Theresa watched the scene of Kiana using the power of the sky.

He said with gratified eyes:"I didn't expect Kiana in the future."

"Really conquered this power"

"It will not be affected by Siren's consciousness."

"Able to perfectly utilize the power of the Herrscher of the Sky.

Jizi said matter-of-factly:"Of course, she is Kiana.""

"Don't forget"

"At this time, Kiana has inherited my will"

"Kiana who became the Herrscher of Fire.

Theresa smiled:"That's right, this is not the naughty Kiana we are facing now.""

"It was Kiana who carried the Xin Yan flame."

Recalling the scene when Kiana became the Herrscher of Shining Flames and defeated the Herrscher of Thousands of People,

Theresa was a little emotional.

At this moment, the two sisters were about to face Otto.

The one who brought great joy to their whole family. An unfortunate man.

At this time, Theresa is still a little confused in her heart.

After all, both sides have emotional existence for Theresa.

Even if Otto is such a bastard,

Theresa understands it. One thing.

That is Otto's kindness to her.

There is really nothing to say.

Including using Kiana as a threat to prevent herself from leaving her destiny.

It was also Otto for Theresa.

Because in Otto's view,

De Anything Lisa does can be understood as adolescent rebellion.

But Theresa also understands that if you do something wrong, you will be punished.

You have to pay the price you deserve.

All the time, the things Otto did were too It's too much.

In order to achieve one's own goals, it is also selfish to the extreme.

Perhaps for the entire human civilization,

Otto is not a sinner. He is still the Archbishop of Destiny who has protected human civilization for more than 500 years.

Otto is destined to be the leader for more than 500 years.

It will leave a strong mark in the history of human civilization.

But we can’t just ignore human life because of this.

Because obviously Otto could not do that.

Theresa clenched her fists:"Grandpa......"

"If you didn't do these things......"

"How great would it be?"

What came to Theresa's mind was Otto's meticulous care for him over the years. And the words she said when she was 04. Jizi felt Theresa's emotions and comforted her:" Teresa, there must be an end eventually.


"After all, Otto taught him......"

Theresa nodded:"Jizi, I understand."

"Over the years, those people hurt by grandpa"

"And those who were killed indirectly or directly by grandpa"

"Everyone needs justice"

"I'm just sorry, if grandpa hadn't done those things"

"Maybe Grandpa can lead us, lead Destiny, lead all the Valkyries"

"Lead the entire human civilization to the more distant future.

Theresa smiled bitterly:"But now it seems"

"Obviously it's impossible.

Ji Zi:"Everyone needs to pay the price for what he does.""

"No matter who this person is"

"What great achievements have been made"

"Wrong is wrong......"

Theresa nodded:"Yes, if it's wrong, it's wrong."

"No one can refute this."

"Even grandpa is the same."

Theresa continued to look at the game screen.

She had long accepted this future in her heart.

In the game screen,

Kiana stood in front of the crack connecting the imaginary space.

She raised her hands.

The Xinyan sword relied on the Herrscher. Power appeared in her hands again.

But at the same time, a trace of cold sweat began to appear on Kiana's forehead.

It proved that at this moment,

Kiana was not so relaxed.

After all, the space connected by this crack Place.

It is not an ordinary space.

It is a more powerful imaginary number space.

Behind her, Hollander also felt Kiana's difficulty.

But at this moment, she could not help Kiana.

At the same time, she also believed in Kiana Yana must be able to do all this.

As the anchor, Linn also began to explain at this time:"Because of the influence of the previous restraint power"

"Kiana at this moment is not in her prime."

"Therefore, it is still very reluctant to use the power of the Herrscher of Space to open the cracks in space."

"So at this moment, Mei Yi, who is far away from the world snake,"

"Through the Herrscher method, he passed the thunder and lightning conquered by his own power to Kiana."

"This is also the first time the two have met since the rooftop battle."

"It was also the beginning of their reconciliation."

As soon as Lin En finished speaking, there was a sound of thunder falling on the game screen. Dark clouds were covering the sky above the church. And at this moment, Kiana suddenly opened her eyes. The Xinyan sword in her hand. Erupted into blazing flames. At the same time, Kiana also shouted out the name of Mei’s move:"Break with one sword!" Xin Yan's sword slashed down fiercely. A dazzling fire light immediately magnified the space crack infinitely.

