In the Valkyrie dormitory of St. Freya Academy.

Kiana's shoulders began to tremble.

At the same time, Douda's tears began to fall from the corners of his eyes.

Mei Yi asked with some worry:"Kiana, what's wrong with you?"

Kiana said with a trembling voice:"I just didn't expect that in the future"

"so many people like me"

"And everyone in the live broadcast room......"

That sentence is waiting for you to go home.

Constantly poking at the deepest part of Kiana's heart.

Since she was very young, Kiana and Siegfried have been living a life close to wandering.

Although I didn’t say it in my heart.

But in Kiana's heart, she has always felt like having a stable home.

Until he later rescued Mei Yi at Qianyu Academy.

Then came to St. Freya Academy.

In the beginning, Kiana's purpose of entering here was just to find Siegfried's whereabouts.

Complete Theresa's request and become an A-level Valkyrie.

But when getting along with Mei and Bronya.

Kiana has become more and more fond of St. Freya Academy.

There is also great aunt Theresa.

Himeko, the teacher whom I respect very much in my heart.

At St. Freya Academy.

Kiana felt like going home for the first time since she was a child.

Every time I return to the dormitory after training, there is a table of meals prepared by Mei.

If Theresa catches you skipping class, you will be scolded.

These are the feelings of family.

In the original timeline.

The reason why Siren's consciousness was able to gain the upper hand.

It was also because Siren created an environment about Cecilia for Kiana.

Let Kiana feel Cecilia's maternal love.

Then stripping it all away caused Kiana to fall into the abyss.

This will make Siren realize.

Take control of the body...

"Mei, I feel so lucky to be able to meet you all here."

"What happens in the future will not break me"

"Only"280" will make me stronger"

"Because I always knew that someone was waiting for me to come home."

Although Kiana said this while crying, the three people present could hear Kiana's firm tone.

Mei smiled slightly:"Yes, Kiana"

"Always remember that someone is waiting for you to come home."

Bronya:"Even in the future, the consciousness of Herrscher of the Sky will have the upper hand."

"You also have to work hard to resist"

"Always remember, someone is waiting for you to come home"

"Me, Mei, the monitor, and the principal......"

Fu Hua:"Kiana, become stronger."

"I believe you can change the future"

"Create a better future, and then change more people."

Kiana looked at the three people in front of her.

She thought about all the things that would happen in the future.

Those were not perfect!

But she wanted these stories to develop in a better direction.

Kiana wiped away her tears hard.

Then he promised the three people:"I will definitely try my best."

"Let those imperfect futures"

"Become more beautiful!"

Mei Yi:"Kiana, I have always believed that you are the one who can do this."

Bronya:" Bronya believes in Sister Mei's judgment."

Fu Hua smiled slightly and didn't say much.

Her personality meant that Fu Hua would not say such sensational words.

But the affirmation of Kiana in her eyes was enough to explain Fu Hua's attitude.

Kiana listened. After hearing Bronya's words, he changed his expression and looked at Bronya:"Bronya, it's really against your will to speak like this."

"How much do you recognize me if you haven't seen the future?

Bronya said with disgust:"That is Bronya's point of view in the future.""

"It does not represent the current Bronya."

Kiana was stunned.

What she said made sense.

She had no way to refute it!

The two started to quarrel as usual.

In the Quantum Sea,

Hei Xi frowned and said:"Xie'er, you can feel it. Yet?

Xi'er nodded:"Well, although Sister Bronya said it very easily ,"

"But I can feel that Sister Bronya is a little sad now"

"It seems that Kiana is really special to sister Bronya. Hei

Xi said with jealousy:"Isn't it just that during our absence, we fought side by side with onee-sama?""

"This kind of thing, if it weren’t for the fact that we were transported to the quantum sea"

"We can do it too."

Of course, this is just Hei Xi's jealous statement.

It does not mean that Hei Xi denies the friendship between Bronya and Kiana.

Xi'er:"No, the other me"

"Sisters Kiana and Bronya are different from us"

"For sister Bronya, Kiana is a very good friend"

"They are also comrades who have been fighting side by side on the road against Honkai."

"Because Sister Bronya is by Kiana's side, Kiana can experience many setbacks."

