Look at the ending of Di Gong in the video.

In the live broadcast room, the audience seemed to be particularly dissatisfied with this ending.

【Kiana: Huh? ? ? ? Develop according to the general storyline........Shouldn't it be Emperor Gong who turned defeat into victory and defeated those corrupt emperors of Xianzhou! ?】

【Bronya: It seems like this is the opposite of the routine?】

【Otto: Not really.........You know, the current Di Gong is just an ordinary person. But in the future, he will undoubtedly become a hunting star god. So, this is not the whole story of him】

【Dr. May: Yeah. So at this stage.........It's just part of the story】

【Alicia: Oops, I’m a little anxious. When will Di Gong get out of his current situation!】

【Mei Raiden: Well, if the story ends like this........That's a little sad.】

【Silver Wolf: Why are you suddenly so concerned about the affairs of this world?】

【Black Tower: Indeed........We don't care about this kind of story ourselves】

【Kiana: Because I’m so frustrated! Emperor Ming Ming Gong, he is thinking about the entire Xianzhou.........Those people, how could they do this!】

【March 7: Yeah, I think so too!】

【Star Sister: But the story is not over yet.........I think your worries are unnecessary】

【Jing Yuan: Well, that’s true. and.........The story itself is also a spread version of the myth. You don't need to take it too seriously】

【Otto: It doesn’t matter. It’s also good to listen to the myths of your world. and.........This story is not over yet. 】

Under the focus of the audience.

In the game live broadcast room, the video continues.

In the game itself, the player"Xing Jie" opened another ancient scroll on the fairy boat.

【Year after year, the stars are rising and falling.

I saw that the mulberry sky was so poor and huge, and the remaining stars were exhausted.

The tail title of the different meat is like a column of mist, and the immortal envoy Yangge is like steaming clouds. [Note 1

: No one knows that it is a calamity, but it is difficult to compete with it.

Branches stabbed at the battleships, and golden light stirred up the flying boats.

Resurrection from a desperate situation requires the emperor's bow, and a clever strategy is needed to break the siege from the dead. [Note 2

: Don’t persuade the genius to drink more wine, but Xu Suiyang is accompanied by flesh and blood.

Do not advise the strong men to linger for a long time, but to fight against Qiu with Emperor Sui. [Note 3:

The world is just wiped out by lightning, and there is no life to be a hero.

People from all over the world gather together to follow each other and dare to defend the sky for Yunyi. [Note 4】

【[Note that Yi Wu Lie and Xia Zheng Yuyue said that the scale of Fenghao people's army was huge.】

【[Note 2: In order to resist the invasion, the people of Xianzhou decided to wake up Emperor Gong from his sleep. After Di Gong woke up, he analyzed the situation and determined to use a clever strategy to break out of the siege.】

【[Note 3: In order to repel the Fengrao people, Di Gong ignored the dissuasion and entered the prison deep in Zhu Ming's fairy boat. He persuaded Sui Huang, the leader of Sui Yang who had been imprisoned, and made a deal with it, exchanging his body for the power of Sui Yang. assistance】

【[Note 4: In order to respond to the hero's sacrifice, many people on each fairy boat chose to make the same deal with the hero. They joined the death-defying force and marched together with Sui Yang, vowing to guard the immortal boat like clouds blocking the sky and never land. This is the origin of the name Yunqijun】

【This section describes the fire catastrophe known as one of the three catastrophes in the Blood War Era (approximately 5000 to 8000 stardates) - at that time, Zhu Mingxianzhou observed the gravity of a massive celestial body, but they were unable to capture it. any light signal. Only when the Fairy Boat Alliance got close enough did the stargazers witness that this behemoth was a star-sucking Dyson tree, the archenemy of the Ancient Kingdom and the homeland of the WingMakers. What frightened the people of Xianzhou even more was that the flesh-seeing beast ship also appeared in sight again. The WingMakers encouraged See Flesh, and the two sides actually formed a symbiotic relationship to a certain extent. As if attracted by Jianmu's power, Qiong Sang began to slowly approach the Luofu Immortal Boat. Soon after, the most heroic war in the history of the Immortal Boat broke out between the two sides.

