great inventor...

Otto at the Destiny Headquarters.

Already forgotten......

How long has it been since I heard these four words?

Hollander and Rita also felt the joy in Otto's heart.

Rita asked directly:"Is this a special name for Lord Kallen, Lord Otto?"

Hollander:"It seems that you are in Kallen's heart."

"The first time we met, I had a very noble image.

Otto:"Perhaps it was the airplane model that shocked her.""

"Later, she often called me by this name.

Rita:"Compared to the denials of the Apocalis family.""

"This should be Lord Otto......"

"For the first time, I felt recognized by someone else."

Youlandel:"For little Otto, this should be the happiest thing at that time."

Otto admitted and said:"Yes, for me at that time"

"Karen's appearance and her recognition of me were unexpected."

"It was indeed the happiest thing for me at that time"

"But later I realized......"

"Meeting Karen was the happiest thing in my life."

Hollandel and Rita never expected that they would still hear Otto say such earthy love words in their lifetime.

The serious Otto before seemed to have ceased to exist at this moment.

The two of them only felt I almost had goosebumps.

We were originally discussing the plot of the game, but we were caught off guard and fed a wave of dog food.

There was no one left.

Otto continued:"Karen's appearance here"

"The impact on me lasted a lifetime."

The two of them listened to Otto's memories.

Neither of them interrupted Otto.

And Otto himself was also caught up in the memories of Kallen.

His mood could not be calm for a long time.

If possible, he really hoped that he could really He really heard that Kallen was by his side.

He called him the great inventor again.

But Otto understood at this moment.

He wanted to hear these four words again.

It was harder than resurrecting Kallen.

After a long time, Otto exhaled. tone.

He calmed down his mood:"It seems that I talked a little too much today.

Rita:"Mr. Otto, isn't it a little too much?""

"But a lot more"

"I've known you for so long, and this is the first time I've seen you open your heart like this.

Otto:"It's just something I feel.""

"When I was watching the live broadcast room before, I was just watching it to pass the time."

"But at this moment, I really felt a little grateful to the captain."

Youlandel:"Because he brought you your ending?"

"And the future if you successfully resurrect Kallen?

Otto:"Not entirely.""

"The more important reason is that he made me hear these four words again.

Rita:"A great inventor?""

Otto nodded with a smile.

Hollander and Rita understood immediately.

This is true pure love!

But it can also be seen from Otto's performance.

The importance of Kallen in Otto's heart......

The two gradually understood.

For a child, he has never been recognized since childhood.

A pretty and good-looking girl.

Suddenly came over the wall.

Not only helped Otto bring back his model airplane.

It also gave Otto the greatest recognition in his life.

For Otto's young mind, this was simply a death blow.

Maybe even Karen herself didn't expect it.

Such a small unintentional act.

It will actually cause such a huge change in the future. of course.

Even if she knew, Karen would probably have the same choice.

After all, she is from the Kaslana family.

The most indispensable thing in this family is fools.

Just like this moment.

Mei Yi was also looking at the light curtain.

When I saw Karen's figure in the sun.

Suddenly, I understood why Otto was so obsessed with Karen.

To some extent.

There is no difference between what happened to her and what happened to Otto.

All in the most desperate times. met that girl......

It was also that girl who redeemed herself

"Otto, I suddenly understand your five hundred years of persistence."

Meiyi looked at Kiana's back. She remembered the way Kiana grabbed her arm to save herself at Qianyu Academy. That was also the afternoon sun. The white double ponytails looked particularly special under the sunlight. The dazzling and heart-warming smile gave herself the motivation to continue living. Bronya seemed to feel Mei Yi’s thoughts. She looked at Mei Yi, and then at Kiana. At this time, Kiana was addicted to the live broadcast The game screen in the room. Looking at her ancestor Kallen Kaslana, Bronya said:"Sister Mei, do you think Kaslana's family is weird?" Yayi nodded in agreement:"Yes.


Bronya:"It's easy for fools to appear."

Fu Hua also agreed:"For Karen, she just wants to climb over the wall to see who made this paper airplane."

