"Is this Cecilia and Siegfried during the Second Collapse? Theresa looked at the memory fragments on it.

This first scene made It easy for Theresa to judge the time at that time.

Jizi nodded:"According to what the captain just said"

"These are the memory fragments of the person with Kaslana's blood"

"From this perspective and this memory"

"This memory should belong to Siegfried."

As for Jizi's guess,

Theresa also nodded.

"It shouldn't be wrong"

"It’s Siegfried’s memory during the Second Collapse"

"According to what he later described to me"

"Cecilia used the Black Abyss White Flower to protect him and then left."

"It seems that this is the time."

Himeko:"If it weren't for Lady Cecilia's sacrifice at that time,"

"Maybe then the entire European continent will become a paradise for dead soldiers."

Ordinary humans do not have such strong adaptability to Honkai energy.

After being infected with Honkai energy, they will die directly or indirectly.

No matter which way of death it is.

After death, the body will be dominated by Honkai energy.

Becoming Honkai energy A bad-powerful death warrior.

A very difficult type of Honkai warrior.

In other words, it was Celia who saved people on the entire European continent.

It was also because of her actions that gave birth to Yutu.

Theresa thought of these things.

There is anger in my heart.

After all, all this, to some extent, is basically caused by Otto.

"Grandpa, in order to resurrect Kallen"

"Are you so unscrupulous?"

"If Karen knew, would she still let you do this? Theresa asked in the live broadcast room.

Although she also knew that Otto could not hear.

And even if he could hear,

Otto would not pay attention to this kind of thing.

Because it has always been Otto who resurrected Kallen. It's just his own wishful thinking.

Otto doesn't need anyone's support.

He doesn't need anyone's consent. This is just his own persistence for more than 500 years. Himeko:"I think Otto must be like him when he does this. Reason for doing it


"Just don't know"

"What did Karen do back then?"

"Can Otto persist to this point. Theresa shook her head:"Grandpa won't tell me many things and plans.""

"Not to mention the things about Karen"

"So I also want to find out what grandpa didn’t tell me in the next live broadcast.

Ji Zi:" Yeah.""

"As long as you know these things"

"Maybe we can make arrangements in advance in the next 403 time"

"Even if you can't completely change the future"

"But at least, if you can save one more person, just save one more.

Theresa nodded:"That's right.""

"Maybe the captain appears with this live broadcast room"

"This is also the purpose"

"We can't let down the captain's hard work."

Himeko hummed here.

Then she looked at the game screen in the live broadcast room.

On the other side.

In the Valkyrie dormitory.

This was not the first time that Kiana saw Cecilia.

Before, Theresa's artificial collapse During the live broadcast,

I saw Cecilia in Theresa's memory.

But at that time, Cecilia was relaxed and without scars.

There was also a smile on her face.

At this time, in Siegfried's memory fragments, Cecilia.

There were some scars on her body.

There were tears in her eyes.

Kiana:"Mom Cecilia, and my stinky dad.""

"They all seemed hurt."

Kiana was a little worried.

Bronya said:"The memory fragments from the second collapse"

"If Bronya guessed correctly"

"Lady Cecilia should be saying goodbye to Mr. Siegfried"

"Then he activates the Black Abyss White Flower and uses his holy blood to cleanse all the Honkai energy."

Although this fact is cruel,

Bronya still said it.

Because this is something that Kiana has to face.

And even if Bronya doesn't say it,

Kiana is just She jokingly calls it a fool.

It’s not really a fool.

Not liking to use your brain doesn’t mean you’re stupid. It’s just plain laziness.

When Kiana really wants to think, she can still think clearly.

This is Bronya’s point. I know.

Instead of letting Kiana figure it out for herself and then feel sad secretly, it’s better to tell her yourself.

This way, Mei Yi can also comfort Kiana.

Mei Yi said:"Kiana......"

Kiana said firmly:"Don't worry, I'm fine, Mei.""

"We've known about this before, haven't we?"

"And mother Cecilia is a great hero"


Bronya:"Sacrifice yourself and save the entire continent."

"Lady Cecilia is definitely a hero."

Mei Yi:"Lady Cecilia, she has always been treated as a hero in Destiny."

"And she lived up to her reputation as a hero."

Fu Hua:"Qiana, although I have no memory of what happened during that time (abbi)"

"But since I coached Cecilia"

"Then I believe she must be a very good person."


