"finally come!"

In the Valkyrie dormitory of St. Freya Academy.

Kiana clenched her fists. It is absolutely impossible to say that everything she did to Otto in her heart was without hatred. This may also be the case for Kiana The only hatred in my heart at this time, all the pain and separation, and those tragic pasts were basically caused by Otto. Although Otto created her, Kiana also understood that Otto created her.. Also out of her own selfishness and other purposes. So on this point, Kiana does not need to show any gratitude for this kind of creation. She and Otto are more like each other.. Mei Yi saw Kiana’s thoughts. She comforted:"Kiana, it’s okay.


"We will overcome these difficulties together with you."

Kiana nodded vigorously:"Yes, Mei!"

"I understand"

"I am very grateful to the captain for bringing us into the live broadcast room at this time"

"There are so many things that will happen in the future that I never expected before."

"Otto's presence is somewhat behind these things."

"Maybe I should hate him"

"But for me now, what I have to do in the future is to better protect everyone."

"Protect you, protect Bronya"

"And my aunt, teacher Jizi, and monitor......"

Kiana's eyes.

Scanned several people one by one.

Mei:"Kiana, I don't need your protection"

"What I want to do is fight alongside you."

Bronya:"Bronya is not weak enough to need the protection of idiot Kiana."

"Bronya can protect sister Mei and idiot Kiana.

Fu Hua:"Don't worry too much about my affairs for the time being.""

"After all, I am now the A Valkyrie"

"Kiana, I look forward to the day when your strength exceeds"One Seventy" me."

Kiana scratched her head in embarrassment:"Monitor, stop joking."

"You also saw the live broadcast content just now"

"If you don't become the Herrscher of the End"

"Me, Mei, and Bronya should be no match for you."

Mei Yi:"Yes, the monitor's power should be the strongest among us."

Bronya:"Lady Cecilia also received guidance from the squad leader. Fu

Hua:"That's true, but my current strength"

"She should be better than the ordinary A Valkyrie."

"There should be a gap between it and S-class."

Fu Hua looked at his fist.

He squeezed it gently and felt the power in his body.

In fact,

Fu Hua could feel it from a long time ago.

There was a powerful force in his body.

But he couldn't mobilize it.

Even if At the Tianming Headquarters, Otto had done experiments but could not use that power.

And after the experiment,

Otto also said that unless the memory was restored, there was no way to use that power.

The former Fu Hua, I didn't pay much attention to this matter.

Now that I think about it, Otto seemed to have his own plans on this matter. Thinking of this, Fu Hua didn't show much resentment towards Otto in his heart. On the contrary, it was a kind of resentment. A strange sense of loss. Fu Hua doesn't know why this is happening. The memories he has now are all from Lin En. For Fu Hua, he is more like a bystander. Unless his own memory is restored. Otherwise. There are many feelings that cannot be explained. Fu Hua has a clear understanding of his current strength. Bronya:"No matter what, the squad leader is still the most powerful existence among the four of us.


"In the future, squad leaders will be needed in combat"

"Train a lot for us."

Qiana:"Yes, monitor"

"I'll leave it to you from now on."

Fu Hua looked at the eyes of the three people who trusted him.

He also felt an unknown sense of relief in his heart.

Then he nodded vigorously to the three people:"I will definitely do it......."

On the Star Dome Train.

March 7 said excitedly:"Great!"

"The big bad Otto is finally going to be beaten up by the two Kiana sisters."

"What a relief!"

"Are you right, Uncle Yang?"

March 7 looked at Walter.

But he found that Walter was not as excited as he thought.

It was strange.......

Obviously just now......

Walter showed that he hated Otto so much.

Now Otto is going to be hammered.

Why can't I look happy?

Even in Walter’s look.

See a trace of reluctance?

March 7 suspected that it was his own illusion

"Uncle Yang"

"Are you sympathizing with Otto?"

Walter shook his head:"This guy doesn't need anyone's sympathy."

"He doesn't deserve anyone's sympathy either"

"He hurt so many people and indirectly killed so many people"

"Both emotionally and rationally, he should die to make up for his mistakes over the years.

March 7 said in confusion:"Since Otto deserves to die ,"

"Then why, Uncle Yang, are you still......"

