【Raiden Meiyi: Look at it this way, it’s not impossible!】

【Kiana: His concept of destiny is so broad, wouldn’t it be a disaster-level existence for the people in the star world?】

【Alicia: It’s so scary~】

【Xingqiong Danheng: That’s not the case. For this void star god, everything will be meaningless to him, and it is even less possible for him to take the initiative to destroy the universe.】

【Black Tower: For the Void Star God, active intervention is meaningless, but his concepts are not limited to these.……】

【Xingqiong Jizi: He is really special, you will know later. ]

At this moment, the audience of Honkai Impact III were shocked by the vast concept of [Void Star God].

At the same time, they were worried about whether this powerful being would use his omnipotence to turn the entire universe into chaos.

After all, his own power is already close to the essence of the universe.

If such a thing exists, who wouldn't be afraid of it?

However, their remarks were finally overturned by everyone in the Star World.

For the audience of Star World, they have already considered this.

You may still be afraid of him at the beginning, but as time goes by.

In that vast universe, the only legends related to the [Void Star God] are"nine-six-seven" and the only word"destroyed".

That's right, in everyone's eyes, this Star God is a never-ending mess.

Even so, no one dared to question his ability.

After all, to the people of the Star World, he is the most powerful existence among all the Star Gods.

Back to the video.

The picture of the void star god at this moment has not disappeared.

After a few seconds, another piece of content about him continued to play.

After all, He is the strongest existence and the most special existence.

He has many fragments of his own, and this time, the second paragraph about him has officially begun.

The background of the story is in the space station of Black Tower.

At this moment, the people who appeared were Heita and Sister Xing.

Staring at Sister Xing in front of you, Heita asked in surprise:

"【The IX of Nothingness appears, and it makes you feel that everything is meaningless, and you almost become a vegetable in the simulated universe - actually, that doesn't matter, I can wake you up in reality. But you can’t do this every time you encounter IX."

Heita frowned and continued to complain:

"This guy is really very nihilistic, making himself meaningless to the point where the system didn't notice his appearance.

I believe now.......IX kills the entire universe with ease!"

As a"female brat" in the universe.

Black Tower's character has always been the most arrogant existence in the universe. It can even be said that in the entire universe, few people can get her true respect.

But now, after seeing After the Void Star God became powerful, the always arrogant Black Tower couldn't help but lament the opponent's power.

Fortunately, the opponent did not have the idea of ​​destroying the universe, otherwise with his strength, it would be easy to destroy the entire universe..


Her power can destroy everything in an instant.

Although other star gods can also destroy the universe, in this regard, these star gods and the void star god are not on the same level.

After all, nothingness only takes an instant, The same cannot be said for other Star Gods... outside the light curtain.

After hearing the Black Tower's evaluation of the Void Star God, audiences from different worlds felt particularly excited and shocked in their hearts!

This Star God is better than they imagined. It is also powerful and mysterious.

So on the barrage, the audience also expressed their opinions.

【Kiana: Wow, you can easily destroy the universe with that black sphere! Is his power so powerful?】

【Bronya: And you can enter the virtual space without moving, which is enough to show that the Intellectual Star God is nothing in front of Him.】

【Raiden Meiyi: But in the content, hasn’t it been mentioned that the Void Star God cannot move, and everything is nothingness to him, so why would he take the initiative to invade the virtual universe? ?】

【Star Dome March 7: Because the Trail Blazers are special】

【Kiana: Pioneer? special?】

【Gracie: Wow.~】

【Wuliangta Jizi: What kind of special method?】

【Sister Xing: This... I don’t know either!】

【StarVault Walter: No! The Void Star Vault did not take action against her. After all, it was meaningless, but it might also be because he was simply interested in the stars!】

【Black Tower: It is possible. After all, stars are life forms that take the form of"star cores"】

【Xingqiong Jizi: She is a very special, very special existence】

【Card or not: After all, it’s mine………Well……】

【Kiana: What is yours?】

【Star Vault March 7: Curious?】

【Silver Wolf: I'm telling you I'm spilling the beans.】

【Sister Xing: What? ?】

【Xingqiong Jizi: Kafka, what did you just want to say! ?】

【Kafka: No, nothing!】

【Xingqiong Jizi: As a wanted criminal in the universe, what you just said makes me a little worried.】