The people of Xianzhou, who had just experienced the Battle of the Wall (one of the three calamities of life), the betrayal of the Jin people, and the migration plan, were no longer able to withstand such a huge crisis. The crowd awakened and released all the prisoners in the frozen prison, including the protagonist of this poem, Di Gong. 】

From this ancient scroll.........You can probably see the direction of the story after Emperor Gong was"sealed".

When Emperor Gong was frozen to sleep........

In those long years.

Eventually, the Xianzhou people and Fengrao people clashed, and a war broke out.

And that era was named the"Era of Bloody War".

That bloody era lasted for a full 3,000 years.

It is conceivable.........How cruel is such a war!

And it's not just the brutality of war.

During those long 3,000 years, a total of three disasters occurred in the fairy boat.

【The outbreak of"Fire Tribulation", the battle of Yanqiang in"Birth Tribulation"........The strength of Xianzhou was greatly weakened.

At the same time, the entire universe at that time also experienced the"Omnic Crisis."

After struggling to regain control of the fairy boat from the rebel Jin people,.......The Immortal Boat Alliance was once again weakened and became in danger.

And the other side

【The reason for the outbreak of"Fire Tribulation" is that the Xianzhou people's stargazers discovered the gravity of a certain massive celestial body.........However, they were unable to catch the light signal. When the Immortal Boat Alliance approached, they discovered that it was the mother nest of the Fengshou people [Qiongsang] and a giant beast ship named [Seeing Flesh].

At the same time, Shirou is also the ancient enemy of the Xianzhou people!

They were driven by the rich people and attracted by the [Building Wood] of the Immortal Boat Luofu, and gradually got closer.

In the war between the Xianzhou people and the Fengshou people,........Fengrao people have great advantages.......

The strength of Fengrao people has been greatly improved over the years.

As for the Shangxianzhou Alliance, after experiencing the"Three Tribulations", its strength has been greatly reduced.

There is no doubt that.........

In this war, the Xianzhou Alliance was at an absolute disadvantage.

In order not to lose to Fengshuo people......

Even though it was very difficult, the Immortal Boat Alliance still had to release the prisoners in the frozen prison.

And among these prisoners........

Di Gong, he is also one of them! (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

So far......【Hunting Star God】The real mythical story begins here!

After being released, Di Gong made the weak Xianzhou Alliance stronger in order to defeat the Fengrao people...........

Di Gong, he first convinced the energy life form as the"~energy" of the immortal boat.......

【The leader of the Suiyang clan, [Suihuang]!

Di Gong made a deal with him to gain strength, using his own body as the price........He gained the power of Suiyang!

Give up the physical body and turn it into a body of pure energy to gain more power!

And when the emperor's bow gained such power.

Countless warriors in Xianzhou also followed the footsteps of Emperor Gong and gained the power of Suiyang at the cost of their own bodies, turning themselves into powerful energy beings!

I swear to be like a cloud blocking the sky, guarding the fairy boat, and never landing. This is the origin of the name Yunqijun.

It seems that the past story of [Hunting Star God]........

No matter which angle it is from, it is fundamentally connected with every place in [Xianzhou]! (Wang Hao) Outside the light curtain, the Tianming headquarters.

Watching Emperor Gong begin to rise again.........

Otto, he showed an interesting expression again[]

"Can it still transform itself into a life form of pure energy? strength.........Also got a significant improvement.

This is where things get interesting.

There is also this channel..........

But, if only to this extent..........If you want to defeat the Fengrao people, it may not be enough.

So........What kind of [tests] do you need to pass to become a Star God?"

Otto was very interested in the fact that Di Gong chose to become an energy life form.........Human beings in that world can gain strength by sacrificing their bodies, which is quite interesting.

However, Otto also knew it very well.

But at this level, it is actually not enough to become a [Star God]. so.........In the continuation of this story........

Di Gong must have had other experiences, and it was precisely because of those experiences that he was successfully promoted to Star God!!!.

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