Listening to Xi'er's words,

Hei Xi thought of the scene in Thousand Herrschers where

Bronya lent her Herrscher power.

And this scene was only what they could see, in the invisible battle..

The two of them did not know how many times they had cooperated seamlessly.

How many times they had saved the day.

Only then did Bronya recognize Kiana from the bottom of her heart.

Hei Xi said firmly:"Yes, yes, you are right."

Xie'er looked at Bronya in the game screen:"Sister Bronya is at this moment."

"Must be very sad"

"But I still have to keep this free and easy look"

"It’s just that Sister Bronya doesn’t want Kiana to see her weak side."

"In the words of sister Bronya, it is the reserve of a soldier......."

Hei Xi looked at the game screen together.

In fact, she also understands this.

It's just that sometimes the arrogant personality doesn't want to admit it. in the game screen.

Kiana and Bronya were still joking with each other.

Mei Yi also knew that there was not much time left, so she reminded:"Okay, let's save the joke for next time."

"Kiana has one last thing to compare with......"

"No, it should be said that the first task has not been done yet."

Bronya nodded:"That's right."

"However, I suddenly felt a little worried about Kiana getting on the wrong bus."


"Please trouble Sister Mei to take her with you again."

【March 7: Huh? What does it mean? Don't understand】

【Silver Wolf: If I remember correctly, Kiana said before that Bronya and Mei were the last people to see before they completely absorbed the power of the Cocoon of Finality.】

【Kafka: But what does it mean to get on the wrong bus?】

【Padofelis: I don’t understand either. Sister Aili, do you know what’s going on?】

【Alicia: Sorry, I'm just the Herrscher of the Origin, and I don't know about the End either.】

【Velvet: Is it some kind of ritual?】

【Herrscher of Consciousness: Is there still such an activity?】

【Walter: I don’t know either】

【Xing: You two have something you don’t know about again】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: What a big deal, why not just summon the captain at this time. 】

Then the screen was filled with Aitelin’s barrage.

Lin En looked at the barrage and smiled, and then explained:"At the starting point of Herrscher of the Origin, there is a station."

"This is equivalent to embodying the process of Kiana absorbing the power of the end, right?"

"Kiana needs to get on the train to the end at the station of Siyuan"

"Only by entering the Cocoon of Finality can we completely complete the work of absorbing all the power of the Cocoon of Finality."

"Mei and Bronya, who are connected to Kiana's consciousness, naturally understand this process."

"That’s why Bronya just joked about getting on the wrong bus and asked Mei to take Kiana with her"

"It's just a little complaint from a good friend."

After Lin En's explanation, the audience in the live broadcast room probably understood what was going on.

Thinking of that scene,

Lin En couldn't help but feel a little sad.

When Kiana walked into the train.

It also means the end of the first chapter of Honkai Impact 3.

It is not a simple game. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It is the six years that have accompanied countless players.

It is a stage. full stop......

Lin En looked at the game screen:"I really miss that time."

"It’s as if the planners of Mi Huhu did it on purpose."

"In the end, Kiana stayed on the moon to work, and it would be a long time before she could return home."

"Isn't it like us who play games and go out to work when we grow up?" Lynn roughly understood the idea of ​​planning when he was playing that part. I want to tell the players at this stage that you have grown up. Kiana who is accompanying you will also grow up. Just like you. , shouldering new responsibilities. It is no longer as reckless as before. Instead, it has a heavier burden.


Pre-civilization era.

Patophilis:"I didn't expect this.The cocoon of the end is so ritualistic"

"The process of completely absorbing the power of the end"

"He actually got on the train and completed the process.

Alicia:"The process of letting Mei inherit the power of the origin was also very romantic." Mei:"

If the cocoon of the end is not our enemy,"

"Maybe it can live in harmony with humans."

Mebius:"It's a pity that there is no if"

"It will be the same even in the next civilization era. It will not be the cocoon of the end that will eventually live in harmony with mankind."

"But Kiana Kaslana, the Herrscher of the End.

Velvet:"Professor Mebius, you really like to destroy this atmosphere."

Qianjie:"This is what she knows best.""

Su:"However, since Bronya has said so,"

"In other words, her farewell ceremony is over"

"She's leaving......"

