Therefore, to humans, he is a star god who only wants to be"good".

Look at the content above.

Audiences from different worlds started their commemorative discussions one after another

【Kiana: Wow~ He looks so ferocious. When he looks at him, people can't help but tremble in their hearts. But such a star god does represent the existence of"protection". And the concept he showed was more kind than imagined.】

【Bronya: Tsk! Paramecium can actually use so many words to praise a star god!】

【Raiden Mei: No matter from which angle you look at it, this guardian star god is indeed full of goodwill towards mankind.】

【Wuliangta Jizi: Well, he is a very great existence.】

【Velvet: I'm sorry for the former Fertile Star God. I feel that this Star God's destiny makes him more like a god.】

【Padofelis: Yeah, the Fertile Star Vault destroys the order of life, causing countless"not evil things" to harm the world; and the Void Star God is powerful and terrifying, and approaching him is equivalent to death.】

【Alicia: Hmm~ Comparing this, the guardian star god in front of me does seem more kind.】

【Raiden Meiyi: The most important thing is that he turned out to be a barrier forged in units of light years. It’s hard to imagine how long the barrier he created has lasted.】

【Bronya: Such a star god is worthy of people's admiration】

【Kiana: Yeah, his life is not going to be too good at all.】

【Otto: Compared with these, I am more curious. Who is the"enemy" he calls? To make him so fearful, I am afraid that the power.........】

【Star Vault March 7: We don’t know this either, but the Guardian Star God will definitely not do useless work, so that thing must be more terrifying than we imagined.】

【Kiana: I’m curious~】

【Gracie: Gracie wants to know too.】

【Alicia: Hehe, protect? I feel like this word is really suitable to describe Kevin.】

【Velvet: I feel the same way】

【Eden: Compared to the word"guard", I feel that"rescue" is more fitting of Kevin’s image.】

【Otto: So, what is the opportunity for this guardian star god to become a star god? Is it like an imperial bow, tearing apart the void and obtaining the energy of imaginary numbers that keeps pouring out? still.........】

【Star Vault Walter: We don’t have this information either.】

【Xingqiong Jizi: He is too mysterious. 】

At the moment when he saw the Guardian Star God, Otto was talking about another thing.

Although we already know that one of the channels to become a Star God is, this does not mean that all Star Gods are upgraded in this way.

Maybe every Star God has different promotion channels.

So how did this"Guardian Star God" rise to become a Star God?

Otto wanted to figure this out right away.

Unfortunately, people in the Star World cannot answer this question.

Outside the light curtain, in an office at Tianming Headquarters.

Looking at the barrage, Otto couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

He only knew one channel for promotion, how could he be willing to do so.

So this Walter doesn’t know? Or do you mean you know it and don’t want to say it?

After all, he is his own enemy, and in some ways, he does know himself very well.

Otto leaned back on the sofa and sighed:

"To become a Star God, there cannot be only one channel!"

"As people from that world, do they really not have this information?"

The number of star gods is not fixed, and they are all upgraded from certain creatures. Therefore, Walter and the others cannot have no information at all.

Fortunately, they already know one of the channels.

He can spend 500 years working hard When the earth reaches the [end of imaginary numbers], we can also use this time to find a way to tear through the void.

We are both under the tree of imaginary numbers.

People in that world can be promoted to star gods. It makes no sense that he can't.

Return to video.When the introduction of the"Guardian" Star God ended, the pictures on the screen gradually faded.

Returning to the vast starry sky, a new photo appeared in the center of the screen.

And this Star God seemed to be a She is a woman.

Her body is constructed from the purple-black starry sky.

But cracks and gaps can be clearly seen on her body.

She seems to have been spliced ​​together!

That’s right!

The concept she represents is also related to her The shape of the body now fits perfectly.

Suddenly, that ethereal voice appeared

【Same as the star god Hippe】

【Then they say.......】

【He who has reached the end, go to the Paradise that embraces all.......】

【Join this grand caroling and feasting】

【Listen to the beating of billions and billions of hearts and hold you in my arms.....】

【A cluster of star gods from multiple Harmonic Celestial Worlds. Xipei, with a thousand faces and one body, sings the joy of harmony】

【In order to fight against the ruthless laws of the universe, intelligent life needs to erase weak selfish desires and individual differences, and merge into the same harmony - using the strong to support the weak, and using death to protect life. 】

This is due to the existence of countless individuals, which finally merged into this star god!