【Kafka: Hahaha, I didn’t say anything】

【Alicia: Hehe~ Fortunately, the Star God didn't take action, otherwise this situation would have been very troublesome.】

【Teresa: Well, for such a powerful being, it would destroy the universe for Him. It's just the blink of an eye】

【Hollander: She's very lucky】

【Kiana: Hahaha, you are a lucky existence】

【Mebius: But this aspect proves that He is not always messing up and doing nothing. He will also take action on things that interest Him.】

【Kevin: It's dangerous to arouse His interest.】

【Alicia: Yeah, He himself is a very dangerous existence】

【Kiana: Same, Sister Xing will always be fine】

【Xingqiong March 7: That’s for sure, don’t worry, He didn’t take action】

【Bronya: Well, in our world, there are no dangerous existences like Star Gods. 】

After learning that the Void Star God had observed these things about Sister Xing.

People in the Honkai Impact Three Worlds gradually changed their views on him. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At least, He is not as harmless as imagined!

The consequences of arousing his interest are not something ordinary people can bear.

Even though He is in the universe and likes to"make things worse", he doesn't always take no action.

It can be seen from this incident that when encountering something special, he will act without hesitation.

It's like invading the virtual universe and observing Sister Xing.

Perhaps to the Void Star God, Sister Xing is a very special existence.

It is also a"toy" that can arouse His interest.

But the more they think about it, the more worried the audience becomes about Sister Xing's situation.

Although she is a life form of Star Core Transformation, this does not mean that she will not die.

And facing such a dangerous Star God, who wouldn't be afraid?

Outside the light curtain, the headquarters of Tianming.

Combining the content of the video with the content on the barrage, Otto's deep pupils became a little more interesting.

This matter was more interesting than he imagined!

The void star god can easily destroy a universe[]

The concept of destiny is also broader than imagined.

Although he is famous for being"bad", he has developed a strong interest in the person named"Sister Xing", and even does not hesitate to invade the virtual space.

It seems that this person named"Sister Xing" is really special to him.

Since he is called the strongest star god in the universe.

But Otto always felt that his power was more than just that.

Even some settings cannot be so brief.

After all, he is the strongest star god!

Back to the video.

At this point the background of the story changes.

The stage of the story switches to the interior of the Star Dome Train.

The characters in this conversation are Walter and Sister Xing.

Looking at Sister Xing in front of him, Walter explained in a deep voice:

"Among the Star Gods, Lan is not powerful, and his concept of destiny is relatively narrow......

However, unlike most Star Gods, Lan pays great attention to mortals and gives his power to the Immortal Boat Alliance almost without reservation."

That's right!

Just like the people of the Honkai Impact Three Worlds, if the"concept" represented by the Star God is narrow, the power he possesses will be weaker.

But this"weakness" is only for other Star Gods..

And for humans, he is still the strongest existence. He comes to the world like a god!

But even so, people in the star world cannot deny that he is indeed the weakest existence among the star gods.

After all, he has a narrow concept. , the power they possess is far less than that of other star gods.

Outside the light curtain, in the conference room of the Fire Chasing Moth in the pre-civilization era.

After hearing the conversation between Walter and Star Sister, everyone at this moment did not show any What an unexpected look.

In other words, these contents are almost 1.9 what they imagined.

At the very beginning, everyone already had this view.

The broader the concept! The more power it has. Strong.

This concept is an important basis for judging the strength of the Star God.

It was just a guess before, but now from their conversation, it is certain that this is a fact.

Alicia frowned slightly and whispered:

"Oops~ Comparing this, I feel that the concept of [Fruit Star God] seems to be much broader than [Hunting Star God]"

"From this point of view, the power of [Fruit Star God] is far greater than that of [Hunting Star God]】"

Hear Alicia’s thoughts on her [Hunting Star God].

Everyone also nodded, after all, this is indeed the case.

Dr. Mei:"That's true."

Velvet:"Hey, this makes me look forward to the follow-up of the story even more."

Patophilis:"Yeah, the content about [Star God] is complicated and interesting."

For a moment , several people’s eyes returned to the video.

Under the blazing eyes, the video continued to play.

Then, the background returned to the vast starry sky.

However, new content did not appear.

Because the white text that appeared next was still about [Void Star God].............

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