Destiny Headquarters.

Watching Otto's battle, he looked at another timeline.

Karen Kaslana undergoing execution.

Youlandel couldn't help but clenched her fists


Rita also became nervous:"Mr. Otto.""

Even behind him, Otto, who had always been calm and calm.

At this moment, cold sweat began to break out on his forehead.

Although he knew that he would succeed in the end.

After all, the Herrscher of Knowledge and Walter endorsed it.

But It was about Kallen.

Otto couldn't help but be nervous.

Then he heard Linn tell the origin of those black monsters.

Rita said with a gloomy face:"For different Lord Otto"

"Wouldn't such a punishment be worse than killing them?"

Youlandel nodded:"I am a loser, and I have to stop myself in another world from saving Kallen."

"Losers create more losers"

"And Kallen's fate can never be changed."

Grandelle and Rita suddenly understood.

This Tree of Imaginary Numbers is obviously not a good person.

Otto took advantage of it, which probably made the Tree of Imaginary Numbers very angry.

That's why they punished Otto in this way.

But Otto said at this time:"If you think about it from another angle,"

"If I succeed at this time"

"Did they witness Kallen being resurrected?"

"For them, it is not only pain, but also the final relief."

Rita:"Sir Otto, your mind is indeed broad enough."

"Neither I nor Lady Youlandel thought of this."

Youlandel:"But Bishop, I really didn't expect that"

"Even if you are not in the false god state"

"The fighting power is also so strong"

"It's really surprising......"

Otto:"Of course, you wouldn't think that in these five hundred years"

"I've accomplished nothing, right?"

"I have almost figured out how to use all the keys of the Mimic God."

"Plus the body made of soul steel"

"It can guarantee that I will not be burned by the high temperature of the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment"

"Although I can't guarantee that my strength is the strongest in destiny"

"But the average Valkyrie is no match for me."

Rita:"Including the ordinary S-class Valkyrie of Destiny?"

Rita's words were obviously talking about herself.

After all, among the three active S-class Valkyries, she is the weakest.

She is not a natural awakener of stigmata.

And Otto replied:"Compared Play any S-class Valkyrie"

"My strength is still a bit inferior."

"And all my workouts"

"Also for this moment......"

Otto turned his gaze.

Continue to look towards the live broadcast room.

In the game screen, I was trying my best to break through the human wall.

The battle line continued to be pushed in the direction of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers.

Otto, the monster created by those trees of imaginary numbers.

It just looks scarier.

Real strength.

It was completely inadequate in front of Otto.

It can't stop Otto at all.

And the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment in Otto's hand.

After rounds of heavy blows, he finally hit several imaginary Ottos.

If you can't pull it out, let go.

Just when other spectators thought Otto had no weapons.

Otto's hands surged with golden light.

A new Mimic God Key appears.

Otto was furious and didn't care what these guys looked like.

Just one word - kill!

And he himself knows it very well.

If not faster.

There is no time.

Although Otto cannot see the current progress of the other timeline.

But those black lines on the body.

He can still feel it.

If you don't hurry up.

I will also become a monster like these guys. if that is the case.

I can't save Kallen.

In St. Freya Academy.

Theresa watched Otto flexibly use the key of the Mimic God.

He swallowed in surprise.

She didn't expect it either.

Otto is so powerful.

Even Ji Zi on the side was shocked:"I didn't expect Bishop Otto's strength."

"So powerful"

"It seems that when he was in the pseudo-god state before, he really let off a lot of water.

Theresa nodded:"Yeah, I really didn't expect it.""

"I always thought before"

"Grandpa only ruled the destiny for more than five hundred years in terms of his mind."

"I didn't expect him to be so good at fighting."

"The use of the God's Key is even more perfect.

Ji Zi:"Sure enough, being able to become the Archbishop of Heaven depends on more than just your brains."

Theresa:"But Grandpa, can he really succeed?"

Ji Zi:" Is there any need to say it?""

"Didn’t Walter and the Herrscher of Knowledge say it before?"

"Otto finally saved someone.

But Teresa said:"Jizi, look at those black individuals.""

"They are all failed grandpas"

"Perhaps Walter and the Herrscher of Knowledge see successful individuals"

"And what we're going to see is......"

