The audience's attention returned to the screen.

After a few seconds, the next poem about Di Gong's life story appeared in the center of the screen.

【The emperor bowed Cui Wei to set up the forecastle, and raised his body to open the Xuanyuan. [Note 1:

I advise you to forget your life and fight to the death, and now you must fight to turn the tide. [Note 2:

I hope that after my death, I will always be victorious, and be brave and perseverant in defeating monsters and bandits. [Note 3:

The jade belt pierces the sea of ​​clouds and shoots through the stars with all its strength.

The sky was filled with thunderous waves and lightning, and the ground was covered in ink and thunder.

The shadow of the arrowhead falls on the three mountains and the moon, and the sound of the arrowhead rises high in the wind of hundreds of valleys.

The soul of Xu Ling makes blood rain during the day, and the soul of Fang Hu turns red at night. [Note 4:

Hundreds of spiritual trees are in ruins, flowing into the void. [Note 5

: The mist dispersed faintly, and the spirit spirit and the imperial bow were nowhere to be seen. [Note 6:

Only the carved arcs will be sold out, and the furnace hammers and ancient ingots will be paid for their silence.

Integrated into the magnetic clouds, the surrounding planets always shine together. [Note 7

: Mourning is everywhere in the starfield, and there is no trace of blood and weeping.

The tears of pity for a hero in his life are not as good as chasing a lonely star.】

【[Note: Xuanyuan is a famous bow in ancient Chinese mythology. Here it refers to the weapon of the imperial bow.】

【[Note 2: The transition of this sentence is a bit abrupt. With the following sentence, it may be judged that the emperor Gong gave a pre-battle speech on the battlefield to boost morale. One theory is that the emperor knew that he was about to fall, so he left his last words.】

【[Note 3: This may be the commonly used call sign of the Yunqi Army:"Xianzhou Flying", the Yunqi Army always wins! , Be brave and perseverant, and wipe out the monsters and bandits! Origin, but there is also the possibility of later generations adding it. Nowadays, the academic circles hold different opinions on this matter, and the order cannot be determined for the time being.】

【[Note: According to four records, in this battle, the distances between the immortal boats and Qiongsang were arranged as follows from near to far: Yaoqing, Luofu, Yuque, Zhuming, Fanghu, Cangcheng, and Xuling. It can be seen that Xuling and Fang The positions of the pots are all towards the back; according to other records, the emperor's bow should be drawn and fired at the bow of Xianzhou Yaoqing 150. This sentence still refers to the wide range of the Emperor's bow that splits the sky, and all the ships of the Immortal Boat Alliance are affected by it.】

【[Note Five According to records, one shot of the emperor's bow destroyed the building, penetrated the giant beast, and severed the connection between the fairy boat Luofu and Qiong Sang; a crack was opened at the scene that led to the depths of the void, and huge imaginary power spewed out from it. This sentence exactly describes this situation】

【[Note 6 According to records, Emperor Sui disappeared after shooting an arrow from his bow that turned the tide of the battle, but Emperor Sui still left part of his body behind. This sentence says that the people of Xianzhou failed to find the two, or it may be a rumor.】

【[Note: Seven ancient ingots, Jiyuan, magnetic clouds, and ringing indicate that these two sentences describe that the people of Xianzhou, in order to commemorate the sacrifice of Emperor Gong, put his relics into the ancient ingots of Jiyuan, and launched them into the outer orbit of Qiongsang to connect them with the planet. Tonghui. 】

Although these words will still be translated, it can be seen from some vocabulary that Di Gong seems to have become a Star God from this moment on.

For a while, the audience also expressed their thoughts in the barrage.

【Fu Hua:"Xuanyuan"?】

【Kiana: Wow~ This name matches the monitor’s style so well】

【Bronya: Well, it’s indeed in line with the class.】

【Leiden Meiyi: This name is full of ancient charm】

【Alicia: He gave up his body and gained greater power. He is really moving forward on the road to becoming stronger.】

【Teresa: Yeah】

【Dr. Mei: But the power of Fengrao people has always been strong. If he wants to defeat all this, his current power is not enough.】

【Raiden Meiyi: That’s what I said, but didn’t the Imperial Bow destroy buildings and pierce giant beasts with one shot?】

【Otto: That's true, and that's the key point】

【Kiana: Just watch the video (chbg), the video will explain it. 】

From the above words, it can be seen that Di Gong gave up his body and obtained the artifact on the way to becoming stronger.

But even so, the audience still believes that the people of Fengrao are more powerful.

If you want to truly defeat the Fengrao people, this imperial bow may have to pay a higher price.

After all, in this battle, he can only reverse the situation by becoming stronger.

For him, becoming a Star God is one of the best ways.

Outside the light curtain, in an office at Tianming Headquarters.

The man sitting on the sofa has already begun to study the poem just now.

