This scene in the game screen.

Chasing Fire Thirteen...

No, it should be said that the people who are chasing the fire moth are all gathered together.

The picture is warm.

Every audience who saw this scene couldn't help but fall in.

Especially the Yingjie and Mei from the pre-civilization era.

Everyone seemed to be watching this scene with light in their eyes.

Padofelis' eyes were even slightly red.

After all, she had imagined such a scene countless times in her mind.

Everyone is in this together.

Have fun playing.

Under the sun.

No collapse, no fighting.

There are no high-level officials from Fire Chasing Moth scheming with them.

Everything is so peaceful and peaceful.

Padofelis's biggest wish is to sleep in the sun.

Summer time.

Just sleep next to the boss Kevin.

Because Kevin's body is very cold, it acts as a natural air conditioner in summer.

In the winter, by the stove.

But obviously, this little wish.

It cannot be satisfied in this day and age.

So at this moment, Padofelis was seeing Kevin's dream.

I was also deeply touched in my heart

"Boss Kevin......"

"We really are always in your heart.

Alicia:"Does this need to be said, Phyllis?""

"Kevin always has us in his heart"

"Right, Kevin."

Kevin didn't answer.

It was considered acquiescence.

Su:"Speaking of which, where are Kevin and Mei?"

Alicia smiled softly, her laughter was as sweet as wind chimes.

"Sue, you boys just don't understand."

"You see Kevin understood it in his dream."

Eden:"Yes, Su"

"Since it’s Kevin’s dream......"

"Then he must be alone with Mei for a while."

Mei's face turned slightly red.

She didn't dare to say anything.

Instead, she continued to look at the game screen.

Kevin didn't know how to answer such words for a while.

Because this was really what he thought.

He and Mei had alone time......

And in my own dream.

Such an idea has naturally been realized.

Sakura continued:"If we can cross the 20th end this time,"

"Let's have a picnic too"

"It's really been a long time since I relaxed.

Su:"Good idea." Padofelis:"

Okay, okay!""

"I want to go too.

Velvet:"Little Pado, you must be a part of it!"

Aponya:"Bring Qianjie with you, too. He's better at cooking.""

Qianjie:"Don't call me for this kind of activity."

"I dont go......"

Mebius:"There is no need to reserve my share in this kind of thing."

Alicia:"Dr. Mebius, don't be so unsocial."

Mebius:"Because there is hateful love Lisia, that’s why I don’t want to go."

Eden:"You say that every time."


"Mebius is like this every time"

"Is there Alicia in this meeting? If there is, I won’t go"

"I'm here because the guinea pig is here too."

Alicia gave many examples.

And they all imitated Mebius' tone.



"Sister Ai Li, your imitation really looks like it."

"It’s like she really is Sister Snake......"

Mebius looked at Padophyllis:"Phyllis, I have an experiment that I want you to participate in."

"I will come to you personally in two days."

In an instant, the hair all over Padofelis stood on end.

This was too scary.

Padofelis immediately hid behind Alicia:"Sister Alicia, protect me quickly."

Eden:"Mebius, don't scare Pado like this.

Qianjie:"What a timid cat.""

Kevin looked like everyone was noisy.

The corner of his mouth raised slightly.

Then he looked at Mei.

Then he continued to look at the scene in the game screen.


Such a warm and beautiful scene.

In Kevin's fantasy.

It has also happened many, many times......

It’s also Kevin’s ultimate dream. in the game screen.

Everyone looked at the can curiously.

Aponya nodded slightly and said:"Yeah......"

"I have seen it more than once"

"Kevin sneaks into the kitchen in the middle of the night......"

Qianjie heard someone sneak into the kitchen.

He immediately turned his head to look at Aponya:"Huh?"

The kitchen has always been the place he looked after.

Someone could actually sneak in!

Hua also solved a mystery:"No wonder cans are getting heavier and heavier......."

Padofelis immediately picked up the can.

Weighing it in my hand,

I felt that the can had become a lot heavier.

"No way, Boss Kevin!"

"Continue like this......"

"The canned food will turn into a pig!"

