"Bronya is really……"

"I like Kiana very much."

Himeko saw Bronya crying.

She was heartbroken and a little surprised.

You must know that Bronya is the most special existence among all the Valkyries in St. Freya Academy.

It's not that Bronya How smart. But Bronya has a very different experience compared to other Valkyries who were selected into the Destiny. The former Bronya was a killer trained in the army. Codename: Silver Wolf! Yes, it was the silver wolf from the Star Universe. Of course, it was just the same name. Later he was brought back to the Cocolia Orphanage by Cocolia. So Bronya can also be considered a qualified soldier. In daily life When performing tasks, Bronya will also show the qualities of a soldier. A very important point for soldiers is to bleed without shedding tears. At this time, Bronya has also lost the ability to express emotions. So Ji Jizi had never seen Bronya show any unnecessary emotion. Bronya would cry. This was really completely beyond Jizi's expectation. It was a completely unexpected thing. She guessed Bronya will be very sad when she arrives. But I really didn’t expect that Lonya would be so sad that she would cry. This seems to be incompatible with the reserve of soldiers that Bronya often mentioned. Theresa spoke at this time Said:"So Kiana has magical power


"Will continue to change the people around me"

"It will make everyone around you develop in a better direction."

"Fu Hua also said so, didn't he?

Ji Zi nodded:" Yes."……"

"Sometimes I’m really surprised by Kiana’s magical power"

"I always feel like I'm by Kiana's side"

"will unconsciously move closer to her"

"Maybe this is also what's special about her.

Theresa:"At the beginning, let Kiana stay at St. Freya Academy.""

"My idea is just to protect her until she becomes A Valkyrie"

"Once you have some ability to protect yourself, you can tell her other things later."

"But during this time, I also saw Kiana’s efforts"

"And the energy in Kiana"

"Sometimes I can even see the shadow of Cecilia in her"

"It's so nostalgic……"

Himeko knew what Theresa meant.

In the beginning, she protected Kiana out of her feelings for 24 Celia.

It was also out of guilt for Kiana.

But slowly.

She also began to recognize Kiana.

His feelings for Kiana are no longer related to anything else.

He simply regarded himself as Kiana's elder.

She is the aunt that Kiana can rely on in this world.

This is also Kiana's effort.

The change in Theresa's mood.

Ji Zi smiled slightly:"So, I have always believed……"

"Kiana is someone who can bring different colors to this world"

"How about it, I have good taste, Theresa.

Theresa:"Then I'll recruit you, a guy with good vision, to St. Freya Academy.""

"Do I have a better vision?

Theresa's tone was full of confidence.

Jizi:"I was defeated by you.""


"Thank you for choosing me, Teresa. Theresa was stunned.

Jizi continued:"If you hadn't chosen me, I wouldn't have met any of them.""

"It is even less possible to join in their exciting lives. Theresa shook her head:"Recruiting you to St. Freya Academy is my most correct choice.""

"It's you who taught Kiana a lot of things"

"It was you who made her firm in her direction"

"You are a good teacher, Himeko"

"But I still say the same thing, you are the teacher who is least like a teacher. Ji Zi smiled slightly:"

Then I'll take it as you are complimenting me."

Theresa:"You are really thick-skinned.""

Then they both laughed uncontrollably.

At the same time, in the dormitory,

Kiana happily said to Bronya:"Bronya, you said you don't care about me!"


Fu Hua looked at the noisy two and said,"Next, it should be Mei Yi's turn.""

Hearing Mei Yi, both of them stopped and looked at the screen immediately.

Only when dealing with Mei Yi can the two of them maintain a highly unified opinion.

That is the most important thing about Mei Yi!

The two of them. They all looked at the game screen.

At this time Kiana said:"I wonder if Mei will cry."

Mei Yi was stunned for a moment.

Then she thought about it, shook her head and said,"Sorry, Kiana."

"That's my future self, so I don't know very well."

Fu Hua:"After all, you in the future will have experienced a lot of things and changed a lot."

"Use your current state of mind to figure out who you will be in the future."

"It is indeed difficult to guess what you will do next."

Bronya:"After saying goodbye to sister Mei, I should inherit the complete final power."

Kiana:"Judging from the process just introduced, it should be true."

At this time, the camera of the game screen shifted.

