Inside the Valkyrie dormitory of St. Freya Academy.

Mei and Bronya looked at the photos taken by Kiana.

And that slogan.

Maybe this slogan.

To other viewers, there is nothing special.

But Bronya and Meiyi are two people.

He has always been Kiana's teammate.

So I know that this sentence is Kiana's mantra every time she goes out to do a task.

When jumping off the Hyperion.

A word that must be said.

Today, Kiana is still just a B-level Valkyrie of Destiny.

And the future Kiana.

The strength is already the god of the earth.

He is also the Lawyer of the End!

Looking at Kiana many years later, she said the same slogan as Kiana now.

Mei Yi seemed to see it.

Another figure of Kiana overlaps with Kiana in the end

"Kiana, as expected, no matter when"

"You won't change."

Kiana:"Of course!"

"This slogan makes me very excited every time I set out."

Bronya:"It seems that Kiana is doing the work on the moon."

"Treat it as the same task every time"

"It really has Kiana's style. Fu Hua:"

Yes, I was worried just now."

Kiana asked curiously:"Monitor, what are you worried about?""

Fu Hua:"I'm worried that Kiana will not be used to life on the moon."

"I will be devastated because I can’t see Mei and us every day."

"Now it seems that there is no need to worry so much"

"Even on the moon, exposed to work that she has never done before, Kiana can still do well."

Mei Yi:"Yes, I have always believed in Kiana."

"Can do very well."

Bronya:"Because she is an idiot Kiana......."

Suddenly, Bronya immediately understood something

"It turns out that the captain mentioned the easter egg"

"That's what it means......"

Kiana:"Bronya, you mean I look like this on the moon"

"Just an Easter egg?"

Bronya nodded:"Yes, after experiencing the stories just now"

"And I saw Kiana’s sad look"

"The audience will definitely be worried about Kiana's future life on the moon."

"That's why the captain thoughtfully released this scene."

"Kiana on the moon......"

Mei Yi:"So that’s what it meant"

"Yes, when I saw Kiana say that slogan"

"I feel much more at ease."

Bronya:"Sister Mei, I believe it's not just you."

"The other viewers should all be relieved at this moment. Fu Hua:"

Well, I'm relieved too.""

Kiana:"Suddenly I feel a little embarrassed."

"After all, there are so many people who like me......"

Kiana scratched her head sheepishly.

On the top of the mountain.

The Herrscher of Knowledge looked at Kiana's appearance on the moon:"Is this right?"

"Everyone was so sad just now"

"Kiana's life on the moon wasn't much different."

"You can also call and chat with Mei Bronya and the others."

The Herrscher of Knowledge spread her hands.

After all, she is a person who has stayed in this time period.

So she knows the true situation of Kiana on the moon.

It just means that she cannot be as relaxed and comfortable as she is on the earth.

But she cannot be so desolate..

Besides, after all, he is the Herrscher of the End.

He will not be bullied by others.

And those people on the moon will not be stupid enough to bully Kiana.

The Herrscher of Knowledge also smiled reassuringly. That's what it said.

But in her heart, she could see Kiana shouting that slogan.

She was still very happy.

At least Kiana was on the moon.

It wouldn't be so boring anymore.

"Why don't you find some time?"

"Going to the moon with Old Antique?"

"She has to stay in one place for so long anyway......"

"It's okay to go to the moon and stay there."

"Where can I go to stay instead of staying?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge thinks his idea makes sense.

This way he can still play with Kiana!


"I must mention this proposal to Lao Guqi when I have time."

"Anyway, she has always been the one who has no opinion."

"I believe you will definitely accept my suggestion."

Obviously, the Herrscher of Knowledge was overconfident.

He forgot how he got angry.

But to the Herrcher of Knowledge, it doesn't matter at all.

Who said that Fu Hua is his biological mother?

So even if Fu Hua continues to do this Make her angry.

You can laugh it off in the end.

And what the Herrscher of Knowledge says about this is.

Great Ms. Herrscher of Knowledge.

I don’t want to argue with the old antique in this regard.

At the same time, on the other side.

Destiny Headquarters Here.

Just like Bronya said, before seeing this scene, many people will be worried about Kiana.

