Listen to the story told by the disk in the live broadcast about [Hunting Star God] before he became a god......

The audience also posted discussions in the live broadcast room.

【Otto: A creature of pure energy? It even becomes a driving energy source......That is to say, this kind of energy-body creature has endless energy? This is a bit awesome】

【Dr. Mei: Violates the law of entropy increase.........】

【Velvet: In this case, it sounds pretty powerful.】

【March 7: Huh? Is this how the driving energy of Xianzhou comes from?】

【Otto: But look at it this way, the Imperial Gong at that time........That is to say, the hunting star god, he is not very powerful. However, to deal with Suiyang's people, he still needs to use conspiracy and tricks.】

【Heita: Yes, indeed......So as I said before, the hunting star god is indeed not very powerful.】

【Kiana: But it seems that the former hunting star god was not so violent.】

【Bronya: Indeed, comparing the description of the hunting star god with the story presented now......The former hunting star god was more of a knight, should I say? But the hunting star god, he is a violent destroyer.】

【Jingyuan: You discovered your blind spot. this.......You will know if you continue to listen to this myth22. 】

The audience captured a key information point from the fragments of the story.

That is.......【The hunting star god]'s temper is completely different from that of Emperor Gong.

So, in the process of becoming a star god......

What else happened to Di Gong?

With the curiosity of the audience.

Game live broadcast room........The disk begins to tell the next story of Emperor Gong.

【Then, the Fairy Boat Alliance was established!】

【Emperor Gong leads the fleet to fight everywhere】

【Objects called jade signs were created during this period.......】

【The wise man Xuan Yao can see into the future by inserting a jade omen into his skull........】

【I even saw the"Intellectual Star God Bo Shi Zun""】

【He saw the future immortal boatmen falling into the torment of the demonic body........】

【After Di Gong knew about this, he told the fairy boat nobles about it】

【However.......The nobles of Xianzhou were the first to accept immortality.......Already blinded by immortality.......】

From the description of this paragraph, the audience can clearly see that it is a key moment for the story to change.

At the same time, everyone can also see.......

It was during this period of time that there seemed to be an obvious conflict between Di Gong and [Immortal Boat]!

Outside the light curtain, inside the Valkyrie dormitory of St. Freya Academy.

Also look at the description of this paragraph. different from before.........

This time, it was Bronya who made complaints earlier.

"oh? Tormented by eternal life?

It’s such a cliche plot........

Then, Di Gong wanted to become a fairy boatman and gave up [immortal life].】.......

As a result, people who have been blinded by [Immortality] cannot understand Emperor Gong at all.

Finally, conflicts broke out?

I can already guess these plots without thinking about them."

As soon as Bronya finished speaking,

Kiana and Raiden Meiyi beside them also nodded in agreement.


For such a plot, they don't need to guess, let alone think about it.

After all, similar plots have appeared in too many film, television and game works.

For the"Yu Sanjia", this routine is too popular.......You don't need to think at all to know.

However, just when"Yu Sanjia" complained about the story itself.

Fu Hua next to him........She showed a serious and thoughtful look

"em.........However, a conflict broke out between Di Gong and Xianzhou.

Does this have anything to do with him becoming a Star God?"

It's really a good question.

However, for this question.......

If you want to know the answer, you can only continue to wait for the plot of the game to advance.

Return to the game live screen.

The story continues. only........

This time, it's not the disk that tells the story.

Rather, they are ancient poems and poems preserved in the fairy boat.

That poem describes the story of Emperor Gong in this way. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【A superior man drives away the ice toad with great strength, and a superior man with vigilance and vigilance controls the six dragons. [Note 1:

After several battles with the title of Miao, Kuiyuan was afraid of leading the sky. [Note 2:

Immortal prescriptions explain many mysteries, and gods enlighten the body.

There is a wild horse in promoting clever words, and there is no trace of lust in promoting people. [Note 3

: More crystals are skillfully created, which are called jade omens, and heaven’s secrets are calculated without leaving any traces.

