Alicia looked at the two people in the End.

Listen to Linn's introduction. she knows.

This war finally came to an end with Kiana's victory

"Kevin, I never imagined that you were so young before."

Su:"Is it because he has returned to his original appearance, or is it because he has let go of everything?"

"That's why it seems so easy.

May:"Kevin has always been the same as he was at the beginning.""

"It’s just that I ended up carrying too many things."

"Now he can finally let go of these things."

A smile appeared on Mei's lips.

She was also very happy in her heart.

Because Kevin could finally let go.

Let go of everything that he shouldn't have to carry alone.

Everything that was heavier than the entire world combined.

Eden:"It reminds me of the first time I saw Kevin at the concert.

Su:"Yeah, I really miss that time." Padofelis:"

Eh?" Have Boss Kevin and Brother Su gone to Sister Eden’s concert?

Su:"Yes, I was still skipping classes at that time.""

"Kevin and I were still in high school at the time."

Kevin:"There's no need to talk about skipping class."

Eden:"Because I couldn't buy a ticket, I just climbed onto the wall."

Alicia:"I really can't see that Kevin still has such a side."

"But it's not surprising, after all, Eden is the most popular person in the world."

Eden:"But I think, if it's Ellie,"

"Will be more popular than me."

Mebius:"I don't think so. After all, I quite hate Alicia.

Velvet:"Dr. Mebius, why does your teacher emphasize this topic?"

Alicia:"Because Dr. Mebius is lying.""

"Are you right, Qianjie?"

Qianjie:"I don't know, don't ask me"

"So annoying."

Ying:"Qianjie still doesn't like to joke with us.

Hua:"Isn't that what he is like?""

Mei looked at the thirteen Yingjie present.

Then he looked at Kevin, who was sitting farthest away.

Kevin was also looking at Mei.

The two looked at each other. Although they were speechless, they seemed to have said a lot. It seemed that at this moment, the two of them unknowingly returned to the time when they first met at Qianyu Academy.

Just like Kevin in the game screen.

At this time, he also returned to his original appearance....

In the Valkyrie's office at St. Freya Academy.

The way Kiana looked at herself

"Why, I’m wearing the uniform of St. Freya Academy"

"And Kevin became like that."

Bronya:"I think it's not your body."

"The final place where you are, and the appearance of the two of you"

"They are all manifestations of the true self in the space of consciousness."

Mei:"In the future Kiana's heart, it should be the time she spent at St. Freya Academy."

"It is the happiest and happiest day of life"

"So your true self is how you dress in St. Freya Academy."

"And that look is also the look of Kevin's true self. Fu

Hua:"Yes, this battle is finally over.""

"Kevin's mission was finally completed"

"The First Kaslana and the Last Kaslana"

"There is really an indescribable sense of fate."

Bronya:"The initial and final handover"

"And this is also a sign of the resumption of human civilization."

Kiana:"Don't worry, Kevin!"

"We will definitely take part in the pre-civilization era"

"If we go together, we will go higher and further!"

"We are responsible not only for our own civilization, but also for your efforts."

Bronya:"Without the efforts of the pre-civilization era, our final success might not have been possible."

Mei Yi:"That's right, not only did we get the captain's preference,"

"And your help."

Fu Hua looked at the three people.

Although he had no memory of the past,

Fu Hua now also knows his identity. He was one of the Thirteen Heroes Chasing Fire in the former civilization era.

Now he heard the three people's comments about the former civilization era. Thank you.

Fu Hua also felt moved in his heart.

"Kevin, if you weren't carrying so much"

"can be like me"

"If you live in this era of civilization"

"This era of civilization will definitely be much more exciting."

Of course Fu Hua knows that is impossible.

Kevin has already planned all his plans.

After letting go of everything, he will go back to see his old friends.

Kevin's heart may have been destroyed along with the pre-civilization era. Bar

"Maybe it's just me......"

"Choose to stay in this civilization era."

Fu Hua didn't include the future Gracie.

But at this moment, Fu Hua didn't feel any loneliness.

Looking at the backs of the three Yu family in front of him,

Fu Hua smiled faintly.

Then he continued to look at the game lake.

With Lin En's Reminder, the audience in the live broadcast room also understood what the scene in front of them was going on.

