On the Star Dome Train.

See the game screen.

When Otto took the form of a false god, even Walter, who had always been relatively calm.

At this moment, there was also a hint of horror in his eyes

"I never expected that Otto would be so powerful at that time"

"Two Lawyer Powers"

"Coupled with nearly unlimited Honkai energy......"

Only at this moment did Walter understand.

What Linn said before was not a joke.

Otto in this state.

At this time, Kiana and Hollander wanted to defeat him.

That's not to say there's no chance. have!

But you have to pay some price


"You may be the person in our time who is closest to the end......."


It was true that Walter hated Otto in his heart.

But I still admire Otto a little in my heart.

After all, Otto can be said to be the first, or even the only one in human history.

Fooled the existence of gods


"You are on the wrong path......" at this point.

This is also the most regrettable thing about Walter.

Obviously Otto is the one who can lead human civilization.

Defeat the final existence.

But Walter still can’t figure it out.

Karen Kaslana.

What kind of magic is there?

Let this man be devoted to her for more than five hundred years.

It has persisted for more than five hundred years.

Even to resurrect Karen.

Otto can sacrifice all humans to be buried with him.

Perhaps in the eyes of more people.

Otto's behavior is almost crazy.

But Walter knew better.

A woman who can charm such a man.

It's definitely not simple either

"this force......"

"Get it directly from the imaginary number space"

"It is almost like an emissary or an apostle on the road of destiny."

Dan Heng looked at Otto's appearance and couldn't help but sigh.

The Star God is the most powerful existence in their world. The envoys and apostles are powerful under the Star God.

They all have one thing in common. The characteristic is that it directly obtains power from the imaginary number space through the path of destiny.

Otto in the game screen is the same at this time.

So Dan Heng has reason to believe that if Otto in this form comes to the starry world, he might be able to explode. It may produce more powerful power.

Or it may be chosen by a certain star god.

At this time, Jizi made another more important point.

"Otto can directly obtain power from the imaginary space"

"To a certain extent, this is also the credit of the Cocoon of the End"

"The civilization that created the Cocoon of Finality"

"How powerful is technology?"

Ji Zi can't understand this kind of technological power.

It can actually obtain power directly from the imaginary number space.

You must know that this kind of authority is in the star world.

Only the star god can do it.

And the star god still relies on his own destiny.

This is not complete. There are no side effects.

Star gods are powerful because of their destiny, but they are also bound by their destiny.

They cannot act beyond the scope of their destiny.

They can only move within the scope of their destiny.

In short, the star gods are powerful but also very weak....

And the cocoon of the end.

It has almost surpassed Ji Zi's cognition.

To some extent, the Cocoon of Finality is even more powerful than the Star God.

After all, he will not be bound by his destiny.

The only thing that binds him is the instructions that guided the development of human civilization in the first place.

Later, Kiana became the owner of the Cocoon of the End.

This order is now invalid.

It directly becomes a powerful device that can directly obtain power from the imaginary number space.

Maybe even show where others get their strength from.

Walter also noticed this:"Well, it seems that after I leave......"

"The enemy that Kiana and the others have to face is truly powerful."

"have no idea......"

Walter is not destroying his prestige.

But there's really no guarantee.

In what way can we defeat those people in heaven?

Especially after coming to the Star Universe.

But it’s useless to think about it now.

Walter sighed softly.

At this stage, it is better to complete your mission in this world first.

Maybe in the end he can bring a group of strong men back to help.

Walter continued to look at the game screen.

The battle on the game screen continues.

The two sisters' attacks continued to hit Otto's body.

But they were all blocked.

At the same time, Otto would keep talking dirty words.

"I've been waiting for the fall for too long."

Kiana:"You are so noisy!"

"Can you please shut up? Otto:"

Okay, okay!""

"My acting skills do make me feel uncomfortable sometimes."

Youlandal:"Kiana, let's take action together."

"Concentrate the strength of both of us into one point."


"Xinyan! Draw your sword!"

Youlandel turned into a stream of light and rushed out. Kiana's sword light wrapped around Youlandel's body.

