In the conference room of St. Freya Academy.

Theresa watched the three people on the game screen reunite.

I felt a little dazed for a while.

Obviously not long ago, I saw the three of them standing together in front of the Cocoon of Finality.

About to challenge - Kevin's appearance.

At that time, she and Jizi were still surprised by the three people's growth in the future.

It has surpassed everyone.

The feat they are about to accomplish is also unprecedented.

But only for how long.

The three of them were about to say goodbye.

Theresa knew only too well how deep the bond between these three little guys was.

Start by entering St. Freya Academy.

The three of them live together and train together as a three-person team.

I wouldn't say they are inseparable at ordinary times.

But it’s not much different.

It was under such circumstances that the three of them established a profound friendship.

Although Kiana and Bronya often quarreled and quarreled on weekdays.

And every time it ends with Kiana's failure.

The more this happens, the more it proves that the relationship between the two people is good.

Bronya is not good at expressing emotions because of her previous experimental problems with reverse entropy.

But she is the one who cares about the people around her the most.

Jizi looked at this scene on the game screen, and Shifen shook her head helplessly:"Although the faces of the three of them"

"I can't even see the sadness now"

"But in the hearts of the three of them, they are all very sad at this moment."

"Just at the last moment of parting"

"They both want each other to see how strong they are.

Theresa:"Yes, I want them to feel at ease.""

"Fate is really unfair. It was clear that when the three of them set off,"

"We also agreed to go to the universe together again"

"Slowly appreciate the scenery along the way"


In this case.

Theresa was very helpless.

My future self respected Kiana's decision.

And said a good goodbye to Kiana.

What can I say now?

"Kiana, I respect your choice."

Theresa could only say this in the end.

In fact, if possible,

Theresa hoped that she could replace Kiana and go to the moon to complete the boring work.

Kiana would return to the earth. Go up.

Together with Mei and the others, they do what girls of their age should do.

Eat, go shopping, and put on makeup.

Along the way, they do what all young girls should do.

Instead of shouldering such a heavy responsibility of saving the world.

Theresa:"Cecilia, I finally understand why you said that."

"It turns out that compared to defeating Honkai, transcending the end"

"What is even more difficult is to live a peaceful life like an ordinary person. Ji

Zi:"Yes, like an ordinary person.""

"That's the hardest thing to do"

"But from now on, more and more people will be able to live like ordinary people."

"There will no longer be disasters like Honkai and Herrscher in the world."

Ji Zi looked at the three people on the game screen.

Her eyes were full of relief.

"Kiana, Bronya, Mei......"

"I am extremely proud to have students like you three!

Theresa:"Yes, St. Freya Academy is also because of your existence.""

"And brilliant!"

"You will also be the pride of the entire destiny and even the entire mankind!"

"And I, Teresa Apokalis, am also lucky enough to be able to participate in your growth."

"and feel proud......"

Himeko:"Speaking of which, Teresa"

"Do you want to change the name to something like the Herrscher Academy? Theresa:"


"Do you think this name sounds good? Ji

Zi shook her head:"It doesn't sound good, but Lady Cecilia will choose the name.""

"St. Freya Academy is a nicer name"

"It sounds like home......"

Theresa was stunned.

Then they looked at the game screen together:"Yes, it feels like home......."

They are all here.

Treat it as your own home.

Theresa is, and so is Himeko.

Kiana and the others too...

St. Freya Academy is home to them......

It has an irreplaceable place in my heart. in the game screen.

With Kiana's shout.

The two of them also turned around and shouted together:"Kiana!"

Kiana looked a little disappointed and said:"Oh~ I thought one of you would say to me affectionately.——"

""Welcome back, Kiana!""

Bronya glanced at Kiana, and then said:"If you wish, Bronya wouldn't mind saying it again the way you said it."

Kiana said with a hint of dissatisfaction in her tone:"what the hell......"

"Obviously the signal was suddenly interrupted just now, but Bronya was not worried about me at all. Bronya asked with a smile:"Aren't you the same?""

Mei Yi on the side.

Looking at the two people, she couldn't help laughing.

In this timeline, Mei Yi has just returned from World Snake.

