"This person is Lady Cecilia’s husband, Mr. Siegfried Kaslana?"

Youlandel's eyes were a little surprised.

Rita noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with Youlandel.

"Lord Youlandel, what's wrong?"

Youlandel opened her mouth.

She didn't know how to express her mood at the moment.

Then she said:"Rita, do you know?"

"When I saw Mr. Siegfried, I had the same feeling as when I saw Kiana"

"That's a very strange feeling."

Rita glanced at Hollander in confusion.

Then she looked at Siegfried in the game.

At this time, Siegfried and Kiana were already standing face to face.

"Lady Hollander has the same feelings about Miss Kiana and Mr. Siegfried."

Rita couldn't figure out why.

Logically speaking,

Hollandel, like herself, was a child who survived the second great collapse.

Later, she was taken to the orphanage of Destiny and raised.

Among them.

It seems that she has never interacted with these two people.

Rita looked at Otto with doubtful eyes.

"Lord Otto, do you have any clues? Otto shrugged his shoulders:"

Sorry, I don't know what's going on.""

"Maybe it’s because of the black abyss and white flowers......."

Otto rambled casually.

Youlandel thought for a while.

It is not that this possibility cannot be ruled out.

After all, the Black Abyss White Flower was Cecilia's weapon before.

Kiana is the clone of Cecilia's daughter, and Siegfried is Cecilia's husband.

"Could it be that, in Heiyuan Baihua's own opinion, he has become a part of that family?"

Grandel analyzed doubtfully.

Otto, on the other hand, focused his attention on Siegfried.

"No wonder you were able to unleash a power that even the Herrscher of the Sky couldn't match back then."

"Now I finally understand"807""

"The real reason why the Kaslana family is powerful"

"In addition to Kevin's own strength, there are countless Honkaiju beast factors flowing in your blood."


He always wanted to study the reason why the Kaslana family's bloodline is so strong.

But he never had a clue.

Now he knows that Kevin is a fusion warrior or a fusion warrior planned by Chimera.

Back then, Siegfried was in the second The power that erupted in the first collapse finally became clear.

At this time, Rita's voice came, interrupting Otto's train of thought:"Mr. Otto, as far as I know"

"Mr. Siegfried was a playboy before he became the head of the Kaslana family."

"In this case, how could you agree to his engagement with Lady Cecilia?

Otto smiled slightly:"Didn't the Destiny Database say that this is a political marriage?"

Rita shook her head:"Mr. Otto, political marriage is not something that will happen under the destiny of your leader.""

"in my opinion"

"The reasons why you would let them get married are definitely not that simple. Otto replied without concealment:"

Rita, your observation is really meticulous.""

"But I made a mistake in one thing"

"To be honest, the marriage between Cecilia and Siegfried has nothing to do with me at all. The two of them are in love."

Are they in love?

Rita and Youlandel looked at Otto curiously.

They really didn't know about this.

After all, everything in Destiny was about political marriage.

Siegfried and Youlandel Randall is together.

It's all because of the Kaslana family and the Cecilia family.

What Rita suspected just now is that

Otto brought the two of them together for other purposes.

This result is really unexpected..

Otto continued to explain:"It was because of a mission that Siegfried and Cecilia met."

"Later, Siegfried fell in love with Cecilia at first sight, right?"

"I came to the Destiny Headquarters and wanted to see Cecilia, but I stopped her."

Rita:"So your initial intention was not to let the two of them be together."

Otto:"You can say that"

"After all, Siegfried was a libertine at the time, and Cecilia was my strongest S-class Valkyrie."

"It's not his turn. Otto said it very directly.

Hollander:"Then what happened next?""

If it were anyone else,

Hollander might not be interested.

But she didn't know why.

When things involved Siegfried and the others, she had this inexplicable emotion in her heart.

She wanted to get close to them.

Otto continued:"Later on, Siegfried was never willing to give up."

"I gave him a chance"

"As long as he can defeat all the A Valkyries in the Destiny Headquarters, he can see Cecilia.

Rita:"He did it?" Otto said with a smile:"That's right, and it was done in a very short time.""

"Became a destiny knight with the strength of an S-class Valkyrie.

Rita understood these things instantly:"You kept your promise to let him and Cecilia meet.""