The can that was picked up gave a faint meow.

The golden hair was very cute under the sunlight.

Padofelis shouted in the other direction:"Boss Kevin!"

"Don't pretend you can't hear me!"

"No more canned food!"

Following the direction of Padofelis's voice, the game screen began to shift to another place.

On the other side of the hillside, on the lush lawn.

Two figures were lying on it together.

This scene was filled with the tranquility of the years..

Mei and Kevin looked at each other.

They only saw each other.

They forgot about the other people who were having a barbecue not far away.

The two held hands.

There were smiles on their faces.

Kevin's smile was very innocent.

Just like this moment.

He is not the savior Kevin.

Nor is he the hero Kevin who has carried everything and walked alone for more than 55 years. At this moment, he is just himself.

Just Kevin.

That's all. The same goes for Mei.

No. The leader of the Fire Chasing Moth.

Not the chief scientist.

There is no collapse or experiment at this moment.

There is just a pair of ordinary lovers. They are bathing in the sun and looking at each other with sincere eyes. Kevin has also completed becoming The biggest wish of the fusion warrior in the future. That is to be by Mei's side. Instead of being able to keep a distance. The audience in front of the light curtain looked at this scene. Their hearts melted. In the headquarters of Destiny, Rita looked at You with a smile. Randall:"Lord You Randall, let's go and bask in the sun when we have time.


"Very lazy feeling."

Youlandel nodded:"Yes, sometimes you have to relax yourself."

"You say so, Rita."

Otto behind him.

Looking at this scene, he also fell silent.

There seemed to be envy.

There was also nostalgia.

There was also a trace of jealousy.

In short, Otto's expression was very complicated.


Otto's heart.

I recalled the name again.

This is the name that he has thought about day and night for more than five hundred years.

"I also want to have one day"

"Lying on the lawn with you, telling many stories"

"I really hope I have such an opportunity in the future......"

In the previous video.

Otto knew it.

Your plan will definitely succeed.

Although the price is his own life.

That doesn't matter.

As long as Kallen can be resurrected.

Then everything you do will be worth it.

For Otto, that was it.

So Otto also understood at this moment.

Maybe he would never be able to lie with Karen like this.

But it doesn't matter......

The sinner myself. needreceive punishment.

At least in the future, I have indeed fulfilled my obsession for more than five hundred years.

That's enough.

Otto looked at the game screen again, where Kevin and Mei only saw each other.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of the mouth

【March 7: This is so cute, right?】

【Xing: Is this what is called lovers finally getting married?】

【Walter: This should be the best gift for Kevin before he leaves.】

【Padofelis: Woohoo, boss Kevin!】

【Alicia: Kevin, you can finally hold Dr. May's hand.】

【Honkai Impact: It can be seen that they both love each other deeply. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Silver Wolf: I don’t really understand this.】

【Kafka: Little girls don’t need to understand】

【Kiana: Wow, does Mei also have this look in her eyes?】

【Mei: Me......】

【Bronya: Obviously, Kiana thought of something bad again】

【Xier: I hope they can meet in another world】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Kevin, Kevin, you are just like Otto】

【Otto: Herrscher of Knowledge, I feel there is still a big difference】

【Walter: Yes, you are a bad guy, Kevin is not】

【Li Sushang: Hahaha, I really like watching Walter fight Otto. 】

In front of the computer.

Linn had already sat back in his seat.

Follow all the viewers.

Watching Kevin dream.

This may be fate, giving Kevin this last moment.

The best dream, right?

"Otto saw this scene"

"Don't be jealous"

"Poor Otto......"

Linn thought about Otto.

Just want to laugh......

But there is a saying that goes well.

Laughter does not make people laugh.

Otto is a real man!


At this time, Lin En had a bold idea in his mind.

Then continue to look at the game screen.

Lynn thinks it works! in the game screen.

Mei looked at Kevin with a happy smile on her face, and Kevin's youthful look was reflected in her pupils.

The two seemed to have returned to their student days.

Hear someone calling for Kevin.

Mei said softly:"Everyone seems to be talking about you."


