"What does Hollander look like after entering a fighting stance?"

"It will indeed give people a different feeling"

"But seeing her and grandpa fighting......"

Look at this scene in the game screen.

Theresa had an indescribable feeling in her heart.

Although he knew that his grandfather Otto was indeed a bastard.

But when he really saw Otto was about to die.

In her heart, Theresa was still a little reluctant to let go.

Because no matter what.

Otto was indeed too kind to Theresa. at this point.

All the Valkyries in Destiny know this.

Teresa calls him grandpa.

He also fulfilled his responsibilities as a grandfather very well.

Jizi also knew what Theresa was thinking.

Sighing and saying:"Theresa, Walter said it before"

"Otto left with a smile"

"So I think he must have fulfilled his long-cherished wish of more than 500 years.

Theresa shook her head helplessly:"Grandpa, this guy......"

"He is truly a paranoid person to the extreme."

Obviously, you can put these things aside and lead the Valkyries of Destiny to seriously fight against Honkai."

"But he......"

Theresa didn't know what to say about Otto.

Ji Zi smiled:"But it is precisely for this purpose"

"Only Otto will be in charge of destiny for more than 500 years"

"Only then will the current destiny be established.

Theresa:"Yes, for the entire human civilization, grandpa is meritorious.""

"But for many people around me"

"Grandpa may have done more harm than good."

After all, the second Honkai Impact, and Kiana becoming the Herrscher of the Sky.

Everything was basically planned by Otto behind the scenes.

Under these plans, Otto hurt many people.

Theresa arrived So far, there is no way to be sure.

Himeko:"Okay, Theresa"

"If we continue reading, we should be able to figure out what Otto has been doing over the years."

Theresa nodded.

She continued to look at the game screen in the live broadcast room.

In the game screen,

Otto Xianyou Randall started his next plan:"I once asked Chang Guang to design several different plan to reconstruct the world"

"But briefly speaking, the solution with the highest cost is the most stable."

Youlandel's eyes narrowed:"The cost is the highest.......01"

"What exactly does it mean? Otto said very considerately:"

If I tell the conclusion directly, you will inevitably be confused.""

"So let me take a moment and start from the beginning."

The viewers in the live broadcast room all pricked up their ears.

They were all curious about what Otto's most expensive plan was.

Although Lin En had mentioned some just now, it was not comprehensive.

Otto:"Chang Guang and I , I should have explained it to you from different angles before."

"In our world, the flow of time is irreversible."

In short, time cannot be turned back.

The audience in the live broadcast room all understood this.

And Otto's metaphors and ideas next made the audience's jaws drop.

Otto:"This is like nature. The river in the middle of the river rushes all the way, never looking back"

"However, just like a river, rainfall and melting snow will replenish it with water......."

"If we are more bold, we can raise the dimension of thinking to the realm of the tree of imaginary numbers."

"Then human time is just data recorded on tape"

"The so-called history is the part that has been recorded on this tape"

"The so-called future is the unknown that will be presented on this tape......"

"And our present is the only probe on this tape"

"Now is special, it distinguishes between the known and the unknown"

"Possible and impossible, it is the only survival platform that every living being has."

Otto's metaphor is easy to understand.

Even the simple-minded people in the audience can understand it. Obviously, Otto has racked his brains in order to make Hollander in front of him understand. After all, Ghost Randall shows extraordinary talent in fighting. But in fact Randall is like most of the Kaslana family. She is smart, but doesn't like to think. Hence Otto's easy-to-understand metaphor. Let Hollander understand the most direct difference between reality, past and future.

【Kiana: Otto can explain one thing so clearly. It would be a pity not to become a teacher.】

【Bronya: The bishop’s plan is indeed bold.】

【Theresa: Why didn’t I know that grandpa had such a great teaching talent?】

【Mei: It really explains the relationship over time in an easy-to-understand way.】

【Padofelis: Yes, even I understand it.】

【Otto: I am really a considerate boss】

【Silver Wolf: This is a typical game routine. The boss will reveal all his plans, so that the protagonist can find a solution more easily.】

