"Does the story of Kiana and the others end here?"

March 7th looked at the game screen.

The train heading to the Cocoon of Finality.

And the BGM that sounded. It immediately brought the parting atmosphere to a climax.

March 7th looked at Walter.

Walter didn't say anything. What.

Instead, Xing said:"There are only people who are still waiting for Kiana to come home."

"Their story will never end."

Dan Heng:"To be more precise, this story should have come to an end."

"Kiana and the others successfully saved the world and defeated Honkai"

"Crossed the end"

"Next, human civilization on earth will enter a new stage of development."

"A stage of development that previous human civilization has never entered."

Walter:"Yes, from now on"

"Humanity no longer has to worry about the destruction caused by the collapse."

March 7:"The next part should be the story of Xiao Shi and Fu Hua, right?"

"Quantum Sea, and Big Gratius"

"I really hope the captain continues to tell their story."

After these live broadcasts,

March 7 has already regarded Kiana and the others as his friends. It is also a very interesting thing to watch the adventure stories of friends. Xing:"Then you have to see whether the captain is willing.. Ji Zi:"I'm more curious about whether the captain knows our future."" Walter:"I don't know.


"But I feel like maybe I should know."

March 7:"Yes, the live broadcasts so far are all about the collapse of the world."

"It wasn't our turn."

Xing:"If there is also our story"

"Then we are also a game."

March 7 said excitedly:"Then I must be the protagonist of the game!"

Xing:"Obviously, I meet the requirements of the protagonist better than you.

Dan Heng:"Do you two have to fight over this kind of thing?""

Walter:"According to March's character, if she was put on some planet to live for ten years,"

"You probably can't help it."

Xing:"As long as there is a trash can, I can bear it."

March 7:"Hey! Why is it a trash can?"

Walter ignored the noisy two and continued to look at the game screen.

The train heading to the Cocoon of the End.

Although he knew many things that happened later. He had also experienced them.

But these things before, She still didn't know many details.

When Bronya and Mei returned to Earth, they didn't tell them in detail what happened when they finally parted.

After that, Anti-Entropy and the doctors of Destiny went to the moon together.

Humans also Space began to develop.

At this time, changes occurred in the quantum sea.

Only Walter understood that crossing the end is not an end for human beings.

On the contrary, it is a brand new beginning.

"I hope that after I leave......"

"You can still protect that world."

Walter felt that he was a little narcissistic.

After all, his own strength could not be regarded as a top existence in the later era. He could not intervene in many crises. Later, it was also because of Void Manzo. Only then did he come to the Star Universe. At the same time, he also shouldered a new responsibility. Thinking of this, Walter smiled slightly. He couldn't help but ask the people on the game screen:"You who are in the collapsing world, are you still here?" ok


The other side.

Kafka looked at Silver Wolf:"Silver Wolf, for the end of this story"

"What do you think?"

Silver Wolf:"For me, it's more like the end of the first stage of this game."

"No, what the captain has been showing all along is just a game"

"It’s just that the story this game tells is Kiana’s story. Kafka

:"Yes, it is enough to immerse anyone who has experienced it.""

"and moved by it"

"A beautiful story of empowerment."

Silver Wolf:"From the perspective of game production, Honkai Impact 3 is undoubtedly a qualified game."

"I thought so at first.

Kafka asked curiously:"What about now?""

Yin Lang smiled:"Now, compared to this game"

"What I like more is everyone in the game"

"Kiana and the others’ stories, and the touches they brought to the players in their stories"

"If possible, I really want to play this game from beginning to end as a player and as a captain.

Kafka:"Didn't you always have this idea from the beginning?""

Silver Wolf showed a different smile.

Then he shook his head:"No, Kafka"

"This time is different"

"I don't want to play games this time"

"But I want to experience their stories with Kiana and the others."

Hearing this, Kafka also smiled.

He understood what Silver Wolf meant.

"You suddenly look a bit like Elio."

Silver Wolf:"Develop this story in a better direction."

"Isn’t this what we are doing?"

Kafka:"Yes, to a certain extent......"

"We are walking on the same path as Kiana and the others."

"Maybe our difficulty is higher"

"Or maybe it makes no difference at all.

