The audience's attention returns to the video again.

Then a new picture appeared on the screen.

She has long golden hair, snow-white skin, and the golden robe seems to be tailor-made for her, making her look so divine and radiant.

She has deer-like long horns on her head, and her body is covered in green silk. Green vines wrap around her body, but her body structure is different from ordinary people.

Some have countless hands, and even a pair of scarlet pupils on each joint.

But the overall look is full of vitality.

Just like green, it is also her representative color.

With the appearance of this picture, the audience also started enthusiastic discussions

【Kiana: Her body seems to be surrounded by green, and she looks prosperous.】

【Bronya: Well, it does feel that way】

【Raiden Mei: Judging from the current form, she seems to represent"vitality""?】

【Alicia: Hmm~ Wrapped in green vines and wrapped in a layer of green silk, the overall look does have a lively feel. It seems that he is a star god who represents"hope".!】

【Dr. Mei: It can also be said to represent vitality.】

【Mebius: Yes, it is indeed possible】

【Alicia: Hum~ It seems that everyone’s answers are very close.】

【Kiana: Forget it, there’s no point in guessing now, let’s just watch the video. 】

After all, the content has not yet introduced which star god she is.

I'm afraid I can't come up with any answers based on one-sided speculation.

Back to the video.

Rows of white text appeared on the screen.

A clear female voice also came slowly

【Fertility Star God Medicine Man】

【Let the armies strike the earth, they say.......once, twice】

【Tiny sprouts grow to towering heights.......】

【The sweet rain falls from the branches to drive away disease and poison for you】

【Let all sentient beings get everything they ask for.

The Medicine Master is the nurturer of all living beings and the god of paradise, aiming to make life prosperous.】

【He is the Star God who never refuses prayers and cannot bear to look at death and illness. ]

Its existence is nothing more than an upgraded version of all things.

The inheritance of continuing life.

All negativity will be expelled here.

The so-called"goodness" is her ultimate definition.

She is not only a representative of prosperity, but also of vitality.

For the entire universe, her existence will fulfill everyone's wishes and prayers.

She is also a"god" who will not reject anyone.

There is no distinction between good and evil in the Star God. After all, such things as good and evil are only the products of human beings.

But only [The Star God of Abundance] is special, she will respond to all living things.

From this point of view, she is indeed a god full of"goodwill"!

After hearing this, the audience fell silent.

Treat everyone without distinction and respond to everyone’s prayers!

Is this really a good thing?

Why does it sound weird?

The audience outside the light curtain started another heated discussion on the barrage.

【Kiana: This does sound like a good thing, but if you look closely, you still feel something is weird.】

【Raiden Mei: Well, I do feel that way, but answering everyone’s prayers also means that she is indeed"kind.""】

【Bronya:...Well, how do I feel that I won’t refuse anyone’s prayers? This seems to be a loophole.】

【Dr. Mei: She does seem kind, but won’t she upset the balance of the universe by doing this?】

【Xingqiong March 7: Well, just as you think, her way of not rejecting anyone has indeed broken the balance of life and death, and even created countless"immortal evil creatures" in this universe.】

【Wuliangta Jizi: Immortal evil creature?】

【Kiana: This name sounds terrible】

【Star Walter: Well, he will lose his mind and even attack indiscriminately.】

【Xingyuan: People who are afraid of death and evade the rules of life and death have prayed for fertility and finally obtained the power of immortality. However, this power is actually a curse. When the pain and life span reach the extreme, they will be reduced to" An existence similar to"demonic body" or"immortal evil creature"……】

【Dr. Mei: It is reasonable to escape life and death and pursue immortality because of monsters.】

【Mebius: But from this point of view, the power of the so-called Fertility Star God is just that. I think she can really make everyone live forever.】

【Xingqiong Danheng: His power has been distributed to too many people, so the blessing given to everyone is not that powerful.】

【Kiana: Oh~ I understand now. 】

Different audiences have completely different views on this Fertile Star God.

Some people think that she responded to everyone's prayers, which is a kind act.

Therefore, it can be judged that she is a good"Star God" and deserves to exist.

But some viewers who tend to be more rational think that her selfless gift is a loophole.

