On the Star Dome Train.

As a former lawgiver.

Walter looked at Otto's confession.

He did not forgive Otto for what he had done.

But to be honest, I was also moved by Otto's explanation to Theresa just now.

And March 7th is the most emotional day.

At this time, I was even more moved.

"Why is there such a thing as kitchen magic?"

"It's really heartbreaking"

"The captain obviously can say nothing."

"It's over, I'm starting to sympathize with Otto"

"Woo woo woo......"

Xing:"You can sympathize with him, or you can feel sorry for his passing."

"But you also have to remember"

"Otto is also a heinous person.

March 7:"I know, but he is also a good grandpa."

Ji Zi nodded:" Yes."......"

"The world is not two-pole, only good and evil"

"Sometimes there are some gray areas"

"And Otto is such a person in the gray area."

Walter:"Well, I have to admit that"

"Otto finally gave his life to Theresa and to everyone"

"I also hope that people who come later will"

"In the next time, a better salvation plan can be found than the Stigmata Plan.

Dan Heng:"Obviously he can stay and save the world.""

"But he......"

"But he chose another path. Walter shook his head:"Our world is the earth and the entire human civilization.""

"As for selfish Otto, his world began from the moment he met Karen"

"His world is Kallen"

"we saved our world"

"And Otto also saved his own world"

"In this respect, Otto is no one's hero, but his own hero.

Ji Zi:"He is really a selfish person to the extreme.""

March 7:"But even if"507" was like this, he still didn't hurt Theresa."

"And powerful kitchen magic"

"Woo woo woo......"

March 7's tears were so moved that they burst into tears.

How much I hated Otto before.

How touching this moment was.

After all, girls are relatively emotional creatures. of course.

Except for the more frivolous stars.

Star:"How about......"

"Let Otto be your grandfather and cook you a meal?

March 7 immediately stopped crying:"I don't want it."......"

"I think the name March 7 is quite nice."

Walter:"That's just the time to pick you up.

March 7:"I don't care!""

"This name just sounds great!"

"You say so, Star.

Xing waved his hands and said,"As long as you like it."

Dan Heng:"The tree of imaginary numbers is approaching.""

"What will Otto do next?

Walter shook his head:"I don’t know."

"What did he do in imaginary space? No one......"


Walter's eyes moved.

What he wanted to say just now was that no one knew.

But that's not right!

Someone knew!

To be more precise, that person shouldn't be called a human.

It was a divine key!

Void Manzang.

March 7 :"Uncle Yang, have you thought of something?

Walter nodded:"I always thought that no one knew what Otto did in the imaginary number space.""

"It doesn't seem like that now"

"At the beginning, Void Manzang returned to the intrinsic world from the imaginary number space."

"Although it took ten years"

"But it is enough to prove that he followed Otto to the imaginary number space."

"In other words, he was a witness to Otto's final journey."

March 7:"I thought Uncle Yang, what did you have in mind?"

"We are now also witnesses of Otto's final journey."

Walter was stunned.

That seems to be correct....

You can also know by the way.

How did Otto throw the Void Manzo directly into the imaginary space? at the same time.

In the Tianming headquarters.

Otto looked at himself in the screen.

Getting closer to the tree of imaginary numbers.

My heart also started to get hot. finally!

It's finally done.

The final step in this plan.

The final closing ceremony of life after more than 500 years.

It's finally over!

At this time, Otto's heart had been silent for more than five hundred years.

It seemed to be beating again.

It gave Otto a different kind of excitement.

Otto himself had forgotten.

When did it start?

There is no such excitement anymore.

Was it after Kallen died?

Or since Kallen left him? forget......

More than 500 years are short but long.

Can remember many things.

You can also forget many things......

Otto remembered everything about Kallen.

But he forgot a lot about everything about himself.

Because in Otto's opinion.

Those things are not important at all......

The audience in the live broadcast room at this time.

They are also extremely curious.

What exactly does Otto have to do to change the facts of more than 500 years ago on the Tree of Imaginary Numbers?

And re-divided a timeline.

A timeline in which Kallen did not die.

A timeline that exists only for Kallen, a timeline that Otto bought with his own sacrifice. in the game screen.

