
"Finally succeeded!"


March 7 was so excited that tears came out.

When they saw Otto being penetrated just now, everyone thought that

Otto had failed.

In another scene, Kallen was also seriously injured by the Honkai Beast.

Just now When everything was desperate, he never expected that Otto could still use his strong willpower to launch a counterattack.

The monster was completely blown into powder.

He came to the tree of imaginary numbers and touched the tree of imaginary numbers.

The tree of imaginary numbers in the game screen also began to become brighter and brighter.

It seemed to be full of vitality at this moment.

Walter:"New branches have grown."

"Those branches are each intricate parallel world"

"Otto paid the price with his own life"

"Created a timeline in which Kallen lived.

Ji Zi:"It's such a romantic love to the extreme.""

Xing:"Pure love is indeed invincible.

Dan Heng:"Why do I feel like you were so obedient when you said this?""

Xing helplessly spread his hands.

He said that he had no evil intentions this time.

March 7:"That's all what Otto's last chant said."

Suddenly, March 7th's eyes lit up:"You guys said......"

"Are we the only, second, and third besides the Star God?....five...."

"Only five ordinary people have seen the tree of imaginary numbers?"

After all, in the Star Universe.

Unless you are a star god, it is unlikely that you will come into contact with the imaginary number space.

Let alone see the imaginary number tree.

Xing:"Does this count as seeing the imaginary number tree?

March 7:"Of course, forget it.""

"Don’t you want to say that the big tree above is not a tree of imaginary numbers?

Xing:"Okay, you just say yes.""

March 7:"Uncle Yang, Uncle Yang"

"Is what I just said right? Walter thought and smiled:"If the Star God's apostle or envoy has not seen it,"

"We are indeed considered ordinary people who have seen the tree of imaginary numbers.

March 7:"Okay!""

"In this way we are getting closer and closer to the Star God.

Dan Heng:"Becoming a Star God may not be as good and powerful as you think.""

March 7:"I didn't say I would become a star god either."

"It’s just that I felt in an instant that I had surpassed many people. Ji Zi:"

Xiao Sanyue, if you announce this news,"

"Tell me if anyone believes you?"

"Someone should want to catch you and use technology to extract your memories"

"See if what you say is true.

March 7 couldn't help but shuddered:"Really?" Xingjia said angrily:"Of course, after all, you are the only ordinary person who has seen the Tree of Imaginary Numbers.""

"No one else saw it"

"Seeing through your memory is also seen. March 7:"

No, I mean the five of us.""

Xing:"Sorry, I lost my memory."

So did the other three people.

They looked like it was none of my business.

March 7:"Okay, actually I haven't seen it."

They just want March 7 to keep a low profile.

After all, if things like the Tree of Imaginary Numbers only attract ordinary forces, then forget it.

But in the Star Universe, there are countless powerful forces.

Especially the Star God. The force composed of believers is the craziest group of people among them.

If you are targeted by these guys, it will not be easy to solve.

And now the Star Dome Train is already at odds with the Antimatter Legion.

Walter and the others don’t want to mess with them again. The last powerful star god force.

It's not that it can't be defeated.

It's just that it's unnecessary.

Walter:"I've seen the tree of imaginary numbers, so I won't mention it for now."

"After all, we didn't get any useful information from it either."

"Let’s see what Otto does next.

March 7:"Yeah, I was scared to death just now!""

"Otto, you must succeed this time!"

"Kallen is waiting for your rescue.

March 7th cheered for Otto on the game screen. Xing continued:" So what the captain said just now is completely to disrupt our judgment.""

"Let's think this is a failed individual?"

March 7:"That's right, the captain is the worst!"

"If he hadn't suddenly said those words just now,"

"I didn't even think Otto was going to lose."

"You don't know, when I saw Otto being penetrated"

"My heart went cold.

Ji Zi:"This can be regarded as Otto's only mistake in his whole life.""

"Just like the captain said"

"Everyone was misled by their preconceptions, thinking that thing turned into a Honkaimon"

"It will be just like Honkaimon"

"Otto was also misled by this idea, thinking that just crushing his head"

"That's it......"

Walter also pushed up his glasses with some shame:"Yeah"

"I was thinking the same thing just now"

"If the captain hadn't reminded me, I would have really thought that thing was a Honkaiju.

Dan Heng:"It's not just us.""

