"This voice is definitely grandpa’s!"

Theresa swore that no matter what, she would definitely not mishear Otto's voice.

But why did Otto appear on Kiana's train to the end?

Isn't this a bit unreasonable!

After all, before , whether it is the speculation of the audience in the live broadcast room, or Theresa's own inner thoughts.

It is also Kiana who will meet the Herrscher of the End from other civilization eras.

Why is it Otto

? Zi said at this time:"Actually, I feel that what Otto said is within a reasonable range.

Theresa looked at Jizi curiously:"Why?""

Himeko:"When Kiana was collecting the power of the Herrscher, wasn't the Herrscher of restraint Otto?"

"And the captain also said"

"If our civilization in this era faces the Herrscher of Restraint,"

"There will definitely be heavy casualties"

"Fortunately, Bishop Otto had a bug and blocked the Herrscher of Restraint. Theresa touched her chin.

She thought about it carefully.

"In other words, the train that boarded this ship was not the Herrscher of the End from other civilization eras."

"But the lawyer of our time?"

Himeko:"If Otto appears here,"

"So I guess that's it"

"And I think it should be those Herrschers who have died......"

Theresa was surprised:"Could it be that Siren can do it?"

Jizi spread her hands:"Who knows?"

"Look at the barrage, no one expected it to be Otto."

【Bronya: I believe the principal will not admit his mistake, so this voice is really Otto!】

【Mebius: It’s really unexpected. I thought it would be another Herrscher of the End, but I didn’t expect it to be the Herrscher of Restraint.】

【Rita: So this is also the Herrscher's train to the end.】

【plum: return......】

【Alicia: Then Otto must be the only one】

【Li Sushang: Otto......Who is coming?】

【March 7: It’s the stone statue where Kiana knelt down on one knee when she became the Herrscher of the End.】

【Xing: It should be said that he is the person that Uncle Yang hates the most.】

【Walter: The ghost is really lingering. Otto should be dead at this time.】

【The Herrscher of Consciousness: It should be his Herrscher consciousness.】

【Kiana: I don’t think I’m very familiar with Bishop Otto, right?】

【Kafka: Interesting......】

【Hollander: It’s indeed an unexpected way to appear.】

【Otto: I didn’t expect to meet you all in this way either.】


Destiny Headquarters.

Otto Rao 883 watched the live broadcast with interest.

He really didn't expect it.

I am in the live broadcast room.

To actually show up in this way.

When it appeared before, it was just a stone statue.

Can't see anything.

Hollander looked at Otto:"Maybe it's because of your identity as the future Herrscher."

"That’s why you boarded this train.

Rita:"I think so too." Otto:"

Didn't Dr. Mei just say return?""

"Kiana is going to the Cocoon of Finality to inherit the complete power of Finality"

"We herrists have the consciousness"

"It is also an indispensable part of the ultimate power."

"In the end, they should all be wiped out, leaving only the power of power completely integrated into Kiana's body."

Youlandel:"Bishop, you seem to be worried about your future death."

"Don't care at all. Otto smiled lightly:"Because I know that my death is useful.""

"Apart from anything else, how much damage the Herrscher of Restraint will bring to this civilization"

"Youlandel, you should know better than me."

Youlandel did not answer.

After all, this is a fact of the future.

Rita asked an extremely important question at this time:"So, Lord Otto"

"How did it pass away in the end?

Otto smiled slightly:" It doesn't matter."……"

Hollander:"And what Mr. Walter said before, Lord Otto left happily."


Otto still did not answer these questions.

Instead, he said:"Maybe the captain will answer these questions?"

"Let's just wait and see"

"Look, I show up……"

Hollander and Rita looked at the game screen.

One hand holds a glass of red wine. appeared on the screen.

It looks very elegant.

As the screen moves.

The blond Otto sat comfortably on his seat while sipping red wine.

Look at Kiana.

And through the window behind Otto.

What I saw was a huge tree in the sky.

Every branch of the giant tree exudes this golden light.

At this time, outside the window, there were various ruins and broken walls suspended in the air.

Almost no one knows anyone in this space.

Lynn knew it too.

Audiences in the live broadcast room.

No one has ever touched this place.

After all, Otto wanted to get the coordinates of this place.

How much thought was spent.

This is the source of all Herrscher power.

The origin of all worlds.

