"Fortunately, Bronya is safe in the future."

Kiana breathed a sigh of relief.

When she heard that Bronya almost died, she was still a little anxious in her heart.

Although she has said this before, but every time she heard it from Linn's mouth When they came out,

Kiana could not help but feel worried.

Meiyi looked at Bronya:"Bronya, when did you start to like to force yourself?"

"That's not quite your style."

Indeed, Bronya of this period is more inclined to make rational judgments about the battle situation.

In other words, if Bronya of this period were to participate in that battle,

Bronya would think There is no step that I can't do.

Then I think of another solution.

For example, try my best to escape or other methods.

In short, from Mei Yi's perspective at this moment,

Bronya in the future will make that choice.

It was indeed an unexpected thing.

And Bronya looked at Kiana

"I think I must have stayed with the idiot for too long."

"You must have been infected by the idiot's thinking."

Kiana said angrily:"Bronya, look at what I mean."

Mei Yi immediately understood what Bronya meant.

She also looked at Kiana with a smile.

But Kiana was being serious with Bronya, so she didn't notice Mei Yi's eyes.

Fu Hua behind Mei Yi said:" It seems that the future Bronya"

"Also influenced by Kiana, a lot of changes have taken place."

Mei Yi nodded:"He has become a fool who likes to show off."

"St. Freya Academy may be affected by Kiana's relationship."

"More idiots show up. Fu Hua:"

Maybe this world needs so many fools.""

Mei Yi looked at the two people who were noisy again in front of her.

She smiled again:"Yes......."

In the game screen in the live broadcast room.

Otto continued to talk about his plan.

In the end, Otto told Hollander directly that he wanted to stop himself.

The only way is to kill him.

And Landel also understood from Otto's words that what he did was not so that humans could have more time to fight against Honkai.

Just to want to be resurrected.

Karen Kaslana.

Youlandel knew that it made no sense.

Otto continued:"If you don't stop me"

"I would definitely murder almost everyone in the world. Otto opened his hands as if to welcome something:"It's useless to talk more.""

"Come on, Youlandel!"

Youlandel squeezed the black abyss white flower in her hand.

After exhaling, she moved her body and stabbed Otto with one shot.

After all, Youlandel is the strongest Valkyrie in the history of Destiny.

Otto. Otto serves as the brain of Destiny. At this time, he is no match for the slightly more powerful Valkyrie, let alone

Hollander, in terms of fighting. So the next battle is almost one-sided. Hollander crushes him. Otto was pressed. But Otto, who was crushed, did not have any anxious look in his eyes. What made the audience feel magical was that all kinds of different things appeared in Otto's hands. Weapons. There are black abyss white flowers, Judah's oath. There is even a long sword.


And these weapons.

Without exception, they are the keys of God.

This is the Mimic God Key transformed from the First God Key, Void Manzo.

The void is hidden in Otto's body.

This point was explained in the live broadcast where Shuang Auntie flashed her lightning.

If it were someone else fighting Otto.

He will definitely be beaten by a flashy weapon like Otto.

Caught off guard.

But Youlandel is worthy of being the S-class Valkyrie with the strongest destiny.

He quickly adapted to Otto's rhythm. and defeated the Mimic God Keys created by Otto one by one.

【March 7: Is that all Otto’s strength is?】

【Silver Wolf: I think it’s because he hasn’t been promoted to false god yet.】

【Walter: Walter in this state is just a human with a soul steel body.】

【Mebius: Soul Steel really lets him play tricks】

【Hua: Even so, we can still see Youlandel’s strong fighting qualities.】

【Teresa: Hollander, you are really getting stronger all the time.】

【Hollander: Senior Teresa, you know I have been training】

【Rita: Yes, Lady Hollander only takes a break when she is on vacation.】

【Kevin: Very strong......】

【Qianjie: I really want to fight this guy】

【Mei: Is this the strength of the strongest Valkyrie?】

【Bronya: It's a bit too exaggerated. Is the difference between A-level and S-level strength so big?】

【Otto: Strictly speaking, it’s not the gap between A and S classes, but the gap between you and Hollandelle.】

【Kafka: With such strength and talent, if he comes to us, he will definitely be favored by the Star God.】

