Destroy the world.

At first, everyone saw only their friends and enemies.

All together for the continuation of human civilization.

In order to defeat Honkai, transcend the end.

And joined in this battle together.

A minor attack was launched on Kevin via the Captain's Hyperion.

But thousands of streams merge into the sea.

One person's attack may be trivial.

But ten people, a hundred people!

Thousands of people on the earth gathered together to attack.

It’s enough to shock the world!

It was even shocking that Kevin, the savior, was like a god at this time.

Originally this scene.

It was enough to shock the audience of Collapse World in the live broadcast room.

But then... even the captain from another world came to help.

And it’s not just one or two.

Many, many captains.

Those densely packed missile UIs, with all kinds of weird IDs on them, made everyone in the world collapse.

They all felt a feeling of being favored.

A group of people from another world.

I fell in love with them because of their stories.

He even traveled across the world to help them overcome this final end.

Pre-civilization era.

Padofelis was a little jealous and said,"How come there are no captains coming to our world?"

Alicia said:"Actually, our civilization era and Kiana's civilization era are originally one, right? Yes."

Mei:"Yes, it is our joint efforts that have overcome the end."

Velvet:"Little Pado, you don't have to be so sad."

"The captain also said before that he is not directly intervening or helping us."

"In some ways, our civilization is already at a dead end."

"Therefore, the captains can only show up to help from the final battle of the next civilization era."

Eden:"These captains are really cute.

Sakura:"Yeah, maybe it wouldn't have been so smooth without them."

Hua:"People who are influenced by stories and eventually fall in love with these stories.""

Gratius:"I seem to see the captain's appearance."

"I wonder what color he is. Cosmo:"

There will be a chance, Gratius.""

Aponya:" The line of fate has changed differently from this moment on.

Su:"Anyway, this scene is really touching.""

Padophilis:"Yeah, I feel like my tears are about to fall."


In the conference room of St. Freya Academy.

Theresa and Himeko looked at the scene in front of them.

As Ying Jie of the pre-civilization era said.

At this moment they felt a feeling of being favored.

There were a few tears of emotion in Theresa's eyes:"Jizi, it's great.……"

Ji Zi nodded:"Yeah, I really didn't expect that our story would be liked by so many people."

"And they are willing to help us.

Theresa:"I thought those barrages and the Hyperion were the limit of the captain's help.""

"Unexpectedly, at this most critical time,"

"They can help us one more time."

Himeko:"That's not all. If Kiana and the others fail,"

"Aiyi has another chance to come back. Theresa smiled slightly:"The captain has already done this.""

"If this still fails"

"The captains will be sad and disappointed. Ji Zi nodded:"

Yes, these three children will have to work hard next.""

"Because what they shoulder is no longer just the expectations of our world."

"And the expectations of the captains. Theresa looked at the live broadcast room.

She looked at Linn who was live broadcasting, and said with a smile:"Thank you, Captain."

Ji Zi also said the same:"Thank you, Captain.""

On the top of the mountain.

The Herrscher of Knowledge became excited when he saw this scene:"That's right!"

"That's how it was back then!"

"The captains also showed up."

The Herrscher of Consciousness, who has personally participated in this scene, can feel the shock.

It is very real.

Therefore, the Herrscher of Consciousness is more excited than others at this moment.

But that's the excitement.

The Herrscher of Consciousness looks like this Many missiles rushed towards Kevin.

I was also surprised in my heart.

"I didn’t see exactly how many missiles there were at that time."

"No ideas yet"

"Now it seems that Kevin's defense is really abnormal!"

In the game screen,

Kevin's protective shield has only become much lighter in color.

It has not yet reached the point of rupture.

So the Herrscher of Knowledge was extremely surprised.

If it were him to withstand these attacks, let alone the protective shield.

Say it yourself. Maybe I'll just go back and see the Cocoon of the End.

"Kevin, you are really perverted!"

This is what the Herrscher of Knowledge came to mind.

The most intuitive evaluation.

She didn't even know how Kevin grew to this point.

"If in the pre-civilization era"

"If you give them a little more time"

"Maybe the final outcome will change a lot."

In fact, in the heart of the Herrscher of Knowledge, the pre-civilization era is the civilization that should transcend the end. After all, the pre-civilization era must far surpass the current civilization in terms of the development of technology and the overall strength of the warriors.


