Star world.

Walter understood immediately:"So that’s it......"

March 7 looked at Walter:"Uncle Yang, what do you understand?"

Xing:"Is it related to Void Manzo?"

Ji Zi:"It seems that Mr. Walter knows some other things about Void Manzo."

Dan Heng:"Before, when he was on the Star Dome Train"

"I haven’t set foot on the train yet, so I haven’t seen Kūku Manzo"

"But you can tell from the captain's story that this guy is a crazy person. Walter nodded:"I realized this a long time ago"

"I just suddenly figured out another thing"

"That's why Otto wanted to leave the Void Manzo in the imaginary number space."

"It took Void Manzo ten years to return to the original world from that place.

March 7:"This bad guy really deserves it!"

Ji Zi:"Mr. Walter, do you mean revenge?"

Walter nodded:"Well, before today"

"I always thought that Void Manzo was left in the imaginary space after Otto changed history and died."

"It was Otto's unintentional mistake"

"Now it seems that Otto deliberately left Void Manzo in the imaginary space."

"One is for revenge"

"Another reason, I think, is because at that time our world's fight against the collapse had reached a very important juncture."

Xing:" Otto is worried that if Void Manzo is allowed to return to the original world immediately"

"Will cause some unnecessary trouble"

"So leave all the emptiness in the imaginary number space.

Walter nodded:"That's right."......"

"As the person who has been in contact with Kushi Manzo for the longest time, I think Ottos understands Kushi Manzo’s extreme thoughts."

March 7:"In this case, wouldn't it be better to just find a way to destroy Void Manzo?"

"Leave him in imaginary number space"

"Wouldn't it give him the opportunity to return to his original world and cause trouble? Jizi narrowed her eyes:"

This is because Otto wants to continue to imprison Void Manzo.""

"Void Manzo is different from other God Keys in that he has his own consciousness"

"This kind of imprisonment is the most painful for him"

"Otherwise, returning to the original world to cause destruction is what Otto should do as a human being."

"Instead of destroying all the hidden objects in the void, leaving him in the imaginary space."09

"It is Otto's revenge against the Void Manzo."

Walter:"Yeah, Otto, this guy's revengeful mentality is really strong."

"Void Manzo as the Key to God"

"If no one uses it or there is no carrier"

"It is impossible to grow legs and leave the imaginary space on your own."

"So what Otto wants is for Void Manzo to start from the moment he dies."

"They were buried together near the Tree of Imaginary Numbers."

March 7:"But then why?......"

Xing said sharply:"The civilization that created the Cocoon of Finality?"

"Were they the ones who helped Void Manzo escape from the imaginary number space?"

Xing looked at Walter.

Walter shook his head:"I don't know."

"But Kong Manzo, who returned to the original world, was not satisfied with the results of mankind's final victory over the end."

"From the perspective of Void Manzang, as long as Honkai still exists"

"Then everything may come back"

"The best way to eliminate Honkai is to eliminate humans"

"So later on, he cooperated with the people in heaven.

March 7:"This guy is really bad to the core."

Ji Zi:"I have been with Otto for so many years.""

"None of it changed his character."

Dan Heng:"To a certain extent, he is just an AI artificial intelligence that implements his own instructions."

Walter:"He misinterpreted his instructions."

Ji Zi said with some worry at this time:"Now he has disappeared in the Star Universe."

"I don’t know if it will cause some unnecessary trouble in the future."

Walter:"There was no way, I couldn't keep him at that time."

"But the humans in this world"

"I don’t want our world to be so weak."

"There is also the existence of Star God......"

"He shouldn't be able to make any big waves......"

Although Walter said this.

But I still felt a little unsure.

If it were just Void Manzo, Walter wouldn't be so worried.

But the problem is that this guy Void Manzo has been following Otto for more than five hundred years.

He is still carrying Otto's body and is missing in the starry universe.

Walter was still a little worried.

This guy will become another Otto.

Another Otto who has completely lost his humanity and moral bottom line. wrong...

He is AI, he has no humanity or moral bottom line.


"It's also Prometheus, why is the gap so big?"

At this time, Walter remembered another super artificial intelligence from the pre-civilization era.

Although several other people were also worried, they had no other way at the moment.

They could only follow Walter and continue to look at the live broadcast room.

As for Void Manzo's Things.

