in the game screen.

May and Kevin are two people.

An affectionate look.

The audience was really envious.

But not everyone is so envious.

In the quantum sea.

Hei Xi hugged herself tightly:"Hey......"

"So disgusting......"

"I really didn’t expect that Kevin, the savior hero"

"To actually say such a thing."

Xie'er:"The other me, I think it's okay."

"There's nothing bad about it.

Hei Xi:"That's not true. You often say this to your sister.""

Xie'er:"I......Do I have it? Hei

Xi didn't talk too much to Xi'er in this regard:"Okay, okay.""

"But I really didn’t expect it"

"Even plum blossoms......"

Hei Xi said this.

He stopped as soon as the words reached his lips.

This plum is just the plum in Kevin's dream.

Maybe Mei is not like this in reality....

Anyway, from Hei Xi's point of view.

The conversation between these two people.

Although very touching.

But it's really a little bit nauseating.

Everyone who listened got goosebumps.

Xi'er didn't notice HeiThe way he hesitated to speak.

Instead, he continued:"For Kevin"

"This is the most beautiful dream"

"Perhaps in the pre-civilization era, he had imagined such a scene countless times.

Hei Xi:" Is there any need to say it?""

"After all, everything he has done since coming to this civilization era"

"It's all for the promise made with my former partner"

"It’s also for the agreement with Mei"

"He didn't have to do so much......"

Hei Xi doesn't understand.

What kind of idea is it?

Supported Kevin to get to where he is today.

But Xier can understand the persistence in Kevin's heart.

The two continued to look at the game screen. in the game screen.

Kevin heard May say this about himself.

First he was stunned.

Then he said with a smile:"Sorry......"

Mei looked at Kevin seriously:"No need to apologize."

"This is what I like about you"

"It is for this reason that"

"Only then will I leave everything to you."

"Thank you for your hard work."

Kevin:"It doesn't matter, this is what I should do."


"thank you all."

Mei seemed to be looking at a big fool. She looked at Kevin with some distress:"It's obviously a burden we forced on you."

"You are really honest......"

"If you want to say thank you, why not say it to everyone in person."

At this moment......

Alicia, who was having a barbecue with everyone, shouted loudly:"Kevin......"

"The barbecue is ready!"

Weilwei:"If you don't come here, you'll be eaten up by Little Pado......."

Patophilis bit her tongue and defended loudly:"That's not true!"

"It was obviously Sister Ying who ate the most!


Mei smiled and said,"Just in time, everyone is calling you.""

"It's almost time to go."

Kevin's eyes showed a little bit of disappointment:"Yeah, it's time to go. Mei looked at the big boy in front of her and said,"Don't worry, this time"

"I will accompany you"

"Everyone will be with you"

"We will never leave you alone again."

Kevin nodded vigorously, then hummed softly.

Then he turned to look at the sky.

It was cloudless and the weather was sunny.

The sun was just right.

"What a nice weather......"

Mei stood up with a smile and pulled Kevin up from the ground:"Let's go, Kevin"

"I'll take you to find everyone."

May held Kevin's hand.

Kevin walked behind May and walked toward everyone.......

There are others among the heroes over there.

When I saw two people walking over.

Everyone waved to Kevin happily.

Kevin's face......

This moment is also full of smiles.

Very long time.

I have never been so happy.

Since coming to this civilization era......

Ever since I lost everyone.

I have never been so happy again.

Now Kevin is finally back with everyone again.

The two left a back view to the audience in the live broadcast room.

Walking towards the people under the shade of a tree not far away.....

Finally Kevin's voice sounded again......

"this world......"

"I'll leave it to you, Kiana......."

The screen once again turned into a white space of consciousness.

Finally, Kiana slowly opened her eyes and nodded slowly:"Yes!"

"Not just me;......"


The game screen is divided into two screens at this time.

One is Kevin and May walking towards everyone together.

The other one was Kiana turning around and leaving.

She will protect her world.

This time there was no need for Kevin to give.

What follows is their own civilization’s business.......

So far......

The final transfer of power is completed.

Kevin Kaslana, the Thirteen Heroes of Fire Chasing in the Pre-Civilization Era, will be responsible for protecting the world. handed it over to his descendants.