While they were surprised that Kevin's appearance changed again on the barrage, they were looking forward to the handover ceremony of the complete Herrscher of the End.

Delly Sha:"I never expected that Kevin would become so young. Ji

Zi nodded in agreement:"Yes, when I first saw him appearing,"

"I was stunned for a moment"

"Really didn't expect that.

Theresa:"Jizi, don't you think this scene is weird?"

Jizi looked at Theresa curiously:"What's wrong?" Teresa:"

The first Kaslana and the final Kaslana"

"Isn't this the ancestor and his descendants?"

"But it seems that the two people are obviously about the same age. Jizi was stunned.

It seemed to be the same thing.

At this time Jizi smiled faintly:"Theresa, speaking of which, you also have the blood of the Kaslana family.""

"Your age may be that they both look much younger. Theresa immediately clenched her fists.

Jizi felt a murderous aura.

She immediately changed the subject and said,"However, Theresa......"

"It can be seen that when Kevin first joined the Fire Chasing Moth, he was about the same age as Kiana and the others."

"Although these children were born in different times,"

"But they followed the same path. Theresa:"

Yes, but from now on......"

"Next time, children won’t have to worry about collapse."

"because we won......"

Ji Zi smiled faintly

"Yes, those orphanages will slowly be closed down, right?……"

"There is a feeling of dreaming"

"I really didn’t expect that in the future……"

"we really succeeded"

"Kiana and the others really turned this unhappy story into what everyone expected."

Tears filled the corners of Jizi's eyes.

She was crying with joy at this moment.

There is a special orphanage in Destiny.

There is also one in Anti-Entropy.

Various organizations have such places around the world. The parents and families of these orphans.

It was destroyed in the

Honkai Impact. A large part of the Destiny Valkyrie came out of the Destiny Orphanage.

Yulandel and Rita were among them.

And Himeko used to go to the orphanage often.

Because Her captain Ragna at the time was a teacher at the Destiny Orphanage.

She also conveyed her ideas to more people, including Himeko.

Himeko looked at the ceiling:"Captain Ragna……"

"Finally we don't have to see those kids anymore……"

"Children in the future will live in a stable and happy world"

"feel the love of parents"

"Be who they want to be."

Theresa looked at Kiana and Kevin on the game screen.

She didn't know why at this moment. She wasn't that excited.

Instead, she was calm... very calm.……

"Cecilia, it would be nice if you were by my side like Himeko at this moment.……"

"Kiana, your future growth will definitely satisfy you"

"Also, the world in the future that does not collapse"

"Is this the future you've always wanted?"

"St. Freya Academy will become an academy for more children in the future." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Cecilia, we in the future really did it!"


But compared to most complex emotions.

And endless things to say.

The Herrscher of Consciousness who is on the top of the mountain right now.

After seeing this scene, he said in surprise:"It turns out that Kiana and Kevin had met before."

"I always thought that after the fight"

"Just start calling our consciousness"


The Herrscher of Knowledge thought for a while:"I don't know what the two of them will talk about next."

"I have to take a good look"

"Let the old man know when the time comes"

"Maybe Kevin will talk about the Thirteen Yingjie."

Compared with those twists and turns of the future, there is no collapse or anything.

The Herrscher of Consciousness wants to eat melons more.

Seeing the two Kaslanas standing together.

The Herrscher of Consciousness's heart Gossip enthusiasm surges

"What exactly is this handover ceremony like?……"

Under the gaze of the Herr of Consciousness.

The two people on the game screen continued to talk.

Kiana looked at Kevin and asked,"So, this is the end?"

Kevin adjusted his posture and stood up slightly:"Well, this is the end."

Looking at Kiana in front of him.

Very satisfied and free and easy to say

"The remnants of the Stigma Project will also be at your disposal……"

"You will become a true God of the Earth……"

Kiana:"I'm not very interested in this."

Kevin continued:"However, this is also the first step for all mankind to cross over to the end.……"

Kiana:"Okay, don't talk about God anymore."

As her voice fell, Kiana stretched her hands behind her.

It seems to be using the power of

Or maybe it’s the characteristics of the consciousness space.

There was nothing behind it.

Kiana actually took out a metal bat.

The person who invited said:"As the opposite, how about we have a human confrontation?"

