Inside the Tianming headquarters.

When Youlandel saw the appearance of the Thirteen Heroes of Chasing Fire.

There is also a feeling of emotion in my heart

"In Kiana's heart, she really hopes that everyone can get the best ending."

"And these endings all came true in her dreams"

"very nice……"

Youlandel looked at the game screen, the story related to the Thirteen Heroes Chasing Fire.

There was also a different look in his eyes.

Before seeing these.

Youlandel originally thought that it would only be people from their civilization era.

Will appear in Kiana's dream.

The result was unexpected.

Even these people from pre-civilization eras appeared.

Rita smiled slightly:"Isn't this the same as Master Youlandel?"

"Before Miss Kiana’s identity is confirmed"

"I have a feeling that Miss Kiana is very similar to Lady Youlandel."

Otto also said at this time:"Perhaps this similarity comes from the blood of the Kaslana family in you."

"Just like Karen back then……"

Rita looked at Otto with some surprise.

This was the first time that Otto took the initiative to mention Kallen's name.

Did you just see Karen happy?

Some of the knots in my heart have also been undone.

Otto continued:"For a long time, the great power of the Kaslana family"

"And their sense of responsibility far exceeds that of ordinary people."

"They are all known as the curse flowing in the blood of the Kaslana family."

Youlandel's face darkened:"Curse?"

This statement.

She has never heard of it.

At least not yet.

Otto continued to explain:"Yes, people from the Kaslana family have always fought to the death to protect others."

"Especially every holder of the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment"

"In the end, they will all die because of the liberation of the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment."

"But even so, the Kaslana family members are still the successors."

"Never had a complaint."

Rita:"So in the old destiny, this kind of righteous behavior was"

"Call it a curse?

Otto smiled:"Yes, that's what they said at the beginning." Youlandel rarely got angry and said:"It's simply an insult to those heroes who fight on the battlefield to protect others!""

Rita:"Lord Otto, will it be after you become the Archbishop of Destiny?"

"Has this statement changed?

Otto:"The only thing I can stop is that they don't discuss this matter in public.""

"As for what else to say in private?"

"This is beyond my control."

Youlandel:"Is it because of Karen that you forbid them from talking about this topic?

Otto said without denying:"Yes.""

"Because in my opinion, a person's mind will not be affected by blood and have other thoughts."

"People in the Kaslana family want to protect others and bring a better future to the world."

"just because……"

In Otto's mind.

A smiling face emerged.

It seemed to be saying something to him.

Otto smiled involuntarily:"Just because……"

"They just want to do this……"

The two understood.

It was Kallen who changed Otto's starting lineup.

Rita also said:"Yes, just like Master Youlandel"

"Lady Youlandel wants to protect everyone around her"

"Just because she wanted to."

Youlandel looked at the game screen:"Kiana, it's the same."

"Everything we do has nothing to do with the responsibility that comes with strong bloodline"

"It's just that we want to do it."

Otto looked at the back of Hollander.

It seemed that at this moment, this back was overlapping with a certain back in his mind.


"If you came to this era with me"

"You are sure to find many people who share the same ideas as you"

"Then work together to save the world……"

"It must not be like what happened back then.……"

The old destiny 500 years ago, and the destiny today.

Completely two different things.

After all, the destiny back then was completely the archbishop's ruling tool.

In order to consolidate their power and status.

The then Archbishop of Tianming.

Can do almost anything.

Otherwise, the Far East Army would not be sent to invade China.

In the end, he failed because of his own stupidity.

It can be said that Otto is now managing destiny.

Basically, it is developing according to the destiny that Kallen hopes for.

It's just inside.

There is also some selfishness from Otto.

That's why so many things happened.

Otto looked at the game screen:"Karen, if you can also see this scene….…"

"It will definitely be very gratifying, right?……"

Needless to say Kallen.

Even Otto himself was filled with relief at this time.

After all, as the Archbishop of Destiny.

Although Otto has his own selfish motives.

But I also hope that humans can truly defeat Honkai and transcend the end. otherwise.

Before Otto died, he would not let Theresa take over as Archbishop of Destiny.

And when you implement your own plans.

The Herrscher of Restraint was also stuck.

In short, although Otto has done many bad things, he does not deserve forgiveness.

But the same thing.