Let’s talk about it later.......

The other side.

Silver Wolf explained to Kafka:"To put it simply, Void Manzo regards the instructions left from the previous civilization era as orders that must be completed."

"As long as the collapse can disappear"

"It doesn't matter to him, even if the price of collapse and disappearance is the entire human race"

"It doesn't matter either.

Kafka:"In this case, it would run counter to the need to create him in the pre-civilization era.""

Yin Lang:"It's normal. This is a problem that must be encountered in the development of artificial intelligence."

"But this guy Void Manzo is a little too extreme."

"I don’t know how many doctors from the pre-civilization era"

"When making him, were there any backdoors to counter him?"

"If so, Void Manzo would be easy to solve. Kafka:"

It's hard to say.""

"But according to Elio's script, another person came to this world with Walter."

"Don't you think the back looks like Otto? Silver Wolf's face darkened:"

Kafka, what do you mean?" Kafka made a bold guess:"Perhaps, Void Manzo also followed Walter on the Star Train.""

"Maybe we came into this world together."

Silver Wolf:"If that's really the case"

"This guy's dangerous ideas may become a stumbling block in the future."

"Do you need to discuss this with Elliot?

Kafka smiled faintly:"I believe Elio has also seen the related future.""

"Since it is to achieve a better future"

"I think Elio should be on guard against this Void Manzo"

"It’s really an artificial intelligence that doesn’t make people worry......."

Silver Wolf:"In other words, the science and technology in the pre-civilization era were really powerful."

"Even such a guy can be produced"

"If this guy has his mind right"

"Maybe it can be a great help to mankind.

Kafka:"Isn't it because there are not so many ifs in this world?""

"Does Elio prepare scripts for all stories in advance?"

Yin Lang was silent for a moment:"That's right."

"Keep reading......"

"Next up is Otto's one-man show."

Yin Lang looked at the picture in the live broadcast room.

Kallen was on her way to the execution ground.

"What an irony"

"A hero who wholeheartedly saves mankind"

"In the end, he was no match for the nobles of the old era."

"It's no wonder that after Otto took over as Archbishop of Tianming, the whole Tianming changed so much.

Kafka:"I think this is also Otto fulfilling Kallen's ideal.""

In the game screen in the live broadcast room,

Otto's voice also began to tell the story.

"The saint gave everything for the people......"

"What can be exchanged is the shackles and noose of love...."

"The world is so chaotic......"

"It's neither fair nor reasonable"

"It persecutes heroes and nourishes villains......"

"Ugliness everywhere, beauty gone......"

This may have been Otto's inner thoughts after Kallen's death.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as ashes.

The screen changed again.

Back to the imaginary number space.

Just when Otto was about to approach the Tree of Imaginary Numbers.

The ground of the red earth in front of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers began to churn.

Countless human-like things appeared in front of Otto.

After the red dust on the human figures was shaken off, the audience were shocked when they saw it. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although there is a black body hidden under the red dust.

But that gesture was someone else's. none other than Otto himself

【Teresa: What's going on? Why did so many grandpas suddenly appear?......】

【Velvet: Does the Tree of Imaginary Numbers have a self-defense mechanism? Are you preventing Otto from getting closer to you?】

【May: These monsters look a bit like Otto?】

【Mebius: Interesting, so the final enemy to reach the Tree of Imaginary Numbers is me?】

【Alicia: But why are there so many imaginary divine skeletons like Otto?】

【Walter: Are these things also Otto himself?】

【Silver Wolf: It’s hard to judge. Even we in the starry world know very little about the imaginary space.】

【Kafka: Elio may know something, but it’s a pity that he can’t be contacted now】

【Xier: How could this happen? It's obviously getting close】

【Hollander: Bishop, you must succeed!】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: You succeeded in the end, don’t let these impostors stop you.】

【Li Sushang: Kill him! Fight your way out, Otto!】[]

【Kiana: Come on, charge!!!】

【Padofelis: You were very strong just now, Otto】

【Honokai Himeko: These individuals don’t seem to be powerful.】

【Dan Heng: That’s true, but the number is a bit too much】

【Star: Could these be Otto himself?】

【March 7: But Otto is obviously still there......】

Linn looked at the questions about these things on the barrage.