After Bronya left, the camera focused on Kiana and Mei.

At this time, the background behind them finally became clear.

It is not pure white here. The space of consciousness.

It is the starting point where Kiana inherited the power of the end.

The location pointed by Mei Yi

’s beacon. Siyuan’s station.

The long corridor behind is the platform.

Kiana:"This is not The place where we dispersed before?

Bronya:"So this is the purpose of this platform.""

Fu Hua:"I was curious before why it was a platform."

It's not just Fu Hua.

Everyone's doubts have been lifted.

On the top of the mountain.

The Herrscher of Knowledge looked at this scene with interest.

"It turned out that when the three of them said goodbye,"

"So many things happened"

"I always thought that as long as she defeated Kevin, Kiana would be the complete Herrscher of the End."

"I didn’t expect there to be such a sense of ceremony"

"This crappy platform actually allows trains to depart."

When the Herrscher of Knowledge went to this place before, he thought it was some form of expression of the power of the origin.

Depending on the era, it would be different.

The result was unexpected.

That place was actually real. It is a subway station where you can take a train

"If I had known it would be so easy to find the Cocoon of Finality"

"Wouldn't it be nice to wait for the train somewhere near the station?"

Of course, this is also what the Herrscher of Knowledge said jokingly.

After all, if it were really that simple to get to the End, it wouldn't have taken the efforts of two civilization eras.

It was finally successful.

The Herrscher of Knowledge is interesting to watch. To the game screen:"I wonder if Mei Raiden will cry?""

"Her relationship with Kiana is the best."

The Herrscher of Knowledge is gearing up.

If he knows that Mei is crying, he will have caught another black history. It will be revealed when the time comes.

The expression of Raiden Mei will be wonderful.

The mentality of a child in the Herrscher of Knowledge.?

Immediately It showed

【Alicia: It’s finally Mei’s turn. I wonder how Mei will confess her love to Kiana? So looking forward to it!】

【Eden: Ellie, you still like to watch the fun so much】

【Padofelis: But I’m looking forward to it too】

【Su: The Herrscher of the End and the Herrscher of the Origin farewell face to face. This is a bit interesting.】

【Mei: Such a scene is simply unthinkable in our civilization era.】

【Mebius: Isn’t this all thanks to Alicia?】

【Kiana: I’m really reluctant to separate from Mei.】

【Li Sushang: Why can’t Mei also stay on the moon?】

【Otto: It’s very simple. Although the earth has been taken back, there must be a lot of things to do next.】

【Teresa: Yes, judging from the previous captain of the Destiny Team, there may be large and small collapse events on the earth in the future.】

【Silver Wolf: Maybe it’s because Kiana is too strong now, so she temporarily banned her account.】

【March 7: What kind of official statement is this from the game?】

【Xing: I actually think it makes sense】

【Walter: Indeed, if Kiana can travel unimpeded on Earth, many things that will happen later will be easily solved.】?

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Walter, are you talking about what happened between me and Old Antique?】

【Walter: That’s right.……】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Otto: How about you start talking about it?】

【Xingqiong Jizi: Mr. Walter will not say it. He is worried that he will destroy something because of his concern.】

【Xier: I believe that future sisters Bronya and others will also be able to solve these problems.】

【Bronya: Of course】


As a loyal player. ?

Lynn also knows what will happen in the future.

And these things will be slowly exposed to the audience in the live broadcast room later.

Lynn is like them.

At this time, I am paying attention to the plot development in the game screen.

In the computer game screen. ?

As the camera shifted, the platform behind the two people gradually became clearer.

The two looked at each other. nodded.

Together we walked towards the train platform.

Kiana sighed and whispered softly:"I obviously still have a lot of things to say to you."

"But the words come to my lips"

"Suddenly I don’t know what to say anymore"

"In this regard……"

"Should I also ask Bronya for advice?"

Thinking about Bronya leaving just now.

Kiana complained:"She left too chicly."

Yayi said with a smile:"We do all have a lot to learn.……"

"There is a long way to go……"


"We all have enough time……"

Kiana hummed softly.

The two walked into the platform.

Standing in the waiting area.

Waiting for train melee. ?

Yayi continued:"But speaking of……"

"It seems that I haven’t told Kiana about my future plans yet, right?

