Above the top of the mountain.

The Wise One who just stood up.

After hearing this piercing song.

The whole person was directly in place.

Petrified lived.

She didn't even have to think.

Because that's her own voice.

So the law of knowledge is in the moment of hearing.

Recognized it immediately.

Himself is not only singing.

And look at this title.

Singing or your own theme song?

How can you sing by yourself so badly?

It's all incomplete, right....

Wait a minute!


Now the most important question is not this.

The important thing is that now everyone knows.

It's not good for the Knower to sing.

"He's sick!"

Those who know the law immediately became angry.

"How can this kind of thing be released casually!"

"It's over, Kiana, they still have old antiques."

"Now you know that I don't sing well."

"I will definitely be laughed at by them in the future."

"It's over!"

"My great life is over!"

"There is such a fatal stain!"

The person who knows the law grasps his head with both hands and raises his head to the sky and roars.

Now it's really dead.

In the Star Dome train.

March 7 directly laughed loudly: "Hahaha, laugh at me to death." "

"Is this the song of the Law of Knowledge?"

"My mom, how the hell did she do it."

"Even if I haven't heard this song, I can hear that every sentence of her is not in tune."


Star: "I see!" "

Danheng: "Do you understand something?" "

Star nodded: "Just now the anchor said, since it is a game." "

"It's going to be a little bit harder."

"Now it seems that this difficulty should be the song of the person who knows the law."

Danheng also reacted at once: "So it is, because the singing is out of tune enough." "

"So it's hard to tell what the original song is."

"It's really a good choice to use her as a singing person."

Walter smiled helplessly: "The Law of Knowledge should be mad now." "

Himeko thought it was funny.

"It seems that the person who set up this game."

"It's really careful."

Walter smiled slightly.

Didn't say much.

March Seven laughed while pointing at Danheng: "Hahaha, Danheng." "

"You don't want a serious analysis of whether this kind of thing is good or not..."

"I'll want to laugh more."


In the Star Dome train.

Drowned out by the cheerful laughter of the March 7.

The other side.

When the silver wolf heard this song, the corners of his mouth twitched: "I thought it would be some fun game." "

"Is this a game?"

Kafka laughed, "Any activity that brings people happiness is considered a game, isn't it?" "

"It's like a lot of people when they were kids."

"This kind of rope can also be called a game."

Hear Kafka say this.

The silver wolf was silent for a moment, and then continued: "Whatever. "

"Kafka, which of the three options do you choose?"

Kafka was stunned.

Didn't you just dislike this game?

How did you still choose?

Kafka: "Obviously we haven't heard any of these three songs, so what are we going to choose?" "

Silver Wolf: "That's why it's more interesting, isn't it?" "

"It's all luck, choose one by one."

"I'll come first, and I'll choose the second 'Great Lawyer Lady'."

Kafka smiled gracefully: "Because it is sung by the law of knowledge, did you choose this?" "

Silver Wolf: "Not entirely, it's more of an intuition as a game master." "

Kafka: "Then I'll choose 'Hado Dust', it's a better name." "


Lynn heard the song of the Law of Knowledge again.

It was also a happy laugh: "Hahaha, no matter how many times I listen to it, it's still very good." "

"Xiaozhi, you still have a lot of talent for singing."

[Knower: Ahhhh What the hell are you doing with this captain! 】

[Kiana: Hahaha, really. Although the five tones are incomplete, it is unexpectedly a bit brainwashing. 】

[March 7: No, I will record it to make a bell on my communicator, and it will definitely be popular throughout the universe in a short time. 】

[Star: Then the 'company' will notice this ringtone and come to us, and we charge high royalties with them! ] 】

[March 7: Star, you are really too smart! ] 】

[Walter: You two... (sweating)].

[Danheng: Is this the so-called business acumen? 】

[Wise Law: You people, do you have my consent to do this? It's too much you guys! 】

[Fu Hua: But they are in another world, and you can't help it. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Old antique you, you you you you...].

[Teresa: Hahaha, no, my stomach hurts. Obviously I was so sad just now...].

[Honkai Himeko: Hahaha, isn't the Law of Knowledge a little cute. 】

[Knower: Don't use the word cute to describe me, Captain, you quickly turn it off!! 】


Lynn sat on the couch and laughed forwards and backs.

And this scene is also seen by those who know the law.

It took a while for Lynn to slow down: "Okay, okay." "

"Stop laughing... Hahaha. "

[The Law of Knowledge: You haven't stopped at all! ] 】

Lynn: "I'm sorry, I really can't help it. "


"Okay, okay, let's all calm down."

"Now entering the interactive session, the audience in the live broadcast room think that the song Xiao Zhi sang is the one."

"Deduction 1 of the first article is considered to be the deduction of the second article, and deduction 2 of the second article is considered to be ..."

"Send your barrage!"

[March 7: 2222222! ] It must be 2, the one who knows the law sings so well, it must be his own. 】

[Honkai Himeko: 1 let...]

[Silver Wolf: 2! ] 】

[Walter: 3! 】

[Star: What's going on 3, I choose 1! ] 】

[Danheng: 2. 】

[Kiana: Pick 1... No, no, no, choose 2...].

[Bronia: 2. 】

[Fu Hua: Then I choose No. 3! ] 】

[The Law of Knowledge: What's going on with old antiques?] I pick 1! 】

[Star: You weren't like that just now...].


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