On the Star Dome Train.

Looking at the game screen, Kiana started shouting to people all over the world.

Several people looked at Walter very curiously.

Walter felt the eyes of several people.

He also looked embarrassed for a while.

He knew what these people were thinking.

Walter said calmly:"Yes, that's how I received Kiana's farewell message."

March 7 burst out laughing.


"Sorry Uncle Yang, I can't help it~"

"I thought it would be very ritualistic at first, but I didn't expect it to be so simple."

Xing nodded:"Me too, at first I thought it was Kiana using some method."

"Who came to earth to tell you these things"

"It turned out to be in a dream.

Dan Heng:"Maybe it's because Mr. Walter and Kiana are not particularly familiar with each other.""

"But the relationship with Bronya is better. Walter nodded:"Yes, when I was destroying the universe"

"I don’t have much contact with Kiana."

"Bronya, as my successor, the two of us have the most contact.

Ji Zi:"That makes sense."

March 7:"You can't do it, Uncle Yang.""

"This will make you look very statusless."

March 7 said jokingly.

Walter pushed up his glasses:"This kind of thing doesn't matter."

"It's not something particularly important"

"Besides, even if you are face to face with me"

"The two of us had nothing to talk about."

March 7 thought for a while.

It seemed that it was really the case.

It seemed that in such a moment,

March 7 imagined such a scene.

Kiana and Walter faced each other awkwardly.

After a long time, Walter introduced himself:"Hello, Herrscher of the End"

"I am Walter Young, former Herrscher of Reason."

Then Kiana introduced her back in the same way:"Hello, former Herrscher of Reason."

"I am Kiana Kaslana, the current Herrscher of the End."

This scene was so embarrassing.

But it was the two of them who were embarrassed.

Thinking of this scene, March 7 finally couldn't help laughing again.

Hahaha laughter.

It resounded throughout the entire carriage.

Several other people were also amused by the joyful atmosphere on March 7th.

They also laughed unconsciously.

In the game screen, after bidding farewell to humans all over the earth,

Kiana took back her spirit and returned to the End. On the ground.

He opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief and said:"It should be okay to say it like this."

At this time, Kiana turned around.

When she was about to say goodbye to Mei and Bronya, there was no one behind her.

The projections of the two people who were supposed to be behind her were missing?

"Mei? Bronya?"

Kiana was worried.

Will something happen to the two of them?

At this time, the cocoon of the end comforted:"Don't worry, your communication is just a little unstable."

Kiana probably understood what was going on. Maybe it was because she was not so familiar with the use of the power of the end. That was why the link between her, Bronya and Mei was interrupted. Then the projection disappeared. In this place of the end. Just when Kiana was thinking about how to contact Bronya and the others again, the voice of the cocoon of the end sounded again.

"There are many ways to use the ultimate power......"

"Like this......"

Kiana looked at the Cocoon of Finality curiously.

Compared to Kiana.

The cocoon of the end is the person most familiar with the power of the end.

So the power of the end.

In the hands of the cocoon of the end.

It can be said that it is driven like an arm.

Lin En looked at the plot on the game screen.

He began to say:"The Cocoon of the End uses powers similar to the Herrscher of Consciousness."

"Helped Kiana connect with everyone’s consciousness space"

"Of course, not everyone on the planet"

"But in Kiana's heart, the important people she wants to see at this time"

"Today’s Cocoon of Finality and Herrscher of Finality Kiana"

"Almost like a sympathizer"

"So the cocoon of the end can know who Kiana wants to see"

"At the same time, use Kiana's final power to help Kiana see these people."

Lin En's explanation ended.

The Herrscher of Knowledge on the barrage became proud.

