In the conference room of St. Freya Academy.

Theresa and Jizi looked at the scene in the live broadcast room in disbelief.

Kiana wants to stay on the moon for ten years?

Theresa looked a little unhappy:"Why is this happening?"

"Even if the captain said this, I don’t agree with it!"

"This is so unfair to Kiana!"

"She is obviously the hero who saved the world!

Jizi:"Calm down, Theresa.""

"Didn’t the captain just say that if Kiana comes back directly?"

"It will cause huge harm to the entire planet. Theresa:"


For Teresa.

Kiana is not just a student of St. Freya Academy.

Even more so, his own relatives.

His relatives saved the world.

As a result, they will be left on the moon for another ten years.

From the perspective of being an aunt.

Theresa couldn't accept this.

Ji Zi shook her head:"There's nothing wrong with it.""


"I believe that this is also a decision made by Kiana herself"

"She was the only one who knew how to protect others and felt this way."

Theresa clenched her fists, and finally relaxed her fists slightly.

"I see......"

In that moment.

Teresa thought of someone else. cecilia...

That is Kiana's mother.

Theresa continued to look at the light screen:"Kiana, I will wrong you for a while in the future."

Jizi:"I believe that with Kiana's character"

"Even on the moon, I can live happily with everyone"

"And she's not living up there alone......."

Jizi looked at the game screen in the live broadcast room and continued:"If this Kiana is now"

"Maybe I will still be a little worried"

"But that is the future Kiana, Theresa......"

Teresa:"Is there any difference?"

Jizi replied:"Of course there is, they are still children now and do not have full wings yet."

"Need our careful guidance and care"

"But the future Kiana has grown up and is ahead of us"

"Go faster and further than us"

"I believe it was Kiana who made this decision herself"

"I also believe that in the future, you will support Kiana’s decision."

"Because Kiana has grown up in the future......"

"You can make your own path. Theresa was shocked, and then said with a smile:"Yes, I still treat her as a child.""

"Almost forgot"

"That is Qia807na who has grown into the Herrscher of the End in the future."

"Although it will be very sad when parting, I also believe that everyone will say goodbye to Kiana properly. Ji Zi:"


"Kiana will also say goodbye to everyone properly."

"This child has always been the character who wants to take on everything by himself"

"It will be the same even in the future. Theresa:"


"This is the same with Cecilia."

In the Valkyrie dormitory, several people were stunned when they heard that Kiana would not be able to return to Earth in the future. Kiana herself did not pay much attention to this aspect. Because Kiana has a big heart! In her opinion, it was just a change of place to live. And she was not the only one on the moon. There was no other research team or anything like that. Moreover, Mei and Bronya should also be able to come and see her. Mei looked at Qi Yana:"No wonder, in the plot ten years later


"Only Bronya and I got together"

"Kiana did not appear."

Bronya nodded:"Bronya also felt a little strange at the time."

"It seems now that at that point in the future"

"Kiana should still be on the moon. Fu

Hua looked at Kiana with a complicated expression:"I didn't expect that after becoming the Herrscher of the End in the future,"

"Is there still such a price to pay?"

Ya Yi:"Ten years......"

"So long......"

In Mei Yi's eyes.

With a hint of reluctance.

Although that is something that will happen in the future.

But just think about it, Kiana will be trapped on the moon for ten years in the future.

Meiyi couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

She is the person who knows Kiana best.

I also know Kiana’s noisy temper.

Even with those research teams on the moon.

Kiana definitely didn't feel as free as she did in St. Freya Academy.

Bronya:"Sister Mei, Bronya knows what you are thinking."

"But according to what the captain said"

"This seems inevitable in the future."

Kiana looked at the three of them looking a little sad:"It's okay."


"Isn’t it just a matter of living in a different place for ten years?"

"And the captain also said, I'm not the only one, you can also come and visit me from time to time."

The three of them didn't speak.

They just suddenly felt envious of Kiana's optimistic character.

Ten years is not a long time.

It is not a short time (cadc).......

There is also communication between the earth and the moon, so you can see it if you want to.

