
The moment Hollander saw Otto nailed to the wall, her heart tightened.

Because at this time, Hollander had not experienced so many things, so she still had a little respect for Otto. In addition,

Otto is right next to him.

Seeing the future Otto being nailed to the wall like this.

It still feels a little weird.

And Otto himself, when he saw himself defeated, did not How displeased he showed.

On the contrary.

There was excitement deep in his eyes.

Walter said it a long time ago.

He would die happily.

The captain also said it later.

He wanted to die, just for Arriving in front of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers, Otto didn't care about all the manifestations and plans of future Otto. Only at this moment. Otto finally looked at it seriously:"It's finally here!



For Otto.

Nothing else matters.

The most important thing is still the person who has always been hidden in my heart.

Hollander also felt Otto's emotional changes:"Bishop, it's finally your turn for the most important scene."

Rita:"Yeah, next"

"It's Lord Otto, my long-cherished wish."

"The most important part of any plan"

"It is completely placed in the hands of Lord Hollander and Miss Kiana. Otto:"


"Finally arrived at this moment"

"Walter, I'm so grateful to you for bringing me that good news in advance."

For Otto.

He will die.

He deserves to die.

But before he dies, he must complete his obsession for so many years.

Otherwise, he will only die unwillingly.

So after Walter said those words.

Otto knew that he had succeeded.

Of course, he only knew the result.

For a greedy person like Otto, it was not enough.

He also wanted to know the process.

The process of completing his long-cherished wish for many years.

Not only Otto.

The audience in the live broadcast room also knew that this live broadcast was about to usher in the next wave of climax.

They knew all kinds of evil deeds of Otto.

They saw the pleasure of seeing him being beaten violently.

What they are going to see next is Otto. The last step of Otto's plan for so many years.

I also want to see how Otto finally changed the ending through the tree of imaginary numbers. The pre-civilization era. Mebius's grudges against other people. It's not special. Interested. He said quietly:"You really let off a lot of water 623."


"You should be able to see it next"

"Changed world line......"

Mei's eyes also became serious:"The power is enough to change the world line."

"This is the most proof that Otto has the power to destroy the world after becoming a false god."

"Even if it's just for a moment......"

Su:"With the power of the cocoon of the end, the world can also be destroyed"

"It's just that the task that the Cocoon of Finality needs to perform is not just a single step."

Kevin also admitted and said:"Maybe the false god Otto is more powerful than me at this moment.

Padofelis:"Boss Kevin, aren't you even your opponent?"

Alicia:"I think so. After all, that is the power obtained directly from the Tree of Imaginary Numbers.""

"If Otto really has the idea of ​​​​going back the entire world"

"Kiana and Hollander should be unable to stop him.

Sakura:"Yes, you can see it in battle.""

"Otto did not fully use this power to fight."

"What a terrible man.

Padofelis asked curiously:"Sister Ying, what's so scary?" Su replied:"

When a person gains enough power to change the world,"

"Normally, it will expand first."

"But Otto didn't. Otto still followed his plan to the last step."

"If it were anyone else, their self-confidence would also expand as they gain this power."

Aponia:"With the power of God, you will also have ideas beyond human beings."

"If Otto is not mentally strong,"

"Maybe the timeline of the entire world will really be retraced. Hua

:"Being able to persist in pursuing a goal for more than 500 years is enough to show that Otto's character far exceeds that of ordinary people."

Padophilis:"Why do you feel that you admire Otto instead?"


For the Yingjie,

Otto is just an important figure in the next civilization era.

At this time, the Yingjie and Otto have no intersection.

It is just a chat on the barrage.

So for those things that Otto did, although you will be angry, but more of them will feel excusable. After all , the choices and sacrifices made in the pre-civilization era to fight against the Honkai Impact were not much better than Otto..For example, what Mei went through in order to awaken new fusion warriors and let Hua and another Fire Chasing Moth team go through.


So in their opinion.

Otto is disgusting.

But not to the point where he deserves death.

Mei sighed:"There is no need to discuss such things as good or bad."

"Let’s take a look at how Otto did it in the end."