Kafka sighed:"It's really strange. He was obviously watching the live broadcast.""

"But unknowingly, I actually sympathized with Kiana and the others."

Silver Wolf:"This is the charm that games can bring."

"Kafka, I can teach you how to play it when I have time.

Kafka did not refuse this time, but replied:"Okay."......"

Silver Wolf looked at Kafka.

Also showed a smile

"I wonder what kind of story Captain will bring us next? Kafka:"

Yeah, I'm looking forward to it so much""

"The story of Kiana and the others has come to an end."

"So next, will it be our turn to tell the story of this universe?

Silver Wolf teased:"Kafka, why do I feel like you are a little reluctant to give up?"

Kafka:"Aren't you the same?"......"

At this time, Linn was in front of the computer.

Also looking at the game screen.

He showed a look of reminiscence.

Finally he sighed sadly.

Exited this cg plot animation.

And there is no more behind.

Just when the system prompt box is about to pop up.

Lynn continues to delay settlement

"In this way, the story of Yu Sanjia basically comes to an end."

"Next, say something else......"

Lynn was just about to put something else.

Suddenly I remembered.

There is a CG plot behind this.

Still the more tear-jerking part.

But it’s not a tearjerker either.

Combined with another paragraph, you can tell the audience in the live broadcast room.

Kiana also lives very well on the moon.

It can make most of the viewers in the live broadcast room feel relieved.

Lynn considers herself a responsible person.

You can’t let the audience finish watching it.

I thought Kiana would suffer on the moon.

Always make the audience feel at ease.

Lin En continued:"Everyone, do you want to know what happened to Kiana after she entered the train?"

"What else happened?"

"And is Kiana really the only one on this train?"

The viewers in the live broadcast room were all shocked after hearing Lin En's words. Isn't that the train that picks up the Herrscher of the End? Could it be that there are other people on the train?

【Kiana: Could it be other Herrschers of the End?】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Is there anyone else in that place?】

【Mei: That is the train leading to the Cocoon of the End. Is it really the Herrscher of the End from other civilizations?】

【Mebius: At this stage, what is known is that our civilization era and the next civilization era have reached the end.】

【Velvet: Yes, maybe our previous era will not reach the end.】

【March 7: It shouldn’t be that bad, right?】

【Walter: What the three doctors said is not impossible. After all, it was not until the first fusion warrior appeared in the pre-civilization era that the situation began to improve.】

【Otto: Yes, our civilization era is also aided by information from previous civilization eras, so we can be so relaxed.】

【Theresa: If you just rely on yourself to explore, you will indeed suffer heavy losses.】

【Youlandel: Don’t underestimate Honkai】

【Xier: In other words, will Kiana encounter more Herrschers of the End in that train?】

【Li Sushang: I don’t think it’s the Herrscher of the End, right?】

【Alicia: I feel that since the captain would ask such a question, maybe the person who appears inside will be an old acquaintance of ours.】

【Eden: Well, I feel that way too. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Lin En looked at everyone's guesses on the barrage.

Explained:"You will know who it is after you see it.""

"I am simpleLet’s introduce the next content"

"The next thing to be played is a short story called Graduation Travel"

"It probably tells the story of Kiana's mental journey after saying goodbye to everyone."

"After entering the train, Kiana's mood changes, and the story along the way"

"This is also a gift from the game company to the captains"

"A small gift that condenses many captains’ 6 years of youth, for us captains"

"The story of Kiana’s experience is our youth......"

Lin En said, and started working on it.

Start looking for short videos of graduation trips.

In the Valkyrie dormitory of St. Freya Academy.

After hearing Lin En's words, Kiana looked up at the ceiling with a smile:"Thank you, Captain."

"Maybe it’s also because of your presence"

"Only then can I overcome one difficulty after another in the future."

What Lin En meant just now.

Kiana understood.

Mei also raised her head:"Captain, remember to eat well."

"Don’t play games until you forget to eat and sleep"

"Also remember to keep warm every day to avoid catching a cold."

"In summer, don't eat too much ice, otherwise you will get diarrhea."

Kiana looked at Mei Yi:"Mei Yi, why do I think you are talking about me?"

