Destiny Headquarters.

Otto looked at Kevin who had opened his protective shield in the live broadcast room.

Kiana's previous sword.

Directly cut down the beast that manifested this world.

But this time, there were just a few ripples on the protective shield.

"What a terrifying defense!"

After reading this, Youlandel couldn't help but exclaimed.

She had seen how powerful Kiana's sword was before.

Youlandel knew it very well.

But it was just such a sword that could cut through a whole person in a row. Even a little bit of defense couldn't be done.

It was like a mud cow drowning in the sea.

Rita's eyes narrowed:"While opening up the defense, he also launched this natural disaster level attack."

"Kiana and the others are now"

"You have to dodge these attacks"

"While launching an attack to tear apart Kevin's defense"

"If this situation continues......"

The results can be imagined.

Even the three possess the power of the end and all the Herrscher powers collected.

That would also be exhausting.

After all, it is the ultimate power.

It's also limited.

When used, it will also consume physical strength.

But Kevin was as still as a mountain at this time.

Sit tight on the Diaoyutai.

Kiana and the others had no way to break the defense.

A newly established advantage.

All of a sudden it was gone.

Next, the advantage returned to Kevin's side.

At this time Otto said softly:"No......."

"The defensive power of this defensive shield may not be as strong as we imagined."

"It's just Kevin adding a little something else to it."

Something else?

The two looked at Otto curiously.

Otto explained:"No matter how strong Kevin's protective shield is, it is also the product of the final power."

"Kiana also has the power of finality, and it shouldn't behave like this after one blow."

"Look at those golden lines"

"like what......"

Youlandel's eyes narrowed:"Those are......"

"When Kiana and the three of them were restrained by the restraining power before, they had the same lines on their bodies."

Rita:" Could it be that......"

Otto:"That's right, Kevin said that the restraint power is used on the protective shield."

"It’s true that Kiana and the others’ attacks are very powerful."

"But in the final analysis, those are still Honkai Energy."

"When such a slash touches the defensive shield, it has already been eliminated by the restraining power."

"The remaining force hitting the defensive shield was completely gone."

Youlandel:"So, there is an illusion that Kevin has strong defense.

Otto:" That's right.""

Rita:"Can Kiana use the restraint power to offset it?

Otto shook his head:"Judging from the previous battles, this should not be possible.""

"Otherwise, the three of them would not be restrained by the restraining power."

Youlandel's face darkened:"Do you want to sacrifice Bronya again?"

Rita:"Maybe only the Moonlight Throne can do it......."

Otto:"In this case, there must be a lot of Moonlight Thrones needed."

"Although the Lawyer of Truth is powerful"

"But that doesn't mean she can create whatever she wants without limit. Rita looked at Youlandel:"Master Youlandel, don't worry first.""

"Bronya will be there in the future"

"So she won't sacrifice."

Youlandel calmed down:"I know this, but I'm still a little worried......."

"What are they going to do next?

Otto smiled slightly:"Don't worry.""

"Walter and the captain also said it before"

"Everyone took part in this battle......"

"Perhaps it refers to this moment."

Youlandel was startled:"But the Hyperion can only carry three people at a time."

"How can I help.

Otto:"Glendel, have you forgotten?"......"


"The captain's ship......"

Youlandel was stunned.

A different light began to appear in his eyes.

Relaxed a lot


"This is too cheating!"

Kiana looked at Kevin's moves and shouted angrily.

In her opinion, it was obvious that she could let go of the fight, but the result turned out like this.

This is not cheating.

Kiana looked Xiang Yayi:"Look, Yayi, Kevin is such a rogue."

Mei Yi shook her head:"No, Kiana"

"This is also one of Kevin's tricks"

"This is also the difficulty we must face in the process of fighting him."

"If we can't defeat her, then we are not qualified to cross the end.

Bronya:"That's right.""

"The power of the Cocoon of Finality is like cheating for humans."

"Compared to the Cocoon of Finality, Kevin's behavior can only be said to be a normal operation within the scope of his abilities.

Fu Hua:" That's right.""

"As long as it's the enemy's move, it's not cheating."

"Kevin only used his abilities within reasonable limits"

"And there is only one thing you have to do from beginning to end"

"That’s beating Kevin!"