"Perhaps we can see in Otto's behavior......"

"Find the way to salvation."

Everyone's eyes began to pay close attention to......

"grandfather! Theresa exclaimed and looked at the game screen nervously.

Otto has been nailed to the wall.

There is no chance of a comeback.

Even if there is, Otto will not do that.

Because his purpose has already been It has been achieved.

Jizi's eyes were also a little complicated:"Theresa, at this moment......"

"What kind of person do you think Bishop Otto is?"

"In the battle just now, he clearly had a chance……"

Theresa shook her head:"I don't know……"

"I always thought I knew grandpa very well"

"Think he is a person who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals"

"But what I see now seems to subvert my understanding.

Ji Zi:"Yes, obviously he can ignore it.""

"But I still chose another, more difficult path."

"What was he thinking?

Theresa thought for a moment and finally gave the answer:"I don't know either."……"


"I really can’t see through you more and more……"

On the Star Dome Train.

March 7:"Uncle Yang, Uncle Yang, Otto's goal has been achieved.""

"Kiana and the others defeated him"

"So what will he do now?"

"To change the past? Walter shook his head:"I don't know. In fact, at the time we all thought Otto had failed.""

"Nothing else happened after being defeated"

"Until we discovered various other clues and some special energy fluctuations"

"Only later did I know for sure that Otto finally changed the timeline."

"As for what he did on the Tree of Imaginary Numbers after he died?"

"What did you go through before you died?……"

Walter took a deep breath:"We all know nothing……"

Star:"In other words, what will happen next"

"Even Uncle Yang doesn’t know if he hasn’t seen it.

Walter nodded:"Next, it should be his personal show.""

"After all, he was the only one who came to the Tree of Imaginary Numbers.

Ji Zi:"In our world, that is something that only the Star God can do.""

What Otto wants to accomplish.

From the perspective of Jizi, a native of the star world, it is almost no different from the star god.

This may be the so-called, partaking of gods with a mortal body.

At this moment. ( To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The barrage in the live broadcast room did not start again.

The audience was waiting for the next scene to happen.

In the game screen, Otto was directly nailed by Hollander's spear.

Above the church.

But just like that, it is impossible to completely defeat Otto!

He must be cut off from infinity.

Kiana found the opportunity and held her hand in the direction of Otto.

The power of the sky can be used in an instant Released.

A small black hole began to wrap around Otto.

Kiana shouted:"Let your authority be buried with you!""

At this time, Otto, who was pinned, did not have any worry on his face.

Instead, the corners of his mouth slowly raised.

He looked at the two sisters below.[]

One hand slowly placed on the white flower of the black abyss.

It was like struggling to pull out the white flowers from the black abyss.

Kiana counted Otto’s sins in detail:"Mom!"


"Teacher Himeko, monitor, Theresa……"(agcf)

"You owe it to each and every one of them!"


Kiana tried her best.

The black hole suddenly collapsed, bringing Otto completely into it.

After a rumbling sound,

Otto and the wall behind him disappeared without a trace.

And as Otto left, Go.

The surrounding space was also distorted.

After the distortion stopped,

Kiana and Hollander returned to the real world.

In the dilapidated church where they used their power to get Mei's help.

The two had not had time to celebrate their victory..

A voice sounded.

Hollandel felt as if she was facing a formidable enemy.

Because the voice was none other than Otto's.

Kiana was also surprised:"Otto?"

Obviously just now.

I have used my power to solve him.

Isn't it all over yet?

Otto's voice comforted the nervous two people:"Don't be nervous.……"

"two mighty warriors"

"You did reverse the rules above the false gods in an instant, turning my spirit into such a lonely ghost."

"Soon, everything will fall into place according to your will"

"So before again, I want to congratulate you……"

Otto at this moment.

The teasing tone was gone from his tone.

There is no more self-pity and ridicule. On the contrary, it gives people a feeling of relief.

"Congratulations on your victory over domination and restraint"

"Congratulations on stopping me from destroying your history and your people."


"I also congratulate myself, I can finally say the best goodbye to my life without leaving any regrets."

