
Li Sushang in the fairy boat couldn't help cheering after seeing Otto's move.

"Just now I thought this guy was dead!"

"I didn’t expect that I could actually make such a beautiful counterattack."

"It’s really amazing!"

Li Sushang herself is also a martial arts idiot.

After all, she can't study well, and she is often pulled up early in the morning to practice martial arts.

Even if she is not a martial arts idiot, she will become a martial arts idiot.

So when she sees such exciting battles, it seems very exciting. Excited.

Especially the combat qualities shown by Otto.

Li Sushang asked herself. She didn't have such a powerful combat reaction.

Even those cloud cavalry soldiers were much worse than Otto.

"This guy, it was clearly not said before that he was some kind of archbishop of destiny."

"He's a guy who relies on his brain to make a living"

"The result is completely different now."

Li Sushang looked at Otto in the game screen in the live broadcast room.

Then he came to his own conclusion exclusive to Li Dashi:"Sure enough,……"

"The teachers at the academy are right"

"Don't listen to one side of the story."

Li Sushang praised her wit.

"By the way, the other me that appeared before"

"Is she the Valkyrie of Destiny?"

"The captain seemed to have said that it was because of Otto that she joined the organization Destiny."

"Before, I was still thinking about what good things Otto had"

"Now it seems that she wants to learn something from Otto."

Li Sushang recalled Li Sushang in the collapsing world.

The absolutely powerful Taixu Sword God.

He couldn't help but fantasize again:"When will I be able to reach that level?"

"And the power of a marshal"

"I really hope that one day I can also activate such a powerful Taixu Sword God……"

Li Sushang began to think freely. at this time.

Inside the Valkyrie dormitory of St. Freya Academy

"So handsome!!!"

Kiana saw Otto's counterattack.

She couldn't help but exclaimed.

Just now, everyone thought Otto was going to be in trouble. Unexpectedly, Otto could directly mimic

Judas at such a critical moment. took the oath to launch a counterattack.

This further proved Otto’s fighting consciousness.

It is definitely not what everyone saw.

Mei’s face darkened slightly:"In the previous battle between Bishop Otto, Kiana and Hollander,"

"It’s really a lot of water."

Bronya:"Yes, if he uses his fighting consciousness at this time"

"Combined with the power of false gods"

"It would be difficult for Kiana and Hollander to defeat him."

Fu Hua continued:"Otto's fighting style"

"It feels like Chinese martial arts"

"Each move seemed like it had been practiced many times."270

Bronya:"In this way, our Lord Bishop"

"During these five hundred years"

"He must have been secretly improving his strength."

"If this is the case, Otto's power at this time will be clear."

More than five hundred years.

Even if it's a dog training, it can hang a person and beat him.

Of course, the premise is that the dog can live for more than five hundred years like Otto.

Mei:"Compared to genius, diligence and time become even more important."

Kiana:"It's okay, the three of us are geniuses."

"It will definitely become stronger in the future!"

"Oh yes, and the monitor."

Bronya:"Kiana, the three of us don't have to drag the squad leader in now."

"It wouldn’t be a problem for the squad leader to chase and beat the three of us."

Kiana:"That's right."

"Let's wait until we advance to the A-level Valkyrie before challenging the squad leader."

In the conference room.

Theresa, who was still a little sad, was also a little shocked after seeing Otto's battle.

"Grandpa him……"

"Isn’t it a bit too awesome? Ji

Zi:"Why, didn't you know he could use Judah's oath?" Teresa:"

Grandpa will use Judah's oath to"

"I already knew this"

"The technique of Divine Grace Barrier was given to me by my grandfather.

Ji Zi:"When I gave you the oath of Judah, did you teach me by the way?" Theresa shook her head

"No, it was during the second collapse"

"I am determined to go on an expedition with you"

"Grandpa just taught me the zero rated power"

"At that time, he also demonstrated the zero rated power in front of me"

"At that time, I naively thought that grandpa just knew how to use it."

"did not expect……"

Theresa couldn't help but smile bitterly.

She had always thought she knew Otto well.

Now it seems.

It was just Otto who allowed her to see a part of her that she wanted to know.

Until now.

Teresa still wasn't sure how many secrets Otto had hidden.

Ji Zi was also a little surprised and said:"Yes."

"I really didn’t expect Bishop Otto to be so capable of fighting alone."

"Most of the Valkyries should be no match for Otto."

Theresa nodded affirmatively.

