Destiny Headquarters.

After Otto knew the story about himself.

For the first time, his eyes became a little hot.


"Is it my turn?"

The way Rita looked at Otto.

She and Hollander both understood.

In the previous live broadcast, Otto always had an indifferent attitude.

It was only in Theresa's artificial collapse video.

The mood swings It's a little different.

For Otto, this story about himself is actually not important at all.

To be more precise, it should be that his things are not important.

Otto just wants to know.

Is there any final ending for him? Complete the obsession that has been in my heart for more than 500 years.

And through what method.

In the end, was Kallen really resurrected?

Rita:"Sir Otto, it seems that the next step is"

"You have to watch this live broadcast intently.

Otto:"Yeah, I've been waiting for so many years.""

"Isn’t it just for this moment?"

Youlandel:"I just didn't know that the captain would tell us this story about you like this."

"I'm also curious, why Walter obviously hates you so much"

"But he doesn't seem to dislike you that much."

Rita:"Maybe this is contradictory to what the captain just said......."

"There must be some connection.

Otto smiled slightly:"Who knows?""

"After all, even Walter himself is a very contradictory person."

Youlandale:"Walter is contradictory?

Rita also asked curiously:"Master Otto, where do you start talking about this matter?"

Otto spread his hands and said,"I don't know about others, at least that's how it seems to me.""

"Don’t you think so?"

"I killed his father for some compelling reason......"

"But he still hates me, and he still hates me for decades."

""540""Insist on fighting me on equal terms."

Hollandel and Rita heard Otto say this.

They were stunned.

Are you still the enemy who killed your father?

No wonder Walter hates you so much.

And what Otto said next made the two of them even more confused. Completely speechless.

Otto looked at the game screen and said something that is very famous in Honkai Impact.

"Which makes me say this......"

Otto still looked embarrassed and continued:"He has no father......."

"But he still has me!"

"I can totally be his guide in life, right?"

"Just like I trained you......"

When Otto spoke.

Extremely confident.

Even Randyll and Rita can't stand it.

Good guy!

What a great guy!

It's just revenge for killing your father, right?

Rita finally understood.

Why did Walter target Otto everywhere in the barrage before?

If Otto said it at this time.

It reached Walter’s ears.

Walter estimated that this time it was like traveling through time and space and doing his best.

Come to Otto's side.

Give him a big pussy.

Rita said awkwardly:"Sir Otto, your brain circuit is really novel."

Hollandel:"What should I say?"

"Or it should be said that the thinking of people more than 500 years ago was different from that of our modern people."

Youlandel is thankful.

Although she has been guided by Otto, fortunately, her views have not been distorted to that extent.

What a blessing.

Otto's brain circuit is indeed different from other people.

See Youlandel He and Rita didn't understand themselves.

They also sighed slightly.

They seemed aggrieved.

This made Hollandale and Rita even more speechless.

Just when the two didn't know how to talk to each other.

Lin En in the live broadcast room A new game process has been prepared.

At the same time, he said:"In order to let everyone better understand what Otto did in the end."

"So I’ll start explaining it after Otto became a false god."

False God?"

【May: False God? Does this mean powerful, or does it mean something else?】

【Walter: It’s just that he is very powerful. In the future, Otto’s strength may only be lower than Kevin’s.】

【Padofelis: So powerful?】

【Hollander: Will the bishop become so strong in the future?】

【Mebius: Apart from her powerful attributes, the Herrscher of Restraint seems to be average in other aspects. How can she bring this kind of power to Otto?】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Although I don’t want to admit it, he was indeed very strong at that time.】

【Alicia: Is it the Kevin who ended up later, or the Kevin before he got the power of Endgame?】

【Kevin: Since I can be called the false god, I think it should be me who has obtained the power of the end.】

【Silver Wolf: So, are you still hiding such a powerful boss?】

【March 7: Even Uncle Yang said this, then Otto must be very powerful.】

【Teresa: How did grandpa obtain this powerful power?】

【Seele: Who defeated such a powerful Otto in the end? 】

The title of false god.

Destined to be synonymous with strength.

Plus explanations from Walter and the Herrscher of Knowledge.

Otto's strength in the future.

Directly in the minds of the audience, it has been elevated to a very high level.