The fusion of the power of the stigmata and the power of the Herrscher. It rushed directly towards Otto.

This time Otto wanted to He resisted, but couldn't resist at all.

The next moment, when Hollandel appeared again, she was already behind Otto.

Otto, who was attacked, staggered.

The black mask on his face was broken in half.

【March 7: Well done, the cooperation between you two sisters is so perfect.】

【Xing: It’s like two partners who have been working together for many years】

【Mei: This should be the first collaboration between Kiana and Hollander, right?】

【Alicia: What’s wrong, Mei, are you jealous?】

【Eden: Ellie, your question is too direct.】

【Kiana: Don’t worry, Mei. We are called sisters who share the same heart.】

【Hollander: Yes, at that time we had the same goal and fought for it together】

【Rita: Yes, Lord Otto has gone too far.】

【Otto: I still say the same thing】

【Walter: Stop talking, I’m afraid I can’t help it】

【Bronya: Kiana is becoming more and more skillful in using her power.】

【Fu Hua: Yes, I feel that Taixu sword energy seems to have improved to a higher level.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Tsk, Kiana’s Taixu Sword Qi is still a bit lacking】

【Hua: No, it’s already very good. After all, Kiana hasn’t been practicing Taixu Sword Qi for very long.】

【Sakura: Yes, it’s pretty good to be able to reach this level.】

【Li Sushang: Yes, yes, much better than me.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: You! you!!!】

【Xing: Hey, Xiaoshi just hopes you can praise her.】

【Teresa: No wonder the Herrscher of Knowledge keeps calling you Old Antique】

【Honkai Impact: It seems that Fu Hua still needs some good teaching in this aspect.】

【Kevin: The battle has been upgraded!】

【Qianjie: It’s a battle that makes people’s blood boil! 】

In the game screen.

Although Otto's mask was shattered.

But he didn't show any panic.

Instead, he looked at Youlandel and Kiana with great satisfaction:"Hahaha......"

"You have indeed grown a lot."

As he spoke, Otto's body slowly rose into the air.

More powerful golden energy began to erupt from his body.

At the same time, the black-golden disk behind him representing the power of imaginary numbers also began to rotate.

"This is the true power of authority!"

Powerful power.

It set off a hurricane in the entire church.

The golden energy directly blew up a tornado.

While Kiana and Hollandelle stabilized their bodies, they had no way to deal with Austria at this time. Otto launched an attack to interrupt Otto's evolution.

After a while, the golden energy hurricane gathered in.

Under the golden light, Otto appeared in a new form. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Behind him The wings and hands all turned white.

Like an angel, bathed in golden light.

At the same time, the walls around the church also began to fall apart under this force, revealing the appearance of the imaginary number space.

In an instant, everything around Everything turned into ruins.

Only the church floor under his feet was still intact.

Otto even said in a very exaggerated way:"Heaven and earth!"

1"I am the only one who is supreme!""

This force became more powerful.

Both Hollander and Kiana became nervous again.

But there was no flinching.

Hollander grabbed the reins.

And Kiana pinched Xinyan. Great sword.

Ready for the second round of battle at any time.

Otto continued to reveal his background:"I have been baptized by the Tree of Imaginary Numbers and am infinite......."

"How do you conquer infinity?......"

"Just let me wait and see......."

Youlandel's combat experience.

Obviously much more than Kiana.

He immediately analyzed the situation at hand:"Kiana, I will create opportunities for you."

"Can you successfully defeat Otto?"

"The chance of success is yours."

Kiana immediately understood what Hollander meant.

During the general mobilization before the war, she had talked with several doctors.

If you want to defeat Otto, you must use the power of the Herrscher of the Sky.

Cut off Otto and The connection of imaginary authority.

Only in this way can infinity be reversed and turned into finite.

Create a chance to defeat Otto.

It is also the only chance.

Kiana is also full of confidence in Hollander at this time.

Why is this confidence.

Even Kiana herself couldn't explain clearly.

In short, from the first time she saw Youlandel to now, she has a feeling.

That is, Youlandel will never hurt herself.