As the elder sister, Hollander is no exception.

Especially after just learning about Qiana After Yana becomes his family, he will have to watch Kiana go to the moon for ten years.

I feel a lot of reluctance in my heart.

But there is no way.

At the same time, I am also worried that Kiana will not be used to living on the moon.

But now I see Come.

There is no need to worry about this.

Rita saw Hollander's worry:"Lord Hollander, now you don't have to worry about Miss Kiana's life on the moon, right?"

"Seeing her like this should make you feel relieved."

Youlandel smiled and nodded:"Yes, unless there is no way to face each other,"

"Everything else should be about the same."

Otto:"To be more precise, it's just that there is no way to play together."

"After all, Destiny’s projection technology"

"It supports face-to-face"

"As long as the communication between the earth and the moon is open, there will be no problem at all."

Youlandel:"Yeah, I feel a lot more relieved about Kiana."

Rita:"Yes, Miss Kiana has grown into a powerful Valkyrie in her own right in the future."

"I believe that even in a strange environment like the moon"

"He can also complete his work."

Youlandel:"Yes, the future Kiana"

"Really excellent"

"Already surpassing her sister."

Rita:"Not many people can be recognized like this by Lord Youlandel."

"Kiana, forget it."

On the Star Dome Train.

March 7:"So, Kiana's life on the moon is actually not bad."

"Then my tears just now"

"Wouldn’t it be all in vain?

Xing nodded:"It seems so.""

Walter:"I'll remind you from the beginning, it's not that exaggerated.

Dan Heng:"Mr. Walter, it is mainly the sadness when parting that affects us." March 7:"

Yes, Uncle Yang.""

"Obviously you were more moved than us just now."

Walter coughed twice.

He covered up his embarrassment:"I was just aroused to feel homesick."

"In fact, future Kiana's experiments on the moon are progressing quite smoothly."

"The destiny of the earth has also developed differently as a result."

"All in all, it's a prosperous scene."

Ji Zi said curiously:"Didn't I say before that there is another guy in the Quantum Sea?"

"Do you also look at the earth with covetous eyes?"

Walter:"A guy who only dares to hide in the dark and imitate the cocoon of the end."

"I can only hide in the quantum sea."

"This doesn't matter."


In Walter's eyes, the threat in the quantum sea is far inferior to the people in the sky.

After all, he is just a person who failed in the reincarnation of the cocoon of the end.

He doesn't think about how to help others defeat the end. cocoon.

Instead, he inflicts the pain he has endured on the already precarious world bubble. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This really makes Walter unable to read Suo highly..

And in such a long time,

Suo has destroyed so many world bubbles. She has barely reached one-tenth of the cocoon.

Walter doesn’t even know how to describe it like this.

Call her a loser.

She can become a quantum being. Suo in the sea.

You can call her awesome. She didn't even dare to approach the original world for fear of being discovered by the Cocoon of the End.

March 7 looked at Xing and said easily:"Okay, after confirming Kiana Not so pessimistic on the moon"

"I was relieved.

Xing:"You act as if the elders are worried about the younger generation.""

March 7:"You don't believe it either, but I am an immortal."

"I can't even think of how many years I have lived."

This is one of the many theories about March 7's life experience.

Dan Heng ruthlessly exposed:"I know all the immortal species, but I have never seen one like you."

Yueyueqiu snorted. She didn't say anything to Dan Heng.

After all, she made up these identities herself.

Xing continued:"This story ends here."

"I don’t know whose story the captain will release next."

Walter:"Kiana's growth line is just an important part of the story of the collapsing world."

"There are many people whose stories have not been introduced in detail."

"It just depends on whose story will be chosen by the captain.

March 7:"Uncle Yang, are you looking forward to your story coming out?" Walter smiled and shook his head:"My story is much sparse and ordinary compared to others.""

"Nothing to see.

Ji Zi:"Mr. Walter, you are too modest to say that." March 7:"

Yes, Uncle Yang."

Ji Zi continued:"You are the leader of Anti-Entropy, and Anti-Entropy is the only organization that can compete with destiny.""

"Destiny is the most powerful organization in the world"

"It has existed for a long time"

"And your counter-entropy doesn't exist that long."

