Dr. Mei thought for a few seconds and then slowly said:

"Otto has had a conversation with Walter in the Star World before, which means that people from our world can go to that world, and conversely, people from the Star World can also reach us through some means."

"But if that's the case, then [Tonghe Star God] might also be able to reach our world."

But this is just a hypothesis. Whether it will actually happen or not is unknown.

The audience's piercing eyes continued to return to the video.

And the content of the story continued to play.

When the audience in different worlds ended After the discussion about [Tongyuan Star God], the pictures of this Star God are gradually disappearing at this moment.

Returning to the vast picture.

And the new picture of the Star God gradually emerges.

And this The appearance of the star god is so unique, he seems to be composed of countless masks.


It should be said that his body structure is just a pile of masks.

Some of them show a sad smile, and some It's a crazy smile, and some are even...

In short, they are all smiles, but the subtle emotions they represent are completely different.

And this kind of him is actually very similar to a star god of the same name, both of which are composed of many It is composed of individuals.

But... why do these masks always show smiles? The overall look even makes people feel a little weird and terrifying.

Outside the light curtain, looking at the pile of masks in front of them, the audience's hearts , is also extremely confused.

What kind of star god is this? Its appearance looks even more special than that of the same star god.

【Kiana: Hey~ why are there so many masks? And every mask has a smile, so which mask of 673 is the real protagonist? Is it the one in the middle? But it doesn’t look like it!】

【Raiden Meiyi: It is very likely that they are made of multiple components just like the previous cosmic star god.】

【Bronya: Well, it is indeed similar. Maybe their concepts are also similar.】

【Xingqiong March 7: Haha, this star god is very interesting, right?】

【Star Vault Walter: No, the concept will not be the same! It seems that the Star God can only represent one concept, and the previous Star God already had the concept of fusion, so this concept will not appear in this Star God.】

【Teresa: Oh~ In this case, it would be more interesting】

【Wuliangta Jizi: So for such a special star god, what is the concept of his representative?】

【Gracie: Gracie wants to know too.】

【Alicia: Haha, I’m super curious too~】

【Kiana: Hehe, doesn’t it mean happiness?】

【Bronya: Paramecium, this time she has a brain.】

【Raiden Meiyi: Yes, it’s possible】

【Velvet: In my opinion, behind this smile is happiness! Pleasure!】

【Mebius: Perhaps, his concept represents an emotion】

【Dr. Mei: The concept is the emotion of happiness, right?】

【Alicia: Hmm~ Thinking about it this way, I feel like this Star God is pretty good! If his concept really represents happiness and joy, he is most likely a kind-hearted person.】

【Kiana: Yeah, I think so too】

【The Lawgiver of Consciousness: Since its concept is happiness. Will there be star gods who represent other emotions?】

【Otto: I feel like this is not that simple.】

【Star Walter: Keep reading, you will understand later】

【Kiana: Looking forward to it. 】

For viewers of The Collapse World, the concept of the star god in front of them is actually easy to guess.

After all, there are countless masks with smiles on them, which is enough to remind them of one word,"Happiness."

The concept seems easy to guess, but the audience knows nothing about his story.

After all, there was only this little content that appeared, so there was a shortage of clues, and they couldn't completely figure out one thing.

Returning to the video, that ethereal and gentle voice echoed in everyone's minds.

Then, she slowly introduced the identity of this Star God to the audience.

【Happy star god ah ha】

【The sailor was drunk (eating and drinking)】

【Listen to the baby crying in the mirror (with the tip closed)】

【The waves (flapping wings) enter the dream (consciousness), the peace collapses (turns around),】

【Welcome the invisible prince (the one from Yuandong)】

【To know joy is the exclusive right of intelligent creatures. Neither rocks nor stars can appreciate the humor of life】

【Looking for an enemy who can meet his opponent, looking for a game to kill time, looking for an outcome that doesn’t matter the outcome.】

【Looking for hilarious jokes, misunderstandings, and songs that make your mind dance.】

【The Masked Fool told a fable about how the god they worshiped was born - when the Lord of Joy climbed the high branches of the Tree of Existence. He glimpsed the cold and abominable void, the mechanical movement of the stars, and the meaning of all things giving way to nothingness. He continued to look until he saw a baby falling to the ground crying as if he had been wronged, and he couldn't help laughing. This clear laughter tore through the cold and dead universe, echoing throughout the world to this day. 】

That’s right!

Such a star god truly represents happiness.

