

The Wise Man suddenly stood up.

Is something wrong?

I can't sing!

How can there be such a thing as singing?

And since you made me into the game.

I shouldn't be made very strong.

Is it awesome?

"I don't remember Ai-chan telling me that."

"This captain is fake."

"Hey, what the hell are you doing!"

The Law of Knowledge roared at the light curtain.

Then I realized: "No, I should send a barrage." "

"It's like when Kiana and they finally faced Kevin."

[Knower: What kind of plane are you doing!] Shouldn't you let me look like I fought heroically? 】

[Fu Hua: It seems that this lady who knows the law is not very good. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Old Antique! ] If you don't help me talk, forget it, and talk about me? 】

[March 7: How do I think that this lady who knows the law seems to have an unusual relationship with Fu Hua? 】

[Kafka: Well, I see. 】

[Teresa: It seems that this future person who knows the law should have a good relationship with Fu Hua. 】

[Honkai Himeko: Won't it also be from our Saint Freya Academy?] 】

[Teresa: Himeko, your statement is dangerous! 】

[Walter: ...].

[Star: What if?] 】

[Danheng: It's not impossible. 】

[Teresa: You guys...].

[Knower: These things are not important, what are you doing! ] 】

[Knower: I don't know what singing is good or not, I can only fight. 】

[Bronia: The temper of the person who knows the law does not look very good, but it is a bit similar to Dr. Tesla. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Don't compare me to that female doctor! ] 】


Lynn watched as the Law of Knowledge interacted with everyone on the barrage.

He also explained: "This is an activity in the game. "

"It's kind of like a little game of you singing me guess."

"And in order not to let us players guess so easily."

"So, naturally, it's a little bit more intense in terms of gaming."

"Wait a minute, I'll play, everyone will understand."

"Okay, let's get into this interface now."

Under Lynn's operation.

A new game interface appeared in front of the audience in the live broadcast room.

It seems to be in a forest.

Then there is a wooden shelf to prop up a board.

There are two play buttons on the board.

Next to the two buttons is a question: "Which guy does Ciel think is best suited for this music?" "

Then here are the three options.

They are: "Yudo Dust"

"The Great Lady of the Lawyer"

"Old Antique"

And on the side of the board stood a purple-gray haired Q version of the little man.

Where to stand with bright eyes.

Very cute.

[March 7: Oh, it's really cute.] That villain. 】

[Silver Wolf: How do you look like you've seen it somewhere?] 】

[Kafka: In the CG of the previous game, the rune that flashed in Himeko's memories seemed to be very similar to this villain. 】

[Nha Yi: It is indeed very similar to Fu Hua's class leader, but I feel that there is something different. 】

[Kiana: Really like a class leader! ] 】

[Knower: Hey, hey, it's clear that I'm good, how did I become an old antique, your eyes...].

[The Law of Knowledge: Oh ~ That's right! ] You haven't experienced my story yet, so it's normal not to know. 】

[Knower: Forget it, forgive you. 】

[Fu Hua: But why do we look so similar? 】

[Knower: I'm sorry, I don't want to explain this. 】

[Teresa: Could it be that the one who knows the law is Fu Hua? 】

[Honkai Himeko: Broken, Saint Freya Gakuen Lawyer +1].

[Knower: Wait, we're completely different, okay, you can see it clearly! ] 】

[The law of knowledge: Old antiques are old antiques, I am me, you captain quickly help me explain. ] 】

Lynn looked at the barrage of the Law of Knowledge's words: "Hahaha, the Law of Knowledge is right." "

"She is her, Fu Hua is Fu Hua."

"To paraphrase a saying from our side, 'Fuhua will not become a lawyer, but a lawyer can become a lawyer.' "

"Anyway, there's another story involved."

"I'll just press it and don't say anything."

"In short, you just need to know that Fu Hua and the Law of Knowledge are two people."

With Lynn's explanation.

The audience in the live broadcast room finally stopped talking about the relationship between the two people.

In the Valkyrie dormitory.

Fu Hua dragged his chin with one hand.

She couldn't figure out what was going on.

It can only be a faint shake of the head.

Wait for Lynn to give this answer.

Kiana and Nha Yi were also curious to discuss.

Only Bronia's eyes were fixed on the two words on the game screen.

For others.

Two people who don't feel very important.

Bronia's hand squeezed unconsciously: "Xi'er, have I found you in the future?" "

Bronia was eager to ask that question.

But also afraid of the answer to this question.

I am afraid that I will not find Xi'er in the end.

So at this moment, Bronia's heart is very entangled.

I know that in the game screen, Lynn controls the mouse.

Clicked on the first piece of audio.

A magical singing voice shines through the live screen.

It passed through the light curtain and reached the ears of each viewer.

"Dengden ~~~~"

"Denden Dengden~~~Denden Glaring ~~~~"


There are even harmonies.

"Wow wow wow~~~~"

Fu Hua's face couldn't help but be moved.

"What's going on with this song?"

Bronia, who was still thinking about Xi'er just now.

It was understood at once.

Why did the Law of Knowledge stand in the image of the Q version?

And what Lynn just said.

The beautiful singing voice of the lady of the law of knowledge.

"Wouldn't this song be sung by the Laws of Knowledge?"

Kiana said unceremoniously: "Sing..."

"What a magic!"

Bud Yi: "Indeed, it is not ugly. "

"In short, it is very brainwashing..."


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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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