"Everyone thinks so. March 7:"

The bad captain must be condemned!""

【March 7: Bad captain, he deliberately said that to mislead our thinking.】

【Teresa: I was also scared. I really thought this was a failed grandpa.】

【Honokai Himeko: What the captain wants to tell us is not to be misled by preconceived notions.】

【Otto: That's right. I didn't expect that I had been plotting all my life, and finally I was tricked by my own thinking.】

【Youlandel: But it’s okay, the final result is good】

【Rita: Just a little bit......】

【Xing: This story tells us a very important truth......】

【Kiana: I know, I know, don’t be misled by preconceived notions】

【Lawyer of Consciousness: I don’t have this concept】

【Alicia: Yes, this kind of thinking is really harmful sometimes.】

【Sakura: It seems that I will have to pay attention in future battles.】

【Hua: Yeah......】

【Su: I have to say that Otto’s consciousness is really strong, and he can recover from this situation.】

【Li Sushang: So, what did we learn?】

【Xing: It’s not that complicated. It’s actually very simple.】

【Xier: What is it?】

【Honokai Himeko: I feel like she won’t say anything good】

【Star: No matter what time, never forget to hit the target! ]

As soon as this barrage came out.

Even Lin En couldn't help but say:"Brilliant!"

He is truly the person closest to players in the Star Universe.

To sum it up, this is it.

The barrage also fell silent instantly.

This article is much better than the preconceived theoretical knowledge just now. yes!

Just now Otto would have made a last resort.

Give it to him first.

Not so much.

Immediately, the audience in the live broadcast room learned another crucial truth.

It’s called: The Importance of Last Strike!

St. Freya Academy.

Ji Zi silently wrote down:"Teach students in the future"

"When they fight, they must make sure that the other party is completely dead."

"Last hit is really important.

Theresa nodded:"I understand this very well!""

After all, when the second collapse occurred,

I was just a little bit close to killing Xilin.

If only I could have made up for it with one more blow.

Not so many things will happen later.

The importance of last-hitting.

Reflected once again.

Theresa:"In the future, last hit will be an important combat skill."

"Incorporated into the daily training of the Valkyrie at St. Freya Academy"

"Only in this way can we avoid some tragedies to the greatest extent."

Himeko agreed.

She had the same idea.

Next, the two continued to look at the game screen in the live broadcast room.

The moment Otto touched the Tree of Imaginary Numbers, the entire Tree of Imaginary Numbers lit up.

All the branches appeared to be bright. Extraordinarily bright.

After Linn's explanation, the audience all understood.

Each of these branches represents a different parallel world.

It turns out that the future of the world has been fixed.

If Otto changes the fact that Kallen died, he will At that node, a brand new branch grows again. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) It becomes a brand new world.

A world born only for Kallen.

This is also unique to Austria. Otto's pure love and romance.

Lynn continued:"In the world for more than 500 years, Otto has been plotting every step of the way and plotting against everyone."

"On the way to the Tree of Imaginary Numbers, Otto recalled the past and had only one goal."

"Even if you are on the verge of death, you can still look back for the smiling face in your mind that has never disappeared."

"At the last moment when he fulfilled his long-cherished wish, Otto once again picked up the Holy Judgment of Heavenly Fire."

"Every time the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment is unsheathed, it is for the one you love."

"Let us witness together......"

"Archbishop Otto Apocalypse of Destiny holds the Holy Judgment of Heavenly Fire to change the past"

"The final heroic act!"

This can be regarded as Lynn's last farewell message to the bishop as a captain.

Although he is a villain, he deserves respect....

Finally, Linn added:"That's right."[]

"Later, it took Void Manzang ten years to climb out of the imaginary number space."

