March 7:"I’m so angry!"

"These bad guys would actually bully a child!"

"Come to me if you have the ability!"

"Let’s see if I don’t beat you all to bits."

Xing:" This is the story of Otto being bullied when he was a child."

"According to the timeline, if they want to come here to find you, they will not only have to live for another five hundred years"

"And like Uncle Yang, he has to travel to the starry universe"

"To achieve such a feat!

March 7:"I'm just so angry!""

"How could they bully a child like this?"

"Uncle Yang, don’t you feel angry after seeing this?"

Dan Heng:"I feel that Mr. Walter is not only not angry,"

"Even a little happy."

Walter immediately put away the smile at the corner of his mouth and coughed lightly:"No, no."

March 7:"Uncle Yang, the smile on your lips has not gone away."

Walter:"I just thought of happy things!"

Himeko:"Because I saw Otto being bullied, so I was happy."

Xing:"Uncle Yang, I can understandMood"

"After all, you hate Otto so much.

Walter asked back:"Am I so obvious?""

A few people nodded.

It was more than obvious.

It almost had the words"Otto died" written on their faces.

"Cough cough cough......"

"Actually, I'm not that happy either."

"After all, he was just bullied a few times, so I believe it should be nothing to Otto.

March 7th thought carefully:"It seems so.""

"What I'm curious about is, were these people punished later?"

Walter:"Of course......."

"Let me fill in the story for you."

Walter recalled the destiny information he had seen before.

As well as some of Theresa's additions to Otto's story

"The story we just saw was that Kallen was not killed"

"A new story of being rescued by Otto. March 7:"

Well, what happened later.""

Walter:"I don't know what happened next."

"The history I know is the history after Karen's death."

Himeko:"Otto started to hold grudges and became destiny? Walter:"


"It wasn’t just Otto. At that time, Tianming’s Eastern Expedition to China failed."

"As a result, funds were cut off, and various taxes began to be levied on the jurisdiction area on 14, resulting in a loss of reputation and livelihood."

"Many people lost their livelihoods as a result"

"And some old aristocrats, represented by the top officials of Tianming, are also constantly encroaching on the fate of ordinary people."

"Finally, after the death of the Destiny Saint, some people began to use the Destiny Saint as an excuse to rebel against the Destiny."

"And Otto also attributed Kallen's death to himself."

"At the same time, there are also the group of destiny nobles from the old era."

"Otto and those people cooperated internally and externally, and killed the then Archbishop Tianming and other old nobles."

"And he himself took the position of Archbishop of Destiny"

"His reign lasted for nearly five hundred years."

Then, Walter added something:"The nobles who were in Tianming at that time"

"Those nobles who exploited the common people were basically members of the Apokalis family."

"and their vassals"

"So you said, these people who bullied Otto ended up like this."

What a story about killing his brother and his father and ascending to the throne.

March 7:"Otto is too cruel!"

Walter:"If Otto only did this one thing and didn't do those things later,"

"I have nothing but admiration and no hatred for him."

Xing:"Indeed, what Otto did at that time"

"Not just killing the old nobles to vent their anger"

"It can even be said that it unifies the destiny to a certain extent."

"Let Tianming have the ability to fight against Honkai under his rule"

"Otherwise, if we continue to be led by those old nobles"

"I don’t know what the world will be like in the future."


"For all ordinary people at that time"

"Otto's move was in line with the people's wishes"

"If I were in that era, I would also choose to stand with Otto"

"It's a pity that later......"

Walter sighed.

Later Otto.

I have done too many things that benefit others.

His father, and the first acting Herrscher.

There are also those who died in the second collapse.

There are many, many others.

They all died because of Otto's selfishness.

Ji Zi also said with some regret:"Otto......"

"It's really unpredictable."

March 7:"What's so elusive?"

"Otto himself said it just now"

"It was Kallen who saved him"

"What exactly is the redemption that makes Otto so fond of him?"

"We’ll find out if we keep reading."

Everyone looked at March Qi in surprise.

It has to be said.

Although March Qi's brain circuit is straight and stupid.

But I have to admit....

Sometimes this straight-to-the-point style.

