The three of them immediately avoided it.

The black ball falls to the ground.

The huge explosion that everyone imagined did not happen.

Instead, a golden light exploded.

Countless golden runes spread.

After the three of Kiana touched the golden runes.

The same golden runes appeared on their bodies, controlling the three of them like chains.

However, the three of them did not have difficulty moving.

Then the golden runes spread around.

Forming a rune barrier directly covering the entire battlefield.

In the conference room of St. Freya Academy.

Theresa stood up suddenly, her face became extremely ugly:"This is......"

"Divine grace enchantment!!!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After hearing these words, Theresa's face also changed suddenly:"Theresa, you said this is the enchantment of divine grace?"

Before, the power of the Herrscher of Restraint was so powerful.

This was made very clear both on the barrage and Theresa.

Any object with energy that entered would be directly suppressed.

Even more directly. Regarding Honkai Energy.

The stronger the Honkai Energy, the more obvious the effect of being suppressed will be under the power of restraint.

If it is really a divine grace barrier, then Kiana and the three of them......

Four people on the battlefield today.

They are the four people with the highest Honkai Impact in the world.

And Kevin serves as the initiator of the power of restraint.

That is, the Lawyer of Constraints.

Naturally, it will not be affected by the divine grace barrier.

Teresa nodded solemnly:"Absolutely right, Judas's Oath Zero Rated Power Divine Grace Barrier"

"It is also the power of the Lawyer of Restraint."

"Unexpectedly, Kevin actually gained the power of the Herrscher of Restraint!"

"This time Kiana and the others are in trouble."

Suddenly Jizi pointed at the game screen:"Theresa, when you played against Sirin before and launched the divine grace barrier,"

"Do you have those strange lines on your body?"

Theresa looked at the game screen and noticed the strange runes on Kiana and the other three.


"not at all......"

Teresa recalled the only time she experienced divine grace.

There is indeed no such strange pattern.

But why do they have it on Kiana and the others now?

"Is this also because......"

"What’s the relationship between Kevin’s final power?" The meaning in Theresa's eyes that Jizi looked at was......

You ask me, who am I asking?

You are the oath holder of Judah......

"But, Teresa, have you noticed?"

"Kiana and the three of them seemed not to be affected by the restraining power......."

Theresa:"Indeed, except for those golden lines on the body"

"No other problems found at all"

"Let’s take a look first"

"If it really fails the first time, there is still the insurance of Aiyi."

Ji Zi nodded.

Before, she thought that Kiana and the others would definitely win.

But now it seems......

This process is really full of thrills......

If you are not careful, you will lose everything!

"You must work hard, you guys......"

And in the entire live broadcast room.

Someone who knows so much about the Divine Grace Barrier.

Except Theresa.

Another one is Otto.

But for the heroes of the pre-civilization era.

The memory of terror brought about by the Divine Grace Barrier is indelible.

Padofelis said tremblingly:"Boss Kevin, is it too much to take action?"

"If you directly use Divine Grace Barrier to cover them all......"

Sakura:"Can they resist the Divine Grace Barrier?"

Eden:"I think it would be difficult. The Divine Grace Barrier absolutely suppresses Honkai Energy.……"

Alicia:"Eden, you made a mistake this time."

Everyone looked at Alicia.

Is there any turning point?

Alicia looked at the game screen:"The power of the Herrscher of Restraint is absolutely repressive."

"But in the final analysis, that is also the method of the cocoon of the end."

"Now that Kiana has the final power, Mei, Bronya and Kiana are connected in mind"

"Can also share the power of the end to a certain extent"

"Therefore, under the protection of the final power, the three of them will not have any big problems."


The heroes looked over.

Sure enough, the three of them were looking at Kevin.

Except for the special runes on his body.

There is absolutely no situation that happened to the fusion warrior before.

You must know when the Herrscher of Restraint came.

The fusion warriors went in and died one by one.

Look at the three of Kiana again.

It's like he's just fine.

Patophilis:"Does it mean that Boss Kevin's restraining power is useless to the three of them?"

Mei seemed to understand:"It's not useless."

"It works, and it must have restricted some of their abilities. Alicia:"

Yes, if I guess correctly"

"It should have restrained some of Kiana's and the others' offensive methods."

"You see, the attack frequency of the three of them has begun to decrease."

In front of the computer.

Lin En watched this scene.

He also knew that except for some people in the collapsing world who could understand this scene, others were still a little confused.

Lin En continued to play the role of commentator:"What Kevin performed was The Power of the Herrscher of Restraint"

"However, the power of restraint is also the product of the final power, so for Kiana and the others now"

"Restraining power will only 1.4 temporarily restrict their actions."

"without causing actual harm"

"Next, as long as you break through the constraints, you'll be fine"

…… in the game screen.

The three of them also understood their situation.

Bronya was also forced out of the Gundam state

"Mei, Kiana!"

"How are you feeling now?"

Kiana:"My movements have been restricted a lot. I won't be so flexible when trying to dodge later."

Mei Yi:"My power of thunder and lightning is restricted."

Bronya waved the spear in her hand vigorously.

There was a clang.

Those golden runes lit up, causing Bronya's power to bounce back.

Bronya:"It seems that the power of restraint is still very powerful."

Kiana:"Then let's break Kevin's constraints together."

Mei Yi:"I have no problem."

Bronya:"I don't want to forget that while we are breaking the constraints,"

"And have to face Kevin……"

Bronya pointed the spear in her hand at Kevin.

At this time, Kevin slowly fell from the air.

The moment it touches the ground.

He rushed out fiercely and swept the three people with the spear in his hand.

The three of them immediately moved out of the way.

Fight and retreat.

At the same time, different energy fluctuations begin on the surface of the body

【March 7: It’s too much to fight like this!】

【Walter: If Kiana and the others are facing the real end now, it won’t be that simple.】

【Theresa: That’s right, if we want to cross the threshold, we must let Kevin see our strength!】

【Hollanddale: Come on!!! Kiana……】

【Alicia: You have to work hard, Mei!】

【Xier: Come on! Sister Bronya……】


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