Otto is getting closer and closer to the Tree of Imaginary Numbers

"I fooled my friends"

"Fooled relatives"

"Fooled the world and the rules above him"

"Just to give and take the only real you......"

"second life......"

"I'm back......"


Otto's words fell.

From the direction of the Imaginary Tree, a dark red light suddenly appeared.

Sprinkle the entire light curtain.

The scene originally in the imaginary number space changed instantly.

It turned into a dark night.

Under the dark night, there is only the light of fire.

There are no lights.

On a dark street.

A group of ordinary people wearing shoddy clothes seemed to be watching the fun in groups.

They stood on both sides of the street.

And on the other side of the street.

Several people wearing black hoods were slowly walking through the crowd holding a white-haired girl down.

The white-haired girl had a downcast face.

There are also wooden shackles on his hands.

And this white-haired girl.

It was none other than Karen Kaslana, whom the audience had just seen in the graduation trip short film.

The audience understood immediately.

This happened over 500 years ago! (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And it’s an extremely ironic thing.

The most powerful Valkyrie at that time was able to wield Judah's oath.

A member of the Kaslana family.

He was actually locked up with a wooden shackle.

He followed the group of people slowly forward with a look of despair on his face.

Linn watched this scene.

He began to explain:"The Destiny Saint 500 years ago, Destiny's strongest Valkyrie Kallen Kaslana"

"Because I violated some taboos of the old destiny"

"So he was hanged"

"This is Karen on her way to execution"

"It’s not that Karen can’t escape, she just doesn’t want to escape."

"She has been determined to change the world and bring peace to the world since she was a child."

"But later, Kallen learned that the person who really brought disaster to the world"

"After the Honkai Impact, there were also the Destiny Nobles at that time......."

After Linn’s explanation[]

The audience understood immediately.

This is a tragedy that belongs to the old times

【Teresa: Could it be that Kallen did not die on the battlefield, but was strangled by destiny at that time?】

【Su: It’s really ironic. The Valkyrie who protected humans was killed by humans instead.】

【Kiana: These guys are really hateful, and those are the heroes who protect them!】

【Mei: It’s useless Kiana. At that time, all information sources for civilians were released by nobles.】

【Bronya: If they say Kallen is guilty, then they are guilty.】

【Xier: Too much......】

【Li Sushang: Damn it, beat them all up!】

【Alicia: If I guessed correctly, Destiny at that time should also have a way to threaten Kallen.】

【Eden: A commoner......】

【Hollander: Kallen doesn’t want to see anyone hurt because of her anymore】

【Honokai Himeko: So I accepted the punishment of destiny and was strangled.......】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Damn it, if it were me, I would beat up all these people and tell them that fists are the last word.】

【Otto: Yes, just as you guessed, Kallen will die this night】

【Theresa: Grandpa, didn’t you ever think of saving Kallen at that time? 】

Lin continued following Theresa’s question.

"Otto of course"

"And many methods were used"

"But they all failed in the end, and the Otto Society persisted for more than five hundred years, not just because he failed to save Kallen."

"Also because Otto believed that he had a direct relationship with Kallen's death."

As soon as these words came out, the audience on the barrage was a little confused.

Kallen's death was caused by the old nobles of Destiny.

Otto wanted to save Kallen.

How could it be directly related to Kallen's death? What?

Lynn continued to explain:"At that time, in order to save Karen"

"Otto decided to cause chaos at the scene"

"Then take advantage of the chaos to take Kallen away"

"The best way to create chaos is to release the Honkai Beasts that have been imprisoned and experimented with in Destiny."

"After Honkaimon appeared, the scene was indeed chaotic."

"The executioners and civilians have no ability to fight against Honkaimon"

"When Kallen saw this scene, she immediately rushed to save people."

"In the end tragedy happened......"

The audience never expected it.

Kallen actually died like this back then.

With that said, it's no wonder.

The Otto Society has been obsessed with resurrecting Kallen for so many years.......

On the barrage.