Dan Heng said:"Because Mr. Walter, starting from inheriting the name of Walter,"

"Just to fight Otto"

"So the moment Otto died"

"Mr. Walter still felt somewhat melancholy in his heart.

Jizi added:"Even for Mr. Walter at this point in time, a long time has passed.""

"But when it is mentioned again"

"How much is this old friend"

"Still feeling a bit of mourning."

Walter:"That's right."

"Otto and I have also been fighting for our whole lives."

"What I'm not sure about is whether he really takes me seriously."

Walter smiled bitterly.

Even to this day, he doesn't understand many of Otto's brain circuits.

Of course.

Walter doesn't want to either.white.

Otherwise... wouldn't he become Otto?

March 7 said bluntly:"I don't understand."

Xing continued:"March, human emotions are such complex existences."

"So sometimes it’s okay not to understand."

March 7 nodded, thinking it made sense.

Then he immediately discovered something was wrong.

"Why can you say such irresponsible words from a high position?"

"Aren't you human? Xing spread his hands and said,"I don't know if I am……"

Xing was stunned.

All right

"you win."

March 7th didn't want to continue to struggle with this matter.

Instead, he continued to look at the live broadcast room:"Come on, Captain!"

"I can't wait to see Otto get beaten up."

Looking at March Qi,

Dan Heng shook his head helplessly.

March Qi looked at Dan Heng:"What's wrong with you?

Dan Heng:"It's impossible to beat him violently.""

"Although Otto wanted to die, he would not let himself be beaten to death."

"he has his own plan"

"He will definitely continue to lure the two Kiana sisters to develop in the direction he wants."

Walter:"And did you forget about March?"

"The captain also said it before"

"Otto will release the water.

March 7 suddenly felt disappointed:"Huh?" ? ?"

"Can't I see how Otto was beaten?"

Xing:" Maybe."

March 7 let out a painful cry.

At the same time, new content began to play on the game screen.

Outside the church where Hollander and Otto fought before.

The two sisters stood side by side.

Both. It's ready.

Lin En also added a setting:"At this time, Kiana does not know the true identity of Hollander."

"And Youlandel herself has no idea of ​​disclosing her identity for the time being."

"After all, although she has accepted her identity"

"But how to get along with Kiana is still a problem for the strongest Valkyrie in the history of Destiny"

"But don’t worry, everyone, in the subsequent plot"

"The two got to know each other successfully"

"Also rescued Siegfried……"

Linn completed the settings.

He also looked at the game screen together.

Sisters Youlandel and Kiana stood in front of the church together.

Just open this door. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Behind the door is their common enemy.

Otto Apocalypse.

Kiana took a deep breath and looked at Hollander:"By the way, Hollander."

At this moment, Hollander did not reveal her identity to Kiana.

So the relationship between the two is more like that of companions.

Youlandel looked at Kiana, her attitude was the same as before

"What's up?"

Kiana:"After opening this door, we will make a complete break with Otto."

Youlandel replied calmly:"Yes."

【March 7: Call me sister, call me sister! You are making me anxious】

【Rita: Even though I wasn’t there, I seem to understand the inner meaning of Lord Glendale.】

【Teresa: Are you being shy?】

【Honokai Himeko: I never thought that Youlandel would have such a side】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Didn’t the captain just say that they haven’t disclosed their identities yet?】

【Youlandel: Is this really my style?】

【Kiana: It seems that my sister wants to pretend to be mysterious for a while longer in the future.】

【Otto: It’s really quite the style of Hollander.】

【Alicia: These two sisters are really cute.】

【Mebius: Kevin’s genes are really powerful. After awakening the stigmata, his hair turned white.】


【Sue: The Kaslana family members all have silver-white hair, which is exactly the same as Kevin’s.】

【Gratitude: This color is beautiful】

【Sakura: Did Dr. Mei have any little thoughts while doing research?】

【Meiyi: Can it still be like this?】

【Bronya: It’s not impossible】

【Mei: I didn’t】

【Walter: The two sisters later became very close.】

【Xing: I already felt it when I was on the moon.】

【Silver Wolf: Why does it look like a dual-protagonist configuration?】


Audiences in the live broadcast room 0..