"But you can compete with destiny. From this aspect, Mr. Walter, you are better than many people."

Walter:"Although destiny has existed for a long time, it is in the hands of Otto that it is being carried forward."

"Otto's destiny before becoming archbishop of destiny......."

0 Request for Flowers

Walter said with a mocking tone:"It's just a tool to realize his ambition to rule."

In front of the computer.

Linn also closed the final scene of this CG.

On the barrage in the live broadcast room.

Everyone is also starting to look forward to the next story.

【Li Sushang: Keep going, it’s so beautiful. It’s much more interesting than going to school.】

【Xier: I also want to know more people’s stories】

【Teresa: Whose will it be next?】

【Kiana: Then let’s take Mei’s】

【Bronya: I agree with Sister Mei】

【Honokai Himeko: Anyone’s will do......】

【Silver Wolf: This game definitely tells more than just Kiana’s story line】

【Kafka: How about you also play the story of our world?】

【March 7: Yes, yes!】

【Xing: If we are also a game, we should have fun】

【Padofelis: Captain, occasionally take care of our pre-civilized era.】

【Alicia: Yes, don’t be so partial.】

【Eden: It’s not good to be partial.】

【Youlandel: I want to read everyone’s story】

【Rita: I can accept it】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: How about continuing the story of Old Antique finding Gracie?】

【Kosmo: I think it’s okay too】

【Gratitude: I want to see what I will look like when I grow up again】

【Mebius: I still think little Gratius is much cuter.】

【Velvet: Yes, I think so too】

【Aponia: But you will always grow up, right? 】

Lin En looked at the audience's expectations on the barrage.

He had already thought about it.

What story is going to play next.

He began:"I know how you want to see more stories."

"So let's take our time"

"What I'm going to play next is a plot about a bad guy......"

"A complete bad guy, a scoundrel villain"

"But he is also a very determined man"

"He is a collection of contradictions, and what he does makes people want to bury him with their own hands."

"I want to put a few more coffin nails on his coffin board at his funeral."

"However, I have to admire his character"

"Such a contradictory person is the protagonist of our next story"

"He is the archbishop of destiny......"

"Otto Apocalypse!"

Lin began to operate on the screen.

After hearing that it was Otto, many people couldn't help but become curious.

Before the era of civilization.

Mei smiled and pushed up her glasses:"I'm very curious. , how did he die?"

"How did he become the Herrscher of Restraint by relying on his own plan?"

"At the same time, there is a bug! Mebius

:"Yeah, I'm curious too.""

"Finally it’s this guy’s turn."

Vilvi:"Look at what the captain said and what Otto did."

"The most evil, but also admirable.

Padofelis:"Is there really anyone in the world who is so conflicted?" Alicia:"

Yes, isn't it Otto?"

Su:"I just don't know, it's the story about Otto.""

Aponya:"Since the captain said so,"

"It will surely answer all our previous questions."

Gratius:"I can seem to feel that this person's eyes are very complicated.

Cosmo:"No matter what, I think this guy is a dangerous person.""

Eden:"The captain also said just now that he is a complete villain."

"This was certified by the captain.

Hua:"Speaking of which, he is Theresa's grandfather, right?""

Mebius:"Theresa is his test subject."

"What a surprise"

"Such a man would actually give a test subject the same affection as a family member.

Qianjie:"Tch, you are the same." Alicia:"



"Qianjie, Mebius will be angry if you do this."

Mebius smiled faintly.

It was hard to tell whether he was angry or not.

Compared to the people in Destiny, they were more curious about Otto.

Theresa in St. Freya Academy was shocked.

"grandpa's story......"

Theresa looked at Himeko:"Did I hear correctly just now?"

Himeko shook her head:"That's right, the next thing the captain wants to show is the plot of Bishop Otto."

Theresa:"I hope that in the future next story"

"I have a thorough understanding of what grandpa wants to do, right?"

"Why will I inherit the position of Archbishop Tianming in the future?"

"And how does grandpa die in the future?"

"How did he get into the Herrscher of Restraint bug through his own death!"

"These are the questions in my mind right now!

Ji Zi nodded:"Yes, I believe it."......"

"This is a question that many viewers have so far......".....Several..

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