This is what Linn wants.

So he continued to explain:"The false god Otto is neither a human nor a Herrscher."

"Through his own means, he reached contact with the collapse consciousness of this world."

"By fooling Honkai Consciousness, he gained the authority to directly connect to the authority of imaginary numbers."

"The difference from the Herrscher is that the Herrscher needs to go through the Herrscher Core to use imaginary authority, which is what we call power."

"The core of the Herrscher has a certain threshold"

"This is the maximum power that the Herrscher can exert"

"But the false god Otto is different. He can directly connect with the imaginary space pull and use imaginary authority, so theoretically"

"The Honkai energy that the false god Otto can use is nearly unlimited......."

Lynn's explanation.

The audience in the live broadcast room was instantly impressed.

Understand the power of Otto.

Directly connect to the imaginary number authority.

Linn added:"It can be indirectly understood that the false god Otto"

"It is a manifestation of collapse in the human world......"

"While gaining this power, Otto also became the Herrscher of Restraint"

"Found the core of dominance"

"Became a dual-core herrscher"

"Therefore, the power of the false god Otto, as Walter said, is only the end of Kevin"

"And such a powerful false god Otto"

"It was no one else who defeated him in the end"

"It is the two sisters Youlandel and Kiana"

"So our next story will start with Hollander......"

Linn started to operate on the game screen.

"As usual, let me first introduce some timelines of how this happened."

"The Battle of Destiny, after the battle to recapture Kiana"

"Fu Hua's unconscious body was brought back to Tianming for treatment by Otto. In the process, the Honkai Consciousness stuffed the consciousness of the Herrscher of Consciousness into Fu Hua's body."

"And then the Lawr of Consciousness was born"

"The first thing the Herrscher of Knowledge did after waking up was to kill Otto."

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Captain, to be more precise, I only killed one of Otto's soul steel bodies. 】

Lin En saw the barrage of the explanation from the Herrscher of Knowledge.

"That's right, but Otto temporarily left everyone's sight by faking his own death."

"Start executing your plan"

"Destiny is determined byRandall became acting bishop and temporarily managed Tianming"

"At this time, Teresa has already judged her destiny"

"After the Herrscher of Domination incident, Otto returned to Destiny and summoned Theresa back outside."

"Pass the position of Archbishop of Destiny to Theresa"

"And for the sake of his plan, he resigned from the position of Archbishop of Tianming"

"From this moment on, Otto's plan to go back in time and turn the world back 500 years begins again."

"And everything Otto has done for more than 500 years has only one purpose." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"That is Karen Kaslana, the destined saint who was resurrected more than 500 years ago!"

Lin finished all this in one breath, and then added:"Everyone in Tianming, after knowing Otto's plan,"

"Start stopping Otto"

"From this moment on, Hollander officially embarked on a different path from Otto."

"And our next story will also start with the confrontation between the two."

Lin began to enter the game and became quiet.

The information that Lin En revealed just now undoubtedly surprised the audience in the live broadcast room.

Resurrecting a person who lived more than 500 years ago?

Is it really possible? The pre-civilization era After hearing this

, Mebius couldn't help but exclaimed:"What a bold plan."

"If you resurrect a person who has just died,"

"That's okay"

"But the person Otto wanted to resurrect turned out to be a person from more than 500 years ago."

"Is this really possible?"

Alicia:"Judging from the tone of the captain and the Herrscher of Knowledge before,"

"Apparently Otto really did it"

"But as for how it was done"

"Maybe that’s what the next story will be about.

Mei:"Didn't the captain just say that?""

"Turn back the world's time 500 years"

"In other words, Otto wants the whole world to go back 500 years ago, to the moment when Kallen died."

"Then he showed up to save Kallen."

Vilwei:"If you look at it from this aspect,"

"Otto should have failed"

"After all, in the subsequent story, Kiana and the others defeated Kevin and crossed the finish line."

"There is no figure of Otto at all in this. Velvet thought for a while:"

And when Kiana and the others returned to Earth for the first time,"

"St. Freya Academy is still there"

"So the world doesn't go back more than 500 years.

Su:"In short, Otto can do this.""

"It's really amazing"

"As for how it was done, we can just keep looking at it."