In other words, generation of all happiness in the universe. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And the most surprising thing is that a long time ago, he even climbed a thing called the"Tree of Existence".

Hearing this, the people of the Honkai Impact Three Worlds dilated their pupils and stared at the video closely.

【Tree of Existence]?

Isn't that the [Tree of Imaginary Numbers] in their world?

Although the name has been changed, the actual meaning is the same. How could they not understand it?

【The Tree of Imaginary Numbers is the root of all bubbles in the world!

It is also the most important existence in the entire universe!

I think back then, Otto wanted to get close to (bgcb) the tree of imaginary numbers and touch the end of the imaginary numbers, and he had to pay a price of more than 500 years.

After paying all the price, we finally got the real coordinates and finally found the tree of imaginary numbers.

But before he came into contact with [Xu Su Ending], he already gave up on his life.

This shows how difficult it is for all life in this universe to find this [Tree of Imaginary Numbers]!

Not to mention coming into contact with [Imaginary Number End]!

But in the above introduction, this star god from the star world has climbed the [Tree of Imaginary Numbers]!

How can this be?

In the eyes of people in the Honkai Impact Three Worlds, this kind of thing is simply impossible to happen.

But the fact is before our eyes, the other party has really climbed the tree of imaginary numbers.

At the same time, this shows that before he can become a Star God, his own strength is very powerful!

It was not the [Tree of Imaginary Numbers] that made him successful, but he had always had the qualifications to become a [Star God].

After all, he is a very powerful and terrifying existence.

However, after climbing the [Tree of Imaginary Numbers], what he saw made him feel enlightened, and he finally realized the truth of [Happiness]!

The audience outside the light curtain, after listening to this paragraph.

They also made very shocking remarks on the barrage.

【Dr. Mei: It is simply unimaginable that before he became the Star God, he successfully climbed the Tree of Imaginary Numbers with his own strength! ?】

【Mebius: Otto has spent 500 years trying to do what he couldn't do, but he can do it easily.】

【Teresa: This power is far beyond our imagination?】

【Wuliangta Jizi: Too powerful. Before he climbed the tree of imaginary numbers, he already had the qualifications and power to become a star god.】

【Kiana: Wow~ So powerful】

【Bronya: Well, his power seems to be stronger than that of the Imperial Gong.】

【Raiden Meiyi: Moreover, his own concept is very broad, so the power he possesses is probably not much.】

【Alicia: Wow~ According to the content, the moment he climbed the tree of imaginary numbers, he successfully understood the truth of the world.】

【Otto: It's unbelievable! Such a difficult act, but he climbed to the top easily with his own energy?】

【Teresa: So amazing】

【Su: In our eyes, being able to locate the location of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers and even touching the end of the Imaginary Numbers is already an exaggeration, but he... was able to climb to the top.】

【Alicia: Yeah~ That scene is really unimaginable】

【Kiana: Wow~ It sounds really strong. He is already so strong. If he succeeds in being promoted to Star God, how strong will his power be?】

【Raiden Mei: You can get a glimpse of the nature of the world at the beginning, but I’m afraid it will be worse later……】

【Bronya: The most terrifying thing is that he did not become a star god like the Emperor Bow by climbing the tree of imaginary numbers, absorbing imaginary number energy, but because he possesses the power to compete with the star gods.】

【Padofelis: So scary】

【Xingqiong Jizi: And after reaching the top, he discovered the essence of the world. In the void, he heard the cry of a baby, and couldn't help laughing loudly. The crazy laughter tore apart the cold and silent universe.】[]

【Star Vault Walter: While showing that he is very strong, it also shows that the Void Star God is even more powerful.】

【Dr. Mei: He has seen through the nature of the world, and nothingness represents the nature of the universe.】

【Kiana: So, is he strong or weak?】

【Black Tower: Very strong! very dangerous! It can be said that he is the second strongest person in the universe.】

【Graciu: Oh~ Graciu understands, the first one is the Void Star God】

【Otto: Oh? Danger? Could he still bring pain to living beings?】

【Kiana: Out of curiosity, doesn’t he represent the Star God of joy?】

【Star Walter: You can understand it this way. He is crazy. In order to pursue the so-called happiness, he will do anything.】

Otto: I understand. If a madman wants to be happy, he will probably torture a lot of people.】

【Heita: Well, it will work out in just one click】

【Kiana: Wow, so what did he do to make you all think he is crazy?】

【Silver Wolf: Keep reading later, maybe they will all be introduced】

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