"After that, the two fell in love in a dream and got together"

"And you announced to the outside world that this is a political marriage!

Otto:"Smart." Rita continued to look at Otto:"You agreed to this marriage, didn't you have your own plans?""

"Mr Otto......"

Otto:"Of course, I want to know what happens when the two strongest bloodlines of Destiny are combined."

"What kind of powerful warrior will appear."

Youlandel:"In the history of destiny, has this kind of thing never happened?

Otto shook his head:"Never.""

"Siegfried and Cecilia are an example"

"And the final result is also very satisfying to me."

When he said this, Otto first glanced at Kiana on the game screen.

Then he glanced at Hollandelle in front of him.

"Yes, very satisfied......"

Hollander and Rita looked at each other.

Everyone thought Otto was talking.

It should be on the game screen right now.

Became the Herrscher of the End.

Kiana is saying goodbye to Siegfried... in the game screen.

Kiana greeted Siegfried coolly:"Hey, Dad."

Siegfried looked at Kiana in a normal way after washing, and said with a smile:"Done?"

Kiana nodded:"Yes, done. Come on!"

The two father and daughter said.

It’s also been a long, long time since we chatted like this.

The two talked about some things from their childhood.

Siegfried also promised to go to the moon to finish.

He also talked about the first time he came to the moon.

It's suitable for Walter to come with him.

At that time, Walter could directly expose his body to the universe.

Siegfried was extremely surprised

【Lawyer of Consciousness: Tsk, isn’t it just this kind of thing? What’s there to be surprised about?】

【Theresa: After all, there was only the second Herrscher in the world at that time. It is normal for Siegfried to not fully understand the Herrscher.】

【Kiana: Daddy looks good like this.】

【Hollander: Mr. Siegfried does seem to be full of energy.】

【Rita: No matter what, it’s been confirmed that he is safe.】

【Honkai Impact: Yes, Kiana, you don’t have to worry about this as a teacher from now on.】

【Silver Wolf: This game doesn’t quite have a happy ending.......】

【March 7: I don’t know why, but I feel a little bit sad.】

【Xing: After all, everyone is saying goodbye to Kiana with a smile】

【Xier: Sister Bronya, how will you say goodbye to Kiana in the end?】

【Bronya: I should be happy to say goodbye.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Hahaha, Old Antique and I also said goodbye to Kiana.】

【Alicia: Kiana really shouldered a big responsibility】

【Mei: Yes, it’s just like fate】

【Sue: Is this the fate of the Kaslana family?】


The father and daughter talked a lot in the conscious space.

Dreams about the future.

Finally, amid laughter, Kiana said goodbye and left Siegfried's consciousness space.

In front of the computer. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Lin En suddenly reacted:"According to this order, the next one seems to be Youlandel"


"I originally thought that this matter would be a big deal."

"I didn’t expect to be exposed here......"

Linn was a little troubled.

But it doesn’t matter anymore.

It’s all played here.

There is no point in pausing and skipping.

Anyway, it’s all broadcast.

If you explain it later, it will also attract a lot of popularity.

Think of this.

Lin En nodded with satisfaction, perhaps having some emotional foreshadowing from before.

Maybe this time.

Can the popularity value be harvested higher?

"Kiana, it’s up to you and your sister!"

Lynn continued to look at the game screen.

In her mind, she was organizing what she was going to say in the explanation. In the game screen, after Kiana exited Siegfried's consciousness space, she said to herself:"Auntie......Dad......"


"Of course there is her......"

【March 7: Huh? How come even Kiana learned the Riddler? Did you learn it from Uncle Yang?】

【Walter: I never taught Kiana this】

【Xing: From the conversation just now, Uncle Yang and Siegfried are very familiar with each other. He said he was not infected by Siegfried.】

【March 7: Isn’t the source still Uncle Yang?】


【Alicia: Who is this Kiana? Could it be Mei?】

【Mei: Yes......me?】

【Bronya: I don’t feel like Sister Mei. Judging from Kiana’s classification, she might also be Kiana’s family member.】

【Xier: Is it Lady Cecilia?】

【Rita: But isn’t Lady Cecilia already......】

【Landel: Kiana’s family, aren’t everyone at St. Freya Academy?】

【Silver Wolf: Maybe it’s family in the real sense.】

【Kafka: Is it someone who hasn’t appeared yet?】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: I find it fun every time I see you guessing, but I won’t tell you, just keep watching...0】

【Walter: Since Kiana has already walked over, you can just watch. I don’t need to explain.】

【Teresa: You really are the Riddler】

【Otto: Interesting......】

The audience was curious.

