In the conference room of St. Freya Academy.

Theresa and Himeko looked at Kiana's smile.

The hearts that the two of them had been worrying about also relaxed.

Finally, the two were seen leaving hand in hand.

Jizi smiled and said:"This scene reminds me of when I first met Kiana and the others in Changkong City."

"At that time, they were being chased by Honkai Beasts"

"It's also like this, running away hand in hand."

Recalling the previous scene,

Jizi was also in a trance.

Obviously, the three of them are still his students, and they are still B-level Valkyrie.

But now looking at Kiana and Mei in the game screen in the live broadcast room, she was in a trance again..I feel like time flies by so fast.

Teresa feels the same way.

"Yes, their growth in the future is really surprising."

"Kiana really became the strongest Valkyrie and found Siegfried"

"Also turned this unhappy story into something beautiful"

"Still a hero in this world. Ji Zi:"

Actually, if possible,......"

"Maybe it's a bit selfish to say that."

"But I really hope that this status quo can continue forever."

"Kiana doesn’t have to shoulder such a heavy responsibility"

"Everyone has been staying at St. Freya Academy like this"

"But I know......"

"it's out of the question.

Theresa:"Jizi, I have the same idea as you.""

"I used to like that time stayed in the time when Cecilia and I were at the headquarters together"

"Now I like time to stay in St. Freya Academy"

"But what we have to admit is that time moves forward"

"Just like our story, it has been unfolding......"

Himeko:"Yes, our story is over"

"Kiana and the others will take over."

"It is precisely because of this that humankind's"330" civilization will continue to resist in the long course of time."

"In the end, it was our success......"

Theresa did not continue.

Instead, look at the game screen


"If you could also see this scene"

"How nice it would be......"

Theresa also has regrets in her heart...

In the Valkyrie dormitory at this time.

Kiana looked at Mei Yi with tears in her eyes:"Mei Yi, I knew you were the best to me."

"Will accompany me until the end......"

Bronya:"Sister Yayi, you have always been so good, haven't you."

Yayi was so praised by the two that she was embarrassed to speak.

Instead, look at the game screen.

Look at the two people holding hands together.

His face was also slightly red.

His eyes were full of soft light.

At this time Bronya said:"Look!"

"Idiot Kiana and sister Mei appear again......"

Several people immediately looked at the game screen. in the game screen.

The scene switched to an abandoned city from the moment the rooftop door opened.

The surrounding ruins are covered with moss and vines.

Although abandoned, it shows great vitality.

There are birds singing and flowers smelling......

There are also little rabbits jumping.

This is obviously a city that has regained new vitality after experiencing collapse.

Human footprints.

I will visit this area again in the future.

A new city may be built here.

It is also possible to keep this place for future generations of humans and followers to know.

That period of history about the collapse.

There is a story about a group of Valkyrie and Honkai Confrontation.

Kiana's heartbeat also sounded at this time:"Yes, we have been to various places"

"left a lot of memories......."

As Kiana's voice sounded, Kiana and Mei changed into casual clothes.

Holding mobile phone in hand.

Take photos with a smile on your face.

It seems like traveling.

At this moment, there is no worries about the mission of destiny.

No interruptions from Honkai Impact.

The two of them were really on vacation.

A figure was behind the two of them, watching them with a smile as they wandered around the abandoned city.

Lin En introduced:"This person is Raven, who is Mei Yi's partner during the World Snake period."

"He's also a kind-hearted guy"

"Later, I also fulfilled my wish......"

Lynn rang out the raven story.

While it's funny, it's also a little bit sad.

But later......

Raven can be regarded as fulfilling her ideal.

Lin En continued:"The following paragraph is Kiana's fantasy."

"It can also be regarded as Kiana’s own dream before she was finally succeeded."

"Anyway, it doesn’t matter how you understand it."

"Let us bring the story of Kiana and the others to an end with this CG short film."

"also me......"

Linn did not continue.

The corners of the mouth under the mask were slightly raised.

I filled in the second half of the sentence for myself:"This is also the end of my 6 years of gaming time......."