Kevin said with no one else in his eyes at this time:"I......"

"I do not know anything"

【Padofelis: Boss Kevin, you are really going too far! I obviously shouted so loudly】

【March 7: Hahaha, Kevin’s answer made me laugh to death.】

【Theresa: No wonder Siegfried was so annoying back then】

【Otto: I think so too】

【Hollander: This answer is really funny】

【Kiana: Why did you mention the smelly dad?】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Hahaha, Kevin is still a love brain, it turns out】

【Fu Hua: You have all my memories, don’t you know Kevin?】

【Alicia: Maybe it’s because you didn’t behave like this when you met Kevin.】

【Gratius: This is also the first time I’ve seen Uncle Kevin like this】

【Su: This is the first time I see the two of them like this】



Audiences in the live broadcast room.

At this moment, I forgot all my worries.

Forgot the tragedy before.

In everyone's eyes at this moment.

There is only this official couple who has gone through ups and downs.

Two of them.

Worth this last moment of comfort...... in the game screen.

Mei looked at Kevin with a smile:"Doesn't it matter if you don't go to everyone's place?"

Kevin:"It's quieter here, and......"


Kevin smiled and said,"I want to stay with you for a while."

When Mei heard Kevin say this.

He couldn't help but be stunned.

Because this is also the first time.

It's also the only time.

Kevin said this to May.

Former Kevin......

But very dull.

And since the two of them joined the Fire Chasing Moth,......

There has never been a time like this.

Don't even count on it.

Kevin would say something like this......

Mei himself is a scientific researcher.

There is no such emotional intelligence.

But at this moment......

It seems that everything has changed differently.

Maybe it's because this is Kevin's dream...070 Or maybe it’s because humans finally defeated Honkai.

Crossed the end.

Or maybe......

It was Mei who also realized her own heart.

So Mei at this moment.

I also felt particularly relaxed.

Finally said the same thing......

He said what he had buried in his heart for a long time:"Me too……"


The two of them continued like thisLook at each other quietly.

Ignoring the sounds of other people playing not far away.

No words were spoken.

No need to speak.

At this moment, you just need to look at each other quietly.

That's enough.

In the distance, Padofelis kept calling the two of them.

It was also automatically filtered by the atmosphere of solitude between the two of them.

It was also the first time Kevin felt it.

The sun shining on my body is so warm......

I finally understand why Padofelis likes to sleep in the sun.

Kevin gently squeezed May's hand.

It hasn't been like this for a long, long time. too long.

This time is really too long for Kevin.

Ever since he became a fusion warrior.

He has never held Mei's hand like this again.

This moment seems like a lot of things.

It was all felt by Kevin again.

It was as if all the things he had lost over the years... over the past fifty-five thousand years... had returned at this moment.

Kevin was very happy... very happy... just looking at Mei……


"when you look at the sky"

"what's on your mind?"

Mei looked at the sky at this time.

His face was extremely relaxed.

It was as if his whole body was empty.

That was an expression that Mei from the pre-civilization era had never had since joining the Fire Chasing Moth.

Mei's tone had also never been like that..

Feeling the lazy sunshine shining on her face, Mei lazily said:"Well……"

"nice weather?"

"The view is broad and clear"

"At night, you will definitely be able to see the stars in the sky."

Kevin"I remember you once said"

"All the stars in the sky are enemies. Mei:"


"those shining lights"

"beautiful yet cruel"

"If we are not careful, it will swallow us all up."

Kevin:" Well, I believed so too.

Mei:"What about now? Have you changed your mind?""

Kevin replied:"You are right, but……"

"Now I want to believe"

"Those lights bring not only threats;……"

"Open up hope for the future. Mei smiled happily:"

I almost forgot.""

"You are such a romantic person to begin with"

"Firm and brave, but unable to let go of that naivety"


Pre-civilization era.

When Mei heard this sentence... she was shocked! yes!

Kevin was originally such a big boy.

It was only later that Fire Chasing Moth was added.

Start taking responsibility for protecting everyone.

Kevin slowly changed……


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