It is also the key to solving the problem.

After all, everyone knew about the bad things Otto did just now in Otto's story.

I have regretted this person many times.

The conflicting feelings of wanting to beat him to death and wanting to mourn him have occurred several times.

There is no need to continue thinking about it.

Still have a look.

Otto why.

He would be so devoted to Karen.

Become the pure love god of war who has persisted for more than 500 years.

On the barrage at this time.

Basically the audience saw little Otto being bullied.

They all wanted to beat up those adults.

This has nothing to do with choice.

It has nothing to do with whether Otto is good or evil.

It's just seeing someone bullying someone.

Just angry.

Even if this kid isn't Otto.

Audience members will express similar emotions.

After all, there is such a thing as bullying.

It is the most despised.

And bullying can leave indelible psychological scars on children.

Such psychological trauma.

It may even take a lifetime to heal.

Everyone knows this.

It's like a saying that is often mentioned.

Some people use their childhood to heal their whole life.

Some people spent their entire lives curing their childhood.

Look at little Otto crying in pain again.

And after he grew up, Otto's body was pierced but he still had firm eyes.

They are simply two extremes.

And the one who redeemed Otto.

It's Karen......

In the live broadcast room screen.

The man continued:"Have you taken your medicine?"

"My health is so bad, but I spend all day in that workshop that is dirtier than the basement......."

"Hey, don't pretend you can't hear me"

"Have you forgotten what the doctor told you?"

"Glue, sawdust, dust!"

"All of these will aggravate your condition."

"Stop doing useless work, your health is so bad"

"It would be nice to live well——"

Although it is a word of concern.

But the audience couldn't get enough of this person.

Feel the care for Otto.

It was more like wanting Otto to stay alive if something happened to Otto.

He will also feel the same unlucky feeling.

So he said these words.

Not for Otto.

More like for himself.

After saying that, he looked at the airplane model in his hand with boredom.

Then throw it hard.

Just follow the flight path and fly the airplane model directly to the other side of the wall.

Little Otto saw his model airplane being thrown away.

He immediately gave chase.

Small body.

It was hard to climb over that wall.

But it was all in vain.

Thin body.

It is not enough to support Otto to make such a move.

The man shouted impatiently:"Hey!"

"What are you doing!"

"Can you climb that wall?"

"You will fall off!"

Sure enough, the next moment. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This sentence came true immediately.

Little Otto made a pop and fell directly.

Children are the least able to endure pain.

It started right away. He cried bitterly.

The little child just sat in the corner and began to cry.

The man looked disgusted:"How could I have such a useless brother."

Otto was crying. At the same time he shouted:"Plane……"

"my plane……"

Several people looked at Otto like this.

He knew he couldn't climb this wall.

After a while of disgust.

Just left[]

Completely ignoring Otto who was sitting on the ground crying.

In their view.

Just make sure Otto is not dead.

And that airplane model just now.

To a certain extent, it will cause this kind of thing to happen... in the Tianming headquarters.

Otto watched this scene.

I was bullied like this when I was a child.

There was no angry look on Otto's face.

Instead, he looked at this scene.

His eyes gradually became gentle.

Rita's tone became a little colder:"These people are really going too far."

"There is obviously no need to throw out the completed airplane model."


"treat a child"

"He is still his younger brother, and he can be so cruel."

"Bishop, were you often bullied by them when you were a child?

Otto smiled and then replied:"Yes.""

"Because as a member of the Apokalis family, I have been different from them since I was a child."

"I am too weak to go to the battlefield"

"Not to mention running around outside with my father."

"So in their eyes, I am an outlier in the Apokalis family."

Rita:"But as far as I know, the Apokalis family among the three major families of Destiny"

"I have never been able to fight."

"They are all responsible for things."

Otto:"Only the heir of the bishop can not be responsible for fighting."

"Others still have to serve as commanders and go to the battlefield."

"At that time, I could neither be an heir nor learn battlefield knowledge."

"In the family, like a ghost"

"As long as you are alive, you will be an eyesore to them......."

Hollander:"It sounds like your childhood was really miserable."

Otto said with a recalling look on his face:"Yes......."