After years of wasted time, translating this text is not a big problem.

The arrow shot by this imperial bow may have something to do with his becoming a"Star God".

Just like what was said above, the power brought by that sword directly tore the void, and countless powers spurted out from the cracks.

When all this appeared, he and the Tunnel Emperor also disappeared.

This paragraph alone is enough to show that the power phantomed by the void is related to his transformation into a star god.

So, is this one of the channels to be promoted to Star God?

Didn't they notice such a simple and straightforward poem?

Otto's pupils, as deep as a cold pool, stared at the screen indifferently.

After all, these are just his simple translations, and the translations may not be accurate.

So the real answer may have to be found in the video.

Returning to the video, after the audience read the poems, a new row of large characters appeared on the screen.

【Emperor Gong picked up the legendary divine bow"Xuanyuan" from the ancient country and led seven immortal boats to start the final battle with the Yunqi Army.】

【But at the end of the battle.......The Immortal Boat and Luofu are connected by"Qiongsang"】

【The power of the fairy boat is gradually being absorbed, and giant beasts are also raging on the fairy boat........】

【And at that moment, Emperor Gong appeared!】

【Like a true god, he shot the arrow that turned the situation around!】

【Even on the"Yao Qing" fairy boat standing at the front........All of them still affected the last fairy boat"Xu Ling"!】

【That arrow, which contained astonishing power, destroyed the building and penetrated the giant beast! 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【It even directly severed the connection between Xianzhou Luofu and Qiongsang.........That terrifying destructive power directly tore a crack leading to the void..........】

【Huge imaginary energy also spurted out from the cracks.......】

【After that, Di Gong and Sui Huang disappeared, as if they had disappeared.】

【but.......The Immortal Boatman who is the Emperor Gong is no longer here........】

【The star god named"Hunting" has begun his divine journey! 】

These are the stories about the birth of Emperor Gong.

Outside the light curtain, in the meeting room of Fire Chaser Moth from the pre-civilization era.

Looking at the content in front of them, the eyes of the heroes also lit up. At least at this moment, they knew one of the channels to become the mind.

Although this channel is more exaggerated than they imagined, at least the results are satisfactory.

It looks strange, but considering the content of that world, it feels normal.

Alicia:"Oh my! This channel to upgrade to a Star God seems simple, but it is actually very difficult."

Dr. Mei:"It's pretty much what I imagined. If you want to become a Star God, you must have enough strength. strong enough"

"Just tearing apart the void is not something ordinary people can do. Alicia

:"Yeah, and this is only one of the factors. The other factor is the imaginary energy flowing out of the strong wind.""

"If you want to be promoted to Star God, these two elements seem to be indispensable."

Listening to the words of the two people, Kevin, who was sitting beside him, also said in a deep voice:"Well, both are indeed indispensable."

"Just tearing apart the void is definitely not something ordinary people can do."

"This blow can destroy everything and even cut through the void. Such power is simply equivalent to the power of the Star God."

"As you said, these are just one of the elements, and perhaps the most important one is the imaginary energy pouring out of the cracks"

"Perhaps, this is the key."

But in Kevin's view, this is just one of the channels to become a star.

On the other side beyond the light curtain, in the office of Tianming Headquarters.

After reading the contents of the eyes, Otto's expression was still the same as before Calm.

After all, everything in front of him was exactly what he thought.

In this large office, a low and cold voice slowly came.

"It's really what I thought"

"When the arrow he shot pierced the void, the imaginary energy that surged out was swallowed by him. This was the key to his becoming a Star God."

"But is this the only way to become a Star God?"[]

In Otto's opinion, this was one of the crudest methods.

If you say simple, I'm afraid it's not simple at all.

After all, wanting to tear apart the void is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Such an ability may only be achieved by a Star God, but Di Gong can do all this with his flesh and blood body, which also shows that he has the qualifications to become a Star God.

Recalling the poem, Otto couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The power of the Heart Emperor's Bow was even more amazing than he imagined.

The cold pupils turned, and the thin lips outlined a curve.

Whether it is the world of Honkai Impact III or the world of Star Vault, they all exist under the Tree of Imaginary Numbers.

In this way, they can become Star Gods by piercing the void to obtain the power of imaginary numbers.

So can people in their world also become Star Gods through the same method?

Thinking of this, the finger wrapped in a white glove clicked on the table, making a"dong dong dong" sound.

But thinking of these contents, Otto's lowered eyelashes trembled slightly, and the dark eyes were dim and unclear.

After all, this is a new discovery. The other party can tear apart the void and become a star god. It seems that people in their world can also do this.

Then can they really use this method to upgrade to [Star Gods] and take charge of their destiny?

The original idea of ​​going to the Star World to become a Star God was immediately abandoned.

It seems more interesting to become a god in a collapsing world...........

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