Otto's achievements.

Nor can it be denied.

At least Lynn on air.

I thought so too.

St. Freya Academy.

Theresa looked at the game screen, and the game said curiously:"It's really strange."

"Even the Thirteen Heroes of Chasing Fire appeared."

"Why haven't we two shown up yet?

Ji Zi joked:"What?" Are you jealous? Theresa's face turned red:"

Of course not."……"

"Just a little curious.

Ji Zi:"It's okay, I didn't show up either.""

"Fu Hua hasn’t shown up yet either."

"For Kiana, we at St. Freya Academy are the most important existences."

"Of course it’s the finale."

Theresa listened to Ji Zi's words and nodded in agreement.

"It should be said that for each of us……"

"St. Freya Academy is very important"

"After leaving Tianming Headquarters, I regarded this place as my other home. Ji Zi:"

Yes, I am like this too.""

"Look, Theresa……"

"Didn't you show up?"

Theresa immediately looked at the game screen anxiously.

In the game screen, the scene of Yu San's family walking under the sunset after school slowly changed.

It turned into a photo on the phone.

The person holding the phone was none other than Theresa..

In front of Theresa, there were Kiana and three others wearing simple combat uniforms. They were looking at their principal with a smile.

Theresa also looked at the three of them with a smile.

At this moment.

A hand gently patted Kiana on the back.

The three of them turned away.

Red Kite Immortal Fu Hua looked at the three of them with joy.

The five of them gathered together.

They were talking and laughing very warmly.

And Where they were.

It was another station.

Just as a few people were talking and laughing, a train slowly drove into the station.

Kiana looked at a few people and slowly retreated to the edge of the platform.

Watching A few of them were talking and laughing.

The corners of Kiana's mouth also raised slightly.

Her eyes were filled with pain of reluctance.

But she had to do this.

【March 7: Isn’t this scene the same as when Kiana got in the car at the beginning?】

【Star: Even in a dream, do we still have to separate?】

【Theresa: We appeared at the end because Kiana hoped that we would be the last to see her off.】

【Fu Hua: Future Kiana, we will wait for you to come back】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Don’t worry, Kiana is living well on the moon.】

【Alicia: This scene is really heartbreaking to watch.】

【Padofelis: Yes, yes, this separation is happening again. It looks so sad】

【Eden: Kiana has too many things on her shoulders.】

【Youlandel: Kiana, I will definitely go back to the moon to play with you in the future.】

【Kiana: Well, you don’t have to worry about me in the future. I will adapt to the new life quickly】

【Silver Wolf: This CG is so sad and touching.】

【Kafka: Parting is always something that must be experienced on the way to growth. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Li Sushang: Why do so many people not see Teacher Ji Zi?】

【Honkai Impact: Although I played a very important role in Kiana's life, my farewell has already happened before】

【Star Vault Himeko: Yes, Teacher Himeko is in the starry sky, watching Kiana grow up, and will always be by Kiana's side.】

【Mei: Kiana……】

【Bronya: Kiana is so strong.……】

【Xier: Kiana, in the future I will often look for you】

…… in the game screen.

After the train entered the station, Kiana gave everyone a last reluctant look.

As the car door opens.

Kiana also walked into the train.

As the train door closes.

The BGM that had been playing before suddenly stopped.

Gives a feeling of cardiac arrest.

It also seemed to express the loneliness and loneliness in Kiana's heart at this moment.

The sadness of being separated from friends.

A reminder of many fantasies.

But there is no way.

Own responsibility.

Kiana still has to finish it.

I woke up from the dream...

There was no one on the train.

Kiana lowered her head, wearing the Valkyrie armor.

It turned into a set of pure white White Knight Moonlight Armor.

Kiana looked gloomily and let out a sigh of relief.

Then he slowly walked towards the front of the train.

The clatter of walking sounded inside the train.

This time there was no Otto and no rabble.

There is no Herrscher of Corrosion either.

Kiana was the only one in the entire train.

This scene made the audience in front of the light curtain suffocate.

So lonely!

Could it be that Kiana is on the moon in the future?

Is this how lonely you are?

Who in the audience is not sad after watching this?

Obviously before that, they saw Kiana.

So lively and cheerful.

So strong.

But now it has become so sad.

But the audience had no choice.

