"In the adventure of World Bubble, Youlandel merged herself with the Holy Sword."

"Use your own body as a container for the Holy Sword"

"Later, the world bubble was anchored"

"In order to spur herself on, Youlandel always remembers her responsibilities"

"Just added the name of Holy Sword to Bianca Atalgina"

"That is the Bianca Randel Ataljina we are familiar with now!"

Lynn finished telling the story about the origin of the name Youlandel.

In the previous civilization era.

Mei touched her chin, thoughtfully:"So that's it, in the next civilization era"

"Have you fallen into the bubble of the world?"

Mebius:"I didn't expect that Youlandel also has some connections with us.

Velvet:"Yes, but the name Youlandel is quite nice.""

Obviously, the holy sword in Youlandel's body is also one of the products of the pre-civilization era.

Padofelis:"The descendants of Boss Kevin are so handsome!"

"Sister saved the world"

"My sister also saved the world"

"Boss Kevin, are all the treasures you produce?"


Su:"It's like an instinct burned into Kaslana's blood."

Alicia:"I don't feel right saying this."

"Youlandel and Kiana are just themselves, they want to protect and guard everyone around them"

"It has nothing to do with bloodline"

"Right, Eden?"

Eden:"Yeah, she has her own ideas and practices."

"The so-called bloodline does not directly affect their thoughts."

"They are just doing what they think is right"

"That's all.

Sakura:"Yes, they are just doing what they want to do.""

Mebius looked at the game screen curiously.

Then he glanced at Kevin:"It seems that the Chimera factor provides Kevin's descendants with extremely tenacious vitality."

"It's really interesting, it was affected by the explosion"

"Falling from a height of 10,000 meters, you can still save your life.

Mei:"It's indeed amazing."

Hua:"If it were an ordinary person, he would have died long ago.""

This time Linn's live broadcast did bring enough shock to the pre-civilization era.

Mebius said jokingly:"Mei, it seems that you have done a good job of retaining Kevin's genes in the first generation bloodline."

"Not only that, judging from the performance of Kiana and the others"

"It seems that you have even eliminated the side effects on Kevin."

There is no one else present.

Mei has nothing to hide.

After all, ever since the relationship between Kiana and Kevin was exposed in the live broadcast room, everyone has already guessed it.

Mei glanced at Kevin and nodded. :"Well, I’m trying to do an in vitro fertilization experiment between the two of us."

137" We are also trying to eliminate the side effects of the Honkaiju factor on Kevin."

Kevin's side effects are the same as fusing Honkaimon.

The surface temperature of the body is extremely low.

Normal people basically have no way to get close to Kevin.

Once they get close, they will get frostbite.

Or even freeze directly.

This is why Kevin can use the seventh The important reason why the Key of God is the Heavenly Fire Saint is that its low temperature can exactly offset the terrifying temperature brought by the release of the Heavenly Fire Saint.

Therefore, among all the God's Keys, the Heavenly Fire Saint is undoubtedly the most suitable God's key for Kevin. Key.

Padofelis continued:"That is to say, that child was brought to the next civilization era by Boss Kevin."

Alicia:"Then this child will flourish in the next civilization era."

Su:"So there is the Kaslana family in Tianming......."

Mei nodded:"If you're right, that should be it."

Everyone finally figured out what was going on.

Then continue to look at the live broadcast room.

In the live broadcast room, the farewell between Kiana and Hollander also ended.

Youlandel assured Kiana.

I will come to the moon to find her in the future.

We also want to play ball on the moon together.

On the moon, this is indeed a good sport.

Kiana left Hollander's space.

There was a look of relaxation in his eyes. own family.

They all support her approach.

This is the greatest encouragement to Kiana.

Then Kiana walked in another direction.

Enter another space.

When Kiana stepped here.

Obviously stunned.

The viewers in the live broadcast room were also stunned.

Because in the previous consciousness space.

All belong to one person.

But this time there were two people.

One is Fu Hua.

The other person standing next to Fu Hua is the Herrscher of Knowledge.

Kiana was a little surprised:"The Herrscher of Knowledge?"

She clearly entered Fu Hua's space.

Why would the Herrscher of Knowledge appear here?

The Herrscher of Knowledge was slightly unhappy with Kiana's reaction.

"Why, haven't you seen anyone visit?"

"If I wanted to get into other people's minds"

"Much more skilled than you."

The Herrscher of Knowledge looked so arrogant.

The audience immediately understood what was going on.