"If she hadn't climbed over the wall,"

"Maybe my life will end hastily in this situation"

"In the end, no one will remember that Otto Apokalis exists in the world."

Rita:"So wait a minute, will Karen climb over the wall?"

Otto:"You will know as you continue reading.……"

"this is for me"

"It’s also a very distant memory."

Although this is what Otto said.

Hollander and Rita know it.

Otto must clearly remember every detail of that time.

Because for Otto, this is the most important memory in life.

No One...

Grandel and Rita.

The two did not continue to ask Otto.

After all, what Otto said.

It is better to see more by yourself.

In the game screen in the live broadcast room.

Otto raised his head He stood up, leaning against the towering courtyard wall.

It was a height beyond his reach.

The plane was just thrown over.

It could never be taken back.

【Padofelis: Wait, according to what Otto just said, Karen should be crawling over from this position later, right?】

【Alicia: Yes, it feels like it will be a very romantic scene.】

【March 7: Pado, did you find anything?】

【Padofelis: Yes, does that mean that Otto’s family and the family of Kevin’s descendants are neighbors?】

【Teresa: The three major families of Destiny lived in the same area before.】

【Honkai Impact: So Otto and Karen can be considered childhood sweethearts.】

【Otto: No, that was the first time I met her】

【May: Otto, did you build that airplane model yourself when you were a child?】

【Velvet: No wonder the blank key can be improved in the future. It turns out that your hands-on ability was so strong when you were a child.】

【Mebius: He has always been so smart since he was a child.】

【Xing: Sure enough, different people have different concerns.】

【Walter: I didn’t even notice this detail just now】

【Su: Otto would later become a 557 developer, probably because of his abilities as a child.】

【Kiana: Is this kind of thing difficult to make?】

【Bronya: If you look at it from a modern perspective, it is indeed not difficult. But that was in the old days, and it was already amazing that a kid could build it.】

【Honkai Impact: It would be great if my students were so smart】

【Silver Wolf: Being able to create a model that spans the ages at such a young age is indeed extraordinary.】

【Kafka: He is really a smart child. It seems that his family did not discover Otto’s real treasure at that time.】

【Seele: If found out, Otto probably wouldn’t have been bullied like this.】


Just when everyone on the barrage was discussing.

In the game screen of the live broadcast room.

The other side of that towering wall.

The hand that had always been white and tender suddenly appeared.

Making a rustling sound.

Otto also stopped crying.

Looking at that position curiously.

Suddenly, a little girl stuck her head out vigorously.

Long white hair.

Under the sunshine.

It looks exceptionally pure and beautiful.

Especially that smile.

For a moment, little Otto felt like he was in a trance.

He had never seen such a sincere and kind smile.

It seems to be conveying a kind of beauty that has never been seen before.

The little girl was instantly recognized by the audience.

It's Kallen!

Kallen as a child!

She also looks exactly the same as Theresa at this time.

Karen saw Otto crying and said in surprise:"Wow!!!"

"It just flew so high!"

Karen's voice is full of childlike innocence and vitality.

It is something that Otto at this time does not have.

It is also something that many people in this era do not have.

And of course Kallen was talking about the airplane model that just flew over the wall.

Obviously Kallen was wrong. I thought it was Otto who threw it over himself.

Then he couldn't pick it up.

So he was crying.

Kallen said as she climbed up the wall.

Then sat on the wall.

She has been locked up in the Apokalis family all this time. Otto.

He had never seen anyone else outside the family.

So when he saw Kallen appearing here, he stopped crying instantly and started sobbing.

After Kallen sat firmly on the wall, she put Otto's He took out the airplane model and said with a heart-warming smile:"Did you make this?

Otto sobbed and replied:"I did it."……"

Kallen looked at the airplane model in her hand.

At the same time, the game screen also narrows the distance.

The sophistication and detail of the aircraft model.

It's unbelievable.

This is a craft that a child can make.

Karen exclaimed and praised:"Wow!!!"

"You are so awesome!"

"I will definitely become a great inventor in the future!"

Headquarters of Destiny...

When Otto heard the words"Great Inventor", he smiled tenderly from the bottom of his heart.……


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