And the current civilization era. It gradually developed thanks to the legacy of the pre-civilization era. But... the Herrscher of Knowledge can also see clearly. The current civilization era also has places that the pre-civilization era cannot reach..Finally , the Herrscher of Consciousness sighed softly:"Alas.


"These are all fate"

"After all, the modern civilization era and the pre-civilization era themselves can be regarded as one."

"Anyway, the final result is that mankind finally defeated Honkai and crossed the end."

"This can be seen by them in the pre-civilization era……"

"It can be regarded as an explanation.……"

In the heart of the Lawyer of Consciousness.

It's the same as Fu Hua.

I really appreciate those people back then.

In the end, only Fu Hua and Gray Xiu were left in this world.

Others either perished in pre-civilization eras.

Or become a pioneer.

None of the heroes who stayed in the pre-civilization era saw this scene.

Mei didn't see it either.

This time I saw it through the live broadcast room.

It was considered as one of their wishes came true.

Let them know clearly.

None of their efforts were in vain.

The Herrscher of Knowledge:"Why should I worry about these things!"

"These are all things that old antiques have to worry about."

"I don't have to think about this anymore"


In the Valkyrie dormitory of St. Freya Academy.

The four of them watched so many captains come to help them.

I was also moved in my heart.

Kiana slowly looked at Lin En in the live broadcast room.

Then he raised his head and looked at the ceiling of the dormitory.

His eyes were very clear.

It was like seeing the blue sky outside.

Then Kiana put her hand to her mouth and said loudly:"Thank you, Captain!"

"thank you all!!!"

"Thank you for favoring us so much!"

The other three looked at Kiana and smiled faintly.

Mei also raised her head slightly:"I hope our story can also bring you happiness and courage."

Bronya:"But the story always ends, and you have to love your life.

Fu Hua:"You must have wonderful stories too. You can tell us when you have time.""

Kiana:"Yes, Captain!"

"We also really want to know……"

"your story……"


Lynn is in front of the computer at this time.

It was like hearing something.

It's like he didn't hear anything.

Then he smiled knowingly:"I don't know what my Valkyries will think when they see this scene."

"Speaking of which, they have also been with me for a long time."

Lynn thought of the time when he was playing games.

A lot of happiness was given by Honkai Impact 3.

Of course, in addition to happiness, there were knives one after another.

These dog planners are really not human. ( To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"However, life is like this too"

"It can't always be smooth sailing."

Lin En smiled. He has been a human being for two lives.

It is enough for him to see through many things.

In addition, this life is also the immortal species on the fairy boat.

Lin En looked at the game screen:"It's almost over."

"Almost over……"

On the Star Dome Train.

Watching the last scene on March 7, March 7 was so surprised that her mouth opened in an O shape.

"Sister Jizi, can the Star God have this ability to communicate with everyone? Ji

Zi thought for a while, then shook her head:"I think there shouldn't be any.""

"At least so far"

"I have never heard of that Star God. By using special abilities,"

"Gathered the power of his followers (cafg)"

"Moreover, the power of the Star God has already surpassed everyone’s imagination."

"So they may also look down upon this kind of power."

March 7:"The Hyperion is so handsome. If I had fought against the Doomsday Beast,"

"We can pool the strength of the entire space station"

"You can destroy him!"

It can be seen that March 7th has a deep prejudice against the Doomsday Beast.

Several other people shook their heads helplessly.

Walter said:"Captain's power across dimensions"

"we can't understand"

"At least I haven't seen it in the Starry Universe."

March 7th dreamed:"Do you think our world has also been made into a game?"

"Then in the future, during the final battle of our pioneering journey,"

"There will also be some kind of captain or conductor or something like that."

"Lead us to victory. Xing shrugged:"Are you looking for Pam?"

March 7:"It's not him!" Dan

Heng:"There is a possibility, but I think the possibility is really small.""

"After all, the power of the Star God can also span the world."

"Captain's words……"

Dan Heng wanted to say that the captain's current performance was insufficient.

But think about it carefully.

This is just one of the functions of the Hyperion.

What if the captain has any big moves that he hasn’t unleashed yet?


Dan Heng didn't know if it was his illusion.

This captain is broadcasting live in the live broadcast room.