"Maybe she won't know either"

"His recognition would have a huge impact on Otto's life later."

Mei:" Just like Kiana"

"When you first saved me, you just wanted to save me from the bottom of your heart."

"without any other emotion"

"From that day on, I was saved by Kiana"

"It was also from that day that I gained a new lease of life."

Bronya:"Otto, maybe I feel the same way."

At this time, Kiana turned her head and looked at the three of them. She didn't hear what they were saying.

Instead, she said,"Look, she really looks like her aunt!"!!"

"It's just carved out of the same mold"

"But I feel that Karen is much gentler than her aunt! Mei

:"Kiana, if you make the principal less angry, you can often see a principal as gentle as Kallen.""

Bronya:"You should skip less classes."

"The principal wouldn't be that angry."

Kiana:"It's all my fault."

Fu Hua:"The principal is actually not that scary."

Kiana:"That's not the case!"

"Judas' chains are really painful to bind people." Everyone started discussing whether Theresa is as gentle as Kallen. Of course Theresa in the conference room didn't know. But at this time, Theresa was also looking at the game screen. Karen:"It seems that I have never tried such a double ponytail hairstyle. Ji Zi:"What, you want to try?" Theresa shook her head:"No, she already looks like a child."


"If you tie a double ponytail, you will look more like a child"

"This hairstyle is still suitable for Kiana and others"


When I think about my age.

Theresa was troubled.

Why can't I grow up?

Does the problem lie with the Kaslana family bloodline or the Vishnu factor?

Or is it about Otto’s fusion warrior surgery?

It's hard to say that......

Ji Zi comforted:"You are not a man-made collapse."

"Isn’t this the same Karen who will grow up? Theresa

:"Let's not talk about the man-made collapse form. I haven't mastered it yet."

"Even if I master it, I can't always maintain that form."

"What if I lose control and become something weird?

Jizi spread her hands:"St. Freya Academy has a back mountain.""

"You can become the guardian beast of St. Freya Academy in the future."

Theresa clenched her fists angrily:"Ji Zi!!!"

"I just accepted two bottles of good wine from you"

"You just wish I could retire early, right?

Ji Zi:" No, no.""

"It's all a misunderstanding!

Theresa:"I see you have this idea now.""

Himeko:"Hey, my principal."

"Being the principal is so tiring, I won't find anything to do."

Hearing this,

Theresa drooped her head. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Compared to the principal"

"It’s even more tiring to deal with those students......"

Jizi:"So today is our chance to relax."

Jizi pointed to the live broadcast room:"I can also understand why your grandfather is so obsessed with Kallen."

Theresa:"The card that appeared at this time lotus"

"For grandpa, it is a beam of light that shines into life"

"I can also understand why grandpa did so much for Karen later.

Ji Zi nodded:" Yes.""

"I understood it from the moment Karen appeared and called out"The Great Inventor""

"Otto’s persistence over the years"

"is worth it."

The appearance of Kallen not only brought warmth to Otto.

Even the audience in the live broadcast room.

The moment they saw Kallen appear,[]

I was also warmed by Kallen.

Such a cute girl, when I meet you.

He said such considerate and encouraging words.

Anyone else would be happy.

Not to mention little Otto.

Little Otto was in his own family.

He has always been an unwelcome presence.

Karen's appearance.

It undoubtedly illuminated his dark life. in the game screen.

Kallen looked at the airplane model in her hand.

With a trace of pity in his expression, he said:"It's a pity.……"

"it's broken....."

Otto stopped crying.

Wiped the tears from his eyes.

Looking at Karen in the sun.

He said timidly:"If you need……"

"I can……"

"Help you make another one……"

Kallen also likes the airplane model in her hand.

He immediately said happily:"Really?"

"Thank you!"

Otto's originally lost eyes seemed to have light again at this moment.

For the first time, little Otto felt needed. It was also the first time that he saw someone so happy because of his work.

At this time, little Otto felt in his heart.

He was even happier.

Although at this time, he still didn't know who the girl in front of him was.