Her refusal to refuse breaks the theory of life and death and creates the existence of"evil things".

Back to the video.

The text on the screen gradually disappeared, and then the new picture appeared in the center of the screen.

In that vast universe, the background of his pictures is so special.

No! You could also call it weird.

Because in the vast starry sky, the camera slowly moved upward, and then came to a"star".

Its whole body was pitch black, and it looked like a black hole in the abyss. In front of him, there was no light.

And on this purple black star, there is even a pair of white dots hanging on it, which look like"eyes"!

And these structures, compared to the Imperial Gong or the Medicine Master, are too weird.

It doesn't even have a human form, but appears in front of people in its true form.

After all, a purple-black sphere appears on the screen. If there is no introduction, the audience may not think that it is the Star God.

So, which star god is he?

Looking at the pictures on the screen, the audience fell silent. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Kiana:...Uh, he's just a black sphere? Why does it look so strange?】

【Bronya: And this ball still has a head and a pair of eyes. Although I don’t know whether they are eyes or not, they look similar.】

【Raiden Mei: What a strange form, even out of the"human" shape】

【Gratius: Is this a black hole in the universe?】

【Velvet: Yeah, the star god in this form is indeed a bit strange.】

【Padofelis: No, this is so strange that it has reached the point of being outrageous.】

【Mebius: I don’t know what his strength is. Will he be very strong?】

【Dr. Mei: In this state, the strength should not be much stronger.】

【Star Walter: This is the most mysterious and powerful existence in our universe】

【Starry Sky March 7: Yeah, yeah, the strongest star god】

【Kiana: Wow~ So awesome!】

【Bronya: Judging from its shape, I can’t see how powerful it is for the time being.】

【Lawyer of Consciousness: It’s just average, so what kind of destiny does it have?】

【Otto: Interesting. It has gone beyond the concept of life, or beyond the scope of life defined by us humans.】[]

【Dr. Mei: Seeing the starry world is far more imaginative than we imagined】

【Erwei: It feels so fun. It would be great if I could travel through time.】

【Mebius: Our technological level is not weak either】

【Alicia: Hmm~ How strong is he?】

【Star Vault Walter: It’s far more terrifying than you think now. It’s ten times more terrifying.】

【Kiana:!! ?】

【Velvet:!! ?】

【Padofelis: Wow~]

At this moment, Star Walter’s last words made everyone feel extremely excited.

I can’t wait for the continuation of the story to continue playing now.

It was ten times more terrifying than they imagined. What a concept!

Just thinking about it is scary.

But the anticipation and nervousness did not dissipate. A pair of curious eyes stared closely at the video.

So how strong is the next Star God?

Back to the video.

The picture gradually disappeared, and a large white character gradually appeared on the screen.

Then a clear female voice introduced:

【Nothingness Star God】

【Blindfold them, they say......】

【Don't let the approaching gloom scare you.......】

【Because it's going to teach your soul to be as heavy as lead.......】

【Feet become numb】

【Push open that solemn city gate.......】

【The existence of nothingness is a mystery, and its image is wrapped in layers of fog.】

【IX does not interact with other star gods. He believes that the essence of the multiverse is nothingness, and therefore its existence is worthless. ]

He is the existence of [nothingness] represented by one.

And this concept is equivalent to the essence of the universe.

The universe goes from"existence" to"nothing". If this concept is used to define [Void Star God].

Then His concept of destiny will be extremely broad.

You can even call it invincible!

He doesn't need to do anything. As long as this universe still exists, his power will become infinitely stronger!

Damn and invincible!

After the audience listened to the concept of this [Void Star God].

The content of the barrage instantly became richer.

After all, no one expected that His concept would be so broad, powerful and mysterious!

【Kiana: This... this concept is indeed invincible, nothing! However, since there is nothing, how can he be promoted to Star God?】

【Raiden Mei: It’s indeed full of philosophy】

【Bronya: This concept is equivalent to the essence of the universe】

【Wuliangta Jizi: Such a star god is indeed very terrifying】

【Teresa: The star god can fulfill his destiny. If this is the case, then the nothingness represented by this star god means that he wants to destroy everything and return the universe to chaos. Son】.

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