Kiana Kaslana, Herrscher of the End.

This is the inheritance of civilization and the inheritance of the Kaslana family.

At this point the final battle ends.

The present era of civilization is victorious.

Kiana inherits the complete power of the Herrscher of the End and becomes the true Herrscher of the End

【Padofelis: Thank you for your hard work, future boss Kevin!】

【Alicia: Good job, Kevin】

【Mei: You idiot, you obviously don’t need to do this.】

【Mebius: It’s really because he’s an idiot that he did this.】

【Eden: Idiots can also be inherited.】

【Teresa: Yes, it’s uncomfortable. All I have known in my life are a bunch of idiots】

【Youlandel: Yes, it’s because there are too many idiots that this world will be beautiful and people like it.】

【Otto: A long time ago, I also knew a fool like this】

【March 7: Boss Kevin, you must live well with everyone in another world (tears) (tears) (tears)】

【Star: Definitely......】

【Walter: Their stories will continue to be passed down in our later eras.】

【Silver Wolf: So does this game end here?】

【Kafka: Didn’t the captain previously release a story ten years in the future?】

【Bronya: I believe there should be some ending next.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Next......】

【Mei Yi: Xiaoshi’s timeline is after this, right?】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Yes, Old Antique and I came out after bidding farewell to Kiana.】

【Alicia: Farewell?】

【Mei: What does this mean?】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: This......this......Let Walter tell you】

【Walter: I didn’t enter the conscious space at first】

【Xingqiong Jizi: What riddles are you playing?】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Oops, I don’t know how to explain this matter, so I’ll let the captain tell you. 】

In front of the computer.

Lin En looked at the barrage and shook his head helplessly.

The Lawyer of Consciousness really knows which pot he will not open or pick up.

Obviously, everyone was just excited about Kevin's story, and their moods were fluctuating a lot.

Kiana can't come back from the moon.

Lin En didn't plan to broadcast it live like this.

As a result, Herrscher of Consciousness made a good start.

Now the bullet screens are all asking about Lin En.

Then there's no way.

Who told him that Linn was a fan-favorite anchor?

But it's predictable.

Then there was another wave of big mood swings. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After all, there are many people in the live broadcast room.

They all like Kiana very much.

Lin En looked at the live broadcast room:"The farewell Xiao Shi said just now means literally."

"Kiana is now the complete Herrscher of the End"

"Equivalent to a collection of Honkai energy, the energy in her body has become extremely powerful."

"At this time, the earth has already undergone the transformation of the Stigmata Project."

"It's like a new earth"

"Before this new earth is stabilized, if Kiana comes directly to the earth,"

"will bring unpredictable consequences to the earth"

"So for the safety of the earth and everyone else, Kiana must stay on the moon temporarily."

"It will take almost 10 years"

"But don’t worry, Kiana can still communicate with the earth"

"At the same time, scientists from Tianming and Anti-Entropy will also go to Kiana to establish an experimental base on the earth."

"Thoroughly research and dissect the power of the end"

"The purpose is to make the power of the end a power that humans can master and use......."

Lin En explained it all at once.

"Since the Lawyer of Consciousness also said it just now,"

"Then I will continue to live broadcast the following plot for you to watch."

"Kiana, who became the Herrscher of the End, returned to the Land of the End......"

"Then it’s time to say goodbye to our friends on Earth"


"Just wait and see for yourselves."

Lynn started clicking on the game screen.

As for the live broadcast reward, he also continued to delay it.

Waiting for a critical hit!

See if he can explode something super good.

And now that he knows Kiana,

The audience was stunned at the news that they would stay on the moon for ten years.

On the top of the mountain, the Herrscher of Knowledge wished he could slap himself:"I speak so fast!"

"Wait for them to die of grief one by one?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge can probably guess the reaction in the live broadcast room later.

After all, he has actually experienced this scene.

Now the communication between Kiana and everyone is projection.

Many people on the earth miss this fuss. Girls.

Even Fu Hua would talk about Kiana from time to time when traveling. The Herrscher of Knowledge shook his head helplessly:"I don't know what will happen in ten years."......"

"Can Kiana return to earth?"

