
"Is it my sister? ? ?"

Kiana looked at the live broadcast room in great surprise.

Not only Kiana herself, but also Mei, Bronya and Fu Hua.

The three of them were also in this unexpected news.

They were shocked beyond measure. No matter what, None of them would have thought that these two seemingly unrelated people could actually be sisters!

And in terms of blood relationship, Kiana is a clone of the real Kiana. The same blood flows through her body.

Yes. The same genes.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that the two are biological sisters.

Kiana was extremely shocked at first, but it soon turned into happiness.

In this world, she still has relatives....

And she is also her sister.

Suddenly Kiana's mind came to mind.

A very strange scene appeared.

She is a white-haired little girl with twin ponytails.

He was looking at himself through a glass, and then he said something.

Recognize myself as my sister

"Could it be that......"

"This is?"

Kiana seemed to remember something.

Some things from her childhood.

Some things that happened when she and Siegfried traveled outside.......

And how did I get this name.

Mei saw Kiana's strange behavior and thought Kiana was shocked by the news.

Concernedly asked:"Kiana, are you okay?"

Bronya:"Kiana, is this news too shocking for you?"

Fu Hua:"Do you want to take a rest first."

Look at the three people's concern for themselves.

Kiana felt warm in her heart and replied with a smile:"Don't worry, I'm fine.""

"I just remembered some things from the past"

"Actually, You and I......"

"My sister and I met when we were little."

Have you seen each other when you were young?

The faces of the three of them were also full of surprise.

Kiana nodded:"Yes."

"Thanks to the captain for revealing the identity of my test subject, and now the true identity of Sister Hollandelle."

"Only then did I confirm the authenticity of that vague memory."

"At that time, I was probably still in the training cabin. My sister and my stinky dad came to the training cabin."

"It was my sister who recognized me as her sister."

Bronya listened to Kiana's description and made a little analysis in her mind.

"In other words, when Mr. Siegfried and Makiana went to see you together, their original intention might be to take you away from Destiny."

"And in the process, an accident happened"

"As a result, the real Kiana stayed in Tianming, and something happened later......."

"She appeared in Destiny under the name Youlandel"

"She also became the strongest Valkyrie in the history of Destiny."

Fu Hua said:"Perhaps it is just like Bronya's analysis."

Mei Yi:"I believe that the captain will explain all this next."

Kiana looked towards the live broadcast room:"Compared to me, my sister should be more shocked by this."

Bronya:"Before, Youlandel often mentioned on the barrage that she has a special emotional wave for you."

"Now it seems......"

"All questions will have answers."

Mei Yi:"But even at this moment, I still feel a little unbelievable."

"Youlandel is Kiana's sister"

"The strongest S-class Valkyrie......"

Kiana:"So the person I have always wanted to surpass is my sister......."

And at this time.

In the Tianming headquarters.

Hollander looked at Otto with a serious expression.

Rita also sided with Hollander.

They all wanted a word from Otto.

Otto, on the other hand, looked calm and composed.

It seems like what is happening has nothing to do with me.

Otto looked at Hollander:"Want to know the truth?"

Hollander nodded:"Yes, Bishop"

"I wonder what all this is about?

Otto thought for a while:"You asked me suddenly, and I didn't know where to start for a while.""

"In short, one thing will not change, I am your savior"

"And the reason why you lost your memory and was rescued by me was all Siegfried's problem.

Youlandel frowned:"Mr. Siegfried?"

Otto:"You should still remember the Siren plan that the captain talked about before, right?""

Rita:"That's the other Kiana who is currently in St. Freya Academy, the experimental subject of the Herrscher of the Sky core.

Otto:"Yes, it's a long story.""

"Originally, I wanted to let Youlandel recall this memory by herself in the future, but I didn't expect that it would be exposed by the captain today."

Rita:"Mr. Otto, you should have been mentally prepared for this. Otto smiled:"Yes, from the time I saw the future being exposed one by one,"

"That's what I thought of"

"I just didn't expect it to come so quickly."

Rita:"This is why Lord Hollander treats Miss Kiana and Mr. Siegfried........"

"Reasons for special feelings......"

Youlandel:"So what exactly happened back then?"

"Why did Mr. Siegfried and Kiana escape their destiny?"