So it's been a long time since she saw Bronya and Kiana. Like this.

So I miss it very much.

And Mei Yi also understands that from now on, scenes of bickering with each other like this will become less and less.

Therefore, Mei Yi also cherishes this moment very much.


"Kiana, have you already talked to anyone?"

Mei Yi is always the person who knows Kiana best.

After the interruption of the final power just now, she brought the two of them into this consciousness space again.

And Kiana didn't appear for a long time.

So Mei Yi also guessed Kiya. What did Kiana do at this point in time?

Faced with Mei Yi’s question, Kiana said in retrospect:"Let me think about it......."

"There are aunt, dad, sister, monitor and the Herrscher of Knowledge......"

"Mei and Bronya should be the last ones, right?"

"Before I completely absorb the power of the Final Cocoon. Bronya took a step forward:"

In that case, let's just leave Mei Yi at the end.""

Kiana looked at Bronya curiously.

She didn't understand what Bronya meant.

【March 7: Bronya, what does this mean?】

【Xing: Isn’t it obvious that you are really stupid?】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: That’s right, Bronya obviously wants to give Mei and Kiana some final time together.】

【Alicia: Oh, I really didn’t expect Bronya to be such a person who can create an atmosphere.】

【Bronya: Sorry, Bronya doesn’t know how. Bronya doesn’t know why it will be like this in the future.】

【Xier: Sister Bronya, you also want to say goodbye to Kiana properly, right?】

【Mei: Bronya is the one who cares most about the people around her】

【Fu Hua: Yes......】

【Honokai Himeko: So Bronya is always the one I’m least worried about】

【Xingqiong Jizi: As a teacher, you know your students best.】

【Kiana: Bronya wants to leave some time alone for me and Mei?】

【Li Sushang: This seems to be nothing, right?】

【Kafka: I have to say that in terms of emotional intelligence, she is better than you.】

【Silver Wolf: Kafka, there is no need to explain this kind of thing.】

【Youlandel: I feel really relieved to have them by Kiana's side】

【Rita: Yes, Miss Kiana has a group of great friends around her.】

【Otto: That’s great. Is this the teaching result of St. Freya Academy?】

【Teresa: Grandpa, St. Freya Academy is different from yours. 】

In front of the computer.

Linn looked at Bronya taking the initiative to give up her seat.

Although I have seen it several times.

But he still couldn't help but praise:"Yaya, you are really a god assist!"

It should be said or not.

Bronya is a serious CP player.

The title of number one fan.

Not a problem at all.

In this last moment. (If you want to read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) He also took the initiative to create a private space for the two of them.


"He might be rushing back to Earth to find Xier."

Lin made a joke to himself.

Then he continued to look at the game screen.

This farewell scene is really something I never tire of watching.

And this scene also heralded the end of the first part of this game that year.

Six years. Honkai Impact 3 has come to a small end.

How many players were watching at that time while watching Kiana say goodbye to everyone with tears in their eyes.

At the same time, they wanted to take a knife and kill the screenwriter who was fooled by Mi.

How could anyone be the last one? You also let the protagonist stay on the moon.

You deserve to die for cheating!!!

But Linn will not do that kind of thing.

At the end of this video,

Linn also included a little private stuff.

Guaranteed to the audience in the live broadcast room They.

After watching it, they feel grateful to themselves.

Of course, this is a bit exaggerated.

Looking at the dialogue between Terminus and Truth Duck in the game screen,

Linn seems to have regained the feeling of the year at this moment.

Game In the picture,

Bronya faced Kiana's doubts and said:"Actually, during this period of time, Bronya thought a lot......."

"But I feel that these things do not need special explanation from Bronya"

"After all, Bronya is not worried at all about Kiana's future life."

Kiana looked at Bronya with a sad look on her face.

Of course, she was pretending

"I always feel that Bronya is so heartless."

Bronya smiled slightly and told the reason why she was not worried.


"You are Kiana......"

"Because you are Kiana, you must adapt to life there easier than anyone else"

"Because you are Kiana, you make it easier for anyone to do this special job"

"Because you are Kiana......"