Who is this she in Kiana's mouth?

All of a sudden, they were fixated on the game screen.

Looking at Kiana's back, she continued towards another flashing door.

That is the entrance to her consciousness space.

After entering the entrance to the consciousness space.

Not far away, a dashing blonde girl stood proudly.

The long golden hair fell down like a waterfall stained by the setting sun.

Stranger times.

There are two tufts of white hair on the top of the head.

It seems to be some kind of stubbornness in the genes in the body.

People from the starry world.

There are also some people in the collapsing world who may not know this person.

But there is one part that people are very familiar with.


Yes, the person who appears in the consciousness space at this time is Hollander.

Kiana happily walked towards Youlandel.

The audience in the live broadcast room was confused at the moment

【March 7: Who is this? Why does it look like I've never seen it before?】

【Teresa: Hollander?】

【Honkai Impact: The woman Kiana just mentioned is Youlandel】

【Bronya: Is this the S-class Valkyrie Youlandel, the most destined S-class Valkyrie?】

【Kiana: But I don’t know Youlandel. Could it be that I have a good relationship with Youlandel in the future??】

【Silver Wolf: It’s not just a good question. In the future, you classify her as the same type of person as Theresa and her father Siegfried.】

【Kafka: Could it be that Hollandel is Kiana’s family member?】

【Herrscher of Consciousness: Yes, I didn’t expect it!】

【Youlandel: Herrscher of Knowledge, what do you mean? Am I Kiana’s family?】

【Alicia: Looks like I’ve discovered a great secret.】

Padofelis: You Landale doesn’t know what’s going on?】

【Mei Yi: Could it be related to Mr. Siegfried?】

【Star: Isn't it Siegfried's illegitimate daughter?】

【Sue: In this case, Siegfried is a bit of a scumbag, right Kevin?】

【Kevin: This matter has nothing to do with me】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: It’s too troublesome to explain. Why don’t you ask the magical captain?】

【Kiana: Yes! Captain, what's going on?】

【Rita: +1】

【Teresa: +1】

【Honkai Impact: +1......】


Questions have already begun on the barrage.

Lynn cleared her throat.

Then he replied:"Where do I begin to tell you about this matter?"

"let me think......"

Lynn only stopped for 3 seconds.

The barrage started to get agitated.

Lin En spoke slowly this time:"It's a long story."

"Let me answer your questions directly first."

"Bianca Landel Atalgina is Kiana's sister"

"And her true identity is not just the S-class Valkyrie with the strongest destiny of 3.9"

"She is also the biological woman of Cecilia and Siegfried, the real Kiana Kaslana"

"Otto used her genes to create the experimental product K423."

"That is the Kiana we know now!"

After Lin En revealed the true identity of Hollander, the live broadcast room suddenly fell silent.

This result was something that no one expected!

In the conference room of St. Freya Academy,

Theresa was in disbelief. Muttered:"This......"

"How can this be?"

"Hollandale, is Cecilia's daughter, the real Kiana Kaslana?"

"Then why did she appear next to grandpa?"

"return......" again.

Theresa felt how ridiculous her original promise to Cecilia was.

It was obvious that Hollandale was right in front of him.

He didn't recognize it himself.

That was the Kiana whom she had picked up with her own hands before.

Ji Zi frowned:"The captain will not lie."

"That means this thing is true"

"Youlandel she......"

Himeko couldn't understand either.

Why go around.

Youlandel still returned to Destiny, and even became the strongest S-class Valkyrie in Destiny's history under Otto's guidance.

Isn't this fate a bit too tricky?

More importantly, the reason why Hollander became the Valkyrie in the first place.

There is also a guide from Jizi in it.

In other words.

Himeko guided the two Kiana?

Theresa looked at the game screen.

He smashed his clenched fist at the table in front of him, a table made of special metal.

They were all hit with a fist mark.

Theresa gritted her teeth and said:"Grandpa, how many things do you still have to do?"

"Hidden from all of us?"......

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