Ji Zi understands.

Theresa was confused because she was concerned.

Although Otto has done so many bad things.

But he is still Theresa's grandfather.

Especially that final confession.

It also proves that Otto's love for Theresa is selfless.

So at this moment, Theresa also gave up her past grudges.

Although those past are unforgivable.

But at this moment, she still cared about Otto.

Ji Zi said:"Then let us continue watching."

"Teresa, believe your grandpa. Theresa clenched her fists and nodded vigorously.


"We must save Kallen!"

At the same time, at the headquarters of the Fire Chasing Moth in the former civilization era,

Velvet couldn't help but praise:"The void is hidden in Otto's hands."

"It seems that it has been tamed and docile."

"Otto himself is also very skilled in using the God Key.

Alicia:"Void Manzo is a bit interesting.""

"But unfortunately, I can't use it now.

Mei:"There is nothing we can do about it. Void Wanzang is going to carry all the knowledge and treasures of the current civilization era.""

"Know that this era of civilization is over"

"Only then will he be truly refined."

Padophilis looked at Mei curiously:"Dr. Mei, Void Manzang can imitate all things like Bronya."

"Or even a weapon of the future?

Mei shook her head:" I can't do it.""

"As the God Key, there are limits to what he can do"

"He is not able to release his power unscrupulously like a real Herrscher."

"Being able to imitate the key to trance is already pretty good."

"As for trying to imitate future technology to Bronya, it is basically impossible."

Eden:"He can imitate the Key of God, not because of Otto's understanding of the Key of God."

Su:"It's because in the treasure house of Wanzang in the void, there is information about the key to God from the pre-civilization era."

"Allow him to discern the truth of God's Key"

"The key to mimicry and trance again. Velvet:"

Correct answer!""

"But after all, it is the God Key that mimics the God Key."

"Compared with the real God Key, its power is naturally discounted."

"Compared to the power of the Herrscher, it was once again discounted."

Sakura:"Even under such circumstances"

"Otto can still fight his way out"

"It proves that Otto’s own fighting ability is really not weak at all."

Hua:"In the previous battle, he faced off against Kiana and Hollander in his pseudo-god state."

"It's really a waste of time.

Mei:"There is no doubt about this. After all, it is the power directly connected to the imaginary space.""

"It is not that simple to transcend."

Mebius:"If he can bring this power to the imaginary space and use it,"

"Kallen will be resurrected soon"

"It's a pity that it can't. How could the Tree of Imaginary Numbers allow others to collide with it with its power."

Gratio:"The color of Otto's body has begun to change. Cosmo:"

Keep reading, I believe he will succeed.""

Aponya's slightly closed eyes slowly opened:"I can see his fate fading away."

"And another destiny is blooming again because of him."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Qianjie:"This kind of battle is interesting!"

Kevin:"At this moment, he is more suitable to hold the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment than me."


Before Otto died, he was recognized by all the audience.

But this will not hinder.

The audience still hates what Otto did before.

Just like the sentence that is often mentioned.

They will They cried bitterly at Otto's funeral.

But that didn't stop them from tightening the nails on the coffin.

And then adding a few more.

In the game screen in the live broadcast room, the Skyfire Holy Judge was flying in Otto's hands. But after all, it is a mimetic God's Key.

Void Manzo is not a real Herrscher of Law.

So these weapons have no entity.[]

Just an energy body.

It shattered directly in the huge impact.

Otto moved his hand.

The mimetic black abyss white flower appeared in his hand.

Void Otto was killed in front of him.

It was penetrated directly.

Otto's chant also began again:"This is the distance between her and tomorrow......"

"This is the world's ruthless counterattack against her......"

"but her followers......"

"Never give up because of this."

Otto held the Black Abyss White Flower in his hand and sprinted forward with all his strength. He penetrated each of his failed selves. These void monsters blocking him were the distance between Kallen and Tomorrow. It was the world's counterattack to prevent her from being resurrected. But Otto I won't give up because of this. More than five hundred years have passed. Now I'm almost done. A warrior of pure love who doesn't even care about life and death. At this moment, even if he was seriously injured, he burst out with a power that surpassed everyone else. Powerful power. A handful of divine keys were reconstructed by Otto. Xuanyuan Sword, Ruoshui


Otto also explained it to the audience.