Looking at the game screen.

Kiana was kept in the dark by Hollandelle.

They were all a little anxious.

But it's okay.

Because it wasn't that long ago.

The two sisters recognized each other on the barrage.

In the game screen, Kiana's eyes began to become complicated.

He said slowly:"You also know that it was Otto who created me in the experiment."

"It was he who brought me to this world"

"He was the one who saw me as just an experiment, a vessel to resurrect Herrscher."

"Experimental subject K423."

"This name is all the dignity he gave me……"

Kiana told Hollander about her grudges with Otto.

Start by being made.

This matter is destined to have a monopoly.

And Kiana said this.

The meaning is clear.

Just want to find out the position of Youlandel at this moment.

After all, before this, Youlandel had always been Destiny's strongest Valkyrie.

Directly under Otto's management.

So Kiana had to be careful.

After all, open the road to this church.

She almost lost her two most important people.

One is Bronya and the other is Theresa.

After Kiana said this, she looked at Hollander with firm eyes.

"the you now……"

"In what capacity did you choose to fight Otto?"

Youlandel looked at her sister and understood what she meant.

"I can be a tit-for-tat avenger"

"Can serve as an insurgent against atrocities"

"Or simply as a guardian fighting for the world."

As he said this, Hollander looked towards the church.

It seemed that through the door of the church,

Hollander saw Otto inside.

He continued:"But these……"

"It’s not the identity I want to claim.……"

"At least when I face him again, I think I am still a destined Valkyrie……"

Youlandel continued to look at Kiana, with a hint of tenderness in her eyes.

"I know that destiny is not a perfect organization"

"I know that Valkyrie's job is far from ideal as the slogan claims."

"So, when faced with the dilemma that each of us must make a choice"

"I must give up the destiny and the right to interpret the Valkyrie……"

"Take it back from the bishop who has his own way"

"Destiny is a militarized organization"

"Of course, soldiers must obey orders as their bounden duty"

"But this does not mean that all members of Tianming should be puppets of their superiors."

"They should all be cogs of a grand destiny"


The meaning of Youlandel.

Basically, she wants to make destiny into a more perfect destiny.

Not like it was in Otto's hands.

He became a tool for Otto to go his own way.

After listening to Kiana.

I also understand what Youlandel is thinking at this moment.

It is consistent with myself

"This is……"

"Is it the will of Youlandel?"

Kiana meant it.

Youlandel smiled and replied:"For myself,"

"This is the Will of Bianca Atalgina 0.1."

After some exchanges, the two reached an agreement.

Hollander:"This does not prevent us from fighting side by side."

"It’s not like I’m going to give in. I want to defeat him seriously."

"Even kill him!"

At the end, you can already feel the clear murderous intention in Youlandel's words.

Kiana smiled slightly and relaxed

"before officially entering the battle"

"Want to give me a team spirit high five?"

Regarding Kiana's invitation, Hollander was stunned for a moment.

Then he looked at Kiana in front of him.

The corner of his mouth smiled unconsciously.

Hollander naturally stretched out his palm.

He raised his hand with Kiana. The palms of their hands hit together.

Bang... a clear high-five sounded.

The two of them walked side by side towards this fateful decisive battle.

Ten years ago, their family was separated because of Otto.

Ten years later, the sisters The two will also bring an end to what happened back then.

At the same time, high fives also represent the two sisters.

At this moment, they fully trust each other.

"I'll leave my back to you."

Even if they don't need to say this deliberately, they can understand each other's unshakable fighting will!

After entering the church, the ruined church is empty.

Only in the mid-air of the church.

There seems to be a blood-red space crack.

As a possession Kiana, the power of the sky, recognized what this was at a glance

"That is……"

"The cracks tearing open in reality the space of imaginary numbers?"

Youlandel:"It seems that the bishop should be behind this."

Kiana:"Youlandel, please step back."

"I will use the power of the Herrscher to tear open the rift in this space to the extent that we can enter."

Youlandel immediately withdrew a certain distance.

Then Kiana began to activate the power of the Herrscher of the Sky.

The cracks also began to expand.……


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