Kiana said distressedly:"But no matter what kind of attack you hit on it, it will have no effect."

"If Kevin doesn't come out, we can't get in."

"How do you defeat Kevin?......"

Bronya thought for a moment and looked at Mei Yi:"Sister Mei Yi, do you still remember what Xiaoshi and Mr. Walter said before?"

Mei Yi thought about it for a moment:"You mean, they all said they participated in the final battle ?"

Bronya nodded:"From the beginning of the war in the future to now, there is no sign of anyone else participating in the war."

"Maybe the time will come next."

Kiana:"But aren't they all here?......"

Suddenly Kiana seemed to think of something:"Captain's Hyperion!"

Bronya nodded:"Now it seems that this is the only possibility."

"If I really need to make so many Moonlight Thrones"

"I won't grow up in the future either.

Fu Hua:"I thought so just now.""

"Now this dilemma"

"That should be the time for the captain to take action."

Kiana:"Is it to bring everyone to the moon, and then everyone attacks Kevin together?"

Yayi:"The idea should be this way."

"But Ai Yi also said it before"

"Due to some mechanisms, the Hyperion can only carry three people"

"So I don’t feel like it’s about taking everyone to the moon."

Kiana:"How to do it?"

Bronya shook her head:"It's precisely because I don't know"

"everything that happens next"

"It will make people more curious."

In the Quantum Sea.

Before, Bronya reconstructed six Moonlight Thrones and her life was in danger.

Lin En said it in the live broadcast room.

So after hearing that Bronya planned to create enough moonlight, When sitting on the throne,

Xi'er's heart tightened.

Maybe Xi'er didn't remember other things so clearly.

But about Bronya,

Xi'er will remember it in her heart.

"The other me, Sister Bronya, is planning to sacrifice herself again"

"What to do?"

The so-called care leads to chaos.

It refers to Xi'er's current state.

Hei Xi explained impatiently:"Xier, have you forgotten the existence of your future sister?"

"If onee-sama will sacrifice herself in this battle"

"That won't be the future onee-sama.

Xi'er was still a little nervous:"But, the other me......"

"There seems to be no other way now." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Sister Bronya can only take action and construct the Moonlight Throne."

Hei Xi:"Have you forgotten that the Herrscher of Knowledge said before that they would attack Kevin together?"

"Don't you think now is the best time? Xi'er was stunned:"

But, can their support be so fast?" Hei Xi:"

I know that."......"

"And don’t forget, the captain’s Hyperion is still on board."

"And the little one Ai Yi is controlling it."

"The strength of this ship"

"It's not something you and I can summarize with our simple imagination."

"Keep reading......"

The Herrscher of Knowledge and Walter talked about this before.

It’s all said on the barrage.

All the viewers guessed it

【March 7: The Hyperion must have some trump cards】

【Silver Wolf: Let everyone in the world attack Kevin at the same time......】

【Kafka: This idea is really bold】

【Li Sushang: Is this really possible?】

【Teresa: And now that Hyperion is in the sky, it’s too late to fly back to Earth.】

【Honkai Impact: It would be great if my Hyperion could do this】

【Star Dome Jizi: I also hope that my Star Dome Train can be like this】

【Dan Heng: Even if we can return to the earth at an extremely fast speed, it will still take time to collect the energy generated by everyone's attacks.】

【Alicia: Yes, I’m really curious about what Captain and the others would do.】

【Padofelis: Boss Kevin, you are going to be beaten by a group of people again.】

【Xing: It’s so tragic. A group of people beat up an old man.】

【March 7: Why do I feel like you stole my words?】

【Kiana: You should know what’s going on right away】

【Su: Kevin in the future will be treated like this】

【Sakura: Yes, it looks so miserable.】

【Eden: I think Kevin doesn’t care.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Don’t blink, you will see the most amazing thing in the world next】

【Walter: All civilized humans and captains join hands to cross the end】

【Xier: Sister Bronya, you must come back safely. 】

In front of the computer.

Lin En also said:"Back then, I also contributed"

"Farewell to Kevin, the hero who saved the world"

"Everyone, don’t blink your eyes at what’s going to happen next."

"Love clothes will be vividLet me tell you, what is the Hyperion!"