【March 7: Hahaha, the Herrscher of Knowledge was worried that Kiana would not say goodbye to her, so she entered Fu Hua’s consciousness space.】

【Star: Well, it does look like something the Herrscher of Knowledge would do.】

【Fu Hua: Yes】

【Lawyer of Consciousness: What are you talking about! I just went to visit Old Antiques!】

【Kiana: But does visiting need to enter the conscious space?】

【Bronya: It seems that the Herrscher of Knowledge also cares about Kiana’s appearance.】

【Herrscher of Consciousness: I don’t!】

【Alicia: Her personality is completely opposite to Hua’s】

【Padofelis: Yes】

【Star: Some people don’t have to say goodbye alone, but some people drop by to say goodbye.】


【Theresa: It seems that Kiana is really popular.】

【Honkai Kaiko: Yes, even the Herrscher of Knowledge has to come to see Kiana like this】

【Fu Hua: Is it really okay to invade my consciousness casually like this?】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Old Antique, you are talking about Kiana, right?】

【Xi'er: It should be talking about the Herrscher of Knowledge, right?】

【Rita: It's so fun......】

"This Lawyer of Consciousness"

"She obviously cares about Fu Hua and Qiana"

"But he refuses to admit it"

"It’s really annoying."

Beside Xi'er, Hei Xi's voice sounded.

He seemed to be a little bit dissatisfied with the Herrscher of Knowledge.

Xi'er:"The other me, the Herrscher of Knowledge is such a person."

"You should be able to see it too. Hei

Xi snorted:"It's precisely because I can see it that I feel even more unhappy when I see her acting like this.""

"I really don’t know why this guy became a Herrscher.

Xi'er thought for a while:"Maybe even the Honkai consciousness at the beginning didn't expect it."

"The Herrscher of Knowledge will become like this"

"After all, its original idea was for Herrscher to use Fu Hua's powerful fusion warrior body"

"Become a powerful Herrscher.

Hei Xi:"I know, you're just shooting yourself in the foot, right?""

"This Honkai Consciousness doesn’t look so smart either."

"It is also possible to create Herrschers like the Herrscher of Consciousness."

Perhaps it's because the two have similar personalities, so it's easy for them to quarrel.

So Hei Xi watched the Herrscher of Knowledge.

There was a feeling of dissatisfaction emanating from deep inside.

Xi'er didn't know where to start.

She could only continue. Look at the game screen.

Look at Fu Hua, Herrscher of Knowledge, and Kiana.

"I don’t know when Sister Bronya will come out. Hei Xi thought for a while:"

Judging from the previous situation, I think it should be soon.""

"At this time, onee-sama is probably still with Mei.

Xi'er:"Well, it should be.""

In the game screen in the live broadcast room, just like everyone else,

Kiana looked at the two people in front of her and said goodbye.

Fu Hua told Kiana that she would accompany her after everything was over.

The Herrscher of Knowledge went to China to have a good trip. However, she was strongly opposed by the Herrscher of Knowledge. She told Kiana emphatically that she was the one who accompanied the old antique to play around.

The Herrscher of Knowledge explained Fu Hua Her emotional intelligence is not enough.

She needs to be around to take care of her.

Teach her some basic human ways.

Kiana smiled at the Herrscher of Knowledge. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Finally, she told Fu Hua, let her She should pay more attention to the situation of the Herrscher of Consciousness.

Because Kiana has now become the Herrscher of the End.

All the Herrscher power and Honkai energy on the earth will be directed towards Kiana due to the siphon effect.


Until Kiana has recovered all the power and Honkai energy.

And the Herrscher of Knowledge is a natural herrscher.

Kiana is not sure. What will happen after all the power is recovered. (cebh) That’s why

Let Fu Hua pay more attention

Fu Hua understood this.

After all, the Herrscher of Knowledge is to Fu Hua.

It is also a very special existence.

At the end of the day.

It also gradually became more sensational.

It was a farewell after all.

It was obviously impossible to laugh and play.

The most annoying thing for the Herrscher of Knowledge is this kind of sensational scene.

Tell Fu Hua.

When I meet Kiana in the future, just come directly to the moon.

It's not a matter of life and death.

I don’t want to continue being a disgusting Herrscher of Knowledge with these two people.

I chose to log off first.

And the viewers in the live broadcast room all saw it.

Compared to Fu Hua.

The Herrscher of Knowledge was obviously even more reluctant to let go of Kiana.

Fu Hua, on the other hand, is the more discerning kind.

He didn't show too much reluctance about this parting.

But it was just the same as usual.

Nothing to think about too much.

Finally when Kiana left.

The Herrscher of Knowledge finally relented and admitted Kiana's ability.