Padofelis:"It’s really great to have a friend like Sister Bronya.......Woo woo woo......" in the game screen.

Bronya took a half step back slightly.

Leave space for both of you......

Even if he behaved so freely before.

It’s really the moment of separation that begins.

Bronya's tone became a little reluctant:"Bronya has other things to do."

"It won’t pass."

The audience all understood.

In addition to wanting to leave space for the two of them to say their final goodbyes, Bronya was probably more afraid that she wouldn't be able to bear it.

Kiana shouted:"Bronya!"


Kiana:"The first game we will play next......"

"Remember to pick the most fun one!"

Bronya smiled:"Don't you still believe in Bronya's vision?"

After saying that,

Bronya turned around, with her back to Mei and Kiana behind her. Her originally proud expression became lonely.

Tears began to appear in the corners of her eyes.

At this moment, she couldn't help but burst into tears. It slipped down.

At the same time, Bronya stretched out her hand and waved to the two people behind her.

"See you......"

"Idiot Kiana......"

At this time, Bronya was already crying when she spoke.

It seemed like he was worried about being discovered by Kiana.

Bronya directly uses Herrscher power. teleported himself away

【Xi'er: Don't be sad, sister Bronya, Kiana will come home in the future】

【Theresa: You must still have a chance to play games together on earth.】

【Honkai Impact: This is the first time I see Bronya like this】

【Kiana: Bronya, I didn’t expect you to be the one who hates me the most.】

【Bronya: That’s the future Bronya, not the current Bronya】

【Kafka: I didn’t expect that she also has such a side】

【Silver Wolf:.......】

【Li Sushang: Bronya is really great......(Crying) (Crying) (Crying)】

【March 7: Bronya is really cool, when she waves from behind】

【Lawyer of Knowledge: OriginalBronya cried at that time】

【Walter: I really didn’t expect that. I always thought she was a strong girl.】

【Star Princess: Mr. Walter, being strong does not mean being ruthless.】

【Star: Yes, Bronya is the one with the richest emotions. 】

Starry universe.

Kafka looked at the silver wolf beside him.

A pleased look flashed in his eyes.

It's like I thought of something fun.

Silver Wolf looked at Kafka:"Kafka, what do you mean by looking at me like this?"

Kafka spread his hands:"It doesn't mean anything."

"I just feel that Bronya from Herrscher of Truth is more similar to you, Silver Wolf."

Silver Wolf immediately understood the little Jiujiu in Kafka's heart.

"So when you see Bronya crying"

"As if you saw me crying?

Kafka nodded:"Yes, and I'm wondering if you are the same as Bronya.""

"Only when you are very sad and sad"

"Will shed tears."

Yinlang said categorically:"I'm sorry, it won't happen."

"There are no things or people in this world worthy of making me cry. 2.8

Kafka looked sad:"Even if something happens to me, you won't be sad." Silver Wolf shook his head:"

Not really." Kafka continued:"

Then if the company blackmails all your game accounts,"

"If all data is deleted"

"Do you know how......"

The words were not finished.

Silver Wolf's face began to look a little ugly.

Kafka smiled. really.

Silver Wolf's weakness really lies in this strange place.

Kafka continued to joke:"Okay, okay, I will not do such a thing."

"I don't want to see you crying.

Silver Wolf:"I won't cry over such a trivial matter.""

As tough as ever.

Kafka changed the subject:"But it's really hard, Bronya."

"Obviously so sad"

"But you have to act so free and easy"

"This is the most uncomfortable thing."

Yin Lang's attention is not on this matter:"In fact, compared to this......"

"I'm more curious about......"

"What will be the first game Bronya and Kiana play?"


As expected of a die-hard game fan.

The other side.

March 7 on the Star Train was also moved by the most sincere friendship between the two.

He looked at Xing and said:"Xing, if one day you need to stay in some weird place for so long,"

"I will definitely be like Kiana.

Xing glanced at March Qi with disgust:"Did I make a mistake in saving you?""

One sentence made March Qi's tears stop. She looked at Xing angrily:"How can you be so heartless? Xing said disdainfully:"You were the one who cursed me first."

Dan Heng:"You two are half matched.""

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