So Hu explained:"They are Otto, or they are not"

"understand in the simplest way"

"They are the losers who tried to challenge the Tree of Imaginary Numbers in other timelines."

"Or to be more intuitive, these are Otto himself"

"The Tree of Imaginary Numbers wants to use Otto to stop Otto......"

Anyway these guys exist.

It's because of the power of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers.

Have all kinds of possibilities.

Lynn just listed it a little bit.

"But this matter is no longer important"

"Next, let us appreciate how Otto changed his destiny against the will of heaven."

"Let me first explain to you that the scene with Kallen just now is not meaningless."

"What Otto needs is to touch the Tree of Imaginary Numbers and travel back to the time when Kallen was killed."

"Saved Kallen from Honkaimon"

"Now that the two time-space timelines are running together, it depends on whether Otto can successfully save Kallen."

Lin explained this.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Originally, the audience thought that as long as Otto could touch the Tree of Imaginary Numbers, it would be considered a success.

But now, the timelines on both sides are actually moving forward together.

If Kallen If Otto failed to touch the Tree of Imaginary Numbers before being killed by Honkaimon.

Does that mean that Otto failed?

Then he will become like these black humanoid monsters?

The audience is very nervous.

And the game The Otto in the picture has come this far.

Of course there is no reason to retreat.

Even if there is, he will never retreat.

Because his wish for more than 500 years is right in front of him.

Otto rearranged his posture and stood up straight.A golden sword began to condense in his hand.

Lin En:"This is the ability of the first divine key, Void Manzo, which can be the same as the Herrscher of Reason.""

"Mimicking all things"

"This is the Mimetic Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment"

"Every time the sky fire is unsheathed, it is for the one you love820"

"And this time Otto will really fight for himself, fighting to save Kallen!"

In the game screen.

Otto's eyes were firm, and the Heavenly Fire Holy Judge also burst into flames:"The malice of the world!"

"Let the evildoers cut it off!"

Suddenly, the game screen is divided into two parts.

On one side is Otto holding the simulated Heavenly Fire Holy Seal and rushing towards the black and imaginary Otto.

With the power of one person, he kills a bloody path.

The other side of the screen is the destiny saint Karen, They have arrived in front of the gallows.

The person being executed put the noose around his neck.

From the beginning to the end, Karen did not resist at all.

Instead, she had a calm face.

The moment the noose was put around her neck,

Karen seemed to be still loose. He breathed a sigh of relief.

He seemed to be glad that Otto didn't do anything stupid to save himself.

On the other side of the screen,

Otto held the Heavenly Fire Holy Seal in his hand, jumped up high and smashed down on the imaginary monsters.

Suddenly, flames spread all over the place. Shooting.

A field of imaginary monsters exploded.

As the screen gave a close-up of Otto, the audience discovered that similar black lines appeared on Otto's neck.

【Teresa: Why do grandfather’s neck have the same colored patterns as those on the monsters?】

【Mei: Could it be said that if Otto cannot succeed, he will?】

【Velvet: It’s really not that simple.】

【Hollander: Bishop!】

【Rita: Lord Otto】

【Walter: Otto......】

【Otto: Sure enough......The tree of imaginary numbers is not that easy to fool. ]

Audiences hated Otto before.

But now Otto saves Karen.

The audience also hopes that Otto will succeed.

Lin En looked at the barrage and said softly:"What do you think of Otto?""

"It's indeed the same......"

At the same time, Lin En also explained:"Those black lines are the erosion of the imaginary number space."

"If Otto cannot touch the Tree of Imaginary Numbers before it is eroded……"

What is the end result.

No need for Linn to say it, the audience could guess it.

Otto would become one of those monsters.

Wait for Otto in another timeline. came here.

As a loser, Otto became the puppet of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers.

Block the other self. this moment.

The audience also understood that the Imaginary Tree used Otto to stop Otto.

What a murderous and heart-breaking act...

Perhaps this is also the tree of imaginary numbers, the punishment for betrayers.

But Otto didn't care about this at all during the battle.

Instead, he kept moving towards the Tree of Imaginary Numbers as if his eyes were red with blood... in another scene.

Kallen looked at everyone present.

The civilians seemed to be watching the fun.

And those responsible for the executions.

Karen was not treated like a saint at all.

In their eyes, Kallen at this time was the enemy of destiny. is a heinous criminal............

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