Otto also told the story himself

【Otto: Speaking of which, it’s really ironic. A group of people watched the heroes who protect mankind being killed, but when they themselves are in danger, they still need heroes to save them0........】

【Teresa: Grandpa at that time, althoughHe has some power, but he won't be able to come up with such a dangerous method.......】

【Youlandel: Indeed, it’s a bit unexpected】

【Honkai Impact: It is indeed very different from the previous strategist character.】

【Mei: This plan is indeed dangerous. Didn’t Otto plan it without Karen’s ideas?】

【Velvet: It really doesn’t look like what Otto did, unless it was the only feasible way at the time.......】

Linn confirmed Velvet's barrage:"Yes, Otto was in Tianming's position at that time."

"more like a doctor"

"So I don’t have my own subordinates, let alone my own power."

"Therefore, it is impossible to request foreign aid to save Kallen through other means."

"At that time, Otto's only foreign aid and the only available power, Void Manzo, also refused to help Otto at this juncture."

"Therefore, in Otto's view later, Void Manzang also had a certain responsibility for this matter."

"At that time, Void Manzo was unwilling to help Otto save Kallen, except that he did not want to lend his power to Otto, a useless person."

"Another reason is that Kallen prevented him from occupying Otto's body."

"Void Manzo is the key to God, but it has derived additional consciousness......."

Lin En explained the small grudge between Void Manzo and Kallen.

"Kallen is the daughter of the head of the Kaslana family. During a Honkaiju invasion, her father died fighting to liberate the Skyfire Holy Judgment."

"Karen cried bitterly in front of the corpse"

"At that time, Otto had already obtained the Void Manzo inherited from the Apokalis family era."

"In order to seduce Otto and hand over his body, Void Manzo fulfilled the instructions left by him from the previous civilization era."

"So he coaxed Otto into believing that as long as he gave his body to him, he would be able to imitate the white flowers in the black abyss and resurrect Kallen's father."

"Otto didn't want to see Kallen crying because of herself, so he decided on this deal"

"At the critical moment, Otto's strange behavior was triggered by Kallen, and Kallen slapped Otto."

Asking Otto to wake him up, Void Manzo's plan failed......."

"So later, Otto asked Void Manzo to save Kallen, but Void Manzo refused to take action."

"In addition to revenge, Void Manzo also wanted to see Otto's despair after Kallen's death."

"This will make it easier for him to occupy Otto's body."

Lynn's words made the faces of several doctors from the pre-civilization era become a little gloomy.

Velvet seemed to have expected it and said:"It seems that the void has indeed developed into what we least want to see.."

Mebius:"Fortunately, you didn't use yourself as a container for the void."

"Otherwise, they are not the ones who have to deal with Void Manzo now."

"It's us.

Mei:"Although we had anticipated this matter, we had no way to interfere.""

"After all, Void Manzang hasn’t been refined yet."

"It is impossible to intervene at this time even if you want to.

Padofelis:"Why does this happen?""

Kevin: Is 3.4 because the instructions given to Void Manzo are too absolute?"

Mebius:"This is indeed one reason."

"The order left to Kudos Manzo is to completely eliminate Honkai"

"So as long as it is based on the elimination of Honkai"

"Void Manzo can do anything, right or wrong"

"After all, there is no such thing as right or wrong when it comes to artificial intelligence."

Kosmo:"If Void Manzo was willing to lend his power to Otto,"

"Perhaps this period of history will change.

Mei:"It's too late to talk about this now.""

"In short, the void will become a hidden danger in the future......."

Velvet:"What a pity. He is obviously the best masterpiece among all the God Keys."

Mebius:"Yes, I think so too."

Alicia:"But he is a bit disobedient."

Mei:"Let's wait until this is over before we decide the future of the Void Manzo.""

"What I created together with everyone"

"In the future, we can only contribute to the fight against collapse of human civilization."

"It cannot become a stumbling block in human civilization's fight against Honkai Impact!"

Mei's majesty came out all of a sudden.

In her heart, the survival of human civilization still occupies a very important position.


Void Manzo actually misinterpreted his own instructions.

In order to destroy the Honkai Void Manzo, he would give everything. The price.

And this price can even be all mankind!

Vivi agreed and said:"Although he is a masterpiece"

"But the meaning of existence is to be overthrown."

Kosmo:"When you want to protect others the most, you are the most powerless."

"No wonder so many years"

"Otto has always been persistent......"

Alicia also said with a little pity:"Yes."

"Otto for so many years"

"I've always been blaming myself for that."......

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