"But I stayed in Destiny.

Otto:"Maybe Siegfried left you here?""

Youlandel said with firm eyes:"I believe Mr. Siegfried will not do those things."

Otto knows.

This kind of low-level provocation is useless against the strongest S-class Valkyrie.

After all, she can become the strongest S-class Valkyrie.

Whether it is strength or character, Youlandel is the top..

If you want to become the strongest, these two aspects are also indispensable.

Rita also said:"If Mr. Siegfried is the person who would do that kind of thing"

"Lady Cecilia would not have chosen him back then. Otto smiled lightly:"So you firmly believe that I am the bad guy in this matter?""

Youlandel:"Bishop, it's really hard for you to convince me."

"You won't do bad things."


He didn't expect it either.

Youlandel actually said it so heartlessly.

But this kind of thing doesn't matter.

Otto:"Sorry, I'm not very good at telling stories."

"So let the captain tell you the rest."

Rita and Hollander looked at each other.

At this time, they both knew clearly.

They would not get the answer from Otto.

It seemed that they had to wait for Linn to continue talking.

In front of the computer.

Linn also knew What a bombshell he dropped.

Now on the barrage, there are all barrages that want to know the cause and effect of this incident.

After all, there are two people, Kiana and Hollander, and there are many people involved.

Lin En He continued:"I have mentioned the Siren Plan before. Kiana was born as the carrier of the core of the Herrscher of the Sky."

"In fact, this was not Otto's plan at the beginning"

"What Otto initially wanted to study was what kind of warriors would be produced by the combination of the Kaslana family bloodline and the Shaniyat bloodline."

"During the second collapse, Siegfried exploded with extremely terrifying power and defeated the Herrscher of the Sky." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"This made Otto extremely afraid, so Otto began to study the combination of the two bloodlines. At that time, Kiana Kaslana"

"But the experimental subjects could not be cultivated until the 423rd time"

"Otto had a sudden idea, and the Herrscher of the Sky core was implanted in it."

"It was at this time that Siren's consciousness was activated, recalling the warmth in Cecilia's arms in the illusion, hoping to live in this world with a new identity"

"to be cecilia's daughter......"

The audience in the live broadcast room listened to Linn's story.

Everyone's hearts suddenly became clear.

In this way, everything that was not understood before will be eliminated.

Everything is connected

【March 7: I see, now everything is clear.】

【Mebius: You are really crazy, you actually researched bloodline, but Kevin’s descendants should also have the legacy of the Chimera Project in their bloodline】

【Theresa: Grandpa, you really have hidden enough things.】

【Otto: I am all for the rule of Destiny. If humans want to fight against Honkai, Destiny must not have any stains and must be believed by everyone.】

【May: I agree with Otto on this point】

【Kafka: Yes, in the face of absolute disaster, there must be a leader with absolute authority. Mr. Otto did a very good job in this regard.】

【Hollander: Captain, what’s the next story?】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Although Otto is annoying, he is impeccable in terms of destiny leadership】

【Fu Hua: I never expected that you would praise Otto like this】

【Li Sushang: Your stories are so exciting!】

【Xier: What happened next?】

【Walter: I have to admit that destiny is indeed great because of Otto.】

【Padofelis: So what happened to the two Kiana later?】

【Alicia: Phyllis, don’t be nervous, listen to the captain continue.】

【Honkai Impact: Speaking of which, I have a good relationship with both of them.】

【Kiana: Yes, Captain, what happened to my sister and me later? 】

Lin En looked at the impatient expressions of the audience on the barrage.

He continued:"Later, Anti-Entropy got the information from somewhere that Otto was preparing the Siren Plan."

"So Dr. Einstein found Siegfried"

"He also informed Siegfried of the plan Otto was preparing, and hoped that Siegfried could bring Experimental Subject K423 out of Destiny."

"Don’t become the second Herrscher of the Sky"

"Siegfried, who had experienced the second collapse of Herrscher of the Sky, agreed."

"Siegfried did not want Cecilia's sacrifice to be in vain, and Theresa was also involved in the plan at that time."

Lin recalled the plot and said briefly:"Siegfried took Kiana to the training cabin of experimental subject K423 after hard work."