【Star: You are indeed a master of the game!】

【Kafka: Sure enough, this is a fun game for Silver Wolf】

【Mebius: Next, are you going to talk about your plan to go back in time?】

【Hollander: Bishop, it really doesn’t make people worry.】

【Walter: If this guy can make people worry, he is not Otto.】

【March 7: Uncle Yang, you really hate Otto.】

【Rita: Lord Hollander and I can understand why Mr. Walter hates Lord Otto so much just now.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: To be honest, I quite hate this person too.】

【Li Sushang: It’s not easy for a person to be hated by so many people.】

【Seele: After all, Bishop Otto did a lot of things that hurt others.】

【Bronya: I don’t know if Bronya participated in this battle.......】

Linn saw Bronya's barrage:"Of course, you not only participated in this battle"

"And it's no exaggeration to say that if it weren't for you"

"Maybe Otto's plan will really be implemented successfully."

"Remember before, I said that when you were in the Herrscher of Reason, you almost died because you used the Herrscher's power to exceed the threshold of the Herrscher's core?"

The viewers on the barrage all said they remembered it.

Linn continued:"Otto became the Herrscher of Restraint at that time, and used the power of the Herrscher of Restraint to open the protective shield on the way to him."

"It's the same one that Kevin opened before. It belongs to the same style."

"But Kevin is countless times more powerful"

"At that time, everyone was helpless by this protective shield."

"It was Bronya, the Herrscher of Reason, who forcibly constructed six Moonlight Thrones to attack."

"Only then did Otto's protective shield break."

"The price was that Bronya was exhausted and almost died."

"Fortunately, when Youlandel was fighting Otto, she kept the creative part of the Black Abyss White Flower."

"Heixi was able to use the creative power of the black abyss white flower to treat Bronya."

Quantum Sea.

When Xier heard that Bronya almost died, her face turned pale with fright:"How could it be?"

"Sister Bronya......"

Hei Xi:"What are you anxious about?"

"Later, sister-in-law was fine, wasn't she?"

"Was it me who saved my sister? ? ?"

Hei Xi was also anxious to teach Xi'er a lesson.

But when he heard that he was the one who saved her,Bronya.

It was immediately unbelievable.

His power has always been mainly destruction.

When did you have the power to save others?

And why can it drive the Black Abyss White Flower?

Xi'er also asked curiously:"The other me, do you know how to use the Black Abyss White Flower?"

Hei Xi shook his head:"It feels a bit familiar."

"But I probably haven't used it."

At this moment,

Lin En in the live broadcast room continued:"Everyone from the previous civilization era, as well as those from the current civilization era who know the Black Abyss and White Flowers,"

"You must be curious why Kuroshiki can use the Black Abyss White Flower, right?"

【Youlandel: As the key to God, the Black Abyss White Flower cannot be used by just anyone. I have always been in awe of the Black Abyss White Flower.】

【Rita: Lord Hollander, you are just expressing your respect for Lord Cecilia.】

【Teresa: Cecilia could also use the creative power of the Black Abyss White Flower.】

【Alicia: Strictly speaking, I am the first master of the Black Abyss White Flower. Its power of creation is indeed very useful.】

【Padofelis: But Sister Ellie, you won’t use the black abyss in vain later.】

【Kiana: Why doesn’t Alicia use such a powerful weapon?】

【Li Sushang: Maybe it’s because I’m not good at it? 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Teresa: Maybe it’s because Alicia’s true strength can’t be used】

【Eden: No, you all guessed wrong】

【March 7: Not using it must be because Alicia got a more powerful weapon!】

【Star: Another God's Key】

【Meiyi: Could it be that......Is it because Black Abyss White Flower is not cute enough?】

【Sakura: Mei......You guessed it】

【Kevin: She has obviously never met Alicia. Why?......】

【Alicia: I’m so happy. Only Mei guessed it right.】

【Bronya: So, why can the other Xier use the Black Abyss White Flower?】

【Mei: I think maybe it’s because she looks exactly like the Herrscher of Death in our civilization era.】

【Mebius: In this case, it’s a bit too far-fetched】

【Velvet: There is indeed no scientific basis for the resemblance. After all, the God Key will not recognize its owner. 】

Lin looked at the topic being brought back again.

He didn't stop at Alicia.

He continued:"Xie'er, who looks similar, cannot activate the creative power of the white flowers in the black abyss."

"The one who really stimulated the power of creation was another Xi'er, Hei Xi."