The best comment:"Are you quite capable?"

Finally, Kiana bid farewell to the two of them and left Fu Hua's consciousness space.

As for after he leaves.

What are the two's next plans?

Kiana is unknown.

And the viewers in the live broadcast room know.

Traveled to different places.

But because Fu Hua is too tired.

So the Herrscher of Knowledge Dou Qi left.

These are what the Herrscher of Knowledge said himself in the live broadcast room

【Alicia: Xiaoshi is really arrogant. He obviously cares about Kiana, but he wants to say that it’s all Hua’s fault.】

【Lawyer of Knowledge: I......I don't!】

【March 7: Hahaha, such a arrogant Xiaoshi is really fun.】

【Teresa: Who will say goodbye to Kiana next?】

【Honokai Himeko: Who else didn’t show up?】

【Silver Wolf: For the game, this time is already very long, so the next person who will appear in front of Kiana will be the most important person for the game, and even for Kiana.】

【Alicia: Is it Mei?】

【Bronya: Is it sister Bronya?】

【Xing: Is there a possibility that the two of them are together?】

【Li Sushang: Yes, it was the two of them who were summoned by Kiana in the beginning.】

【Landale: I feel the same thing Bronya and Mei】

【Bronya: Then shall we meet alone, or?】

【Mei: I think we should meet together.】

【Kiana: Mei is right, I think so too】

【Padofelis: I wonder if Mei will cry, Kiana has to be away from her for so long】

【Alicia: Of course not, our Mei is very strong.】

【Mei: Speaking of being strong, Bronya is probably stronger.】

【Walter: Well, I think so too】

【Theresa: The two of them should be the most reluctant to part with Kiana. 】

In the game screen.

After Kiana exited Fu Hua's consciousness space.

His eyes looked into the depths of this space.

Where is the last door of light?

That is, after being here.

This is the last person Kiana wants to say goodbye to.

Kiana said with some relief:"The squad leader and the Herrscher of Knowledge really don't need to worry."

"So next, it turns out to be the two of them."

After talking to herself,

Kiana slowly walked towards the door of light, preparing to say her final farewell.

And from Kiana's words, the audience also knew the farewell they were going to see next. Who is the target?

Bronya and Mei!

Judging from Kiana's expression, it can be seen that Kiana attaches great importance to the farewell of Bronya and Mei.

In the Valkyrie dormitory.

Kiana Pointing at some pictures:"Bronya, Mei Yi, look at"

"It's finally your two's turn."

Bronya:"It seems that we are the last ones."

Mei Yi:"Is this the so-called finale?"?

Fu Hua:"I think so."

Kiana nodded vigorously:"Because Mei is the most important person in my life."

"Of course, I want to leave all the remaining time to Mei. Bronya glanced at Kiana:"

Idiot Kiana, do you mean that saying goodbye to Bronya is just incidental?""

Kiana smiled slightly:"Of course not."

"Bronya is also very important to me"

"It's just a little bit worse than Mei Yi.

Bronya nodded:"What a coincidence, idiot Kiana"

"Bronya also thought the same thing in her heart."

The two of them had never lost in their verbal skills. They started fighting again.

Mei Yi looked at Fu Hua helplessly.

Fu Hua nodded:"I'm very used to it."

Mei Yi:"Squad leader, as long as you can get used to it."

"It’s just that I’m still a little used to it"

"Not used to it?"

Fu Hua was a little curious.

Ya Yi is not used to anything at this time.

Isn't this your daily life?

Ya Yi looked at the game screen:"It doesn't mean now, but in the future."

"There will be no Earth without Kiana in the future"

"I won't be used to it."

Fu Hua shook his head:"No, Yayi"

"You can’t look at your future self through your present eyes"

"In the future, you have already received enough, and your world and your responsibilities have also changed differently."

"I believe that in the future, you will be waiting for Kiana on Earth"

"He also has his own colorful life"

"Just like the previous game plot."

Hearing Fu Hua's teaching."

Yayi was stunned for a moment.

Then he said with a smile:"Yes, monitor.""

"The future should be like what you said......" in the game screen. ?

As Kiana approached the light door, a white light flashed.

I don’t know if it’s because Kiana has different feelings towards the two of them.

The space where Bronya and Mei are.

It was also different from the starry sky before.

But a vast white space.

When Kiana walked in.

Their faces were facing in another direction.

Turning his back to Kiana.

Kiana looked at the backs of the two of them and walked over slowly.

It’s like a child who has returned to his own home and happily says:"Hey, I’m back!"......

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