These have no individual consciousness, so they are integrated together.

In other words, this special Star God devours and assimilates everything.

She united countless weak people and became the ultimate strong one!

So no matter from which angle you look at it, she is very special.

But there's more to her than that.

In other words, her past was far more exciting than she imagined.

Because she has also swallowed other [Star Gods]!

The audience outside the light curtain, after seeing this star god appear on the stage.

Their eyes lit up in an instant, and they started having heated discussions on the barrage.

【Kiana: Hey~ The content about her sounds very interesting! Does she represent unity? looks kind】

【Raiden Meiyi: Using the strong to help the weak? Perhaps this star god is also a kind-hearted being】

【Bronya: Huh? Have it? You seem to have overlooked one thing. This star god will erase the will of individuals and finally come together. This doesn't seem like a good thing】

【Otto: Well, without individual consciousness, what is the difference from death? Without a soul, it is an empty shell. All"individuals" become one person. Is this a good thing?】

【Velvet:.........Uh, I feel like you're telling horror stories.】

【Padofelis: Yes, without a soul, there is only an empty shell left. What’s the point?】

【Theresa: Grandpa, what you said is so scary】

【Wuliangta Jizi: But what he said is also true.】

【Dr. Mei: On the other hand, the final product of the"Stigmata Project" is also equivalent to everything the Star God has done. Integrate people's consciousness into one, and ultimately create a god-like existence. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Kiana: Suddenly I felt that it would be dangerous to get close to this star god】

【Raiden Meiyi: Well, it is indeed very dangerous. Once it is assimilated, it will be no different from death.】

【Star Vault March 7: This Star God is indeed a very dangerous existence in our universe. A long time ago, there was a Star God who was"killed" by her own hands."】

【Kiana: So scary? Sure enough, I guessed it right】

【Bronya: I knew this would happen】

【Otto: Oh~ It seems that this so-called Star God alsoThere is the concept of jumping beyond life and death. The so-called"god" is just a more powerful individual】

【Heita: It makes sense for you to think so.】

【Kiana: I don’t quite understand why the same star god wants to kill another star god? Is there some hatred between them?】

【Graciu: Wow~ Graciu wants to know too】

【Alicia: Hehe~ I’m super curious too】

【Star Walter: There is no such thing as hatred, just because her concept is broader, and the concept of another Star God is not as"big" as hers, so.........】

【Dr. Mei: In that case, it’s better to use"devour" to describe them both.】

【Mebius: Well,"devour" seems more accurate than"kill"】

【Kiana: Oh~ So that’s it! I thought they had a love-hate relationship.】

【Xingqiong March 7th: How can it be possible to have the word"god" after all?.........】

At this moment, all the audience were discussing the Tonghua Star God.

However, after passing the barrage, the audience also completely understood how terrifying this star god is.

Not only will she erase individual consciousness, she will eventually make the individual merge with her.

To be honest, what is the difference between such behavior and killing the other party?

And because her concept is broader than other freshmen, she will devour Star Gods who are narrower than her.[]

Overall, she looks far more terrifying and special than the audience imagined!!

And just with the word"god", he is also a mysterious and advanced existence.

For humans, (Zhao Qianzhao) is no different from gods.

They are all so far apart from humans, but even so, they don't seem to escape the rules of life and death.

Between the stars, there is still the possibility of"killing" each other.

Moreover, an existence that can devour other star gods is very terrifying no matter which angle you think about it!

After all, this is no longer within human control!........Discussion.

Outside the light curtain, in the headquarters of Fire Chaser Moth in the pre-civilization era.

After watching the content about the Tongtong Star God in the video, the expressions of everyone gathered together became complicated.

Because from a certain perspective, what the Tongtun Star God did was very similar to the final product of the"Stigmata Project" they formulated.

It requires countless collections of consciousness, and even the erasure of individual human consciousness, to finally create a system similar to.........

Moreover, the"Stigmata Project" was also a helpless plan created by Dr. Mei after he became aware of the existence of"people from outside the world" after numerous failures.

Even if you win! Also very unbearable.

Countless humans will even be sacrificed!

PS:Third update today, rush!!!.

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