"It’s really hard to tell."

The Herrscher of Knowledge understood in his heart.

The deadline Kiana mentioned at the beginning was when the research was going very smoothly.

But it was research after all, and there were too many uncertainties.

How could it be so smooth?

More What's more, the thing he is studying is the extremely powerful and terrifying power of the end.

The Herrscher of Knowledge grabbed his head very guiltily:"Wait a minute, Raiden Meiyi and the others."

"I'll cry to death"

"This time it became my fault."

But it has already happened.

Lin En also plans to live broadcast the scene of Kiana saying goodbye to everyone.

She can't stop it even if she wants to.

"Forget it"

"They will also have to face it in the future......"

Herrscher of Knowledge:"No, I already know this future"

"Maybe there is a way to avoid it in the future?"

The Lawyer of Consciousness makes more sense the more he thinks about it.......

On the Star Dome Train.

March 7:"Uncle Yang, Kiana wants to stay on the moon alone for ten years?"

"I remember you told us before"

"The moon is a satellite of the earth"

"is directly exposed in outer space"

"How lonely Kiana would be if she stayed up there alone! Walter nodded:"Yes, because the power of the end has a great impact on the earth.""

"before the earth stabilizes"

"Kiana cannot return to Earth directly and can only communicate with everyone through communication."

Xing:"Uncle Yang, I want to ask you"

"By the time you leave the collapsing world, has Kiana returned to Earth?"

March 7 looked at Walter expectantly.

What she got was a disappointing answer.

"until i leave......"

"Kiana still hasn’t returned to Earth"

"And it has been almost ten years.

Ji Zi:"So ten years is just an uncertain number.""

Walter: Yes, the research on the final power

"It's not that easy."

March 7:"It's so unfair."

"Obviously, when Kiana and the others were sitting in Hyperion, they even said they wanted to go home together."

"As a result, Kiana was left alone on Earth."

Walter:"There's nothing we can do about it."

"After all, no one wants the earth they just saved to be destroyed again."

Xing:"March, don't worry first."

"Kiana can still maintain contact with the earth, and there are experimenters on it"

"Kiana will not be alone."

Walter:"Yes, people on earth can occasionally go to her."

Himeko:"But after all, that's not the earth where Kiana has been living."

"Her good friends are also on Earth"

"Kiana is a different child from others, living like that on the moon"

"You should feel lonely occasionally. March 7:"


"Fate is really (Zhao De's) so unfair!"

"You actually bully people like this!"


On March 7th, he defended Kiana.

He was very angry.

And for this, Walter had nothing to do.

No one on the earth could do anything.

All he could do was wait for Kiana on the earth. Back.

Walter looked at the live broadcast room:"Okay, let's take a good look at Kiana saying goodbye to everyone."

On March 7th, he said,"Uncle Yang, just now you said that Kiana didn't say goodbye to you?""

"is that true?"

Walter coughed awkwardly:"Kiana said goodbye to all the people on earth."

"It's just that the method used is different"

"It's all about saying goodbye, so don't worry too much about the formal aspects. Xing looked at Walter:"Uncle Yang, is it because you and Kiana are not very familiar with each other?""

"So he was placed with all the people on earth"

"The tone of the Herrscher of Knowledge just now seemed as if they were having a private chat alone."

Walter looked at Xing with a hint of resentment in his eyes.

The meaning expressed was very simple.

Don't you understand if you can see through or tell the truth?

From Walter's eyes,

Xing understood a lot.

March 7 also understood:"It turns out Qi Qi Yana and Uncle Yang are not familiar with each other......."

Himeko snorted.

He laughed out loud.

Walter didn’t want to say anything more.

Continue to look at the game screen in the live broadcast room.

Lin En also played a new plot at this time

"Everyone, it’s begun"

"Next, Kiana will say goodbye to every important person in her life."

"But don't worry......"

"It's just temporary......"

"You in the live broadcast room can take a guess, who will she say goodbye to?......"

In the game screen.....Leng

Qiana returned to the Cocoon of Ending again.

Arriving in front of the Cocoon of Finality.

The Cocoon of Finality also seemed to feel Kiana's arrival.

Started to rotate……


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