"Makiana and Experimental Subject K423 had their first meeting"

"But Otto was superior and stopped Siegfried."

"However, it still happened during the battle. Although Siegfried grabbed the experimental subject K423,"

"But during the battle, Kiana was affected by the explosion and fell to the snow from an altitude of 10,000 meters."

"Seriously injured and dying......"

When Lynn said this.

Many people in the live broadcast room were shocked.

Didn't even expect it.

When she was a child, Youlandel actually experienced such a life-and-death thing.

But at the same time, he was also extremely surprised.

Under such circumstances, Youlandel can still survive.

Simply a miracle!

Of course, as Lynn continued.

The audience just understood.

This miracle is attributed to Otto

"Otto's Destiny Valkyrie team found the seriously injured Kiana in the snow"

"With the Destiny technology at that time, it was basically impossible to save Kiana who was seriously injured."

"However, Otto chose to take action personally and used soul steel technology to help Kiana survive the dangerous period. The side effect of this was that she lost the ancestral white hair of the Kaslana family."

"Have lost all memories before the injury"

"When she woke up from the hospital bed, Otto, as the attending doctor, asked her to choose her own name with amnesia."

"Bianca Atalgina!"

"That is Bianca Randel Ataljina who is also in the live broadcast room now!"

"The name Hollander that we are now familiar with is related to another story."

"In order not to waste time, I won’t go into details."

【March 7: So, is it related to reverse entropy?】


【Hollander: Yes, the bishop was in front of me when I woke up, and what happened next is my story as Bianca.】

【Kiana: So my stinky dad and sister did this to save me.......】

【Teresa: Original, when grandpa you......】

【027 Silver Wolf: The completeness of the story is surprising】

【Kafka: You really look at this story in a game way.】

【Xing: Uncle Yang, your anti-entropy shadow is everywhere.】

【Walter: I was already in the Quantum Sea at that time......】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Is this the so-called blame-shifting? But should I say it or not, Youlandale is really strong!】

【Alicia: No wonder, Hollander said before that he feels special about Kiana】

【Rita: So that’s the story】

【Padofelis: So in the next civilization era, the strongest Valkyrie will also be a descendant of Kevin’s boss】

【Su: Kevin and Mei’s genes are really powerful.】

【Mei: Su, we’re not sure yet, don’t talk nonsense.】

【Eden: Dr. Mei, although we are not as smart as you, we are not stupid either.】


【Otto: So I said, it’s not my fault, it’s Siegfried who believed the words of anti-entropy.】

【Walter: Your lies have never failed......】

In the conference room of St. Freya Academy.

Jizi looked at Theresa:"Theresa, what happened back then?"

Theresa:"The situation is basically the same as what the captain said. The sky battleship of Destiny exploded at that time."

"I'm waiting for Siegfried and Kiana at the appointed place"

"I didn't see them arriving in the end, so I knew something was wrong."

"Later, my grandfather contacted me and said he would forgive my mistakes and let me return to my destiny."

"And blackmailed me with Kiana.

Ji Zi:"So you went back at that time?"

Theresa nodded:"After I went back, grandpa told me that they were all safe.""

"As long as I stay in Tianming, I won't cause trouble to Siegfried and Kiana."

"In order to protect the two of them, I stayed in Tianming"

"I never expected that this would be the result."

Theresa finally understood why Siegfried didn't appear in front of her at that time.

Maybe he was injured.

Or maybe Siegfried only brought out the test product K423, and the real Kiana's whereabouts were unknown.

So he didn't dare Come and see yourself.

Himeko straightened out the story sequence of the whole thing

"And then, not long after you returned to your destiny"

"I asked to come to the Far East Branch"

"St. Freya Academy was also established here."

"The purpose is to fulfill Cecilia's wish when she was alive."

Theresa:"At the same time, we are also looking for the whereabouts of Siegfried and Kiana."

"Knowing that the third Honkai Impact was coming, you brought back Kiana......"

"I thought things would end here"

"Just find Siegfried again. Theresa smiled bitterly:"Unexpectedly, the gears of fate have just begun to turn."......"

Ji Zi:"Theresa, I can't blame you entirely for what happened back then."

"It was completely unexpected that things would develop like this......."......

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