"You still underestimate grandpa……"

Teresa knows.

Otto's hand.

The audience in the live broadcast room must have been shocked.

Rather than shocked.

At this moment, the other person was very angry.

This person is the Lawyer of Consciousness (bbcd).

The Herrscher of Knowledge punched a tree behind him with an angry punch.

The powerful force directly shattered the thick trees.

"This guy Otto"

"Back in the lab, I was completely using my hands to fake death!"

"It's not like he can't beat me.

The Herrscher of Knowledge immediately realized that he had said the wrong thing:"No, he just can't beat me!""

"He doesn't want to fight me"

"Use me to fake my death to implement my own plan!"

Kiana and the others mentioned this before.

The Herrscher of Knowledge still didn't believe it.

Now it seems that it is really like this.

When the Herrscher of Knowledge resuscitated from Fu Hua's body just now, she was killed by Fu Hua. The impact of more than 50,000 years of memory flow.

Knowing that Otto had killed his own people.

Without saying a word, he destroyed Otto's soul steel body.

At that time, Otto had no ability to fight back.

The Herrscher was still complacent with hindsight. He proudly announced that he had defeated the Archbishop of Destiny.

Now it seems that he was really tricked by Otto.

How could the proud Herrscher of Knowledge not be angry?

After a while, the Herrscher of Knowledge became angry. It's just subsided a little

"never mind!"

"Don't worry about this dead man anymore"

"Anyway, at that time, he was capable of fighting back."

"The outcome is the same."

At this time, Otto in the game screen in the live broadcast room.

Although he is very strong, he still cannot compare with these strong men.

Only Otto in the pseudo-god state is truly powerful!

The Herrscher of Knowledge has been calmed down. Check your mood.

Then continue to look at the game screen in the live broadcast room.

After Otto restrained the Honkai Beast, he jumped up and rushed up along the huge body of the Honkai Beast.

After reaching a certain height.

He jumped violently.

He grabbed the glowing Judas' Oath in the air and rushed down.

He hit Honkaimon's head hard.

Among all the God Keys,

Judas' Oath was the heaviest.

So this time The impact was undoubtedly the greatest.

A hole was instantly punched out of Honkaimon's head.

Otto activated Judas' Oath again.

Judas' Oath instantly deployed several golden spears.

They shot out violently.

Honkaimon's head was completely smashed out. Exploded to pieces.

The huge body also lay back.

The golden chains on his body also began to disappear.……

【Theresa: Grandpa, he... won!】

【Kevin: Nice fight!】

【Su: It’s really unexpected. He is obviously a scientific researcher but he has such outstanding combat performance.】

【Hollander: The bishop did hide his strength very well.】

【Walter: Finally won】

【March 7: What a wonderful battle】

【Star: The last hit would have been even more exciting if I had used my baseball bat.】

【Li Sushang: Great!】

【Otto: Thanks for the compliment】

【May: So is this considered a success?】

【Mebius: If you go by what the captain said, it was indeed a success.】

【Velvet: There is nothing that can stop Otto now, right?】

【Honokai Himeko: No matter what, it’s finally a near miss.】

【Kiana: It’s finally over. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Mei: Yes……】

【Bronya: I always feel like it’s a little too relaxed】

【Padofelis: But I don’t feel relaxed at all.】

【Sakura: My fighting skills are impeccable, but the fighting process is indeed relatively easy.】

【Hua: Especially this last blow】


Lin En looked at the discussion on the barrage.

The face under the mask smiled slightly.

He began to pour cold water on the audience:"For Honkaimon, if the head is broken like this,"

"Even if he is completely dead."

With Lin En's official certification, many people on the barrage also became excited.

After all, although everyone hates Otto, when they see Otto fighting so persistently for the one he loves, it is also a matter of tolerance. Can't help but admire[]

I also hope Otto can succeed.

Now on the way to the Tree of Imaginary Numbers.

There are no monsters standing in his way.

Now that this Honkai Beast is dead.

That means Otto succeeded.

Just touch the tree of imaginary numbers next.

He can complete his plan that he has been planning for so many years.

But then Lynn took a twist.

It made everyone’s expressions darken again

"For Honkaimon, this is indeed the case"

"But like Otto, you both made a preconceived mistake."

"That means this thing is not Honkaimon at all."

"It's a monster created by the Tree of Imaginary Numbers from Otto's individual body."


"For Honkaimon, a headshot is fatal, but what about it?"

After Lin En reminded him, the audience reacted.