Just when everyone was feeling sad for Kiana.

Inside the train.

An extremely gentle voice sounded:"Kiana……"

This voice!

Audiences in the live broadcast room.

We are all familiar with it. It’s Teacher Himeko!!!

Teacher Himeko appears!!!

Kiana in the game screen.

He was also shaken all over and raised his head.

This very familiar voice.

Like a heavy hammer.

It directly shattered Kiana's haze and loneliness.

He is the best teacher.

Himeko-sensei’s voice.

That voice was still so gentle.

Just like when we said goodbye.

That's what happened when he saw Himeko in the Herrscher Core.

Kiana turned her head without hesitation.

The train behind him disappeared without a trace.

It was replaced by the school road of St. Freya Academy. not far away.

Himeko stood in the middle, with Bronya and Mei on either side of Himeko.

Then there was Theresa with her hands on her hips.

Fu Hua wearing red-rimmed glasses.

And Kiana also put on the coat she wore when she first entered St. Freya Academy.

The five of them just stood there.

They all looked at Kiana with a smile.

As if to say:"`.Welcome home, Kiana……" at the same time.

The BGM that had been paused sounded again.

Changed to another one……

【When good, old, friends, are, going, away……】

【Wi11, you wish, them to, rememberyourname?

Do you expect them to remember your name?】


The moment the BGM sounds.

Audiences in the live broadcast room.

They all couldn't bear it anymore.

As for Kiana in the game screen, the shadow on her face also disappeared.

Wiped his nose.

Looking at these people in front of them, there was a blush on their faces.

Lin En spoke at this time:"From this moment on, Kiana completely accepts her responsibility."

"Because she understood that even though they were two places apart"

"Everyone is waiting for her to come home, not just in words"

"Although they are on the moon, and Kiana is on the moon"

"But they are all waiting for her to go home. The distance between the earth and the moon is far, far, far away.……"

"But their hearts are always together"

"From St. Freya Academy where we first met, to everyone we met later"

"enemies, partners, friends, family……"

"They are all an indispensable part of the road to growth, and they are also Kiana’s huge gains over the years."

"No matter how far Kiana goes"

"She will always remember that there are people waiting for her to go home at St. Freya Academy……"

【March 7: Woo hoo hoo... I couldn't hold it back just now. This BGM captain's summary is so foul.】

【Honkai Impact: Kiana, you are really a child who will not grow up.】

【Kafka: When children are young, they want to grow up, but when they grow up, they hope not to grow up.】

【Theresa: Kiana, I will always wait for you to come home (good money)】

【Mei: Kiana, I will wait for you to come home】

【Bronya: Idiot Kiana, you must come back】

【Kiana: The future me will definitely live up to expectations】

【Youlandel: Waiting for you to come home, Kiana】

【Alicia: Really, it’s too much to make a cute girl cry.】

【Padofelis: That’s right, this is what this game company is doing, and the appearance of this BGM is too foul.】

【Gratius: Cosmo, I’m so touched.】

【Kosmo: Me too】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Damn it, how could anyone suddenly start singing? Isn’t this a sneak attack?】

【Xi'er: The captain's last words were really good. Kiana, we are waiting for you to go home.】

【Sakura: So happy……】

【Silver Wolf: The music production of this game team is also top-notch.】

…… in the game screen.

Kiana did not walk towards the others, but turned around and looked back.

Because she understands.

I have more important tasks to complete.

This time Kiana returned to the train again, but her face was no longer confused.

No shadow.

But with a faint smile.

Standing at the front of the train, looking towards the cocoon of the end in the distance.

The cocoon of the end seemed to feel Kiana's arrival.

Prismatic energy blocks emit energy.

Cover the train.

The entirety of the train begins to break down into energy.

Kiana stood at the head of the train with her arms spread wide.

He jumped into the cocoon of the end with a smile.

And with a smile on his face.

Then there was a flash of white light.

The picture changed again.

The final cocoon disappeared.

Nor is it the cosmic starry sky.

Instead, he appeared in a snowy field.

There is also a row of small footprints on the snow.

Apparently the child's footprints were there.

A child is carrying a baggage heavier than hers.

Slowly walking in the snow......

And as the little girl's face was revealed.

The audience was stunned!

【Mei: This is it? Kiana!】


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