But after all, they are two places far apart. in the coming days.

Who can guarantee themselves.

You must have extra time to go to the moon?

Mei:"Don't worry, Kiana"

"We will try our best to change this future."

Bronya nodded:"Since it is because of Kevin's Stigma Project that the earth will be transformed and reborn."

"That is to say, when knowing the future"

"Just stop the implementation of Kevin's Stigmata plan"

"Then it would be possible to maintain the strength of the Earth"

"In this way, even if Kiana in the future becomes the Herrscher of the End,"

"That can also be returned to Earth.

Fu Hua supported his chin with one hand:"Yes, as long as it is arranged in advance"

"It's not impossible to do this."

Kiana chuckled:"It seems that everyone still likes me being around you!"

"Right, Bronya!"

Bronya glanced at Kiana with disgust:"You think too much about Kiana."

"Bronya just doesn’t want to see Sister Mei sad."

"And Bronya believes that in the next farewell session,"

"Bronya will definitely be the most direct one"

"After all, idiot Kiana is quite annoying."

Kiana made a face at Bronya:"Slightly~"

"Just be tough, Bronya."

Ya Yi looked at the two of them, and the haze was swept away.

Then she said with hope in her eyes:"If possible"

"I still hope that the few of us can be like this in the future."

Mei Yi also looked at Fu Hua.

Fu Hua was stunned.

Then Kiana added:"The future squad leader will have some knowledge around him."

"I also went on a trip."

Bronya:" Bronya smelled the sour smell in the air."


Just when the two of them were starting to get into trouble again,

Yayi said,"Okay, you two"

"The new plot played by the captain will begin immediately."

The eyes of the two people.

Then they slowly looked at the game screen in the live broadcast room.

As soon as the screen started, it connected to the scene where Kiana said goodbye to Kevin just now.

Kiana in the state of Herrscher of the End.

Returning to the Land of Ending again.

The clothes on her body were no longer the uniforms of St. Freya Academy.

Kiana slowly walked towards the Cocoon of Ending.

She said with some confusion:"Speaking of which......"

"Last time we left here by talking to Cocoon."

Kiana came to a stop in front of the Cocoon of Finality.

She looked at the Cocoon of Finality and said,"Hey, are you listening?"

After waiting quietly for a while, she didn't get an answer from the Cocoon of the End.

Kiana curiously rubbed her chin and said to herself:"Strange......"

"This time, there is nothing?"

Just when Kiana was extremely confused, the ethereal voice of the cocoon of the end sounded.

It turned into paragraphs and reached Kiana's ears.

At the same time, the audience in the live broadcast room also heard the voice of the cocoon of the end again. Voice. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Because the cocoon is just a mirror"

"The way you embrace humanity is the way a cocoon embraces humanity."

Kiana put her hands on her waist and said proudly:"Of course."

"If you don't want to, I can beat you up right now!"

Cocoon of Finality:"That's not necessary."

"You are already the only Herrscher of the End, the god of this world"


"The only example, a successful hug!"

Kiana smiled slightly after hearing this.

The audience in the live broadcast room also understood.

In other words,

Kiana is now like the owner of the Final Cocoon.

And the Final Cocoon is more like It's Kiana's weapon.

Perhaps more advancedly.

An artificial intelligence that answers all questions?


From the moment Kiana becomes the complete Herrscher of the End, human civilization no longer has to worry about the end. The end has arrived.

Now mankind is under the end.

Whether it survives or is destroyed. It all depends on Kiana's thought.

That is what the cocoon of the end says.

The way Kiana embraces mankind.

It is the way the cocoon embraces mankind..

Looking at the cocoon of the end, which had become more well-behaved,

Kiana said in a gentle tone:"Okay, you'd better tell me how to get out of here."

The cocoon of the end replied with a voice:"Passing through the cocoon, you can land on the moon."

"Then Hyperion can carry you back to Earth"

"But Cocoon does not recommend this approach."

Kiana frowned, thought for a moment, and gave the reason why she didn't recommend it.

