"In Kiana's dream……"

"All of us have fulfilled our dreams"

"I also lived the life I wanted most"

"It's really great."

Xie'er put her hands on her chest.

Her face was full of happiness.

That scene.

The scene of herself and Bronya at the beach.

It had appeared in her dreams countless times.

I was really looking forward to it.

I didn't expect that it would be possible in Qia. Kiana saw it in her dream.

Hei Xi said at this time:"Maybe this is not just Kiana's dream."

"It’s Kiana who connects everyone’s consciousness together"

"Maybe it’s a dream created together"

"Of course, this may just be my opinion.……"

Hei Xi wasn't sure.

At least that's what she thought.

Otherwise, how could Kiana know the best thoughts in everyone's heart?

But even so, those who were not there also appeared in Kiana's dream.

This is something Hei Xi cannot understand.

At this time, Xi'er seemed to feel Hei Xi's thoughts.

He said lightly:"Maybe……"

"It's a miracle, right?……"


Hei Xi was a little confused.

Why is this suddenly related to miracles?

"Xier, are you okay?"

"Speaking of miracles, human beings can finally defeat the end."

"That's the real miracle.

Xi'er shook her head:"No."……"

"another me……"

"In my opinion, everyone’s encounter and everyone’s story"

"There are also the bonds between people and the emotions between them"

"These are all miracles"

"It is these miracles, big and small, that"

"These colorful stories have been put together"

"It’s a miracle that you come to me, and it’s a miracle that you meet Sister Bronya."

"Kiana’s story is also a miracle."

Hei Xi listened to Xi'er's words. Her head was pounding.

She is the most intolerable to such disgusting thoughts.

After all, she is an arrogant and cold person. She also has a bit of poisonous tongue and a sense of stigma.

She has always done things in a style It's all straight forward


"Xi'er, please stop talking."

Hei Xi held his forehead with his hand.

He had a little headache!

"If you keep talking, I will get goosebumps. Xi'er was stunned:"

Am I wrong?" Hei Xi didn't know what to say:"

Yes, that's right!""

"But I don't want to hear it now.

Xi'er scratched her head:"Okay, another me.""

Hei Xi was lucky.

Xi'er listened to her words and didn't continue to be nauseous.

Otherwise, there was nothing she could do.

Although she was always cruel to Xi'er, her original intention was to protect Xi'er.

And she treated Xi'er OK

"But speaking of which, onee-sama will go to the beach with us"

"No, I should say go to the beach with you"

"It has indeed always been your dream.

Xi'er looked at Hei Xi curiously:"The other me, don't you want to go?"

Hei Xi was stunned:" I……"

Of course Hei Xi wants to go.

But her arrogant character will not let her admit such a thing.

He said in a roundabout way:"Whether I go or not is not up to me."

"As long as you go, I have to go"

"There's nothing we can do about it"

"But you don’t have to deliberately accommodate me. If you want to go, just go."

I have to say. Hei Xi has a unique side in terms of tsundere. Xi'er also understood Hei Xi's true inner thoughts. She didn't point it out. She hummed with a smile:"I will take you with me and Bu. Sister Lonia went to the beach



"Who wants to go to the beach with onee-sama?……"

Hei Xi's voice became smaller and smaller.

She didn't want to continue talking to Xi'er about this.

Otherwise, the true thoughts will be discovered.

So he immediately changed the subject.

Looking at the game screen:"Xier, look!"

"It’s the Thirteen Heroes Chasing Fire!"

Xie'er immediately looked over.

Sure enough, the figures of the Thirteen Heroes Chasing Fire began to appear on the game screen.

There was even Dr. Mei!

Xi'er's eyes were gentle:"Sure enough, in Kiana's dream"

"Everyone had a great time."

In the game screen...

Kiana's narrating voice continued:"Look, the footprints we left……"

The scene moved from the shopping mall to the roadside. on billboards.

Advertisement with Eden endorsement.

There was Alicia on another billboard.

This is just a little easter egg that appears in the Thirteen Heroes of Chasing Fire.

Kiana and the three of them were on the side of the road, wearing casual travel clothes.

Waiting for a taxi.

On the roadside behind him, Walter's back was holding a cup of coffee.

The person she had coffee with was Dr. Tesla.

Behind Tesla.