【Herrscher of Consciousness: How is it? My great Herrscher of Consciousness power is still easy to use, right?】

【Bronya: We suddenly lost contact. I wonder if my repressed sister and I will also be worried in the future.】

【Mei: I think not, after all, she is Kiana】

【Kiana: I knew Mei trusted me the most】

【Theresa: I don’t know if I will be included in the next farewell.】

【March 7: Apart from Uncle Yang, many people would have it, right?】


【Silver Wolf: The ending of this story is handled really well.】

【Kafka: It is not only the ending of the game, but also the end of their story.】

【Youlandel: We and Kiana will also be very good comrades in the future, right?】

【Rita: It must be, after all, Lady Teresa has also become the Archbishop of Destiny.】

【Otto: It seems that after I left, Destiny became more united.】

【Walter: As long as you know】

【Honkai Impact: Mr. Walter always seems to have a strong opinion of the bishop.】

【Li Sushang: That means there will be a touching parting scene next, no fighting?】

【Xier: Sister Bronya will definitely be very sad if she is separated from Kiana for so long. 】

In the game screen.

As the power of the Cocoon of Finality unfolds.

A flash of white light filled the entire game screen.

As Kiana opened her eyes.

I found a white light door in front of me.

This is obviously caused by the cocoon of the end.

Kiana believed that the Cocoon of Finality would not attack her at this time.

After all, he is the complete Herrscher of the End.

From the moment he became the Herrscher of the End.

Kiana could feel that her relationship with the Final Cocoon had changed.

He seemed to have jumped for life.

Become the master of the cocoon of the end.

The cocoon of finality is more like a servant to help you become familiar with the power of finality.

So Kiana stepped in confidently and boldly.

After crossing the light gate.

Kiana looked at her surroundings.

Like an endless starry sky. empty


"nothing here"

"Is it the space of consciousness again?"

Just when Kiana was about to explore this place, a familiar voice came from behind her.


The audience all heard it.

Is this Theresa's voice?

As Kiana turned around in the game screen,

Theresa appeared behind Kiana.

She was wearing Valkyrie armor.

With a smile on her face He looked at Kiana with interest.

His expression was extremely proud.

His eyes were also full of relief.

Kiana was also surprised by Theresa's appearance:"Huh?"

"Aunt? Theresa walked up to Kiana and said jokingly:"I didn't expect that the ultimate power would be so convenient.""

"Will we never use the phone again?"

Kiana smiled and nodded:"Maybe."

"However, after actually experiencing it......"

"I also truly understand the dangers of this power......"

"If we want ordinary people to live in harmony with this power, we should spend a lot of time"

"to solve some practical technical problems"


"I'm going to work and live on the moon for a while"

"That way, at least it won't come directly to an unprepared Earth. Theresa:"

But if you are a person with strong Honkai adaptability,"

"I won't be easily influenced by you, right?"

Kiana nodded:"Yes, so does auntie!"

"The moon is very interesting. You should come and play it when you have time......."

The two slowly communicated.

He talked about the past at St. Freya Academy. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Theresa’s hidden snacks and comic books.

Kiana regretted that she would no longer be able to steal Theresa's snacks and comic books.

We talked about the future.

At this time, Theresa became Archbishop of Destiny, and the earth had just settled down.

There are a lot of things waiting for Theresa to deal with.

Naturally, there is no time to come and play with Kiana.

Teresa also knew it in the end.

Kiana was definitely not the only one she wanted to say goodbye to.

You are the first.

That already made Theresa very happy.

Finally Theresa and Kiana said goodbye to each other.

As Teresa left, Kiana also exited Teresa's consciousness space.

Then look in the other direction.

Run towards the entrance to another consciousness space.

Went in.

A middle-aged man with white hair appeared somewhere.

He seems to have been waiting here for some time.

When I saw Kiana arriving.

There was also a smile similar to Theresa's.

Lynn in front of the computer.

Only then did I remember.

In the plot of the previous live broadcast.

There are basically no scenes of Siegfried.

So there are many viewers in the live broadcast room.

No one knows who this person is.

Linn immediately said:"This is Siegfried Kaslana"

"That is Kiana’s father"

"He is trapped in a place and will be rescued by Kiana in the future"

"Stinky dad!"

"What a stinky dad!"

Kiana burst into tears with excitement.

Since the last farewell,

Kiana has never seen Siegfried again.

Even Mei and Bronya saw Siegfried for the first time.

Both of them saw Siegfried for the first time. People's expressions were also slightly surprised.

