On the Star Dome Train.

March 7's eyes widened.

Then looked at Walter.

Walter was a little relieved:"In March, did you understand what Otto said?"

March 7 shook his head:"I don't understand at all......."

"That’s why I wanted to ask Uncle Yang"

"What did Otto mean?"


After all, March 7 is still overestimated.

Ji Zi couldn't help but smile:"Mr. Walter, please explain."

"Otherwise, March will be a blur.

March 7 looked at the others:"Xing, Danheng"

"You two understand it too."

Xinghe Danheng nodded.

March 7 suddenly felt like his IQ was completely suppressed.

In the whole train, he was the only one who couldn't understand?

March 7 didn't believe it!

"Danheng understands my letter"

"Star, you too?"

Xing:"It's actually very simple."

"Otto's words could be simplified.

Walter looked at Xing curiously:"How to streamline it?""

You know.

Otto's monologue is not only his mental journey for more than five hundred years.

It also mocks human beings' views on death.

He always thinks that he can find spiritual comfort and spiritual sustenance.

In fact, when the loved one When a person dies, the emptiness in his heart can no longer be filled.

Just like Otto.

For more than five hundred years, his obsession with resurrecting Kallen has been supporting him.

If not, maybe

Otto would have died back then. He left with Kallen. After all , he also had a certain responsibility for

Kallen's death. So Walter was curious about how Xing would simplify Otto's mental journey over the past five hundred years. Xing looked scornful. Said:"There is no resurrection after death.


"But I want to change my destiny against the will of heaven."


Walter took a breath instantly.

He almost couldn't help but want to raise his thumbs.


Dan Heng was also stunned:"It seems that this is really the case.

Ji Zi:"The summary is indeed in place." March 7 also looked suddenly enlightened:"

So that's what happened!""

"That Otto is pretty awesome."

Walter didn't know what to say for a moment.

Because Xing's summary was indeed insightful.

Otto has always had this idea for so many years.

Everyone told Otto that people can't be resurrected.

The dead can just be let go. Just remember her deeply in your heart.

But Otto just didn't believe it.

So for more than five hundred years, he has been looking for a way to resurrect Kallen.

After he successfully became the Archbishop of Destiny, he went directly to China to look for Immortal Red Kite.

After discovering that Chi Yuan was just a warrior fighting against Honkai, he began to return to his destiny, intending to use the power of destiny to find a way.

After that, he faced the Honkai consciousness during the second Honkai.

People cannot be resurrected after death.

But Otto is He didn’t believe it.

He believed that he would be able to find a way to resurrect Kallen.

And now he has found it.

March 7 continued:"Uncle Yang, this is what you wanted to explain just now."

When asked by March 7th,

Walter remembered the pile of rhetoric he had prepared just now. He suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Compared with Xing's summary, his own understanding seemed complicated and superficial.

In the end, Walter could only He said:"Well, that's pretty much what it means."

"Anyway, keep reading."

March 7 understands the meaning of Otto's words.

It seems that there is no burden.

At this time, in the live broadcast room, the distance between Otto and the tree of imaginary numbers is closing.

The staggering steps are also telling the story of Otto. The severity of Tuo's injuries

"Death is indeed the dissipation of consciousness, the end of everything......"

"We can't accept those stars that have dissipated"


"We can turn back time and wake up the silent island of graves"

"It's a pity that when I realize this truth,"

"Otto Apocalis"

"He is already a world-famous villain......"

"He has long been completely hated by the power he needs."

"However, it does not matter"

"she really proved......"

"Anger born of love has the same power as love"


This is not Otto lamenting his fault.

He knew very well whether what he had been doing was right or wrong.

But he had to do it.

If anything, Otto at this time seemed more like he was thinking about his complicated life.

Those things that still need to be done.

He doesn't think he is wrong.

Of course I didn't think I was right.

Otto has always been a selfish villain.

Ever since Kallen died, since he became Archbishop of Destiny with the sole purpose of resurrecting Kallen.

This has never changed.

Otto raised his head slightly and looked at the tree of imaginary numbers.