But everything seemed not so important.

Then, Kallen opened her eyes wide.

Her blue pupils were in the sun.

Like two blue gems.

Kallen looked at Otto below and introduced herself:"My name is Kallen!"

"Karen Kaslana!"

"what is your name?"

This may be the first time for little Otto to introduce himself to others.

He imitated Karen's tone and said:"Otto……"

"Otto Apocalis."

Immediately afterwards, Kallen sent her invitation to Otto.

"So Otto……"

"can we be friends?"

This is also the first time.

Someone has taken the initiative to be friends with me.

From the first time he met Kallen,

Otto has experienced many firsts.

Little Otto said somewhat flattered:"When……"

"Of course."

Although he was delighted, little Otto still asked with some worry:"But……"

"Don’t you need to train every day?"

In this era, when the children of the three major families reach this age, they not only have to receive training in combat, but also all kinds of knowledge and etiquette.

Therefore, these children will basically not have their own childhood.

Not to mention fighting with each other. Little Otto, a weak child, played together.

And little Otto was still a technical geek.

He couldn't even play with them.

Little Kallen heard little Otto say this.

There was a hint in his tone. He said with a little pride:"I have finished training at ten o'clock in the morning!"

"Who makes me perform so well all the time?"

【Padofelis: Are all Kevin’s descendants so outstanding?】

【Alicia: Of course, you don’t even think about it, that’s Kevin】


【March 7: Why do I think she finished training early to have better fun?】

【Bronya: I have heard this theory from Kiana, but……】

【Mei: But Kiana never completes her tasks very early.】

【Honkai Impact: I urge you every time】

【Teresa: Every timeI have never completed my study tasks well and failed the exam.】

【Su: Hahaha, Kevin was almost like this before. He was only interested in playing competitive games.】

【Mei: They all seem to have the shadow of Kevin, but they also have their own lives.】

【Mebius: They bear the name of Kaslana, but they don’t need to live like Kevin】

【Aponia: Yes, that would be unfair to them】

【Youlandel: The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. I still understand this.】

【Otto: Kallen said the same thing】

【Kiana: Why do I feel like you guys dislike me?】

…… in the game screen.

Karen looked in the other direction.

Over there is Otto's brother who left just now.

When I found someone climbing over the wall.

He has come back.

Worried about some untouchable coming over the wall.

What harm would it do to Otto.

After seeing that it was a member of the Kaslana family.

Although not close

((of) but still wary.

Kallen said:"Brother over there......"

"Can I take Otto out to play with me?"

"In the name of Kaslana, I will definitely protect him."

The man was a little embarrassed.

After all, where is the name of the Kaslana family?


"Even if you say so, he is a patient......."

Kallen:"My dad said, get more sun and play more."

"Only then will you be healthy and grow taller!

Then Kallen said again:"Besides, didn't you notice?""

"He's unlike any other kid around here!"

"He will definitely be a great inventor in the future!"

Little Otto's eyes lit up again.

Little Otto:"Then.....that kind of thing......"

Kallen saw that Otto didn't believe in Xin's appearance.

Encouragement:"Never lose confidence in yourself."

"Well ~ great inventor"

"I have a request, are you willing to grant it to me?

Otto was a little confused:" Well......Request?

Kallen nodded vigorously:"Yes!""

"When we grow up finally......"

Destiny Headquarters.

Otto spoke at the same time.

His voice was superimposed with the voice from little Kallen in the live broadcast room.

It seems to have spanned time and space.

The grown-up Otto.

Responding to Kallen's request as a child.

Otto's little Kallen:"When we grow up......"

"Come and save the world with me!"

Little Karen:"And before that,......"

"If you want to make yourself healthy......"Zero" memory ended.

The white light filled the light curtain again.

The sound of the wind began to stop.

At the place where Kallen was originally attacked, Kallen was still fighting on the same spot. She raised her head and closed her eyes to feel the wind.

Then she slowly opened her eyes Opening her eyes, she still had the same clear eyes.

Kallen said:"Goodbye, my great inventor."......"......

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