Finally, Otto said:"Thank you......."

"Allow me to witness the miracle that only belongs to me and her at the last moment of my life……"

"Farewell, heroes."

Just when Hollander and Kiana thought that Otto had finished his last words and were really ready to leave,

Otto, who had been so free and easy just now, became worried in his tone:"Tell Theresa……"

"Unfortunately, her grandfather……"

"Can't attend her coronation ceremony"


Youlandel and Kiana looked at each other.

They know.

From this moment on Otto really disappeared from this world.

The game screen gradually went dark.


And Theresa looked at this scene.

I couldn't help but clenched my hands.


Lynn in the live broadcast room.

He said:"Next, what you will see is Archbishop Tianming's autobiography at the end of his life."

"It is also his final goal"

"It was also the last tenderness he gave her"

"Next, let us watch quietly and bid farewell to Otto Apokalis, the Archbishop of Destiny who has served for more than 500 years."

"So says the name of this section, Apokalis……"

"In the last battle just now, Otto used Kiana's moves to separate himself from the relationship with the Tree of Imaginary Numbers and became a lonely ghost."

"But it also gained the power to change the world"

"After chatting with the two sisters Kiana and his last words, his last strength followed the coordinates to the imaginary number space."

"Start the final step of executing your plan."

Lin finished speaking.

Some of the scenes that had gone dark just now lit up again.

It was a dark red space, and Otto's body was moving slowly forward.

The injuries he suffered after the battle just now still remained on his body. Otto

's body was slowly moving forward.

Otto was wearing the robe of the Archbishop of Destiny.

He looked relieved and looked into the distance.

As the camera switched, Otto's back turned to the audience in the live broadcast room.

Not far in front of him, was the foundation of all the world - —The Tree of Imaginary Numbers.

And here is the location of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers in the Imaginary Number Space.

Otto walked slowly.

His voice also sounded:"Life……"

"It's really a fragile thing.……"

"When I was a kid, my sister died in battle"

"They told me her soul is immortal and her spirit will ascend to heaven……"

Otto at this time.

Such a miserable look.

All the viewers who know Otto in front of the light curtain.

There was an unreal feeling for a moment.

This one ruled the destiny for more than five hundred years.

The mastermind behind various incidents.

At this moment, is it actually like this?

【Teresa: Grandpa……】

【Otto: Are these my last days?】

【Bronya: That is the Tree of Imaginary Numbers, Bishop Otto’s final destination】

【Mebius: I have to say, he is indeed an unpredictable guy.】

【March 7: Why do you suddenly feel sympathy for Otto?】

【Xing: Let’s read on first】

【Hollander: Bishop……】

【Rita: Lord Otto, is this the last step you have been pursuing for more than five hundred years?】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: This is the final closing ceremony】

【Walter: Yes, it’s also a result we didn’t know】

【Mei: What is enough to change the world is not only the power he possesses, but also the heart that spans hundreds of years.】

【Kevin: I can’t help but admire him a little bit.】

【Kafka: He was indeed a complicated man】

【Silver Wolf: Imaginary Number Space, the Source of Power for Star God’s Destiny……】

【Xingqiong Jizi: Although he is a mortal, he can go to the other side that only the Star God can reach.……】

【Star: If he were not an enemy, he might become the best leader】

【Su: Even we can’t do this.】

…… in the game screen.

Otto seems to be confessing, but also mocking:"From generation to generation, human beings are always willing to deceive themselves with such lies."

"Believe in the so-called afterlife, believe in the eternity of consciousness"

"They disguise the world as if death does not exist……"

"Until death suddenly invades their lives

"befall those they love……"

"Even when this happens, they will deceive themselves even more……"

Obviously, this is Otto's understanding of death over the years.

After all, he had truly experienced the tragedy of the person he loved dying in front of him.

And this is also Otto's understanding of death over the years.

His self-deceptive understanding of human beings... also includes his longing for Karen over the years.

"I also imagined……"

"I dream that one day, the one I love"

"She can return to the world with a new body"

"Live in a better future……"


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