The emperor swallowed Qiong with his bow and wanted to hear the Tao. His omnipotent wisdom had dreams about Nanke. [Note 4

: I don’t see the ocean prospering, but I see flesh and blood building plows in the mud.

How painful it is to be mutilated, stained, and stained. Anger and hatred disappear into nothingness. [Note 5

: He ran and walked and screamed, but he laughed crazily and said divination. [Note 6

: Laughter, ridicule, and pity, regardless of the elder and the brown husband.

The emperor Gong angrily denounced the nobles, how greedy for life is like that ignorant prince. [Note 7

: The jade dew is no more than a horizontal yoke, but it can teach you how to use a sharp arrow to test the gods.

Looking back, the vibrating string and the dragon's tongue came out, and the soul was frightened and frightened.

Finally, he was forced to sleep in a cold coffin, not thinking about the great man he once was. [Note 8】

【[Note that five injuries, stains, anger, otherness, and no record are the five symptoms of falling into the demonic body. Mutilation means that the body has been seriously damaged due to external violence and must undergo long and painful repairs through self-healing ability; dirt refers to the immortality of the body and is infected with some stubborn extraterrestrial viruses or bacteria that coexist with it for a long time; anger means resentment. , harming the mood of others, and his emotions began to fluctuate in intense sorrow, joy, resentment, and anger; his physical body began to produce mutated organs, and he could no longer maintain the stability of his human form; Wujizhi's heart was occupied by an inexplicable sense of emptiness, and he fell into confusion. status. This paragraph depicts the tragic future of the immortal boat people who fell into the demon body due to their immortality after Emperor Gong swallowed jade.】[]

【[Note: Six Idiots and Xiao Taidivination originate from the folk tale of an immortal boat. Legend has it that there was a man on a certain fairy boat who believed that the god Jianmu was actually a foreign object from the sky. He opposed immortality and pretended to be crazy and unofficial to show his determination. Taibu here generally refers to the nobles of Xianzhou, and is extended to Jianmu Shenshi, because the nobles are the first group of people on Xianzhou to receive the gods.】

【[Note 7: The Hunhou here refers to the unknown emperor who completed the unification in the ancient country. Emperor Gong believed that the people of Xianzhou had been deceived by the temptation of endless life, and were no different from the nameless emperor who was greedy for life and afraid of death, so he was furious.】

【[Note 8: This paragraph describes the emperor's opposition to immortality, and shot an arrow at a building considered sacred to show his determination. The immortal boat nobles who took the elixir were shocked and angry, and convicted him. However, intimidated by the hero's achievements and popularity, the nobles just ordered him to remain dormant. Sleeping refers to the system in which the Fairy Boat people must take turns entering the freezing warehouse to sleep at a fixed time when the Fairy Boat Alliance first sails. The cold coffin is the freezing warehouse. 】

Can be seen from poems and translations........The story after the conflict between Di Gong and [Xianzhou] broke out.

The nameless king and the nobles of Xianzhou were simply unable to understand and accept Di Gong’s suggestions.

【Immortality] has blinded everyone’s eyes.

As for Di Gong, as a member of the Immortal Boat....Naturally, we cannot accept that [Xianzhou] will be tortured by [Demon Yin Body] in the future! so.........

Di Gong resolutely decided to declare war with the nobles of Quanxianzhou!

Moreover, he also did something earth-shattering.......

That was the arrow shot at [Jianmu]!

To know.......

For everyone in [Xianzhou], [Building Wood] is one of the keys to longevity.

Emperor Gong's behavior has undoubtedly touched the bottom line of the [Immortal Boat] nobles. but.......Even though the [Immortal Boat] nobles wanted to seal the imperial bow directly.

But after all, he is also the hero of [Xianzhou], with prestige and outstanding achievements.......Make it impossible for the nobles of [Xianzhou] to take action directly. at last........The nobles of Xianzhou could only order it to freeze and sleep!

The Imperial Bow is sealed forever!

So.........It is already the imperial bow sealed by [Immortal Boat].

What exactly does he have to do to become a [Hunting Star God]?.

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