"Youlandel, take advantage of now!"


Youlandel immediately followed Kiana's footsteps.

The two rushed into it together.

A burst of white light flashed.

The two sisters came to another space.

In the Valkyrie dormitory.

Kiana saw herself using After learning Mei Yi’s moves, he shouted excitedly:"Me Yi’s power was lent to me."

"Then I will have a hundred powers of my own"

"Mei Yi, you are indeed the most worried about me."

Mei Yi was a little embarrassed:"Kiana, it's not as exaggerated as you said."

"If it weren't for the restriction of power,"

"You may not need future me to help you either."

Kiana immediately retorted:"Of course not, Mei"

"It is precisely because of your help that I can exert a hundred times my strength"

"Only then can he defeat Otto fiercely!"

"Right, Bronya. Bronya tilted her head slightly and said rationally:"The power of the Herrscher of Thunder can at most restore your strength to its peak.""

"It will not cause doubling or bonus effects"

"Logically speaking, Sister Mei does not have such auxiliary abilities."

"And with a hundred times your own strength, even if it is possible, Kiana, you have to consider whether your body can withstand the arrival of this energy."

"To sum up, it is just the wishful thinking of idiot Kiana."

Every word is precious.

Every sentence breaks the defense.

Kiana stamped her feet angrily:"Bronya!"

"You really don’t understand romance at all"

"I'm furious! I'm furious!"

Kiana looked angry.

Mei saw it and smiled unconsciously.

At the same time, she was extremely hopeful.

It would be great if the future days were as ordinary as today.

There would be no Honkai.

There wouldn't be so many conspiracies..

There are only a few of them, living together in St. Freya Academy.

Mei also knows in her heart that this is impossible.

If she wants to protect this beauty forever, she must become stronger..At the same time, you must accept the other self in your heart.

If you want to help Kiana, this is a step that must be experienced.

Mei put her hand on her chest

"Only in this way......"

"Only then can we have the power to protect Kiana and help Kiana"


Unknowingly, a seed was planted in Yai's heart. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And deep in Yai's heart

, the suppressed personality is similar to Yai. idea... in the game screen.

Youlandel and Kiana fell from the sky.

There is no sky in the space here.

Instead it was a grayish purple.

Where he settled, a church already stood there.

Although it looks dilapidated.

But it gives people a depressing feeling.

Just as the two sisters stood firm, they heard Otto's voice

"Bianca, Kiana"

"You are finally here"

"In the name of Apokalis, I welcome you both to witness this moment of welcoming the Apocalypse."

After hearing Otto's voice,

Hollander and Kiana looked at each other.

There was no fear in their eyes.

Even at this moment.

The two of them had already heard that from Otto's voice. An extremely powerful feeling.

Otto's voice continued:"Are you really ready?"

"The control has been exhausted, and the restraints have been temporarily eliminated."

"But they bought me time and a place where I wouldn't be disturbed"

"Allow me to transcend the Herrscher and reach God."

Although Otto's chanting continued, nothing could stop the two of them.

Hollandel summoned Krishna, and Kiana entered the form of the Herrscher of Fire.

The two of them galloped towards the interior of the church together..

Some imaginary divine skeletons that blocked the road they met on the road were killed instantly

under the powerful power of the two. Soon the two passed through the church, feeling Otto's power and jumped to the church. Inside. Inside the church. Where the cross should have been. At this moment, there is a seed exuding the power of imaginary numbers. Suspended there. It seems to be the source of all power. Kiana frowned:"Then yes?" Youlandel recognized it at a glance:"The seed of nothingness!" Just when the two were about to snatch the Seed of Nothingness, Otto's figure walked out from the other side and said in a brisk tone:"Wait a minute.


"As the owner here"

"How can you not let me show my kindness as a landlord?"

Seeing Otto appear, the two immediately entered a state of combat readiness.

At this time, Otto's powerful force in his body made these two powerful Valkyries instantly feel like they were facing a powerful enemy.

Hollander knew it very well.

This Otto and the previous Otto are completely different things.

Otto looked at the two of them.

It is no exaggeration to say that these two people are Otto's best works.

So at this moment, Otto showed two people Extremely satisfied with the power.

It is the power that can stop him.