Padophilis:"Yes, it's useless to think so much0."

"Keep reading"

"The answer lies in the following story."

Aponya:"You can also know the story of Hollander by the way. After all, she is also the descendant of Kevin and Dr. Mei."


St. Freya Academy Valkyrie Dormitory.

Bronya:"In the end, it was Hollander and Kiana who stopped Bishop Otto......"

"Kiana's strength at that time was probably the Herrscher of Shining Flames"

"Youlandel is the strongest S-class Valkyrie."

Mei Yi:"Bronya, did you think of anything?"

Bronya nodded:"When Kiana in the future recovered the power of Icefall,"

"The captain mentioned that it was the Herrscher of the Fallen Ice who was defeated by Sister Mei and Youlandel together."

"In other words, although Youlandel is the strongest S-class Valkyrie"

"But there are limits to how strong he can be, and the pseudo-god Otto is only as powerful as Kevin. Fu

Hua's eyes moved:"So you mean, you don't know how the two sisters defeated Otto.""

Bronya:"It may be that Bronya made a mistake in judgment."

"Youlandel's strength is actually very powerful"

"After all, in the final battle, Hollander also showed up to deal with Kevin."

Kiana said confidently:"It must be the two of us sisters playing mixed doubles."

"Take this person who once bullied Cecilia’s mother and smelly father"

"He was beaten severely!" Obviously, Kiana still holds a grudge against the previous captain's remarks about what happened in the second great collapse. Fu Hua also said:"We don't know exactly what happened.


"But I believe the final result will be good.

Bronya said more rationally:"It's crazy to move the whole world back 500 years.""

"It undoubtedly negates everyone’s efforts over the years."

"The future principal and we must be doing our best to stop Otto."

"And it should have been successful in the end. Fu

Hua shook his head:"If I'm not wrong, maybe this purpose is just a cover for Otto.""

"His real purpose may not be this"

"After all, the time of human civilization has not been retraced"

"The previous conversation between Walter, the captain and the Herrscher of Knowledge showed that Otto himself had succeeded.

Bronya:"A win-win situation?"

Fu Hua nodded:"I think so.""

"But it’s unclear whether it’s such a win-win situation in the end."


Fu Hua looked at the live broadcast room:"All the answers are in the following story."

The three members of the Yusan family also looked over.

Linn had already opened the game at this time.

A church appears on the game screen

【March 7: Isn’t this church the same church where Kiana inherited the power of restraint??】

【Xing: So you still remember】

【Walter: Because this is where the battle started.】

【Kiana: Is that sister?】

【Bronya: To be precise, it’s the Valkyrie Glandelle controlled by the captain.】

【Silver Wolf: Just looking at it makes me want to play】

【Xier: You must work hard, Captain and everyone!】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Hey, I can finally see how this 1.4 guy does these things.】

【Fu Hua: Didn’t you see it before?】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: I don’t want to mention this matter】

【Youlandel: It seems that the Herrscher of Knowledge is a little unhappy about this matter.】

【Rita: As expected of Lady Youlandel, she looks so beautiful even in the game.】

【Alicia: Yes, yes, they are all so cute!】

【Otto: Here we go, my story. 】

In the game screen.

Linn controlled Hollander and came to the church.

Went straight in.

And there was only one person standing in the church.

This person is no one else.

It was Otto.

Otto with his back to the church door.

After noticing someone coming in, he slowly turned around.

When he saw Youlandel.

He greeted very warmly:"Welcome!"

"My dear New Year friend!"

"The most destined S-class Valkyrie."

Otto's enthusiasm did not receive a response from Hollander.

After all, at this moment, the two of them are different. They are no longer the superior and subordinate relationship between the Archbishop of Destiny and the S-class Valkyrie.

They are enemies.

Otto said jokingly :"If the time was one hour earlier"

"I will definitely greet you like this"


Hollander asked bluntly:"Someone told me that you may be in the next plan"

"Destroy the present and choose the past again"

"What does that mean?"

Otto:"From what you quoted,"

"should be......"

"Chang Guang told you, right?"

Youlandel did not answer.

It was considered acquiescence.

Otto:"It doesn't matter."

"You have the right to know the truth about this matter......"......

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