【Gratius: Is she a descendant of Uncle Kevin?】

【Kosmo: He really inherited Kevin’s strong fighting genes】

【Li Sushang: So strong!】

【Xi'er: The S-class Valkyrie is so powerful.......】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Tsk, didn’t you still lose to me?】

【Fu Hua: Have you ever fought against Youlandel?】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Didn’t the captain just say that? I killed one of Otto's soul steel bodies, and then Hollandel came back to stop me. After a fight, I gained the upper hand.】

【Youlandel: With the strength shown by the Herrscher of Knowledge later, I am indeed no match.】

【Theresa: But later on, you all participated in the plan to hold Kevin back. I guess the gap between you should have been closed later.】

【Walter: Well, Hollandel is not at her strongest now. 】

Lynn:"Yes, keep reading.."

"I will explain it to you based on the following plot."

Lynn controlled Hollander to fight Otto.

Whether it was the actual performance or the game combat operation in this game.

Hollander's attitude towards Otto was crushing.

Under the final blow.

Otto's blood bar was finally cleared.

He knelt down weakly on one knee in front of Youlandel.

Youlandel pointed the black abyss white flower in her hand at Otto unceremoniously.

This meant that the winner was decided at this moment!

Youlandel I looked at Otto in front of me:"That's it......."


"Tell me all your thoughts......."

"Before it's too late, go sit down and have a talk with Teresa. Otto raised his head and looked at Hollander:"I said, you should have the idea of ​​killing me.""

"Instead of just stopping like this......"

Youlandel sighed.

She had no intention of killing Otto.

There is no blood feud with Otto either.

At least at this point in time, Hollander.

Not in her memory.

On the contrary, in her memory, Otto, as the attending physician, saved her life.

It was also Otto in these years.

Always taking care of yourself.

Only then did Youlandel have this moment.

Hollander continued:"That is the power that belongs to Kiana or someone else."

"I would rather you explain everything clearly. Otto:"

Is that so?""

"Well, I do have something I'm hiding from everyone......."

"But it's a pity that I can't tell you about her at this time"


Having said that.

Otto's body began to glow with a powerful blood-red Honkai energy.

This powerful energy.

Even Hollandel, who is the strongest warrior.

Everyone felt a little bit uncomfortable and palpitated.


"Bianca, thanks to the fierce battle we just had......"

"I was able to hide from your attention and secretly promote my own sublimation......."

Youlandel's expression changed:"This power!"

"Bishop, you!!!

Otto laughed with satisfaction:" Hahaha......"

"It's too late for you to do anything now"

"Bianca Atagina."

Otto called out the name originally chosen by Hollander.

I don't know what the purpose was.

"Gnius+forces coordinate changes."

In an instant, Hollander's body was surrounded by a beam of light.

There was no way to react immediately and escape.

Hollander's body began to become illusory. (To read the novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Otto stood up and said with satisfaction:"The door to the imaginary space has been opened."

"I give orders as a god......"

"He wants the chess piece in front of him to be temporarily removed from the chessboard."

The words fell.

The figure of Hollander completely disappeared in front of Otto.

Only the Black Abyss White Flower was left on the ground.

Otto stepped forward and gently placed his hand on the gun handle of the Black Abyss White Flower.

A complicated smile appeared.

His eyesmysterious.

I don’t know what I’m thinking.

The scene also dimmed with Otto's smile.

The battle ended unexpectedly.

The barrage also started to show up.

Because this battle ended too quickly.

Just now, the audience thought they could see a battle between Hollander and the false god Otto.

Finally Kiana will join the battlefield.

Let's have a sister mixed doubles.

Is this the end?

Is it too hasty?

Otto had just shown the power of God.

Youlandel was teleported away using a trick.


The audience couldn't accept it.

Looking at the barrage filling the screen.

Linn made a downward gesture with both hands.

Tell the audience to listen to you.

The results really work.

The barrage stopped immediately.

Linn didn't expect it either.

This group of audience can be so obedient.

So he explained:"With Hollander's current strength, it is almost impossible to compete with the false god Otto."

"I said it in the previous live broadcast"

"Although Otto was a bad guy, he also did a lot of good things."