【March 7: Hahahaha......Why did the originally so serious atmosphere suddenly become so funny?】

【Walter: The captain is telling the truth.】

【Velvet: It seems that I was right to leave a backdoor in Kōku Manzo’s body.】

【Star: Does that mean it’s easy for us to deal with Void Manzo?】

【Mei: Well, this is Weiwei's habit. If Void Manzo really threatens you in the future, you can use the backdoor.】

【Mebius: Apparently Void Manzo is no longer controllable in the future.】

【Padofelis: Hahaha, Otto is so outrageous that he was thrown directly into the imaginary space.】

【Sakura: After all, this is Otto’s revenge】

【Gratius: But Kudos Manzo also helped Otto in the end, didn't he?】

【Kosma: Because he had no other choice, maybe later Otto could directly bypass Void Manzo's consciousness and use the God Key. 】

Ask for flowers

【Aponia: Since he brought it upon himself, let him bear it himself】

【Kiana: We also want to know the back door of Void Manzo so that we can deal with him in the future.】

【Bronya: Yes, after all, our future opponent is also Void Manzo】

【Velvet: Okay, I’ll tell you......】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: No need for any backdoor, just blow that guy up. It's just a soul steel body, it's not like I've never fought before】

【Fu Hua: Know yourself and your enemy and you will be victorious in every battle.】

【Lawyer of Knowledge: OK, OK, I won’t argue with you, old antique. 】

While the audience was discussing the tragic Hollow Manzo.

His eyes did not leave the live broadcast room.

After all, this next scene.

This is the scene that everyone has been waiting for so long and wants to see the most.

After Otto touched the Tree of Imaginary Numbers, his body turned into a point of light and entered the Tree of Imaginary Numbers.

Rushing towards a branch.

It's like using something of yourself to become the nourishment for that new branch.

Immediately afterwards.

The picture begins to enter the tree of imaginary numbers.

After a burst of white light flashed.

The scene once again came to the scene where Kallen was pierced through the abdomen by the Honkai Beast.

But this time.

The flow of time in the entire space stopped.

Covered in a layer of pale yellow light.

To be more precise, the entire world was covered with a light yellow light curtain.

Time also stopped.

Suddenly a shooting star appeared on the horizon.

The still time also flows again.

There was a click.

Like glass breaking.

With the arrival of that ray of light.

Time went backwards for a short while.

And it was not someone else who got the light falling from the sky.

It was Otto holding the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment.

The Honkaiju claws on Kallen's abdomen disappeared immediately.

The moment came when Kallen was not penetrated.

Otto was like a meteor, soaring into the sky with light and flames.

And he himself began to have cracks in this light.

Gradually assimilated with this light.

Then it was like a revolving door of memories.

Countless pictures flashed by quickly.

The last picture.

It was a little boy with blond hair standing in front of a little girl with white hair.

The little girl with white hair holds the hand of the little boy.

What he said excitedly.

There were obvious tears on the little boy's face.

After reminiscing, Otto calmed down.

It's like being liberated.

Because he saw Karen on the ground.

At this time, the Honkai Beast had not penetrated her body. she is still alive......

He succeeded......

Otto exhaled:"Karen, stay alive........"

In front of Karen.

The Honkai Beast seemed to have been killed by a meteor falling from the sky.

But Karen looked in that direction.

Explain that she was at the last moment.

Otto's voice was heard.

At this point Otto completely disappeared from this world.

With his own life.

In exchange for new possibilities.

Created a......

A world where Kallen is still alive.

Audiences in the live broadcast room.

I was also deeply moved by Otto's final freeness and final instructions.

Not only that.

In the end, the game screen in the live broadcast room turned white again.

And on top of that.

There is a handwritten word

【Teresa: It’s grandpa’s handwriting!】

【Honokai Himeko: In other words, it was written by Bishop Otto】

【Rita: It’s indeed Lord Otto’s handwriting.】

【Walter: I didn’t expect that Otto would write such words】

【Alicia: So romantic】

【Su: What an irresponsible confession. ]

The words on the screen read -

This is the most selfish thing a person can do.......

Destiny Headquarters.

Otto looked at this passage.

He also showed his own smile.

I don’t know why I was happy because I saw this passage.

Still happy to see that he successfully rescued Kallen.

Hollander looked at Otto.

This is the first time.

She saw such a sincere smile on Otto's face


"Now your plan is known to all of us"

"Any plans to change your plans?"

This is the first time Otto has been so relaxed.

It has been more than five hundred years."

"It doesn't matter, I will plan again"

"My smart brain allows me to do this."

At this time, Youlandel said:"This time, if you need any help, just say it."

"Even if I send you to die"

"I can do it too."

Rita looked at Hollander in surprise.

This was not something she would say.

Hollander replied:"It's considered revenge for my mother......."

Otto also laughed......

Recommend a friend's new book"Honkai Exposure: Did you tell me Kevin is the villain?" superior".

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