Only Fu Hua narrowed her eyes slightly at Siegfried's appearance. Because this was not the first time she had seen Siegfried. She had communicated with him before. 0Flowers requested However, during that time, she received orders from Otto to monitor two people who escaped from Destiny. One was Siegfried. The other was Kiana, who was escaped from Destiny by Siegfried. Experimental product K423 rescued from the laboratory. As for Fu Hua and Bronya, we also know that Siegfried has disappeared long ago. His whereabouts have been unknown. Kiana has mentioned this matter. Moreover, Theresa lied to Kiana. The condition for entering St. Freya Academy is to tell Kiana the whereabouts of Siegfried when she becomes an A-level Valkyrie. So Kiana has been working hard towards becoming an A-level Valkyrie. It’s just that. Until the end, Kiana failed to become an A-level Valkyrie. But that's all for this scene. Siegfried was finally found by Kiana. Seeing Kiana's excitement, Mei comforted:"Kiya Na, don't worry yet


"From this point of view, you in the future should have found Mr. Siegfried."

Bronya nodded:"Yes Kiana, can see Mr. Siegfried"

"You should feel happy."

Kiana wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes:"Yeah!"

"I knew that smelly dad must have gone somewhere to hide."

"Not at all"

"Otherwise, it wouldn’t have been missing forever."

Don't look at Kiana being carefree in St. Freya Academy every day.

In fact, she also has a soft heart. She has been worried about Siegfried's whereabouts.

This time she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Siegfried is fine. Okay. This was Kiana’s only relative in the world before she met Theresa.

Kiana has lived with Siegfried since she was a child.

Even the name Kiana.

Siegfried gave it to her

"Wait, stinky daddy!"

"I will definitely find you in the future"

"Then rescue you from that place!

Meiyi:"Kiana, Bronya and I will also help you.""

Bronya:"The principal said that Kiana must reach A Valkyrie before she can go to that place."

"The captain didn't directly mention that place just now."

"It can be seen that the place where Mr. Siegfried is tied must be very dangerous.

Fu Hua:"Could it be called reverse entropy?""

Bronya:" This possibility cannot be ruled out."

Mei:"Anyway, Kiana can't take risks now."

"Everything will have to wait until we have the strength."

Although Kiana is impulsive, she is not stupid at all.

She nodded lightly.

Anyway, one thing Kiana can be sure of now is that

Siegfried will live well in the future.

That means that even now There is danger, but it is not a big danger.

On the other side, in the conference room.

When Theresa saw Siegfried, she was surprised at first.

Then the look in her eyes began to turn into jealousy.

"This guy is really alive and well!"

"Leaving Kiana alone, she ran off to who knows where! Jizi looked at Theresa:"

Don't you know where he went?" Theresa shook her head:"I only found the place where he last appeared.""

"I don’t know what’s behind."

"What I told Kiana before was just a delaying tactic."

"But now it seems that this smoker has been living a good life these past few years!"

"It doesn't look like he's suffering.

Ji Zi suddenly understood something:"You mean, Siegfried is really missing?" Theresa nodded.

Can such a thing be false?

Himeko:"But I really didn't expect that the Knight of Destiny who defeated all the A Valkyrie and married Lady Cecilia"

"His whereabouts are unknown"

"I always thought he was on some secret mission.

Theresa:"No, he has not worked in any organization since he left Tianming.""

"Naturally, there is no such thing as being burdened with tasks."

"And Himeko, I need to emphasize something!"

"Very important point! Jizi looked at Theresa.

Why were you so serious all of a sudden?

Jizi said curiously:"Tell me, Theresa." Theresa looked at Siegfried:"This guy not only defeated all the A Valkyrie"


"he still......"

Theresa looked like she hated the iron.

Jizi's curiosity was suddenly aroused:"Him? What happened?"

Theresa clenched her fists

"He touched the butts of all the A-level Valkyries!!!

Ji Zi said hello:"Huh?" ? ? ?

Theresa gritted her teeth:"Cecilia must not know that Siegfried is such a person!""

"How abominable, this villain!

Jizi:" Wait, Theresa.""

"Did you see this with your own eyes?

Theresa shook her head:"No."......"

Himeko:"That is?"

Teresa:"Shigure Kirara told me, she saw it with her own eyes....."


…Ten thousand….

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