0 Asking for Flowers 00

Kevin smiled and did not refuse.

With a slight wave of his hand, a similar metal bat condensed into his hand.

"That's interesting."


When the bats connected, there was a sound of metal collision.

It sounded throughout the End.

Kiana also laughed.:"Who told us to all be called Kaslana?"

So a very magical scene was staged in this final place that no one else could reach.

Two Kaslanas.

One is the ancestor.

The other is the youngest generation.

The two held metal bats.

Just They started fighting unceremoniously in this final land.

And every swing and collision brought out sparks.

It can be seen that the two of them were fighting with all their strength.

At this moment, looking at the final battle between the two Cocoon.

I guess I can’t understand what the two of them are doing.

Let you carry out the final handover of power and final power.

Why did you two suddenly start fucking?

【March 7: Hahaha, why did you call me so suddenly? I was so serious just now.】

【Bronya: I don’t know why, I don’t find it strange at all】

【Mei: Yes, it really fits Kiana’s character.】

【Alicia: It also fits Kevin’s character very well.】

【Su: It seems that the bloodline has inherited not only Kevin’s strength, but also this unpredictable temperament.】

【Mei: I'm not surprised at all that the two of them would fight.】

【Walter: Why a baseball bat?】

【Xing: The baseball bat is very good, very handy】

【March 7: Yes! The weapon you use is also a baseball bat!】

【Dan Heng: There is no difference in the moves. Is this universal?】

【Teresa: For a one-on-one fight, you must have a weapon like this that can hit someone easily but hurts.】

【Honkai Impact: Teresa, it seems that your hands are itchy too.】

【Youlandel: I don’t know why I seem to be joining this battle too.】

【Rita: Lord Glendale, calm down!】

【Otto: Oh my, it looks like both of them are very happy.】

【Padofelis: Yes, Boss Kevin kept laughing and didn’t stop.】

【Sakura: No Kevin in our era has ever smiled like this.】

【Velvet: Yes, I can see that Kevin is really happy.】

【Mebius: It seems like he really gave all of this to Kiana.】

【Silver Wolf: Did you find anything wrong?】

【Kafka: Kevin’s body is slowly fading……】


Lin En looked at the barrage and said,"Because Kevin at this time is the manifestation of the power of the Final Power."

"This battle is the characteristic of both of them."

"It is also the transfer of power"

"Everyone, please watch quietly."

"As a hero, Kevin died with dignity."

"I also had a lot of fun walking away……"

With Lynn's reminder.

The barrage also became quiet.

Watch the battle between the two in the game screen.

Every collision.

Kevin's body will become weak.

Kevin:"Kiana, although we can't be called familiar"


"If you have a chance……"

"You must be a friend worth keeping!"

Kiana:"What are you talking about?"

"At this moment, aren’t we just friends in another form?"

Kevin smiled while fighting:"Then……"

"Do you want me to teach you some baseball skills?"

Kiana smiled and replied:"No need, you may not be able to beat me yet!"

Kevin's body was full of blue light spots.

His body was dissipating little by little.

But neither of them felt depressed or sad about this parting.

Instead, they tried their best to leave no regrets. Waving the bat in his hand.

Kevin dropped everything.

Kiana wanted Kevin to see her determination.

The impact of the metal bat became louder and louder throughout the End...

Kevin:"Come on Well, it’s time to use the trick that puts you at the bottom of the box."

Kiana:"Okay, it's just what I want!""

Kiana jumped up and hit Kevin with the metal bat in her hand.

Kevin held the metal bat in both hands and swung it hard.


The sound of metal impact echoed throughout the End of the World again....

Kevin's body turned into countless light spots and dissipated.

The consciousness space of this final land... also began to be covered by light after Kevin left. It was a vast white area. Only Kiana could be heard. Conversation with Kevin. Kiana:"Is that the end?" Kevin:"Well, that's it.


"Under the witness of Cocoon, you will realize and keep the complete final power"

"……That's it."

Kiana said with some reluctance:"Then...what about you?"

There was a sense of relief in Kevin's voice.

That feeling.

It's like a person carrying something very heavy on his back.

Arriving at the destination.

Then unloading the thing.

"I have to go now……"

"go to where they are……"


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