At the same time, it is also the power that can help him complete the last step of the entire plan.

Otto smiled faintly and clenched his fists with both hands.

He released all the power in his body.

The powerful Beng Bad energy immediately enveloped Otto's body.

In an instant, black and gold-colored wings sprouted from Otto's back.

A bunch of new arms also grew.

This look was like domination. The same as Herrscher.

Not only that.

There is also a symbolic ring of imaginary power behind Otto.

There is also a black mask on his face.

The battle has begun.

Linn did not take over the keyboard this time.

Instead, it allows the audience to appreciate the two sisters fighting Otto in the most intuitive way.

And the audience has been waiting for this moment.

Kiana and Hollander looked at each other.

They rushed at the same time in perfect harmony. A dazzling flame.

A spear light that can penetrate everything.

It rushed towards Otto with great force.

But Otto just raised the black hand behind him and blocked the combined attack of the two.

Kiana and Hollander's face suddenly became solemn.

Otto's power exceeded their imagination.

Otto was extremely confident:"Annihilation returns here."

"New stars are born from this……"

"This power belongs neither to mortals nor to the Herrscher"

"It is the original posture of imaginary authority and the embodiment of truth in the world."

"Come and savor the power of this false god!"

"Come on! My heroes."

Youlandel's spear thrust out again:"You are too noisy!"

Kiana's Xin Yan sword kept slashing down:"Yes, you are so noisy!"

Three powerful forces continued to collide and explode in the church.

If it weren't for the special nature of this church, it would have been blown to pieces by this force.

【March 7: Otto is explaining the source of his power? Is it to make it easier for Kiana and the others to find the flaws in 740?】

【Xing: Of course, he also hopes that Hollander and Kiana can defeat him】

【Silver Wolf: Is this Otto's atonement?】

【Walter: Of course not, this is just part of his plan】

【Kafka: Then why can’t it be called atonement? After all, he hurt both sisters】

【Walter: Of course not, because this is the last part of Otto's plan. If he is just seeking death, it doesn't matter to Otto who kills him.】

【May: But Otto must use Kiana’s power as the Herrscher of the Sky】

【Mebius: Only in this way can the connection between him and the Tree of Imaginary Numbers be completely severed】

【Velvet: What a selfish guy to the extreme.】

【Li Sushang: In other words, the reason why he chose Youlandel and Kiana to kill him was just because Kiana had this power】

【Mei: You really have calculated everything.】

【Honokai Himeko: This kind of scheming is really terrifying.】

【Xier: It’s terrible……】

【Padofelis: A really tough enemy】

【Qianjie: What a powerful gesture. I can’t help but want to fight with this guy.】

【Kevin: Very powerful.……】

【Sakura: More powerful than any Herrscher we have ever encountered.】

【Hua: This is the false god Otto……】

【Su: Such power, if used by another person who hates human beings,……】

【Aponia: Then human civilization may be restarted again】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: I really didn’t expect that this guy’s strength at that time actually reached this level. 】

The top of the mountain.

The Herrscher of Knowledge looked at Otto's pseudo-god form.

I was also a little surprised.

After all, this was the first time she saw Otto like this.

This kind of demonstrated strength.

It’s just Kevin, right?

"But it's a pity……"

"This guy is actually here for a woman?"

This is something that the Herrscher of Knowledge will never understand.

Although the Archbishop of Tianming also has the concept of a country in this world, everyone knows that Tianming is the most powerful existence in the world.

As an archbishop, Otto, even more The hands are like clouds and the hands are like rain.

So the Herrscher of Consciousness doesn’t understand.

How could such a man sacrifice himself for a woman?

The Herrscher of Consciousness scratches his head.

His brain circuit is completely unable to understand Otto’s thoughts.

"Forget it, I seem to have almost forgotten what Dr. Mei told me before."

"But there is no need to remember"

"Anyway, in my opinion, this guy Otto is a fool"

"The archbishop did not do the good destinies and sacrificed himself to save a woman."

"What a pity……"

If there is a chance.

The Herrscher of Knowledge still wants to have a fight with Otto.

Not fighting for anything.

Simply because he wanted to take personal revenge.

The Herrscher of Knowledge:"The revenge of that shot"

"It seems that there will be no chance in the future.……"

"You two should give him a good beating......."......

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