Einstad and another man are walking slowly

【March 7: It’s Uncle Yang!!!】

【Padofelis: And Sister Eden and Sister Ellie】

【Eden: I wonder if it was us in Kiana’s dream, or was it constructed by Mei’s consciousness?】

【Mei: Maybe it’s Mei. Kiana has more contact with Kevin.】

【Alicia: What does it matter? Since it is Kiana’s dream, of course it is the best happy ending.】

【Walter: Joyce……】

【Bronya: Mr. Walter, the one next to Dr. Einstein is Walter Joyce, the first Herrscher of Reason?】

【Otto: Yes, it's him】

【Youlandel: Kiana really didn’t leave anyone behind.】

【Mei: Kiana’s face is really happy】

【Teresa: This kind of life is the beauty that each of us yearns for.】

【Kiana: Of course, we all fight for good!】

【Alicia: Eden is still so photogenic】

【Su: After all, he is the biggest star in our world?】

【Silver Wolf: Are these considered Easter eggs?】

【Kafka: Silver Wolf, you really don’t have any romantic atmosphere at all.】

【Herrscher of Consciousness: I never expected that I would have such a dream……】


On the Star Dome Train.

Walter looked at the composition above and the characters that appeared.

Those few acquaintances of my own.

Walter's face.

A lot of memories also appeared.

Tesla, Joyce and Einstein.

They are all anti-entropy partners with whom I have a close relationship.

Walter looked at this scene and smiled slightly:"It's really a nostalgic scene."

March 7:"Uncle Yang, have you ever been like this before?"

Xing:"Uncle Yang should be busy saving people at that time. world"

"No time to sit down and have a cup of coffee"

"If I guessed correctly, the nostalgia Uncle Yang mentioned was not referring to this scene."

"But those few people.

Jizi:"Yes, Mr. Walter cares about the people around him.""

Walter:"I haven't seen Tesla and Einstein for a while."

"and joyce……"

Walter remembered the scenes when he and Joyce were together before.

It was also he who... gave himself the core of the Herrscher of Reason.

Let himself become the second Lawyer of Reason.

From the beginning, he continued to lead Anti-Entropy in the name of Walter.

The purpose is to shock Otto.

And Otto was the murderer of Joyce.

At the same time, Walter Young's own father died at the hands of Otto.

Think about these things.

Walter was also worried.

It’s been a while since I came to Star Universe.

I didn’t know they were like this now.

And later on, the purpose of the void was to attract people from heaven.

And has successfully implemented its plan.

I don’t know what the situation on earth is like now. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Did they successfully resist the people in the sky?

Thinking of this, Walter had no choice, after all, he was far away in another world.

There is no way to go back at the moment.

Walter glanced at the star train at his feet. perhaps...

The way to go back is on the Star Dome Train.

After all, this is the creation of the Star God.

Power also comes from the imaginary number space.

The imaginary number space connects thousands of worlds.

It is a higher-dimensional space than the quantum sea.

"I don’t know if the captain’s Hyperion also obtained power from the imaginary number space."

In Walter's view, the ability to span space and time at the same time can only be achieved by the imaginary tree in the imaginary space.

Otto also relied on this to successfully resurrect Kallen.

But the cost was somewhat Heavy.

It was his own life... until Otto was willing and even happy about it.

Just when Walter was worried, March 7th's voice sounded:"Uncle Yang……"

"Are you homesick?

Walter nodded without concealment:"Yes, after all, in that world"

"There are also a group of people I care about."

"I don’t know what their lives are like now.

March 7:"Don't worry, Uncle Yang, we will go back with you as long as there is a chance.""

"If anyone dares to bully Uncle Yang’s partner"

"Xing and I will not let them go."

Yuyue Qi clenched his fists.

Dan Heng and Ji Zi looked at Yu Yue Qi.

Xing Ji Thief reminded:"Have you forgotten Dan Heng and Ji Zi?"

March 7 scratched his head in embarrassment:"I'm used to talking about you."

"It just goes smoothly.

Xing:"So you care about me so much?"

March 7:"Tsk, I don't have one!""

Walter watched the two people bickering.

He seemed to have seen Tesla talking to Einstein.

His homesickness eased a lot.

In fact, Walter had already regarded the Star Dome Train as a He has become his second home.

What he is doing here now is not fundamentally different from what he did in the collapsing world.

They are all implementing his own justice and saving the world.

Walter:"Wait for me, I will go back soon."

Walter's heart.

That’s what I believe.