He is not a weak Archbishop of Destiny.

But one that really has real strength at hand.

During these five hundred years.

Otto dare not say that he is invincible.

But he is definitely proficient in all martial arts!

And those scattered void Ottos.

He seems to know that this can't stop him.

Or maybe it means the tree of imaginary numbers.

These guys started clumping together.

They are piled together like small mountain peaks.

Those individuals are all integrated together.

Finally, it turns into a huge Honkaiju.

He roared at Otto.

Otto looked at the Honkaimon that suddenly appeared.

His face became extremely ugly.

The neck is also covered in all black. at the same time.

The other side of the picture.

The roar of Honkaimon also sounded.

Kallen is tied up.

His expression changed and he looked in the direction of the sound.

Above the church, the surrounding rooftops.

Honkai beasts fell from the sky one after another.

Although they are all the most common Honkai beasts.

But the people here are civilians.

Even the executioner who executed Kallen.

They are also ordinary human beings.

So the moment he saw Honkaimon appear.

Every one of them ran away like a mouse seeing a cat.

He didn't care at all whether he bumped into someone or not.

Those braziers for lighting.

It also fell to the ground in an instant.

Fire oil spilled.

Directly igniting the surrounding area into a sea of ​​fire.

Kallen looked at this scene in disbelief.

Screams could be heard all around.

No extra thinking.

Kallen slammed her knees to break the shackles on her hands.

Even the thick noose was easily torn apart by her.

It also proved that in the situation just now.

As long as Kallen wants to escape, no one can stop her.

But destiny threatens her with what she cares about most.

So Karen won't run away.

At this moment, Kallen was trying to save people.

Once again, she showed off her powerful physical fitness as the Destined Saint and the strongest Valkyrie.

And the most ironic thing about this scene is that.

The group of people who were just watching the hero's execution.

In times of danger.

They can only run for their lives.

In the end, they still need the hero who was pointed out by them and sent to the gallows with their own hands to save them.

It can be said to be extremely ironic.

Kallen came to a Honkai beast.

An ordinary person was saved.

And after that ordinary person is out of danger.

The first reaction is to run away quickly.

Didn't care about anything else at all.

Kallen didn't care and looked around.

Start saving people.

At the same time, Otto is in the imaginary number space.

He was also fighting with the huge Honkai Beast.

Although there is only one enemy left now.

But the enemy's intensity has also changed qualitatively.

Then (Zhao) plus that huge body.

Each attack set off a storm of red earth.

Face these attacks.

Otto could only keep dodging and looking for opportunities.

Finally after a series of dodges.

The huge imaginary divine skeleton found an opportunity.

The sharp claw in his hand slammed down.

Otto below immediately raised his swords to resist.

There was a loud bang!

Otto was submerged in the red smoke

【Teresa: Grandpa!!!】

【Kiana: That’s a lie, no way......】

【Hollander: Bishop, you won’t fail like this!】

【Rita: Lord Otto!】

【Walter: Otto, in my memory you succeeded.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: If you fall down in a place like this, I will despise you for the rest of my life.】

【Kevin: I shouldn’t be able to defeat you with this level of attack.】

【Mei: Soul steel is not as fragile as you think.】

【March 7: It really makes me angry! Those guys still want Kallen to protect them in the end.】

【Xingqiong Jizi: They are just ignorant people. The limitations of the times and the limitations of hearing are naturally what the people above say they believe.】

【Dan Heng: In many backward planets, rulers rule their people in this way.】

【March 7: I don’t care, anyway, I’m very angry now after reading it. If I were Karen, I would have run away long ago!】

【Star: So you are not Kallen】

【Mebius: Are all the Kaslana family idiots?......】

【Teresa: That’s right! The oath of Judah! 】

Just when the audience was worried about Otto.

In the red smoke.

Suddenly dozens of golden chains erupted.

Tie the huge Honkai Beast directly.

At the same time, a golden light exploded below.

Directly deflect the Honkaiju's claws.

The Key of Mimicry in Otto's hand.

Has become the oath of Judah............

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