I always feel that his strength is also unfathomable.

However, Dan Heng did not express his suspicions.

After all, it is empty talk.

Saying this kind of thing has no effect.

March 7 suddenly said excitedly:"Look!"

"The protective shield is broken!"

A few people immediately looked at the game screen.

Sure enough, under this intensive attack like a violent storm, even the protective shield with the final power and restraint power still could n't hold up and broke. Broken. After opening,

Kevin's wings spread out, and he and Kiana started fighting again.

But when Kevin launched such a move just now, it was impossible to say that it was not consumed.

So now Kevin is at the end of his strength. But that's it.

But after all, he is not a real villain.

After seeing Kiana and the others could do this, although they couldn't see their facial features clearly, the audience in the live broadcast room seemed to be able to feel

Kevin's joy at this time. The mood was average.

Although defeated... the real result of this battle was... everyone won...

Aiyi's voice also sounded:"Everyone, come on, this is the final battle."

Kiana and the three of them used all their strength to fight Kevin.

Thunder, flames, lasers... all kinds of energy exploded.

The thunder knife in Mei Yi's hand, with the power of the origin, carried The power of thunder.

He jumped up and slashed towards Kevin.

The spear in Kevin's hand also stabbed him.

This time Mei's purpose was not to fight Kevin directly.

The blade turned and directly avoided Kevin's blow. Attack, and then make a fierce move.

The powerful power contained in the power of thunder and lightning directly knocked the spear from Kevin's hand away.

It fell behind Kevin.

But Kevin was more like Kevin.

He immediately condensed the spear like a sledgehammer. weapon.

The wings behind him burst into flames, causing Kevin's speed to surge instantly. He pushed directly towards Mei Yi.

He was behind Mei Yi in an instant.

The previous blow had just ended.

Mei Yi was in a state where the old power had just gone, and the new power had not yet been released. When alive, there was no way to fight back.

Kevin's hammer hit, and a blue light blocked the two of them.

Bronya's hands immediately opened the protective shield to block Kevin's powerful blow.

At this moment,

Bronya's eyes exploded with power.

The spear that was supposed to be in her hand suddenly fell from the sky and became extremely huge.

It even smashed the meteorites in the sky and stabbed straight towards Kevin.

This move came too fast.

Kevin directly abandoned his weapon and immediately retreated.

At this time, Kiana's lithe figure pursued her.

The light behind her turned into a lilac streamer.

She directly caught up with Kevin..

With the final power in his hand, the long sword passed directly through the body of Savior Kevin, leaving a golden sword mark on his body.

At this moment, everything around him seemed to have stopped.

A burst of white light Submerged the entire game screen.

While waiting for the white light to recede,

Kiana stood up slowly from the sky wearing the school uniform of St. Freya Academy.

Like the audience, she looked at the surrounding environment in confusion.

The suspended meteorites.

And The Cocoon of Ending in front of her.

Is this the Land of Ending?

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps coming from behind.

Kiana immediately turned around


The person coming behind him is Kevin. At this time, Kevin is neither a savior nor a demon.

He doesn't have a handsome cloak.

Just like Kiana.

He is wearing something like a school uniform.

He is holding his arms with one hand. His other arm.

When Kevin saw Kiana, he breathed a sigh of relief and said,"You win."……"

【Padofelis: What's wrong? We were still fighting just now, why are we back to the End now?】

【Kosmo: And this Kevin looks very relaxed.】

【Bronya: It seems that the outcome has been decided. The two of them were taken away by the Cocoon of Ending.】

【Mei: Why is this?】

【Otto: Could it be said... is this the final transformation of power under the witness of Cocoon?】

【Teresa: It’s possible】

【March 7: So Kiana won just now?】

【Star: Didn’t you see Kevin admit it himself?】


Lin En explained:"The cocoon of the end, when the winner is determined in the end, the two possessors of the power of the end will wait for the end of the land."

"In order for them to complete the final handover ceremony"

"After the handover ceremony is completed"

"Kiana will also become the true Herrscher of the End"

"And Kevin will completely let go of everything……"

"He can go see his old friends from back then.……"

Linn looked at the end of the screen.

These two Kaslanas

"Next, there is the initial Kaslana and the final Kaslana"

"The handover ceremony is completed……"


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