Lin En looked at the audience in the live broadcast room:"This is the imaginary number space"

"And the golden tree behind Otto...(cffc)…"

"It’s the tree of imaginary numbers……"

【Xingqiong Jizi: Is this the imaginary number space?】

【Walter: This is the first time I have seen this place.】

【Mei: I know this space, but this is the first time I’ve seen it】

【Mebius: This is the source of the Herrscher's power. Each Herrscher core can draw power from the imaginary space.】

【Su: Are those intertwined branches of the tree of imaginary numbers different worlds?】

【Bronya: So spectacular……】

【Xier: Is this another space different from the Quantum Sea?】

【Kafka: I never expected that we would actually see the imaginary number space in this form】

【Silver Wolf: Yes, imaginary number space……】

【March 7: Why do you all look so surprised?】

【Xingqiong Jizi: In March, the source of Star God’s power comes from the imaginary number space.】

【Dan Heng: All people walking on the road of destiny obtain power from the imaginary number space.】

【Star: Is that the thing inside me too?】

【Teresa: This is the imaginary number space that Destiny has never been able to explore.】

【Honokai Himeko: Do ​​those World Bubbles have anything to do with this place?】

【Alicia: Is this where the Herrscher gets his power?】

【Eden: This is really a beautiful place】


Pre-civilization era.

Mei looked at the tree of imaginary numbers behind Otto.

There was a heat in his eyes.

Among the salvation plans she formulated was the Hengsha Plan. purpose of this plan.

It is through observing the infinite world bubbles and parallel worlds.

So as to find an effective way to deal with Honkai.

And the origin of these worlds.

All on the tree of imaginary numbers.

On the tree of imaginary numbers, those defeated worlds will turn into world bubbles and fall into the quantum sea.

And the reason why World Bubble is called World Bubble.

It is because these worlds do not have enough power to maintain their own world.

In the end, it will turn into a bubble and shatter in the quantum sea.

That’s why it’s called World Bubble.

It can be said that the imaginary number space is the true origin of everything in this world.

Mei:"The tree of imaginary numbers, but unfortunately we don't have the coordinates of that place either."

"if so……"

Mei believes that more useful information can be grasped in the imaginary number space.


The only bridge they have to communicate with the imaginary number space is one.

That is the core of the Herrscher.

However, there is no way to pass the Herrscher Core.

Go to imaginary number space.

It can only be crafted into a God Key.

In this way, we can gain the power in the imaginary number space.

Just a little bit can make the God Key explode with that level of power.

Mei believes that if the imaginary number space can be thoroughly studied.

And build the power inside into a more powerful weapon.

Maybe we can cross the finish line.

However, this idea is just a thought.

After all, they currently have no means of entering the imaginary number space.

There is only one way to enter the quantum sea.

The world bubble in the quantum sea also has connected parallel worlds.

Obviously in the future.

There is no way to deal with Honkai.

Thinking of this, Dr. Mei couldn't help but sigh.

At this time, Mebius said:"What I'm more curious about is why when Otto appeared." (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"The scene outside the train becomes an imaginary number space."

Su:"Does it mean that Kiana and the others are passing through the imaginary number space at this moment?"

Sakura:"No, if going to the end requires passing through the imaginary space."

"When Kiana became the Herrscher of the End,"

"There is no such link?"

Kevin:" Or……"

Eden:"Or maybe it’s because Otto went here last"

"That's why Otto's memory was revealed outside at this time.

Alicia:"It's possible.""

"Otto may have really been to the imaginary number space, including going to the tree of imaginary numbers.

Mei:"If this is really the case, maybe we can also find the coordinates of the imaginary number space."……"

In Mei's eyes.

There continued to be a flash of heat.

If it is really possible to enter the imaginary number space.

Then all this might change.

Although Patophilis didn't know what Mei was excited about, she still said:"Dr. Mei, don't be anxious yet."

"Let's look down first"

"If you are too nervous, some important information will be revealed."

Mei nodded.

Mebius smiled and said:"Really, Dr. Mei?"

"Now I need Padu to remind you."

"You should pay attention to control your emotions.

Mei nodded:"I just suddenly thought of something.""

"That's why I'm a little excited"

"Thank you, Padofelis."

Padofilis scratched her head in embarrassment:"This is what we should do."

"Don't be polite."

In the game screen at this time,

Otto was sipping wine and looking at the Imaginary Tree outside the window.

He felt quite like a gentleman.