Suddenly March 7th said loudly:"Look, it's Zhuhuo Thirteen Yingjie!!!"

Walter looked towards the game lake.

At this time, the game screen changed again.

From the bustling city just now, we came to a mountain forest.

Kiana and the three of them changed into mountain climbing services.

Bronya stood in the middle and looked at the map in her hand.

Kiana was also looking at the map curiously.

I just don’t know if Kiana can see anything.

Mei Yi on the other side is looking back.

And behind the three of them.

It is another group of climbing teams.

But I don’t know if it’s mountaineering team duty.

Because there seemed to be a manor not far away.

So it is not clear that they entered the manor.

Still climbing.

And this team is none other than others.

He is a member of Zhuhuo Thirteen Heroes.

Walking at the front were Eden and Alicia.

The three people in the middle are Sakura, Su, and Mebius.

Then came Gratius, Kosma, and Padofyllis in a cat costume.

Gratienne was wearing a thick down jacket, like a big cute doll.

He also looked in the direction of Kiana and the other three.

Behind Grexiu were Qianjie and Velvet.

The last person walking was Aponya with her hands in prayer position.

Only Kevin and Hua are left, and Dr. Mei is not among them.

People from the pre-civilization era.

After seeing this.

His eyes were also filled with a gentle look.

Alicia:"It's so beautiful, this moment."

Eden:"Yeah, it seems we have never had such an event."

Padofelis:"Strange, where are Boss Kevin and Sister Hua?"

Mebius:"It seems that Dr. Mei is no longer among them."

Su:"She should appear next."

"After all, Kiana's dream encompasses each of us.

Sakura:"Yes, I believe there will be no shortage of anyone.""

Hua:"In Kiana's dream, I should beIt’s Fu Hua.

Mei:"Maybe I'm in another scene.""

Gratio:"I look like I'm cold."

Padophilis:"That cat costume is really cute."

Thousands of 863 tribulations:"Boring"……"

Kosmo:"Such a scene, it's great."

Kevin looked at the scene in the game screen.

Smile lightly.

What he didn't tell others was that he had also imagined such a scene.

Including the previous happy reunion when he was dying.

Kevin has been working hard against Honkai.

Isn’t it because everyone can live such a wonderful life?

Now in the dream created by Kiana.


Kevin slowly said:"Although this is Kiana's dream"

"But it is also the future of the earth"

"From the moment Kiana becomes the Herrscher of the End, there will be more and more beautiful stories like this."

"Are you right?"

Everyone was stunned.

Alicia smiled and said:"Kevin, I really didn't expect you to say such a thing.

Padofelis:"Yes, Boss Kevin!"

Su:"Kevin, I feel like you are slowly changing."……"


"It should be said that it has changed back to how it was before."

Aponya:"I can feel that Kevin's fate seems to be changing in a different way."

"Each of us is.

Mei:"This kind of thing is not important anymore.""

"Everyone, I also want to turn this dream into reality……"

Padofelis:"Dr. Mei, Boss Kevin, look!"

"It's you!"

With Padofelis's shout, everyone also saw the game screen changing again.

The scene of climbing just now turned into the sunset when school was over in the afternoon.

Kiana and the three of them were walking on the way to school with their schoolbags on their backs. They were joking.

And behind the two of them, there was a young couple, also walking.

It was Kevin and Mei.

They were also wearing school uniforms.

They looked very young.

Kiana's voice , still telling:"Look……"

"the footprints we leave behind……"

"no matter when……"

"it's right here……"


Sue looked at Kevin and May above.

His eyes are also full of memories.

That was their high school uniform.

The two of them also looked like they were young in high school.

At that time, Honkai had not yet broken out on a large scale.

Humanity is not yet in such danger.

Everything seems full of hope and future.

Until the Honkai Impact broke out.

Mei's eyes were also moved, and she took the initiative to say:"Kevin, it seems that we have never been out of school together like this before."

Kevin smiled and replied:"Yes.……"

"At that time, we never went home from school together.

Mei:"If I have the chance, I really want to give it a try."

Alicia:"Let's wait until we can cross the end.""

"Dr. Mei, we all believe in you."

"And Kevin……"

Padofelis:"Yes, although we failed in the original timeline"

"But it’s different now!"

Mebius:"Challenging the fate of the future sounds very interesting. Velvet:"


"Exploring the unknown is the real joy of science"


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