Kiana was stunned:"Does Mei have any clear ideas?"

Yayi nodded:"I think……"

"I will choose teaching as my career."

Kiana:"Like Teacher Jizi?"

Mei Yi:"That's not necessarily true. After all, I never drink.……"


【Teresa: Hahaha, I give full marks to this complaint.】

【Honkai Impact Himeko: I never thought that in Mei’s heart I would be such a teacher】

【Mei: Himeko, I didn’t mean that】

【Bronya: Sister Mei will really learn from Alicia in the future】

【March 7: Yeah, yeah, it feels obvious】

【Alicia: Oh my, you can’t blame me! But Mei Yi’s career is really unexpected.】

【Sue: Maybe it’s not surprising, after all she once told you that she wanted to be the teller of the story.】

【Eden: The profession of teacher is indeed very suitable for telling stories to future generations.】

【Padofelis: Does this mean that Sister Mei wants to tell our story to more people?】

【Walter: Yes……】

【Alicia: Mei, it seems that I didn’t choose the wrong person in the future.】

【Mebius: Teachers and doctors have something in common, right?】


【Silver Wolf: A surprising decision】

【Li Sushang: But Mei Yi from the future still teases Bronya, so she doesn’t look like a serious teacher.】

【Kiana: That must be Alicia’s fault】

【Alicia: Mei, I feel so sad when they say that to me.】

【Xingqiong Jizi: Maybe it’s what she experienced along the way that made Mei have such an idea.】

【Honkai Himeko: Yes, I also believe that Mei will become a better teacher than me. 】

In the game screen.

Mei continued:"Let me use flowers and fruits as an analogy.……"

Meiyi told her feelings. ?

Simply put, all she wants to be is a storyteller.

She wants to tell people in the future.

There once was a group of heroes like this.

For the sake of human civilization, a fight against collapse was launched.

Although some of them failed. ?

But this spirit still deserves to be continued.

And these are the stories of the Thirteen Heroes Chasing Fire.

There are more people’s stories, stories of Kiana, Bronya, Theresa and so on.

Mei Yi wants to be the deliverer of this story.

Let those who come after you learn something from it.

Finally the best fruits and flowers bloom.

After listening to this, Kiana said excitedly:"As expected of Mei!"

"I can't think of such mature words. Yayi:"



"This is the struggle of all mankind against fate. Who is to say?"

This is what Kiana said in front of the Cocoon of the End.

Only then did the audience in the live broadcast room react.

The smell of Ellie on Mei's body was getting stronger and stronger.

Even Kiana would bully her if she got ruthless.

Kiana, who was provoked into the dark history, scratched her head in embarrassment:"Mei……"

Just when Kiana was about to say something.

There was a sound of a whistle blowing. interrupted their thinking.

A train drove slowly into the station.

In their eyes. ?

At the same time, there was a look of reluctance.

It was obvious that he had just entered the station.

Haven't even said a few words yet. ?

Is this how we say goodbye?

The two of them looked at the approaching train together.

And on the sign at the station.

It also previewed the next stop - hope!

There was a loud sound... the train door opened.

Kiana and Mei didn't say much.

But they looked at each other and smiled again. ?

Kiana turned and walked towards the train.

Collapsed in.

In Mei Yi's eyes.

The train kept moving towards the distance.

Until it disappeared from Mei Yi's sight. ?

Mea Yi did not shed tears... her eyes were extremely determined. ?

The body also turned into little bits of starlight and began to dissipate and return to the earth. ?

Just when the audience thought it was over. ?

The screen begins to regress rapidly.

He directly caught up with the train just now.

At this time, the train has arrived in the starry sky.

In the distant starry sky, the huge cocoon of the end seemed to have shattered the space and arrived somewhere.

The train headed towards the Cocoon of Finality. at the same time.

There was also background music playing.

When a former best friend leaves... on the barrage.

Refresh the screen again……

【Mei: Kiana, waiting for you to come home!】

【Bronya: Kiana, waiting for you to come home!】

【March 7: Kiana, waiting for you to come home!】

【Youlandel: Kiana, waiting for you to come home!】

【Xier: Kiana, waiting for you to come home!】

【Li Sushang: Qiana, waiting for you to come home!】

【Kiana: My future self must go home!】


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