"Because she is the manifestation of stigma consciousness, that is, the stigma consciousness of the former Herrscher of Death."

Hei Xi's true ability was also exposed at this moment.

In the game screen,

Otto continued to use his own unique metaphors to explain his plan to Hollander.

To put it simply, it is to rewind the history of the entire world. To more than 500 years ago.

Then start again more than 500 years ago.

At the same time, Otto also said the benefits of doing so.

The disaster of the second collapse can no longer happen.

As long as people in the church will travel back directly without being affected.He helped the human beings of that era grow again more than 500 years ago. In this way, he gained a new opportunity to fight against the Honkai Impact.

Calculated according to Otto’s gains.

In doing so, the gains of mankind far exceeded the losses.

Then Otto told You Randall.

To do this, you need to find the coordinates of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers and have enough Honkai energy.

That is what Otto can do after he is promoted to the false god.

Lin En mentioned these to the audience just now It has arrived.

And the real price of all this.

Hollander also realized it.

It is all the human beings in the world now, including all the efforts of everyone.

Otto said:"I will erase these five hundred from the branches of time. years of history"

"Let the world return to the state where Kallen Kaslana was still alive."

At this point.

Youlandel has completely understood Otto's plan.

And to implement this plan, humans in the entire world, including the current world, need to pay the price.

Youlandel squeezed the black abyss white flower in her hand:" You don't like the Stigma Project"

"But he plans to make the whole world pay a heavier price than the Stigma Project?"

"You're murdering almost everyone in the world, Bishop!

Otto was noncommittal:" That's right."......"

"but humans......"

"Will he still be human because of this?......."

The implication is the humans who survived the Stigma Project.

It can no longer be considered a human being.

So 900 seems to Otto.

This plan of my own.

But it is much more reliable than any stigma plan.

And to say so.

There were people in pre-civilization times who were unhappy.

Mebius's eyes were shining brightly, and he was dragging his chin with one hand:"Does Otto mean to deny that I made so many revised versions of the Stigmata Plan?"

Velvet:"It seems so?"

May:"What Otto said is not entirely correct. This only buys humanity a little time to survive.""

"Finally faced the Herrscher of the End"

"If human beings cannot find a way to deal with the Herrscher of the End during this time of survival, they will still be reset and destroyed."

Padophilis:"But with more than five hundred years, we can do a lot of things, right?

Alicia:"That's not right, Phyllis!""

"The emergence of the Herrscher is not directly related to time"

"Rather, it is directly related to human development."

Su:"In other words, if Otto and the others forcibly go back five hundred years ago to help the development of human civilization at that time,"

"The result is the time when the Herrscher appears in advance"

"The Herrscher of the End will also arrive early."

Sakura:"So Otto's plan just seems to take more than five hundred years."

"Actually, it doesn't really help much."

Apponia:" Otto himself knows this. Cosmo:"

So this is not Otto's real plan."

Padofelis:"Otto is lying to Glandel?" Mei pushed up her glasses:"To be more precise, Otto deceived everyone with this plan.""

"I think what I want is to let Hollander and others kill me."

"He wants to die!"

Padofilis:"If it was just a simple suicide, there wouldn't be such a big trouble, right?"

Kevin:"He must have someone kill him with his own hands."

"Otherwise, he can't die and wants to implement the whole plan"

"must become a false god"

"This means that they will be under the supervision of the Honkai Consciousness."

"In this case, Otto probably couldn't die if he wanted to."

"So I can only use the help of others.

Su:"This is really a big game!""

Hua:" In other words, he was defeated by the combined hands of Youlandel and Kiana."

"This is Otto's true purpose."

Mebius:"It seems that it is indeed the case now."

"It's getting more and more interesting."

On the Star Dome Train.

March 7 was in disbelief:"Uncle Yang, are you saying that Otto's real purpose is to commit suicide? ? ?"

Walter nodded:"Yes, everything he does and tells Hollander now"

"I just want them not to be merciful when they do it"

"That's all......"

Xing:"In other words, some things can only be done after his death."

"That's why you do this?"

Walter:"Well, he wants to seduce Chen Cang secretly."

"Go directly to the Tree of Imaginary Numbers and travel back in time to save Kallen......."......

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