"Bronya will say goodbye to you with a smile."

Kiana's expression also became serious:"Bronya......"

When Bronya said these words.

All with smiles on their faces.

This is also Bronya's absolute trust in Kiana.

Unique trust.

She believed in Kiana's choice.

I also believe that only Kiana can do this.

And only Kiana can do this.

The two looked at each other speechlessly.

It seemed like they could read each other's thoughts at this moment.

Bronya continued understandingly:"Of course, Bronya has also considered some special times when Kiana will definitely need our company."

"In order to solve this problem, Bronya decided to play games online with Kiana every night"

"As for what to play......"

"Let’s play all the 312 games in Bronya’s game library first."

【Alicia: Hahaha, it’s really funny how Bronya seriously said the suggestion of playing games.】

【Eden: Yes, I was obviously surprised by the close friendship between the two just now.】

【Silver Wolf: This is simply the highest treatment for a friend, right?】

【March 7: It’s great to have someone to play games with you every night.】

【Xier: Sister Bronya......】

【Theresa: Even though Bronya said this and had a smile on her face, I can feel it......】

【Honokai Himeko: Yes, Bronya must be feeling sad at the moment.】

【Xing: Although it is not a separation of life and death, being separated from each other is something that a pair of good friends would find hard to accept for a while.】

【Walter: During that time, after Bronya returned to Earth, although she quickly devoted herself to follow-up work, she could still find that she was unhappy in her heart.】

【Mei: Bronya, this is such a child】

【Kiana: It turns out that Bronya really cares about me. She wants to play games with me online every night!】

【Bronya: Future Bronya just wants to stop being bored watching Kiana alone on the moon, so she is just showing mercy.】

【Padofelis: Why did I suddenly see Sister Snake’s appearance on Bronya’s body?】

【Mebius: Phyllis, do you want to be experimented on?】

【Su: This kind of friendship is really enviable.】

【Youlandel: It seems that Kiana also likes to play games.】

【Teresa: Yeah, that’s what gives me a headache】

【Honkai Impact: Teresa, don’t talk about Kiana.】

【Otto: Yes, Theresa. I want to say this about you too. 】

In the game screen.

Bronya continued talking about her game plan.

He also said that he would give in to Kiana to a certain extent.

Kiana, on the other hand, wants Mei to join in.

Mei Yi said that she is not very good at this aspect.

And I have never been the one who plays games.

But he was supervising the two of them playing games.

But under Kiana's hard work.

Meiyi finally let go.

Said he would play games with the two of them.

Meiyi looked at the two of them and said something.

A message from everyone’s heart.

Including what the viewers in the live broadcast room want to say

"Although we can still keep in touch and play games together every night"

"Everyone can go to the moon to see you in their free time......"

"But after all, this is not the same as going home.……"

Kiana looked at Mei Yi moved:"Mei Yi……"

Yayi shook her head:"It doesn't matter, I don't mean to criticize anyone."

"I just think that when everyone works and lives on earth in the future, it is inevitable that they will still look to the sky and miss you silently in their hearts."

"After all, everyone thinks you are a good friend"

"So, the message I want to say is actually——"

"You should go home early, Kiana."

Kiana suppressed her crying and nodded.

In front of the computer, Lin En also said:"Go home early, Kiana."

【Li Sushang: Go home early, Qiana】

【March 7: Go home early, Kiana】

【Xing: Go home early, Kiana】

【Honkai Impact: Go home early, Kiana】

【Teresa: Go home early, Kiana】

【Silver Wolf: Go home early, Kiana】

【Youlandel: You have to go home early, Kiana】

【Alicia: Go home early, Kiana】


This is almost all the viewers who know Kiana's future.

They all wanted to tell Kiana what was in their hearts.

Yes, no matter how developed communication is.

It would be nice to play games together or remotely video chat.

But it’s not home after all.

So the audience, and everyone in the future timeline.

Everyone wanted to say this to Kiana.

Finish work early and go home from the moon early.

In this way, everyone can truly understand.

To be together again... that's what everyone wants.

Lin En looked at the game screen on the computer

"It’s the knife again……"


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