In the live broadcast room, the audience watched extremely seriously.

In the game screen, just when Bronya was about to sacrifice herself and use up all her strength to build the Moonlight Throne,

Aiyi's voice was actually in their minds. sounded.

At the same time, it was also played directly on the game screen.

"Bronya, look at me!"

Bronya was also curious as to why Ai Yi could speak at this moment:"Ai Yi?"

Ai Yi chuckled, and then said proudly:"Let me show you another way to use the core secret key!"

Just when Ai Yi's voice fell, another voice that surprised everyone rang out.

Not only the three of Kiana on the battlefield.

Even the audience in the live broadcast room did not expect it.

There will be another voice.

"Thank you, Aiyi......"

Kiana on the battlefield heard it immediately, and her tone was extremely surprised:"Squad leader?"

The audience in the live broadcast room also heard it.

It's Fu Hua!

Fu Hua's voice continued:"Well, everyone will help you!"

At the same time.

The game screen keeps zooming out.

The Hyperion outside the battlefield was once again seen by the audience.

The golden energy appeared from nowhere.

Integrated into Hyperion.

While integrating, cannonballs were shot out one after another.

Head straight into the battlefield.

At the same time, a simple UI for missiles appears in the upper left corner of the game screen.

What's even more amazing is.

Each UI has a different name.

Fu Hua, Youlandel, Rita, Einstein, Tesla, Natasha, Xi'er, Li Sushang, the Lawyer of Knowledge......

Almost everyone the Yusan family knew.

All appeared on it.

There are even some I don’t know.

Those missiles came to the battlefield.

It hit Kevin's defensive shield directly.

Although it only makes a little ripple.

Can't do any harm.

But these missiles are endless.

There are too many to count.

Too many ants can kill an elephant.

Not to mention this.

At this moment.

Audiences in the live broadcast room.

I finally know what the Herrscher of Knowledge and Walter said about participating in the war.

Lynn is in the live broadcast room.

He opened his mouth and explained:"The Hyperion can directly connect to everyone's wishes."

"Let everyone contribute their power to help Kiana and the others"

"These forces become these missiles after passing through the conversion device of the core key."

"Although the damage is not high, there are many"

"No matter how strong Kevin's protective shield is, it can't withstand such a dense attack."

【March 7: This is so awesome!】

【Walter: Yes, that’s how I contributed my strength back then (proud)】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: It was all of us who defeated Kevin together and crossed the end】

【Alicia: It’s really the end that all mankind will cross together】

【Mei: Yes, everyone (of Li's) was involved in it】

【Mebius: This scene is really touching.】

【Otto: How is such technology possible?】

【Silver Wolf: Although it is a game, the collapse of the world did happen. Such weapons are too buggy.】

【Kafka: Is this the captain's true power?】

【Teresa: It’s unbelievable that you can still do this.】

【Honokai Himeko: My Hyperion is really terrible!】

【Mei Yi: Such a final battle really makes people feel a different emotion.】

【Xi'er: Great, I also helped sister Xi'er】

【Bronya: It’s unbelievable that there are such technological weapons】

【Xing: Can you understand it this way? The Hyperion is an Internet, and everyone in China Unicom is violently attacking Kevin!】

【March 7: Why did things that were originally very romantic have completely changed when it comes to you?】

【Walter: Stop talking】

【Padofelis: Hahaha, what Xing said is really funny.……】

【Dan Heng: Sorry, we don’t know her】

…… in the game screen.

Cyber ​​violence... no... attacks from the earth are still going on.

At the same time, everyone's voices were conveyed to Kiana and the others through the Hyperion.

Teresa:"It's not just us who are Saint Freya."

Hollandel:"There are also us who are destined."

Tesla Einstein:"We who are against entropy……"

Cocolia:"Even your former enemies……"

"Of course, there are countless ordinary people in this world who are struggling for their own destiny!"


Ai Yi's voice also sounded at the same time:"That's not all!"

Various strange names appeared in the missile UI in the upper right corner.

【Silver Wolf: These look so much like game IDs? and】

【Kafka: These must be the captains, right?】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Yes, the captain was also involved at that time】

【Star: Internet violence from two worlds!】


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