At the interactive invitation of Lynn.

All the viewers sent their choices in the barrage.

All three options are balanced, and someone chooses.


"How can an old antique be different from the one I chose."

"This is obviously 'Yudu Dust'!"

"Won't I know the song I sing?"

The law of knowledge is like this, when faced with wins and losses.

You forget a lot of things.

It's like now.

I completely forgot how angry I was just now.

It's more concerned.

The correct result of these three options too.

Look carefully at the three options in the light curtain screen.

I couldn't help but clench my fists.

Think you're going to get it right.

In the Star Dome train.

March 7 also said proudly: "You guys wait, as the luckiest person on the train." "

"It will definitely be chosen."

Danheng dismantled the platform and said, "But in the last pioneering mission..."

March 7 immediately raised his hand: "Okay, Danheng!" "

"Don't say it."

"I know what you're trying to say."

Xing Ye also dismantled the platform and said: "So in the last pioneering trip. "

"You're not out of luck."

March Seven defended: "No, it was an accident that time. "

"Except for that once, I've always been..."

The words come to your lips.

March 7 stopped.

Then glanced at Danheng.

Forget it.

This guy has a good memory.

Maybe he remembered some strange black history later.

And those March 7s themselves are not impressed.

"It won't be made up by Danheng himself every time, right?"

March 7 had to be so skeptical.

Forget it.

Let's see if you choose the right one!

March Seven said nervously: "2! "

"It has to be 2!"

Several others did not have much desire to win or lose this result.

It's just that everyone participates together and feels a little involved.

But since there is a sense of participation.

It is impossible to say that there is no sense of expectation.

Now every audience member is curious.

Is the option I just chose right?

Lynn looked at the barrage after everyone was finished.

A slight smile.

"There are quite a few of them."

"It seems that everyone still likes to listen to the Shenzhou electronic sound of Xiaozhi."


This feeling.

It's like her own daughter is recognized by everyone.

Of course.

This is just a more appropriate metaphor.

Lynn continued to say to the audience: "Okay, everyone has chosen, right? "

"Then it's time to reveal the answer."

"First of all, I have to choose one."

Lynn moved her mouse over the second option.

'The Great Law Lady'

After clicking down.

The Q version of the Law of Knowers on the side popped up a dialog box.

"Confirm the submission option 'Lady of the Great Law of Knowledge'?"

Lynn clicked Confirm.

At the same time as he clicks confirm.

Another music playback icon also plays a new piece of music.

The new music is impassioned.

The opening melody corresponds exactly to the Dengdendendendengdendengdendengdengden

There is also the mixing of electric sounds in the back.

Then there is the sound of an instrument played by the lute.

It corresponds to the bangbangbang when the law of knowledge opened the wheat just now!

[Kiana: This is the song that the Knower hummed just now. 】

[March 7: Is this an electric sound?] 】

[Fu Hua: Can the pipa still be played like this? 】

[Star: This should be a cyberlute.] 】

[Teresa: It's like listening to Xianle Ear for the time being...]

[Knower: Hey, hey, what do you mean! 】

[Silver Wolf: Sure enough, this sounds a lot better. 】

[Kafka: So what's the answer?] 】

[Walter: This won't be Shenzhou electrophone, right?] 】

[Danheng: What is Shenzhou? 】

[Walter: Fuhua and the Law of Knowledge should be regarded as people from the Kingdom of Shenzhou, and the pipa just now is a unique musical instrument in Shenzhou. ] 】

[Honkai Himeko: So it is. 】

[Himeko Hoshiki: I have to say that this piece of music really has a solipsistic momentum, which is very good. 】

[Knower: Why do I have an impulsive feeling? 】

[Fu Hua: I also sound strange. 】


After the song finishes playing.

Lynn also had a sense of comfort.

Whether to say it or not, this paragraph still has to listen to the original.

Only then does it have the feeling of Shenzhou electronic sound and cyberpipa.

After the music was played, the Q version of the Law Reader on the side also praised: "Great musicality!" "

Apparently, guessed right!

[Silver Wolf: I guessed right. 】

[Kiana: I guessed it too, yes! 】

[March 7: Hahaha, let me just say that my luck is good. 】

[Fu Hua: It's a pity, it's almost a little. 】

[Star: Option 2 is in the middle, either selected or a little close. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Abominable and Abominable! Obviously I sang the song myself, I would actually choose the wrong one. 】

[Teresa: I also chose the right one. 】

[Honkai Himeko: I lost this time.] 】


Watch the barrage fly by.

Lynn continued: "This piece of music is a personal song of the Knower. "

"You can understand it as the theme song of the Law of Knowledge."

"That is, when the game Honkai 3 was launched, it was a promotional video for her when she launched the Law of Knowledge."

"So the name of the song is a reference to the mantra of the Law of Knowledge 'The Great Law of Knowledge'."

"The song itself is an electronic sound plus the style of Shenzhou ancient style music."

"So you can also call it, Shenzhou Dianyin!"

"How? Cool or not? "

[The Law of Knowledge: Although I chose the wrong one, I didn't expect it to be my theme song, which is really cool. 】

[Star: You were bought like this? 】

[March 7: How do you feel that the temper of this lady who knows the law seems to be a child? 】

[The Law of Knowledge: You are a child, your whole family is a child, but my age has grown a lot. 】

[Walter: ...].

[Honkai Himeko: I can't see it at all. 】

[Bronia: That's right, I can't see it. 】

【Kiana: +1】

【Silver Wolf: +1】


[The Law of Knowledge: Old Antiques even you, angry with me! ] 】


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