Seeing that Kiana didn't show any expression to his appearance,

Otto smiled softly:"You don't seem surprised?"

Kiana didn't answer him.

Otto looked out the window and continued:"This scenery……"

"Isn’t it very nostalgic?"

"Don't be so sentimental!"

As soon as Otto said this, another voice appeared.

This voice was already recognized by the audience.

Thousand Herrschers are a mob!

When the Thousand Herrschers appeared, the scene outside the window changed to the time when the Domination Theater was shattered. Dark purple.

And the little girl puppet of Thousand Herrscher also appeared in the carriage.

At this time,

Kiana's outfit also changed from Herrscher of End to Herrscher of Fire.

At this moment, the audience I understand.

This scene is more like Kiana's stream of consciousness. It also seems like Kiana is reminiscing about her adventures along the way.

In short, various situations are possible.

And the scenery outside the window will appear as time goes by. changed due to the character.

That means that the previous imaginary number space is more or less related to Otto.

After Thousand Herrscher complained about Otto, he looked at Kiana:"She is different from us."

"And keep moving forward?……"

Then Thousand Herrscher started dancing in the carriage minding his own business.

"How about it?"

"Are you surprised to see me?"

Kiana was still leaning against the car door.

She ignored these two guys.

The Herrscher of Thousand People also played with herself. After a while, the Herrscher of Thousand People looked around.


"Is there another guy missing?"

The Thousand Herrscher just finished speaking.

The light in the carriage suddenly dimmed.

The scene outside the window turned into a dark cyberpunk style.

All the display screens in the car also changed color.

Then a dark red eye pattern Then it opened.

This Herrscher.

Everyone knows it.

The Herrscher of Corrosion.

It was the one she met at the first stop where Kiana inherited the power of the end.

At that time, he also appeared on the display screen..It

’s just not so obvious. ?

The eyes in the display screen all looked at Kiana?

"Now everyone is here!"

Thousand Herrscher said happily.

Otto also laughed out loud:"But unfortunately, our story is over."

Kiana also walked towards another carriage at this time.

It seemed that she didn't want to stay with these three guys.

The Herrscher of Corrosion also closed her eyes after seeing Kiana leave.

All the displays showed no signal prompts at the next moment.

Otto looked at the red wine in the glass

"as a person from the past……"

"Just let him stay in the past……"

Then there was a flash of white light. ?

Otto disappeared into the carriage.

Only Thousand Herrschers were left in the entire carriage.

The Herrscher of Thousand People shook his body and waved in front of him. ?

It seems a little reluctant to give up.

But it’s like having to do this?



Lynn in front of the computer.

Watch this scene.

I was filled with emotions in my heart.

At that time, I said goodbye to thousands of players.

The story of the first phase of Honkai Impact 3.

The curtain also ends here.

The previous bosses also bid farewell to the players here.

Then the screen changed again. ?

Kiana came to a place that looked like an elevator.

Elevator to the Hyperion's bridge. ?

The audience saw it before the big battle. ?

And Kiana’s clothes have also become the services of the Herrscher of the Sky. ?

It’s just that the eyes are not golden.

But the light blue eyes prove that the consciousness at this time belongs to Kiana.

Not Queen Herrscher of the Sky.

Kiana slowly walked to the glass of the elevator, and her appearance was reflected in the dark glass.

Kiana stretched out her hand and touched her reflection

"Don't you say something?"

Kiana closed her eyes and seemed to feel another consciousness in her body with her heart.

The next moment, the hand in the reflection left Kiana's hand.

She opened her golden eyes."

For what Kiana did , Yes, the Queen of the Sky snorted arrogantly.

"well done……"

Then the Queen's figure gradually began to disappear.

Kiana smiled lightly.

His eyes were full of loneliness.

It seemed like saying goodbye to a very good friend.

Kiana closed her eyes again.

Just then, the elevator leading to the bridge began to turn into purple feathers. ?

Then dispersed.

Kiana came to the sky above a city.

And began to fall from high in the sky.

At this time, Kiana slowly opened her eyes and looked towards the sky.

A smile appeared.

The screen turns to reveal Mei Yi in the form of Herrscher of Thunder.

It also started falling from the sky.

With a smile on his face.

He stretched out his hand to Kiana


Kiana handed her hand to Mei.

Meiyi pulled hard.

The scene changed again and came to a rooftop.

Mei held Kiana's hand.

The clothes of the two also changed into black battle uniforms.……


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