"Mother Cecilia is the best mother in the world!"

"Mother Cecilia!"

"In the future, I will also protect this world that you once protected."

"My sister and I will find my stinky daddy!"

"Just watch it carefully from the sky."

Kiana looked at the fragment of Siegfried's memory in the game screen.

The three of them saw that Kiana was not depressed.

Instead, her eyes were shining with an extremely determined light.

They were relieved immediately.

At the same time, they also knew that they had underestimated Kiana. Yana's mental endurance was over.

Several people accompanied Kiana and continued to look at the live broadcast room.

In the game screen, in those glassy memory fragments, there were all the figures of Cecilia and Siegfried.

Sisi Leah sat on the ground and put Siegfried's head on her pillow.

She gently stroked Siegfried's face with her hand.

Siegfried's body was covered with large and small scars.

Some were even burned by the flames. Traces of passing.

Lin En also explained:"At this time, Siegfried had liberated the Holy Judgment of Skyfire."

"So I suffered a certain degree of injury"

"Cecilia also used her last power to drive the Black Abyss White Flower to treat Siegfried."

Siegfried in the game screen is obviously aware of this.

After all, in the eyes of the Kaslana family at the time, the outcome of liberating the Skyfire Judgment was equal to death.

Almost no warrior of the Kaslana family.

After liberating the Skyfire Holy Judgment, he was able to survive.

Therefore, the Skyfire Holy Judgment was also nicknamed the Skyfire Judgment.

Siegfried opened his eyes hard, trying to see the person in front of him clearly:

"can't feel anything……"

"Am I... dead?"

"Cecilia, is that you?"

"are you crying?"

A tear dropped from Cecilia's eyes and fell on Siegfried's cheek.

At the same time, the memory picture on the memory fragment also changed.

It became Cecilia and Siegfried.

The first time we met.

The first time we went out to play.

The first time we faced the enemy...

Cecilia held back her tears and said,"I'm sorry, Siegfried."……"

"i lied to you…"

"This time, I can't go back with you"

"You have to take good care of Kiana." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Let her grow up healthily……"

Cecilia seemed to be explaining her behind-the-scenes affairs.

People in the live broadcast room.

I am also looking at this sad memory.

Then the memory fragments changed again.

Siegfried drove a car and said with a smile:"Safe passage, Kiana."

Then he got in the back seat.

Little Kiana stuck out her head and said in a sweet voice:"Ha……"

"Scared me"

"Dad, I didn’t reveal anything, did I?"

"right! Counter-entropy is the bad guy! Bastard! Siegfried laughed:"You, it is in this place that you look like your mother inexplicably.""

"Okay, it's almost time"

"Let's go."

This scene.

Lin En explained:"This is what Siegfried did after he learned about Otto's experiment."

"The scene of escaping destiny with Kiana"

"This is the story that connects later, Siegfried and Kiana go to rescue the experimental subject K423."

In the screen, Siegfried sighed:"In the future, we probably won't return to this home again."

Of course it was referring to a home within the jurisdiction of Tianming.

Then the scene changed again.

One hand held a burned photo with only half of it left.

Then the other hand took out another photo..Put this photo together.

In the photo, little Kiana is holding a huge yellow mahogany.

Siegfried looks at Kiana with a happy smile. He is also holding the balloon that little Kiana likes in his hand..

And the owner of these hands is none other than those of Hollander.

Obviously, this is the memory of Hollander when she was a child and went to the amusement park with Siegfried.

【March 7: They were such a good family, but they separated in the end. Otto, you have done all kinds of bad things!】

【Walter: He has always been a man who will do whatever it takes to pursue his own plans.】

【Star: It’s really hateful】

【Otto: I still say the same thing, if you hadn’t gone against the entropy and persuaded Siegfried to defect, nothing would have happened.】

【Theresa: Grandpa, I don’t think it would be safe for Siegfried and Kiana to stay in Destiny at that time.】

【Hollander: Indeed, I don’t think so either】

【Rita: Mr. Otto is too worried. Mr. Siegfried also had his own considerations in taking Mr. Hollander away at that time.】

【Silver Wolf: In short, it was you who had evil intentions first, which led them to find a way to leave Tianming, right?】

【Alicia: It’s really too much. Youlandel was obviously still so young at that time.】

【Padofelis: Yes, Otto is really hateful】

【Mebius: The memory of the stigmata of the Kaslana family, which means there should be Kevin somewhere?】

【May: I think so.】

【Kevin: Will my memory stay too?……】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: I remember Theresa said that she met your bubble in the stigmata space.】

【Fu Hua: Is it equivalent to the incarnation of part of Kevin's memory?】

【Velvet: Yes, Kevin, as the first-generation Kaslana, and with his powerful strength, can leave his own traces in the Stigma Space.】

【Li Sushang: Stigma is really a magical power.】

【Xingqiong Jizi: I haven’t heard of this kind of power in the Xingdong universe.】


Not surprisingly.