Then the corner of his mouth curled up into a smile.

It's like I thought of something.

Then move on.

And what Otto said next made the live broadcast room……......"

Theresa is currently in St. Freya Academy.

When I heard Otto calling his name in the game screen.

His whole body was shaken.

As the saying goes, when a person is about to die, his words are also good.

At this moment, Otto is heading towards the last moments of his life.

Anyone can hear it.

There was sincerity and relief in Otto's voice.

At this moment, he is still lying.

That would seem unnecessary.

And Theresa also knew that Otto had always really loved her.

From the moment I was adopted by him……


Tears already appeared in Theresa's eyes.

For so many years.

The grandfather-grandson relationship between her and Otto is real.

Jizi on the side didn't expect it either.

Otto would suddenly mention Theresa's name.

She was curious.

What will Otto tell Theresa next?

The barrage suddenly decreased a lot.

The audience is all watching, the leader who has led humanity to fight against Honkai for more than 500 years.

The final closing ceremony.

They were all immersed in Otto's self-deprecating narration.

Should it be said or not, Otto’s magic of language, coupled with the eloquent BGM!

It really makes the entire game screen full of immersion. in the game screen.

After Otto read Theresa's name.

Continued:"You are growing into a great leader……"

"Over time, you will eventually make people forget your grandfather"

"Let his right and wrong merits and demerits be annihilated in history"

"die in conversation……"


Lynn has said it before.

After Otto left Tianming.

He passed the position of Archbishop of Destiny to Theresa.

Theresa for a long time to come.

They all hold the position of Archbishop of Heaven.

At the same time, it did not live up to everyone’s expectations.

Grow a great leader in the future.

And this is what Otto wants to see.

But I can’t see it anymore……


"Eat some fruits and vegetables other than bitter melon occasionally."

"You always stay up late, your body should be supplemented with more nutrients."

"do you know……"

"For tomorrow's coronation ceremony, grandpa sewed the archbishop's scapular with his own hands……"

"If you don’t mind it, then use it to start your own era……"

"Get rid of those stains that grandpa left on it......"

If the previous ones are Otto’s expectations for Theresa’s future.

So start with bitter melon.

It was completely Otto's doting on Theresa... completely doting on her.

The audience in the live broadcast room also heard it.

No matter how many wrong things Otto had done in the past.

How many people or families were killed.

At least for this moment.

He is a qualified grandfather.

At this time, Theresa was looking at the live broadcast room.

The tears finally couldn't help but flow down:"Grandpa……"

Theresa wanted to suppress her crying.

But it can't be done at all. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Tears and sounds were mixed together.

Bitter melon is one of Teresa's favorite foods. if you can.

Teresa can keep eating this.

But Otto would often cook her a sumptuous and nutritious meal.

And the reason is the same every time.

That was when Teresa was still growing.

A nutritionally balanced mix is ​​required.

Theresa recalled everything she had with Otto.

My nose couldn't help but feel sore and twitched.


"why do you want to go down this road……"

Pitter patter...

Theresa's tears fell drop by drop.

Ji Zi comforted:"Theresa, Bishop Otto was relieved when he finally left."[]

"If I have to say, there is something else that worries me"

"It’s just you. Theresa:"


"If grandpa leaves"

"The kitchen magic will disappear with it."

Kitchen magic?

Jizi looked at Theresa curiously.

But obviously, now is not a good time to ask.

At this time in the live broadcast room,

Linn began to say:"The name Theresa"

"It was decided by Otto more than 500 years ago and was intended to be left to his and Karen's children."

"Later, Theresa showed the same tenderness as Kallen during Otto's experiment"

"So Jean Otto decided to adopt her and gave Theresa the name Theresa Apokalis……"

After Lynn's narration.

Again, the audience got it.

What kind of spiritual sustenance Theresa was to Otto.

Or rather, family...

At the same time, Linn continued:"Otto, will prepare a lot of delicious food for Theresa."

"In the past, every time Theresa went on a mission, Otto would also prepare all the things needed for Theresa's mission."

"These are all clearly recorded in Otto’s experimental records."