"Although Hollander was teleported away, it was not Otto who wanted to get rid of Hollander, but Otto who wanted Hollander to gain more power."

"Come and kill yourself."

Lin continued to control the game screen, explaining and live broadcasting the next plot.

"I have exposed it to everyone before, Youlandel is the real Kiana"

"He has the blood of the Kaslana family and the Shaniyat family."

"She is as strong as she is now. In addition to her own hard work and talent, the special Honkai energy resistance after the combination of the two bloodlines also contributes a lot."

"Moreover, Youlandel is also a natural awakener of the stigmata, just because she lost that part of her memory."

"`.As a result, up to the current position, although Youlandel is very strong, she has never used the power of the stigmata of the two major families."

"And Otto teleported Hollander to the stigma space of the Kaslana family."

"The reason is that Youlandel can pass the Kaslana family stigma test."

"Use this to awaken and obtain the power of the Kaslana family's stigmata."

?【Teresa: Hollandel has never had the power of the stigmata? I used to think there was】

【Honokai Himeko: I can reach this point without the stigmata】

【Rita: Yes, so Lady Hollander is really working hard.】

【Hollander: Rita, I remember you don’t have stigmata either, right?】

【Otto: Is my plan being unraveled step by step?】

【Walter: It was never a good plan.】

【March 7: I mean, I hurt so many people.】

【Silver Wolf: In other words, Youlandel was sent to open a dungeon at this time. After completing the dungeon, you can obtain a new form.】

【Bronya: This metaphor is very easy to understand.】

【Xi'er: I understand it too】

【Herrscher of Consciousness: It turns out that that form was awakened by the power of the Stigmata.】

【Kiana: My sister is so awesome too】


Linn continued:"The stigma space carries the memory of this stigma. Most of the memories of the Kaslana family are stored here."

"These memory fragments have also become numerous tests"

"Staying in the stigma space, if you want to awaken the stigma of the Kaslana family, you must pass these tests."

"These challenges are not difficult for Youlandel. She just needs to constantly accept her past memories."

"Finally learned his true identity"

"In this process, Youlandel also relied on her mother's strength."

"Awakening the Stigmata of the Shaniyat Family"

"Became the first double-stigma awakener and obtained a brand new form, Tianyuan Cavalry Hero!"

"The process in the middle is probably like this, I condensed them a bit……"


Linn clicked on a brand new plot.

Destiny Headquarters.

When I heard the title of Double Stigma Awakener.

Otto smiled with satisfaction.

The choice I made back then was indeed correct.

The Kaslana family and the Shaniyat family.

After the bloodlines of the two strongest families merged.

Sure enough (Zhao Zhao) has a miraculous effect!

And Youlandel didn't care about such a name.

He murmured to himself:"Mom's……"


Before knowing her identity,

Youlandel had never thought about such a thing.

Because in her opinion, the people in the past have left.

Then what she has to do is to live well in the present and protect everyone around her. After knowing her true identity,

Hollander still felt that the name mother was a bit far away. She was unable to adapt and recover for a while.

The most important thing was that Hollander had no memory of this aspect at all.

Rita He comforted:"Lord Youlandel, don't think about these things now."

"Let's keep reading"

"I believe Lady Cecilia has been watching you two in the night sky."

Youlandel's expression relaxed:"Yes.……"


Although she can't adapt yet.

But Youlandel still felt proud.

The warrior she admired most.

The previous owner of the God's Key Black Abyss White Flower.

Cecilia Shaniat was none other than.

But his mother...

Otto was behind the two of them.

Secretly happy that he had made the right decision.

And create powerful warriors. in the game screen.

A black space began to appear, in a black space.

Countless shards of glass were floating.

There are many figures on it.

Linn explained:"These are the memory fragments that Hollander saw in the stigmata space."

"Belongs to everyone in the Kaslana family"

"Among them, one related to Hollander is that she was Kiana Kaslana’s former husband before she lost her memory."

"The other ones belong to Siegfried Kaslana."


【Teresa: Are those Siegfried and Cecilia during the Second Collapse?】

【Kiana: Is that Mother Cecilia?】

【Landale: Dad and Mom……】

【Walter: It’s the two of them……


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