Although she doesn't know why.

But Kiana likes this feeling very much.

This feeling of unconditionally trusting a person and receiving the other person's kindness.

It's really good.

Kiana nodded and hummed at Youlandel.

Youlandel smiled slightly. , rushed forward immediately.

Maintaining the most perfect coordination with Krishna.

With Otto after the advancement.

The battle was back and forth for a while. Neither gave in to the other. It was enough.

It can be seen that in the battle just now.

Youlandel still held back a lot.

As for what the reason is.

Only Youlandel knew it in her heart.

I want to see how well Kiana and I can cooperate.

Still knowing that Otto had hidden power he didn't do it.

None of this is known.

In short, the most important thing now is to completely defeat Otto.

Kiana is waiting for the opportunity.

Will also attack Otto.

A perfect match between the two.

The effect of 1+1 is greater than 2.

However, the false god Otto still said jokingly:"Is this how you conquer infinity?"

"It is too underestimated the power of false gods."

And Otto also made an accurate mockery of the power possessed by Hollander and Kiana.

"Stigma? Lawyer?"

"You want to rely on the shadow of these imaginary numbers......"

"To surpass myself?"

"If you can do it, I would be happy to accompany you to the end."

What Otto means by this is that his power comes entirely from the Tree of Imaginary Numbers.

It is a more superior existence.

The power of the Stigmata and the power of the Herrscher are nothing more than a manifestation and application of the power of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers. That's it.

And Hollandelle and Kiana have become accustomed to Otto's chatty nature in battle.

They don't care about Otto's talk.

Instead, they constantly look for opportunities in the battle.

Otto also explodes. The seed of nothingness that was in the church before was swallowed by it.

Then countless golden sword shadows fell like rain and began to interfere with the actions of the two sisters.

Suddenly, Hollander's eyes condensed.

She immediately discovered He found Otto's flaw.

No matter how powerful Otto is, his body is still human after all.

Even a body forged with soul steel has its limits.

And this limit began to appear just now when Otto absorbed the Seed of Nothingness.

Although Otto suppressed it, he was still discovered by Hollander, who was experienced in fighting.

The spear in Hollander's hand burst out with dazzling blue light.

With his legs clamped, Krishna rushed out again under his crotch. He made a meteor and rushed towards Otto.

Those sword rains couldn't stop Youlandel's charge.

They were all smashed into energy fragments.

"The road to Tianyuan is now opened!!!"

In an instant.

The powerful power of the awakening of the double stigmata

(OK OK) caught Otto's momentary weakness.

The spear stabbed directly into Otto's chest.

But there was no puncture.

Instead, Otto's body was knocked directly into the wall behind him.

It made a heavy muffled sound.

The mask on his face was broken again.

Kiana followed immediately.

The Xinyan sword in his hand burst into dazzling flames:"The time of judgment has arrived!"

"Raging flames!"

"Burn it all!"

With a bang, the flames were mixed with broken golden light.

Otto returned to his original appearance.

The seed of nothingness was also peeled off from Otto's body.

The two sisters fell back to the ground safely.

And Otto fell directly from the air. It fell down.

Kiana pointed out with a sword:"It's taken."

Otto supported his body and stood up:"It's not over yet......."

It was obviously very difficult to speak.

But Otto still walked towards Kiana and Hollander.

Still confident, he said slowly:"It's useless......."

"As long as this space is still bathed in the gift of the tree of imaginary numbers"

"My authority will continue to be regenerated......"


"Can't kill me......"

Just like Otto said.

The golden light that was broken before.

It started to gather together again.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Youlandel immediately rushed over to break the light.

But there is still more light gathering around.

The two knew very well.

If the infinity cannot be cut off.

There is no way to truly defeat Otto.

Kiana and Hollander seemed to be connected at this moment.

Youlandel shouted:"Kiana is now Ya!"

Kiana rushed out immediately.

He came directly in front of Otto at such a high speed.

The Xinyan sword in his hand fiercely struck.

Otto flew directly high into the sky.

Hollandel's spear shot out.

Nailed Otto directly to the wall of the church............

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