【Bronya: As expected of sister Mei, she can find good companions wherever she goes.】

【Kiana: Of course, Mei is the most popular】

【Xier: Will you wait until I have sister Bronya?】

【Li Sushang: Of course, Bronya has the best relationship with them.】

【Alicia: That’s it. It’s a dream and a longing for the future. Kiana is really a very gentle person.】

【Mebius: It may also be a gift brought to Kiana by the Cocoon of the End. After all, Kiana is the first successful hug.】

【Kafka: Is this what you mean by being so romantic?】

【Silver Wolf: It’s like everyone’s life after defeating Endgame】

【Teresa: Kiana......】

【Honkai Impact: I feel a little sorry for Kiana】

【Hollander: Kiana, we will all be waiting for you to come back on earth.......】

【Otto: It’s really a beautiful dream.......】

【Padofelis: UuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuKiana......】

【Sakura: Phyllis, it’s not like Kiana can’t come back.】

【Kevin: Yes, we can still come back.】

【Sue: Then these dreams will become real......】

【March 7: It seems that everyone is excited after Kiana comes back】

【Star Dome Himeko: When Mr. Walter came to Star Dome Universe, had Kiana not returned yet?】

【Walter: Yes, but soon】

【Xing: If I have the chance, I would also like to see Kiana】

【March 7: Me, me, I want to go too】

【Dan Heng: If you want to develop a mission, count me in.】

【Silver Wolf: If possible, I would also like to visit】

【Kafka: When our story is over, can we get on your train together?】

【Li Sushang: Look, it’s me!!!!】

【Otto: That’s your peer Li Sushang......】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: It’s her......】

【Fu Hua: It’s Li Sushang who knows Taixu Sword God......】

【Youlandel: That's me? What a cute cat!】

【Rita: Lady Youlandel, I am also with you.】

【Teresa: Really, Rita!】

【Honkai Impact: It seems that in Kiana’s dream, everyone lives happily.】

【Eden: That’s great……】

【Xier: It’s me and sister Bronya, at the beach....】

【Bronya: Don’t worry, Xi’er, when I bring you out of the Quantum Sea, I will definitely take you to the beach.】

…… in the game screen.

The scene changes from scene to scene.

On a street.

Li Suchang, who was wearing yellow clothes, was holding a bun she just bought from the shop behind her.

While eating, he looked around curiously.

Passed behind Kiana and Mei.

Kiana and Mei were walking slowly on a sidewalk.

Kiana's voice continues to sound

"This is a story about love……"

"It will also have an ending of love……"

The perspective switches as Kiana and the two move around.

At the bottom of a staircase, Glendale and Rita were squatting.

Playing with a cat.

Both of their faces were full of happiness.

After a while, the cat climbed directly onto Hollander's shoulder.

Youlandel's expression became even happier.

After all, Youlandel likes cats the most.

Even the emperor-level Honkai Beasts can't harm Youlandel, but she can do it while performing her mission.

Got scratched by a little wildcat.

Otto was speechless after knowing this...

The CG screen switched again.

Came to the seaside.

Two little girls are playing.

Under the umbrella at the beach, Bronya and Xier were drinking frozen drinks suitable for the beach.

Mei and Kiana were wearing their own swimsuits. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Walking by talking and laughing


"just like before……"



"Keep moving forward!"

Bronya and Xi'er signaled.

Xi'er nodded in agreement.

Then Bronya caught up with Kiana and Mei Yi.

The scene changed again and came to Changkong City.

This time Kiana and Mei changed into the student uniform of Qianba Academy.

Bronya also changed into the student uniform.

The three met under the cherry blossom tree.

Under the cherry blossom tree, two other figures appeared.

They were tasting delicious food.

One had pink hair.

The other one has long white hair.

The white-haired girl was recognized by the audience at first sight.

It is the image of Teresa after the collapse of the human race.

But It is unlikely that Teresa will be the same as Teresa. An artificial collapse appeared.

So this girl is...


Who is the other girl?

Lynn knew that before Kallen's story came out, no one knew who this was.

So he explained:" The white-haired girl is Kallen, and the other girl is Yae Sakura."

"He was a friend Kallen met overseas after she left Destiny."