"As for why Otto recorded this, I think it was an old man who lived for more than 500 years."

"A way to commemorate life."

Lynn said.

His tone also became a little melancholy.

Is Otto hateful?


Can he be forgiven?


But one thing that Linn can't deny is - Otto is a real man!

He truly loves the God of War!

This is enough to make people admire him.

At this time, Linn thought of another thing:"Theresa has Kaslana's family blood, so it is almost a disaster when it comes to cooking."

"So when Theresa was little, Otto told Theresa"

"As long as you prepare the ingredients and put them in the kitchen, you will have a hearty meal when you wake up."

"It's a kitchen magic"

"And Theresa has always believed this"

"And now……"

"The kitchen magic is gone."

In an instant... the audience in the live broadcast room was shocked.

There is no magic in this world.

This is everyone's consensus.

The so-called kitchen magic. In fact, Otto took advantage of Theresa's sleep.

Made a feast.

Then waited for Teresa to get up and eat it.

And now... the kitchen magic is gone……

【March 7: Captain, what you said is too harsh, I can’t bear it anymore】

【Walter: So Otto also has such a gentle side?】

【Alicia: He is truly a competent grandfather who dotes on his granddaughter.】

【Padofelis: No, I can’t help it (tears) (tears) (tears)】

【Mebius: I really didn’t expect that Otto would do such a trick to coax a child.】

【Gratius: There is magic in this world】

【Honkai Impact: So that’s what it means】

【Kiana: Although Otto is hateful, he is really kind to his aunt】

【Bronya: Yes, no wonder the principal has always been such a character】

【Fu Hua: I never thought that Otto would have such a side】

【Youlandel: Yes, I never thought about it】

【Rita: I have heard Lady Teresa mention this before.】

【Otto: That was a long time ago】

【Seele: Bishop Otto, it would be great if you could save the world with them.】

【Silver Wolf: Even such a hateful person has such a gentle side?】

【Kafka: Just like Aren, looking fierce】

【Li Sushang: Woohoo~ I’m so touched! This grandpa……】


Himeko comforted Theresa.

With the information that Lynn said.

She finally understood.

What is the kitchen magic that Theresa mentioned just now?

Grandpa is gone.

The kitchen magic is gone.

Theresa grew older.

I have long known that this is Otto's magic.

There is no kitchen magic.

But in the future, Otto will sacrifice himself to resurrect Kallen.

So the kitchen magic is gone.

Theresa will never be able to eat the magic meal again.

From what Otto said just now.

Himeko knew how selfless Otto's love for Theresa was.

Maybe it was the reason why Theresa was left with Kallen in the first place.

Maybe looking for a replacement.

But it is undeniable that in the end Otto truly raised Theresa as his granddaughter.

"Bishop Otto……"

"You are such an unpredictable person……"

Now Himeko also understands.

Otto is by no means a person who can be defined simply by good and evil.

Theresa kept sobbing.

If she hadn't heard this, she would still be able to control herself.

But now it is completely out of control.

No matter how many measures Otto took. to her.

Otto has always been pampering and doting……


Jizi didn't know how to comfort Theresa at this time.

He could only stay with Theresa silently.

In the Tianming headquarters.

Otto said helplessly:"The captain really knows everything."

"Now these inner thoughts have been revealed"

"How will I face Theresa in the future?"

Youlandel:"I really can't see that you still have such thoughts. Otto said proudly:"After all, I am Theresa's grandfather, right?""

Rita:"After reading this, maybe Lady Theresa will come back and stay for a while.

Otto:"I don't think so.""

"She's very thin-skinned"

"But if she comes back, I have to prepare a table of delicious food."

"I don’t know that during this period of time in the Far East Branch"

"Will this child become thinner?" Obviously Otto didn't care that much about his inner being being exposed. At this time in the game screen, Otto talked about his old friend... and about Hollander... Finally, Otto said:" I don't need anyone to judge me


"After all, these long and short five hundred years......"

"Just a man......"

"Just for your own wishful thinking, everything you can give......"

"Despicable, I will take you to the grave!"

"The light will be extended to the future by you……"


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