Bronya:"Because in Sister Mei's view, the captain needs to be taken care of just like Kiana."

"Right, sister Mei."

Yayi nodded:"Yeah......."

"do not know why"

"Maybe it's just an intuition."

Kiana looked at Bronya:"Bronya, don't you want to say something to the captain?"

Bronya was stunned.

Then she also looked at the ceiling:"Although I don't know if the captains can hear it like this."

"But I still want to say......"

"Captain, remember to get more rest when playing games."

"Otherwise, the performance of the game will deteriorate."

After saying that, the three of them looked at Fu Hua in unison.

Fu Hua was stunned:"~I probably don't need it."

Kiana:"Of course, monitor"

"We are all Valkyries on the Captain's Hyperion."

Fu Hua was confused for a moment.

He thought of what Lin En said just now.

Fu Hua also raised his head:"Captain, hello.……"

Kiana looked at Fu Hua in surprise:"No more?"

Mei Yi smiled faintly:"Forgive the squad leader, Kiana."

Kiana:"Okay then"

"If it was someone with a little knowledge, he might have started teaching the squad leader how to speak at this time."

Bronya:"For the squad leader, this should be the best way to say hello.

Fu Hua:"Isn't it like this?""

The three of them smiled and didn't explain much.

Because this is Fu Hua.

Each of them has their own character.

This is why they will be liked by many people.

This is why Teresa founded Saint Fu Hua. A very important purpose of Leia Academy.

They don't want to see the kind of

Valkyrie who only sacrifices for the mission.

So she and Cecilia decided together to establish St. Freya Academy.……

Theresa looked at the game screen.

Although she didn't know what Kiana and the others were doing at this time.

But she can feel it.

Lynn's feelings for them.

It's sincere

"What a sentimental captain. Theresa said.

Jizi:"If you weren't sentimental, you wouldn't be infected by our story.""

"We also asked Aiyi to come and help us"

"That last scene, if it weren't for Ai Yi and the captain,……"

Thinking back to that last scene.

If it weren't for the captain and the others.

Maybe this civilization era.

Will fail...

Theresa:"Yes, in our civilization era"

"He is really favored by the captains."

Although this sentence has been said many times,

Theresa still wants to say it.

Then Theresa and Kiana made the same action:"Thank you for participating in our story, Captain.……"

Ji Zi also said the same:"Captain, if you were in this world"

"I really want to date you.

Theresa:"Don't harm the captain." Ji

Zi (who has good money) said:"How can you say that to me?"

Theresa:"How many times have you failed on a date?"

Ji Zi:"Isn't it because you have a mission every time?""

The sound of the two bickering came and went in the conference room.

Linn was in front of the computer.

Naturally, he didn't hear the voices of Kiana and the others.

At this time, he had already prepared the CG for his graduation trip.

"Okay, everyone"

"Now let us take a look at the people Kiana met after getting on the train."

"This is also the epitome of Kiana’s story"

"It was also Kiana who finally strengthened her heart……"

After saying that, Linn clicked on CG.

In the game screen, a new CG screen starts to play.

Lynn takes the audience with him.

Experience Kiana's final CG short in Honkai Impact 3.

CG begins.

The audience got their first look.

You can see it.

This is the previous train.

At this time, Kiana was leaning against the door of the train.

Holding communication device in hand.

He seemed to be thinking about how to contact Mei Yi and the others in the future.

After a while.

Kiana put away the communication device in her hand.

Look out the window.

Kiana's voice also sounded at this time:"When a story ends……"

"People always ring the beginning of it……"

"It's like everything is back to before……"

The audience could see it.

At this time, Kiana's face looked a little sad.

Empty carriage.

It also seemed that Kiana was particularly lonely.

Wait until Kiana's voice disappears.

The only sound of Kuji Kuji's engine was heard in the carriage.

Suddenly, the color of the entire carriage darkened.

The originally bright scene outside.

It turned into a red light.

A dark red light also lit up in the carriage.

Then a voice sounded.

As if responding to Kiana's thoughts just now:"Like this now……"

"Is it right?"

This voice is extremely familiar to Theresa.

【Teresa: Grandpa? ? ?】

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