"Because I just experienced the reconstruction of the Stigma Project"

"The earth's wounds have not yet healed?"

The tone of the cocoon of the end was obviously a little surprised:"It seems that you have known about this situation for a long time."


"Are you learning to use your cocoon senses?"

Kiana thought for a while and replied:"It should be said that it is both."

"However, in this case......"

Kiana realized the purpose of this mirror.

Maybe it also includes reflecting the shadow of others?

So Kiana closed her eyes slightly.

Started to use his power

【March 7: Huh? Why did you close your eyes while you were talking?】

【Star: Kiana seems to be using the power of the Final Cocoon】

【Herrscher of Consciousness: Somewhat like the powers of Herrscher of Consciousness......But it doesn't look like it. ]

Lin En explained:"Strictly speaking, it is the power of the Herrscher of the End."

"Kiana is using Cocoon's senses to contact Bronya and Mei who are still on the moon."

"The cocoon of the end has senses beyond all"

"Therefore, in the pre-civilization era, it was possible to create the Herrscher of Restraint, which was extremely lethal to fusion warriors."

"But now Kiana has just become the Herrscher of the End after all."

"Therefore, the use of the Cocoon of Finality still needs to be slowly explored."

Lynn finished explaining.

In front of Kiana, two rays of light of different colors passed by.

Two new figures appeared in front of Kiana.

Bronya and Mei.

Linn:"This It is the projection guided by Kiana through the power of the end."

【Kiana: Such a convenient power. With this power, I can live on the moon and see Mei often.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: This is the theory】

【Mei Yi: I didn’t expect that the power of the end could have such an effect.】

【Alicia: This is also the first time I know about it. It’s so amazing.】

【Mei: If this power can really be used by humans in the future......】

【Velvet: I have to say, Kiana’s idea is really bold】

【Mebius: Become the lightning that splits dead trees and gives humans fire......It seems she really did it】

【Sue: Kevin's descendants, that's interesting】

【Sakura: I really envy Hua. I can become good partners with them in the future.】

【Hua: Maybe this is also Fu Hua’s choice.】

【Seele: It would be great if I could summon Sister Bronya’s projection to me like this.】

【March 7: This ability is really good. I wonder how convenient it would be if I had it.】

【Dan Heng: I don’t want to be summoned by you when I have nothing to do all day long. 】

In the game screen.

The moment Bronya saw Kiana.

His eyes lit up:"Kiana!"

Kiana said very relaxedly:"It is indeed Bronya."

Meiyi finally felt relieved when she saw that Kiana was fine.

"Kiana, what happened just now?......"

In the battle on the moon just now.

Kiana gave Kevin the final blow.

Disappeared with Kevin.

This worried both of them.

Kiana briefly talked about the transfer of power to Kevin just now.

Mei Yi:"So, now you......"

"Is it the Herrscher of the End in a complete sense?"

Kiana nodded:"That's right."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine"

"But before that, I have something to say to people around the world......"

Bronya:"The whole world?"

Bronya was curious.

What does Kiana want to do?

Kiana explained:"It doesn't matter......."

"For most people, these words of mine only appear in their dreams."

Then Kiana looked at the two of them.

A purple light flashed in her eyes.

At this moment,

Bronya and Mei seemed to understand Kiana's decision.

Stay on the moon for ten years!

Help mankind master the end of the world. The power of Yan.

Because the two of them are Herrschers.

And now Kiana is the Herrscher of the End.

Therefore, through this method of spiritual synchronization, they can instantly understand their thoughts.

Lin En is also in the live broadcast room. After explaining.

Bronya's expression suddenly became lonely.

Mei Yi's expression was a little reluctant at first.

Then her eyes became firm.

Then Kiana coughed twice as if giving a speech.

Passed The power of the end.

Passing his thoughts to everyone on the earth


"Hello everyone!"

"I am your Herrscher of the End......"

"Kiana Kaslana......"

Although for most people.

This will only be a dream.

But Kiana's friends and family all knew it clearly.

This is Kiana's decision......

And this was also Kiana's short farewell to everyone on earth.

There is also a ten-year agreement............

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