That's right!

This is not Honkaimon.

It is a creature of imaginary numbers.

Apparently Otto in the game screen also made the same mistake.

He was treated as Honkaimon..

That’s why I chose to blast the monster’s head.

The audience on the barrage wanted to remind them.

But the barrage would not be passed on.

In the game screen, after this battle, Otto became even weaker.

Then the huge Honkaimon body smashed down.

It rolled on the ground several times before stopping.

And the direction of rolling happened to be the direction of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers.

Otto stood up again and headed towards the Tree of Imaginary Numbers. Walking in the direction of the tree.

This time there was no obstruction.

On the other side of the screen,

Kallen was fighting the Honkai Beasts alone.

She also had to save the civilians.

She also suffered some injuries.

But it was nothing serious.

After defeating all the time After Honkaimon.

Kallen continued to look around.

Suddenly Kallen's face turned sideways.

Not far away, a girl was lying on the ground unable to move.

And a Honkaimon was moving in her direction.

At the same time, she raised This scene reminded the audience of the cause of Kallen's death.

Lynn had mentioned it before.

In order to protect civilians, she died at the hands of the Honkai Beast.

On the other hand, Kallen tried her best to run towards the civilians..

On the other side, Otto finally came to the Tree of Imaginary Numbers.

He slowly raised his hand.

The color on his hand had completely turned into the color of black Otto before.

But Otto couldn't see this.

He only knew. He was already very close to Kallen.

Just when his hand was about to touch the Tree of Imaginary Numbers, there was a muffled sound.

A trace of blood spurted out in front of him.

【Teresa: Grandpa!!!】

【March 7: How could this happen?】

【Su: As the captain said, that thing is not Honkaimon, it is not completely dead at all.】

【Mebius: In the end...did you fail?】

【Kiana: This is impossible, it’s clearly right in front of you】

【Bronya: And Kallen!】

【Alicia: This... is really not beautiful at all.】

【Eden: Do many stories end in tragedy?】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: This... isn't this guy always known as the most cautious!】

【Honkai Impact: Is it all over?】

【Sakura: Even Kallen……】

【Padofelis: That’s a lie. How could this happen?……】

【Xier: This...this is impossible……】

【Li Sushang: This must be a dream... How come both of them are……】


At the same moment blood poured out of Otto's chest.

Karen on the other side of the screen.

Standing in front of Honkaiju and civilians.

Although it prevented Honkaimon's claws from attacking civilians.

But Honkaimon has another claw.

It pierced Karen's abdomen directly.

It spurted out like blood.

Almost at the same time.

Both men were seriously injured.

It was like a shocking reversal.

And the game screen.

It also seemed to be announcing Otto's failure.

Kallen was hurt.

There is only death waiting for Kallen.

The scene on Kallen's side gradually faded.

Only Otto's side of the picture is left.

As the camera screen flips.

Otto looked in disbelief at the black blade that penetrated his chest.

This black sharp blade protruded from the smashed head of the huge monster just now. next moment.

More of the same black long blades suddenly erupted.

Otto's already damaged body was instantly destroyed.

Several holes were penetrated in succession.

It's like the tree of imaginary numbers is punishing Otto.

Nail him like a sinner.

This scene.

Gave the audience the most shocking performance.

The audience's eyes widened and their mouths grew. unbelievable.

Is this a failure?

Could it be that it is really as analyzed before?

This is a failed Otto individual.

And in the live broadcast room screen.

Otto was so seriously injured.

Consciousness gradually became blurred.

Everything in front of him became blurry.

The eyelids looked like they were fighting.

Start to close slowly.

At this moment...

Otto recalled that innocent white-haired girl in his consciousness.

The way he smiled to himself.

Otto's vague consciousness returned in an instant.

Everything in front of me became clear again.

A different kind of anger flashed in his eyes.

The golden cubes of Void Manzo instantly condensed in front of him.

"Once a person is out of his mind!"

"You can't come back to life again"

"The world allows consciousness to match new containers……"

Otto tried his best.

The long blade nailed to his hand was torn off.

Seize Void Manzo and unleash a powerful impact.

Directly let the body of the Honkai beast behind him.

No bones left!

And Otto once again condensed the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment in his hands.

Throw down all the treasures in the void and touch the tree of imaginary numbers……

"But the container is not allowed to collect the dissipated consciousness"

"If I want to save the only her, I can only……"

"Create new possibilities in the past"

"This other future will be her time and space……"


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