【Alicia: Kiana’s dream was really great, so many people showed up0.】

【Eden: Will all those who are full of yearning for a better life appear?】

【Otto: Karen……】

【Sakura: She looks a bit similar to me, even her name is……】

【Hua: Maybe the situation is a bit like Dr. Mei’s】

【Mei: Human civilization develops under the supervision of the Cocoon of Finality. It is not surprising that similar people and things will appear.】

【Silver Wolf: The beauty in Kiana’s heart really encompasses everyone.】

【Mei: Yes, Kiana has always been like this.】

【Bronya: That’s why Sister Mei got angry and beat up the idiot Kiana.】

【Kiana: Bronya!】

【Lawyer of Knowledge: Eh~~~When I see Kallen, I think of that archbishop with a brain problem.】

【Rita: I think you are talking about Lord Otto】

【Hollander: I believe there is no one else】

【March 7: Hahaha, there is something wrong with the brain certified by the Herrscher of Knowledge.】

【Walter: A little bit indeed】

【Xing: Otto, Uncle Yang has said this about you, why don’t you refute it?】

【Dan Heng: Are you fanning the flames?……】

【Honkai Impact: That’s the Kallen that Otto always wanted to resurrect】


Destiny Headquarters.

Otto didn't even look at the barrage.

Instead, he stared at Kallen on the game screen.

Even Yae Sakura beside her was omitted.

Look at Kallen's happy face.

Otto's mind was racing.

Finally figured everything out.

Then he started laughing:"Hahaha, I understand!"

"It turns out to be like this……"

Rita looked at Otto curiously.

Hollander also looked at Otto.

Their eyes were full of incomprehension.

Why are you looking at Otto?

A little crazy?

Is it because of Kallen who appears on the game screen?

Rita asked worriedly:"Master Otto, are you okay?"

Otto shook his head:"It's better than ever."

"Because I seem to understand the meaning of this scene……"

Hollander:"Isn't this scene Kiana's dream?"

Otto:"Dreams have basis."

"It seems that Kallen is really resurrected.……"

Hollander:"Isn't this proven before?"

Otto:"Yes, this may be confirmed again."

"I'm very happy……"

Yes, what makes Otto happy is that simple.

Glendale and Rita couldn't understand.

Instead, he continued to look at the game screen.

Follow in Kiana's footsteps.

Let’s see the beauty in the dream together.

Or should I say, this may be the wonderful life for these people on earth next...

In the headquarters of Tianming.

Theresa blurted out:"It's the Eastern Demon Fox!!!"

"I just said it looks so familiar! Jizi looked at Theresa:"

Theresa, isn't it a bit rude for you to say this to others?" Theresa also realized her mistake.

She immediately said:"Jizi, you misunderstood me.""

"Do you remember that game where my grandfather banned me?

Jizi nodded:"Because your grades surpassed Otto's.""1.2" So my account was banned.

Theresa:"Yes, the content of that game is to fight against the evil Eastern Fox with the Valkyrie Kallen.""

"And the image of the Eastern demon fox……"

Himeko immediately understood:"You mean, the Eastern Demon Fox is Yae Sakura?"

Theresa nodded.

"I get it now!"

"Grandpa was jealous of her good relationship with Kallen, so he designed such a game."

"Grandpa, you are so petty!"

After hearing this, Jizi was speechless for a moment.

Is this the Archbishop of Destiny?

Isn't it too trivial?

Jizi looked at the game screen:"But it does look a bit like Sakura from the pre-civilization era!

Theresa:"Didn't Dr. Mei explain it on the barrage just now?""

"The development of civilization has a fixed trajectory"

"Therefore, it is not surprising that similar people and things appear"

"All developed under the supervision of the Cocoon of Finality"

"However, things like this will never happen again after Kiana and the others. Theresa said confidently.

And all this will begin to change in her own hands.

At this time, Jizi shouted:"Theresa, it's Lady Cecilia!""

"That's Siren!"

Theresa immediately looked at the game screen.

In a commercial plaza, Kiana and three people were shopping, carrying the things they just bought.

Their faces were full of joy.

A family of three walked towards them.

It was Cecily. Ya and Siegfried took Sirin with them.

Siegfried had big and small bags hanging on his body.

Cecilia put her hand on Sirin's shoulder and chatted happily with Siegfried behind her. Linn had already I’ve already talked about what happened in Cecilia’s dream.

So I won’t be too surprised by this scene.

Theresa:"In Kiana’s dream, you were indeed very gentle.……"



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