When all the audience sees this scene.

Everyone condemned Otto in the barrage.

Because there is no doubt that these bad things are basically caused by Otto directly or indirectly.

And Otto at the Destiny Headquarters.

He didn't even try to refute this.

Instead, he looked at the game screen calmly, like a person who understands art.

Enjoy the art quietly.

This kind of expression does not change.

It is also the understanding that Hollander and Rita have always known about Otto. in their memories.

It seems that Otto has never been seen panicking or having other emotions.

It seems to be so stable forever.

But now, the two of them don't pay so much attention to Otto.

Instead, focus on the game screen.

Game screen.

Those broken fragments of memory began to disappear.

What replaced it was a complete memory picture.

Lin En continued to explain:"This scene is related to the memory of Hollander when she was a child."

"That is, the memory of little Kiana at home."

In the game screen.

Under a clear sky.

A string of wind chimes swayed in the wind, making a crisp ringing sound.

In a room.

Youlandai stood beside a table.

Looking at the various things placed on the table Things.

He picked up the folded lucky stars on the table in his hand.

It seemed as if there was a warmth coming from the lucky stars.

Hollandale couldn't help but smile lightly.

At this time, a small voice spoke. She yelled for her mother in a sweet voice.

Then she ran over quickly.

This voice, and the little white head.

The audience knew it at a glance.

It was Kiana when she was a child.

That was Hollander when she was a child..In

St. Freya Academy.

After Theresa heard this voice, she couldn't help crying.

Because at the beginning, she heard Kiana calling her mother like this.

All of a sudden, many dust-laden memories were wiped out. Awakening.

The perspective in the game screen also changed.

Little Kiana was learning to run, and she immediately jumped into Cecilia's arms.

There was Siegfried beside her.

The faces of the couple were filled with joy. With an extremely happy smile,

Cecilia praised:"Kiana is so amazing!"

"Did you learn to run so quickly?"

Kiana in Cecilia's arms.

Her eyes are smiling like crescent moons

"Kiana is awesome! Siegfried looked at Cecilia:"

This child looks like you.""

"When she grows up, she is destined to be the most powerful Valkyrie.

Cecilia hugged Kiana:"That kind of thing is not important.""

"As long as she can grow up safely"

"It's better than anything else……"

Looking at this scene, Youlandel unconsciously raised the corners of her mouth.

Walked to the edge of the height ruler.

Caressing gently.

Then the memory screen changed again.

Little Kiana has grown up a lot.

He came to Siegfried with a story in his arms.

He spoke very fluently and asked Siegfried:"Dad!"

"I want to listen to the brave King Homu!"

Siegfried put his big hand on little Kiana's head.

"You've heard it twenty times"

"I can all memorize it."

Little Qiana said coquettishly:"I just like daddy to read to me.……"

"I want to be as strong as King Homu!"


Siegfried smiled and replied:"Okay, okay!""

"Read it to you"

"After reciting, you should sleep well."

Little Kiana nodded vigorously:"Yes, it's a deal."

Siegfried's big hand and Kiana's small hand.

Pulled up the hook.

Then the memory picture came to little Kiana's room.

On her pink bed, Kiana was covered with sheets.

She was holding a blue and white Umbrella.

He shouted gracefully:"Black Abyss and White Flowers, come save the world with me!""

"I am better than my parents."

Standing in front of little Kiana, Hollander looked at her childhood self with a smile.

At this time, the golden hair on Hollander's head appeared some silvery white.

Just when Hollander was in trance.

Little Kiana came to Youlandel and handed the umbrella in her hand to Youlandel:"I'm ready to go!"

"And you?"

Youlandel looked at herself as a child.

It seemed that some emotion in her heart was awakened.

At this time, Cecilia's voice sounded

"Let's rely on my mother's strength appropriately."

"my child……"


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